56 research outputs found

    La supraconductivité non-conventionnelle du ruthénate de strontium : corrélations électroniques et couplage spin-orbite

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    Le progrĂšs technologique de nos sociĂ©tĂ©s est intimement liĂ© aux matĂ©riaux. La physique de la matiĂšre condensĂ©e cherche Ă  expliquer, dĂ©crire et prĂ©dire leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă  partir de lois fondamentales. Bien que l’on connaisse assez bien les axiomes qui rĂ©gissent notre univers, la combinaison d’un grand nombre de petits systĂšmes compris individuellement mais interagissants ensemble mĂšne Ă  des propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă©mergentes qui peuvent ĂȘtre complexes et difficilement prĂ©visibles. Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions la supraconductivitĂ© non-conventionnelle dans les matĂ©riaux corrĂ©lĂ©s, un phĂ©nomĂšne Ă©mergent des fortes interactions Ă©lectroniques qui possĂšde un immense potentiel technologique. Pour ce faire, nous rĂ©alisons des simulations numĂ©riques sur un matĂ©riau bien spĂ©cifique: le ruthĂ©nate de strontium. Dans un premier temps, nous discutons des Ă©tats normaux des matĂ©riaux corrĂ©lĂ©s devenant supraconducteurs. Alors que la thĂ©orie des bandes permet de dĂ©crire le continuum entre un isolant Ă©lectrique et un mĂ©tal, elle n’arrive pas Ă  dĂ©crire les phĂ©nomĂšnes Ă©mergeant des interactions Ă  plusieurs Ă©lectrons. Nous expliquons comment la thĂ©orie de la fonctionnelle de la densitĂ© permet d’obtenir la densitĂ© du niveau fondamental d’un systĂšme interagissant en le transformant vers un problĂšme non-interagissant effectif. Elle peut Ă©galement ĂȘtre employĂ©e pour les systĂšmes possĂ©dant un important couplage spin-orbite. Cependant, les fonctionnelles disponibles n’arrivent pas Ă  bien incorporer les fortes corrĂ©lations Ă©lectroniques. Une maniĂšre de corriger ce manque est d’employer la thĂ©orie du champ moyen dynamique. Cette derniĂšre permet de capturer la dĂ©pendance en temps des interactions locales Ă  un corps. Toutefois, la supraconductivitĂ© impliquant des paires d’électrons, il faut plutĂŽt Ă©tudier des objets Ă  deux corps afin de la caractĂ©riser. Nous discutons des critĂšres nĂ©cessaires Ă  la provocation de transitions supraconductrices, exprimĂ©s en termes de corrections du vertex. Également, nous prĂ©sentons les paramĂštres d’ordre pour caractĂ©riser une phase supraconductrice. La seconde partie se concentre sur la supraconductivitĂ©. D’abord, nous faisons un survol son historique, depuis sa dĂ©couverte en 1911 jusqu’à celle de l’état supraconducteur du ruthĂ©nate de strontium. Ensuite, nous dĂ©crivons la supraconductivitĂ© conventionnelle, une classe particuliĂšre pour laquelle l’état ordonnĂ© est attribuĂ© Ă  l’interaction entre les Ă©lectrons et les vibrations du rĂ©seau cristallin. Puis, nous introduisons un autre mĂ©canisme d’appariement: l’échange de fluctuations de spin et de charge. Finalement, nous prĂ©sentons l’état des connaissances collectives modernes en ce qui a trait au ruthĂ©nate de strontium. Nos articles proposent de nouvelles avenues impliquant le couplage spin-orbite et les corrĂ©lations impaires en frĂ©quences. Nous terminons en introduisant diffĂ©rentes perspectives de recherche dans le domaine de la supraconductivitĂ©.The technological progress of our societies is intimately linked with materials. Condensed matter physics tries to explain, describe and predict their properties from fundamental laws. Although we are quite familiar with the axioms that govern our universe, the combination of a large number of small systems understood individually but interacting together leads to emerging properties that can be complex and difficult to predict. In this thesis, we study unconventional superconductivity in correlated materials, a phenomenon emerging from strong electronic interactions that has immense technological potential. To do this, we carry out numerical simulations on a very specific material: strontium ruthenate. First, we discuss the normal states of correlated materials becoming superconducting. While band theory can describe the continuum between an electrical insulator and a metal, it cannot describe the phenomena emerging from interactions with several electrons. We explain how density functional theory makes it possible to obtain the density of the fundamental level of an interacting system by mapping it into an effective non-interacting problem. It can also be used for systems with a large spin-orbit coupling. However, the available functionals do not manage to incorporate strong electronic correlations well. One way to correct this deficiency is to employ dynamical mean field theory. The latter makes it possible to capture the time dependence of interactions at the one body level. However, since superconductivity involves pairs of electrons, it is rather necessary to study two body objects in order to characterize it. We discuss the criteria necessary for inducing superconducting transitions, expressed in terms of vertex corrections. Also, we present the order parameters to characterize a superconducting phase. The second part focuses on superconductivity. First, we review its history, from its discovery in 1911 to that of the superconducting state of strontium ruthenate. Next, we describe conventional superconductivity, a particular class for which the ordered state is attributed to the interaction between electrons and the vibrations of the crystal lattice. Then, we introduce another pairing mechanism: the exchange of spin and charge fluctuations. Finally, we present the state of modern collective knowledge about strontium ruthenate. Our articles propose new avenues involving spin-orbit coupling and odd frequency correlations. We end by introducing different research perspectives in the field of superconductivity

