34 research outputs found

    NILDE in BESS: cosa ? cambiato e prospettive future

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    This paper presents the BESS project, its framework and growth, and the positive impact of NILDE on it.Il paper intende presentare la realt? di Bess, come ? nata e come si ? sviluppata in questi anni anche con l?introduzione di Nilde come metodo di lavoro e di servizio. La prima parte spiega come ? organizzata la struttura e quale ? stato il percorso di Bess, la seconda analizza l?evoluzione e la crescita dell?uso di Nilde all?interno del consorzio

    High results and lower cost in four-bone arthrodesis with retrograde screws

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    Aim To describe the technique of the four-corner fusion with two retrograde crossed headless screws in cases of carpal collapse. Methods This technique is a consolidated procedure performed in cases of scaphoid non- union advanced collapse (SNAC) type II and III, scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC) type II and III and in other cases of carpal collapse. Between 2017 and 2019 we treated six male patients (a mean age of 55.0 years) with radiocarpal osteoarthritis. Our technique involves the use of two retrograde crossed headless screws; the first screw was placed distally proximally from the uncinate to the lunate and the second screw from the pyramidal to the capitate, crossed at approximately 90 degrees. Clinical and radiographic two-year follow-up was performed. Before the treatment and during the follow-ups VAS, PRWE and DASH Quick score scales, measured wrist range of motion (WROM) were administered and evaluated. Results In all cases the X-ray consolidation of arthrodesis within five months was noticed; in 50% patients already under 3-month control. No observed signs of mobilization of screws and inflammatory or infectious processes were found. All patients were satisfied (reduction/disappearance of pain). All surgically treated patients resumed normal daily activities. These improvements were confirmed by the results of the evaluation scale and clinical examination. Conclusion This technique, in our opinion, represents a gold standard. Its low costs of the material used (especially comparing to other technique), a low prevalence of complications of materials and fusion in 100% of cases should be also considered

    Alcohol and HCV Chronic Infection Are Risk Cofactors of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus for Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Italy

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) has been associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development. To study this relationship, we enrolled 465 HCC patients compared with 618 Cirrhotic cases and 490 Controls. The prevalence of DM2 is significantly higher in HCC patients with an Odds Ratio of 3.12 versus Controls. In HCC cases with alcohol abuse, the frequency of DM2 is the highest. In our HCC patients, when HCV infection is associated with alcohol abuse, the liver cancer develops earlier. In addition, multivariate analysis shows that alcohol consumption is an independent risk factor for HCC more relevant than HCV infection

    Prótese removível flexível: vantagens e desvantagens

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo esclarecer as principais indicações e contra-indicações, bem como as vantagens e desvantagens das próteses flexíveis, utilizando uma revisão de artigos científicos pesquisados nas bases de dados Pubmed, B-on, Google Scholar, sem limite temporal. O edentulismo é um fator presente na sociedade moderna, nomeadamente em Portugal, que apresenta números alarmantes. No último século, com o aparecimento das resinas de polimetilmetacrilato, foram criados vários tratamentos para solucionar o problema do edentulismo, como por exemplo próteses totais ou parciais. Actualmente, uma opção de tratamento, nos casos de edentulismo parcial, em que uma reabilitação com implante e/ou prótese fixa está contra-indicada, é a utilização de próteses parciais removíveis acrílicas ou esqueléticas. Com a descoberta de um novo material, utilizado para bases de próteses parciais, conhecido como nylon, os dentistas têm mais uma opção a considerar, as próteses parciais removíveis flexíveis Este trabalho visa apresentar sucintamente a história das próteses dentárias e explica em geral os tipos de próteses removíveis existentes, comparando as convencionais com as flexíveis. As próteses flexíveis ainda não são consideradas a primeira opção de reabilitação pela a maior parte dos dentistas.This thesis has the aim of clarifying the advantages and disadvantages as indications and contraindications of the partial flexible prosthesis, using a narrative revision of scientific articles as in Pubmed, B-on and Google Scholar, without time limits. In the last century, thanks to the invention of polymethylmethacrylate resins, different kind of treatments were created to solve the problem of '"edentulismo", such as the total and partial prosthesis. Nowadays, in case of partial edentulism ,when a rehab with implants or fixed prosthesis cannot be considered, the removable partial prosthesis such as acrilic or scheletric can be an option. The dentists, after the discovery of a new material used for the base of the partial prosthesis called nylon, which derivates from carbolixic acid, they now have more than one option to take into consideration. This thesis wants to illustrate the history of the dental prosthesis and explains the different types of existing removable prosthesis, comparing the conventional prosthesis to the flexible ones. The flexible prosthesis, as it is a new kind of treatment, is not the first option for a large number of dentists yet

    Nilde in Bess: cosa è cambiato e prospettive future

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    The paper presents Bess, its creation and development in these years with the introduction of the new service NILDE. The first part explains the structure and the development of Bess; the second part the evolution and growth of NILDE in the consortium

    Sistemi di armamento tradizionali ed innovativi: modellazione analitica e validazione sperimentale

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    La richiesta di nuovi sistemi di armamento antivibranti sta incrementando l’interesse verso l’individuazione di modelli semplificati che possano dare un contributo nel migliorare la procedura di progetto e per definire le migliori soluzioni per avere una rilevante riduzione delle vibrazioni indotte. Nella prima parte del presente articolo è stato ampliamente discusso un modello monodimensionale dell’intero sistema in cui sono derivate le espressioni analitiche delle rigidezze che includano l’effetto di tutti gli elementi elastici e massivi al di sotto della rotaia. Ogni modello del sistema di armamento implica alcune ipotesi perché siano individuabili i corretti valori dei parametri elastici e massivi che compongono lo stesso sistema, per tale ragione risulta indispensabile la progettazione e la realizzazione di prove opportune per verificare l’efficacia che i modelli semplificati possano avere nel definire le principali proprietà del comportamento statico e dinamico dell’armamento. A tal scopo nella seconda parte dell’articolo i modelli analitici sono applicati ad un armamento tradizionale ed a sue quattro varianti innovative. I risultati statici e dinamici sono confrontati con le elaborazioni sperimentali svolte su opportuni prototipi

    Fever and erythema: exclude all and then… think of Still’s disease!

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    Adult-onset Still’s disease is a rare disease. Diagnosis of Still’s disease is often difficult to achieve. Herein, we describe our diagnostic approach in a case report regarding an adult patient who presented with fever, erythema, lymphadenopathy and arthralgia