38 research outputs found

    Dipinti ritrovati: Leonardo che dipinge la Gioconda di Augusto Tominz

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    The author publishes a painting by Augusto Tominz with Leonardo painting the Gioconda, exhibited in Triest in 1846. This important artwork, property of a family from Trieste, has been nowhere to be found until now. A similar drawing by the same artist is in Civici Musei di Storia ed Arte of Trieste. This drawing was appreciated as a preparatory work of the painting, but the discovery of this artwork has allowed us to confirm some differences beetwen the drawing and the painting. The author considers the possibility of the existence of two different paintings, and only one is known or, in an alternative perspective, the drawing in the Museum was another version of this lucky composition that the artist never painted. Furthermore, archive research better showed the period of his training in the Venetian Academy from 1841 to 1842

    Biochemical composition of salivary stones in relation to stone- and patient-related factors

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    Salivary stones are calcified structures most often found in the main duct of the submandibular or parotid salivary gland. They contain of a core surrounded by laminated layers of organic and inorganic material. Submandibular and parotid sialoliths (n=155) were collected at the department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery of a general hospital between February 1982 and September 2012. The weight of the sialoliths was determined and the consistency was subjectively classified. Subsequently, the biochemical composition of the stones was determined by wet chemical methods or FT-IR spectrometry. Age and gender of the patients were retrieved from their medical records. Data were statistically analyzed using Fisher?s exact tests. Sialoliths are mainly composed of inorganic material. Carbonate apatite was identified in 99% of the stones, phosphate in 88%, calcium in 87%, magnesium in 68%, struvite in 44%, oxalate in 38% and carbonate in 35%. Solid salivary stones contain more frequently struvite than stones with a soft consistency (p=0.05). Larger stones (>100mg) contain more frequently carbonate (p=0.05). Stones from older patients (?38years) showed an almost significant trend towards more frequent presence of phosphate (p=0.083). The biochemical composition of submandibular and parotid sialoliths is related to stone-related factors, probably to age but not to the gender of the patient

    N. 2

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    Vivat Bacchus. Comida y bebida en la ópera romántica

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    En este artículo se plantea un recorrido por la ópera romántica, a través de sus autores más representativos, haciendo especial hincapié en el consumo de alimentos y bebidas alcohólicas. Se verá el importante papel que juegan fundamentalmente estas últimas en concreto el gran surtido de los vinos citados en el desarrollo de la acción, unas veces alegre y otras tantas trágica.This article proposes a journey through the romantic opera, seen in its more representative authors, focusing in the feed and the -almost always- alcoholic drinks. The important role that these last -specially the wine- play in the action will be seen, sometimes funny, some others tragic

    La menzogna irriverente. Appunti sulla ricezione di Sterne nella narrativa umoristica del Ventennio

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    The article aims to analyze the way humorous authors read Laurence Sterne’s Life and Opinion of Tristram Shandy Gentleman in the years of the fascist dictatorship. They tried, in fact, to recover the comic pattern of the XVIII century masterpiece, and mainly its metatextual and parodic kind of humour, that made it famous as the champion of the antinovels.In Italy, till Pirandello, these aspects of Sterne’s humour were not as particularly appreciated as the sentimental narrative paradigm, because of many reasons linked to our specific historical and cultural background. In the «Ventennio», instead, authors like Achille Campanile, Giovanni Mosca, Giovannino Guareschi, and others, used this comic-parodic approach to ridicule the whole panorama of serialized and popular literature; thriller, romance and adventure novels , with all their characters, structures and plots, became the main target of a new kind of laughter, spread by humorous novels and newspapers.The result of this demystifying action, that showed literature in its dimension of falsehood, was the development of a new kind of humour in the Italian literary tradition, but also of a kind of uncritical entertainment, essentially coherent with the fascist propaganda and tolerated by the censorship.L’intervento propone spunti di riflessione sul recupero della dimensione comica e parodica di Sterne, e particolarmente del Tristram Shandy, nell’ambito dell’exploit del romanzo umoristico negli anni del fascismo.In Italia fino a Pirandello si fissò principalmente un’attenzione allo Sterne «sentimentale», e un generale disinteresse – con alcune eccezioni – per il comico più marcatamente metatestuale, parodico e antiromanzesco.Aspetto questo connaturato storicamente al romanzo umoristico, e che nel Tristram Shandy costituisce la norma compositiva, tanto da meritare la definizione di «romanzo parodistico» (Sklovskij), o di campione degli antiromanzi.La centralità di questa attitudine parodica viene recuperata appieno nel Ventennio da alcuni autori (Campanile, Mosca, Guareschi, ecc.), complice anche la prima traduzione integrale del Tristram (per Formiggini, nel 1922), per stigmatizzare con la potenza del riso la convenzionalità e falsità degli stilemi della letteratura di consumo (esempi proposti: A. Campanile, In campagna è un’altra cosa, 1931, e G. Guareschi, Il destino si chiama Clotilde, 1943).La narrativa umoristica, autodichiarando esplicitamente al suo lettore il proprio statuto di menzogna attraverso la riproduzione rovesciata, in una prospettiva coerentemente paradossale, delle forme della letteratura d’appendice, tentava di disinnescarle, e tuttavia finiva spesso contemporaneamente per sostanziare una tipologia d’intrattenimento acritico verso la realtà circostante, sostanzialmente tollerato dal regime