    FermiÚres Obsédées et Women With Kitchen Appliances : le collectif comme espace dialogique des pratiques performatives en art actuel et d'une troisiÚme vague féministe au Québec

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    Nous explorons, dans ce mĂ©moire, les pratiques performatives des FermiĂšres ObsĂ©dĂ©es (F.O.) et des Women With Kitchen Appliances (WWKA). Les principaux objectifs poursuivis sont d'Ă©clairer les enjeux et les impacts de la forme collective en art, plus particuliĂšrement comme espace de dialogue des pratiques performatives et de la troisiĂšme vague fĂ©ministe; de montrer comment ces pratiques s'inscrivent dans, et participent Ă  l'histoire de l'art fĂ©ministe; et de souligner leur contribution en tant que stratĂ©gies artistiques fĂ©ministes en art et dans la sociĂ©tĂ© civile. Les collectifs F.O. et WWKA s'inscrivent dans la troisiĂšme vague fĂ©ministe au QuĂ©bec par leurs pratiques collectives qui allient la performance aux questions sociales et politiques. Cette dimension collective agit tel un espace de dialogue dans lequel les artistes investissent de nouvelles formes de (re)prĂ©sentation des artistes fĂ©ministes au QuĂ©bec et, plus largement, des femmes. Par leurs perspectives critiques sur le monde de mĂȘme que par la collaboration, les artistes nous renseignent sur diffĂ©rents enjeux fĂ©ministes actuels tout en s'inscrivant au sein de certains dĂ©bats qui relĂšvent de la dĂ©construction des normes de genre, des sexualitĂ©s et de la critique anticapitaliste. En apportant leur contribution aux diverses stratĂ©gies fĂ©ministes, les F.O. et les WWKA participent au dĂ©ploiement de l'agentivitĂ© des sujets (artistes comme spectateurs et spectatrices), de mĂȘme qu'Ă  la production de savoirs situĂ©s inĂ©dits. Dans l'espace public comme dans des lieux plus intimes, les artistes entremĂȘlent dans leurs Ɠuvres diffĂ©rentes qualitĂ©s formelles et esthĂ©tiques telles que le son, la thĂ©ĂątralitĂ© et la fĂȘte, leur permettant d'entrer en contact avec l'autre. À l'image des groupes affinitaires fĂ©ministes Ă  travers l'histoire, les F.O. et les WWKA participent Ă  l'histoire de l'art au QuĂ©bec, et contribuent Ă  la renouveler.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : FermiĂšres ObsĂ©dĂ©es, Women With Kitchen Appliances, collectif affinitaire, art et fĂ©minisme, pratiques performatives en art actuel

    Curated dataset of asphaltene structures

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    Asphaltenes, a distinct class of molecules found in crude oil, exhibit insolubility in nonpolar solvents like n-heptane but are soluble in aromatic solvents such as toluene and benzene. Understanding asphaltenes is crucial in the petroleum industry due to their detrimental effects on oil processing, resulting in significant economic losses and production disruptions. While no singular structure defines asphaltenes, two major molecular architectures, namely archipelago and continental models, have gained wide acceptance for their consistency with various experimental investigations and subsequent use in computational studies. The archipelago model comprises two or more polyaromatic hydrocarbon entities interconnected via aliphatic side chains. In contrast, the island or continental model features a unified polyaromatic hydrocarbon moiety with 4 to 10 fused aromatic rings, averaging around 7 rings. To establish a comprehensive collection, we meticulously curated over 250 asphaltene structures derived from previous experimental and computational studies in this field. Our curation process involved an extensive literature survey, conversion of figures from publications into molecular structure files, careful verification of conversion accuracy, and structure editing to ensure alignment with molecular formulas. Our database provides digital structure files and optimized geometries for both predominant structural motifs. The optimization procedure commenced with the PM6 semi-empirical method, followed by further optimization utilizing density functional theory employing the B3LYP functional and the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set. Furthermore, we compiled a range of structural and electronic features for these molecules, serving as a valuable foundation for employing machine learning algorithms to investigate asphaltenes. This work provides a ready to use structural database of asphaltenes and sets the stage for future research endeavours in this domain