    The analysis of enamel resistance to wear determining factors : part II : study of superficial layer and microhardness in tooth enamel

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    Opracowanie stanowi kontynuację zagadnień, w których wskazano uwarunkowania decydujące o odporności szkliwa naturalnego na zużycie. W części II opisano badania obejmujące ocenę stereometrii warstwy wierzchniej szkliwa z wykorzystaniem mikroskopii sił atomowych (AFM) oraz wyznaczenie mikrotwardości zębów z wykorzystaniem metody Oliver&Pharr. Analizę statystyczną parametrów morfologicznych szkliwa z zębów przedtrzonowych i trzonowych prze-prowadzono z zastosowaniem programu Scanning Probe Image Processor. Analiza pozwoliła identyfikować obrazy o różnym zakresie skanowania, wyznaczyć parametry chropowatości powierzchni na poziomie nano oraz różnicować struktury w sposób jakościowy i ilościowy. Zmiany chropowatości miały charakter okresowy o zbliżonych parametrach amplitudy, a częstotliwość była stała lub była wielokrotnością parzystą. Badania parametrów mikromechanicznych, poprzez nanoindentację, pozwoliły wyznaczyć twardość szkliwa oraz moduł sprężystości (Younga) na powierzchniach koron zębów trzonowych dolnych. Na podstawie charakterystyk wytrzymałościowych i pomiarów ustalono, że twardość zawarta była w przedziale od 337,2 HV do 335,3 HV, a moduł sprężystości w przedziale od 95,8 GPa do 106,3 GPa. Stwierdzono daleko posuniętą regularność w strukturach warstwy wierzchniej szkliwa oraz dużą powtarzalność w badaniach mikromechanicznych.This paper is a continuation of the issues that has pointed determinants deciding about the resistance of natural enamel to wear. Part II contains the examinations including the assessment of enamel superficial layer stereometry using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and determination of teeth microhardness using Oliver & Pharr method. Statistical analysis of morphologic parameters in enamel from premolar and molar teeth was made using Scanning Probe Image Processor software. The analysis allowed the identification of images with various range of scanning, determination of roughness parameters of the surface in nanoscale and quantitative and qualitative differentiation of the structures. Changes in roughness are periodic, with similar parameters of amplitude, and a frequency can be constant or is an even multiple. Determination of enamel hardness and Young’s modulus for the surface of dental crowns in lower molar teeth were possible by micromechanical study using nanoindentation. Based on performance characteristics and measurements it was established, that the hardness ranged from 337.2 HV to 335.3 HV, and Young’s modulus ranged from 95.8 GPa to 106.3 GPa. Highly regular pattern in structures of enamel superficial layer and high repeatability in micromechanical examinations were found

    Vivat Bacchus. Comida y bebida en la ópera romántica

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    En este artículo se plantea un recorrido por la ópera romántica, a través de sus autores más representativos, haciendo especial hincapié en el consumo de alimentos y bebidas alcohólicas. Se verá el importante papel que juegan fundamentalmente estas últimas en concreto el gran surtido de los vinos citados en el desarrollo de la acción, unas veces alegre y otras tantas trágica

    Distribution and ecology of endemic macroalga Fucus virsoides J.Agardh in the area of Poreč, Funtana and Vrsar

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    Vrsta Fucus virsoides, smeđa mediolitoralna makroalga reda Fucales, je endemska vrsta u jadranskom moru i jedina vrsta svog roda koja stvara specifični fukoidni pojas u Mediteranu. Naselja jadranskog fukusa ubrzano nestaju zbog pretjeranog antropogenog utjecaja na morsku obalu. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su kartirati sva naselja na području Poreča, Funtane i Vrsara, odrediti abundanciju i morfometriju u odabranim postajama te upoznati popratnu biotu u naseljima jadranskog fukusa. Nadalje, proveo se i eksperiment kako bi se odredila brzina rasta jedinki F. virsoides u kontroliranim uvjetima. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su većina naselja na kartiranom području u veoma degradiranom stanju osim naselja na 5 odabranih postaja na kojima je određena brojnost i pokrovnost jedinki fukusa, kao i pokrovnost i frekvencija popratne biote u naselju te specifične karakteristike naselja. Prijašnja kartiranja u tom području nisu bila izvršena. Najveća i najabundantnija naselja nalazila su se na postajama AC Bijela uvala (Postaja 1) i AC Valkanela Sj. 1 i 2 (Postaje 4 i 5). U usporedbi s prijašnjim istraživanjima na području Rovinja i južne obale Istre, izgleda da su naselja fukusa na sjevernom djelu istarske obale u boljem stanju. U nadi za uspješnu zaštitu vrste F. virsoides i njenog staništa, potrebna su daljnja kartiranja i detaljnija ekološka istraživanja.Fucus virsoides, a brown intertidal macroalgae of the order Fucales, is an endemic species in the Adriatic Sea and the only belt forming fucoid species in the Mediterranean. Due to excessive anthropogenic effects on the coastline, the Adriatic Fucus settlements are experiencing a rapid decrease in numbers. The goals of this study were to map every settlement of F. virsoides in the area of Poreč, Funtana and Vrsar, to assess the abundance, morphometric characteristics in selected stations and to explore accompanying biota living in Fucus settlements. In addition, an experiment was performed to assess the growth rate of F. virsoides in controlled conditions. The study has shown that most of the settlements in the mapped area were in severely degraded conditions, except for the five selected stations in which the abundance and coverage measurements for Fucus plants were taken. Furthermore, coverage and frequency measurements for the accompanying species found in the settlement and specific settlement conditions were assessed. To this date, no previous mapping procedures were undertaken in the area. The largest and the most abundant settlements were located on stations AC Bijela uvala (Station 1), and AC Valkanela Sj.1 and 2 (Stations 4 and 5). In comparison with previous studies performed along the Rovinj and the southern Istrian coastlines, Fucus settlements appear to be in better condition in the northern areas of the Istrian peninsula. In order to achieve a successful conservation of the species and its habitat, future mapping and more detailed ecological studies of F. virsoides are required

    Distribution and ecology of endemic macroalga Fucus virsoides J.Agardh in the area of Poreč, Funtana and Vrsar

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    Vrsta Fucus virsoides, smeđa mediolitoralna makroalga reda Fucales, je endemska vrsta u jadranskom moru i jedina vrsta svog roda koja stvara specifični fukoidni pojas u Mediteranu. Naselja jadranskog fukusa ubrzano nestaju zbog pretjeranog antropogenog utjecaja na morsku obalu. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su kartirati sva naselja na području Poreča, Funtane i Vrsara, odrediti abundanciju i morfometriju u odabranim postajama te upoznati popratnu biotu u naseljima jadranskog fukusa. Nadalje, proveo se i eksperiment kako bi se odredila brzina rasta jedinki F. virsoides u kontroliranim uvjetima. Istraživanje je pokazalo da su većina naselja na kartiranom području u veoma degradiranom stanju osim naselja na 5 odabranih postaja na kojima je određena brojnost i pokrovnost jedinki fukusa, kao i pokrovnost i frekvencija popratne biote u naselju te specifične karakteristike naselja. Prijašnja kartiranja u tom području nisu bila izvršena. Najveća i najabundantnija naselja nalazila su se na postajama AC Bijela uvala (Postaja 1) i AC Valkanela Sj. 1 i 2 (Postaje 4 i 5). U usporedbi s prijašnjim istraživanjima na području Rovinja i južne obale Istre, izgleda da su naselja fukusa na sjevernom djelu istarske obale u boljem stanju. U nadi za uspješnu zaštitu vrste F. virsoides i njenog staništa, potrebna su daljnja kartiranja i detaljnija ekološka istraživanja.Fucus virsoides, a brown intertidal macroalgae of the order Fucales, is an endemic species in the Adriatic Sea and the only belt forming fucoid species in the Mediterranean. Due to excessive anthropogenic effects on the coastline, the Adriatic Fucus settlements are experiencing a rapid decrease in numbers. The goals of this study were to map every settlement of F. virsoides in the area of Poreč, Funtana and Vrsar, to assess the abundance, morphometric characteristics in selected stations and to explore accompanying biota living in Fucus settlements. In addition, an experiment was performed to assess the growth rate of F. virsoides in controlled conditions. The study has shown that most of the settlements in the mapped area were in severely degraded conditions, except for the five selected stations in which the abundance and coverage measurements for Fucus plants were taken. Furthermore, coverage and frequency measurements for the accompanying species found in the settlement and specific settlement conditions were assessed. To this date, no previous mapping procedures were undertaken in the area. The largest and the most abundant settlements were located on stations AC Bijela uvala (Station 1), and AC Valkanela Sj.1 and 2 (Stations 4 and 5). In comparison with previous studies performed along the Rovinj and the southern Istrian coastlines, Fucus settlements appear to be in better condition in the northern areas of the Istrian peninsula. In order to achieve a successful conservation of the species and its habitat, future mapping and more detailed ecological studies of F. virsoides are required