    NF-ÎșB: a new player in angiostatic therapy

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    Angiogenesis is considered a promising target in the treatment of cancer. Most of the angiogenesis inhibitors in late-stage clinical testing or approved for the treatment of cancer act indirectly on endothelial cells. They either neutralize angiogenic growth factors from the circulation or block the signaling pathways activated by these growth factors. Another group of angiogenesis inhibitors are the direct angiostatic compounds. These agents have a direct effect on the endothelium, affecting cellular regulatory pathways, independently of the tumor cells. The reason that this category of agents is lagging behind regarding their translation to the clinic may be the lack of sufficient knowledge on the mechanism of action of these compounds. The transcription factor NF-ÎșB has been recently connected with multiple aspects of angiogenesis. In addition, several recent studies report that angiogenesis inhibition is associated to NF-ÎșB activation. This is of special interest since in tumor cells NF-ÎșB activation has been associated to inhibition of apoptosis and currently novel treatment strategies are being developed based on inhibition of NF-ÎșB. The paradigm that systemic NF-ÎșB inhibition can serve as an anti-cancer strategy, therefore, might need to be re-evaluated. Based on recent data, it might be speculated that NF-ÎșB activation, when performed specifically in endothelial cells, could be an efficient strategy for the treatment of cancer

    Mycobacterium marinum antagonistically induces an autophagic response while repressing the autophagic flux in a TORC1- and ESX-1-dependent manner.

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    Autophagy is a eukaryotic catabolic process also participating in cell-autonomous defence. Infected host cells generate double-membrane autophagosomes that mature in autolysosomes to engulf, kill and digest cytoplasmic pathogens. However, several bacteria subvert autophagy and benefit from its machinery and functions. Monitoring infection stages by genetics, pharmacology and microscopy, we demonstrate that the ESX-1 secretion system of Mycobacterium marinum, a close relative to M. tuberculosis, upregulates the transcription of autophagy genes, and stimulates autophagosome formation and recruitment to the mycobacteria-containing vacuole (MCV) in the host model organism Dictyostelium. Antagonistically, ESX-1 is also essential to block the autophagic flux and deplete the MCV of proteolytic activity. Activators of the TORC1 complex localize to the MCV in an ESX-1-dependent manner, suggesting an important role in the manipulation of autophagy by mycobacteria. Our findings suggest that the infection by M. marinum activates an autophagic response that is simultaneously repressed and exploited by the bacterium to support its survival inside the MCV

    ABINIT: Overview and focus on selected capabilities

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    Paper published as part of the special topic on Electronic Structure SoftwareABINIT is probably the first electronic-structure package to have been released under an open-source license about 20 years ago. It implements density functional theory, density-functional perturbation theory (DFPT), many-body perturbation theory (GW approximation and Bethe–Salpeter equation), and more specific or advanced formalisms, such as dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) and the “temperaturedependent effective potential” approach for anharmonic effects. Relying on planewaves for the representation of wavefunctions, density, and other space-dependent quantities, with pseudopotentials or projector-augmented waves (PAWs), it is well suited for the study of periodic materials, although nanostructures and molecules can be treated with the supercell technique. The present article starts with a brief description of the project, a summary of the theories upon which ABINIT relies, and a list of the associated capabilities. It then focuses on selected capabilities that might not be present in the majority of electronic structure packages either among planewave codes or, in general, treatment of strongly correlated materials using DMFT; materials under finite electric fields; properties at nuclei (electric field gradient, Mössbauer shifts, and orbital magnetization); positron annihilation; Raman intensities and electro-optic effect; and DFPT calculations of response to strain perturbation (elastic constants and piezoelectricity), spatial dispersion (flexoelectricity), electronic mobility, temperature dependence of the gap, and spin-magnetic-field perturbation. The ABINIT DFPT implementation is very general, including systems with van der Waals interaction or with noncollinear magnetism. Community projects are also described: generation of pseudopotential and PAW datasets, high-throughput calculations (databases of phonon band structure, second-harmonic generation, and GW computations of bandgaps), and the library LIBPAW. ABINIT has strong links with many other software projects that are briefly mentioned.This work (A.H.R.) was supported by the DMREF-NSF Grant No. 1434897, National Science Foundation OAC-1740111, and U.S. Department of Energy DE-SC0016176 and DE-SC0019491 projects. N.A.P. and M.J.V. gratefully acknowledge funding from the Belgian Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) under Grant No. PDR T.1077.15-1/7. M.J.V. also acknowledges a sabbatical “OUT” grant at ICN2 Barcelona as well as ULiĂšge and the CommunautĂ© Française de Belgique (Grant No. ARC AIMED G.A. 15/19-09). X.G. and M.J.V. acknowledge funding from the FNRS under Grant No. T.0103.19-ALPS. X.G. and G.-M. R. acknowledge support from the CommunautĂ© française de Belgique through the SURFASCOPE Project (No. ARC 19/24-057). X.G. acknowledges the hospitality of the CEA DAM-DIF during the year 2017. G.H. acknowledges support from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division under Contract No. DE-AC02-05-CH11231 (Materials Project Program No. KC23MP). The Belgian authors acknowledge computational resources from supercomputing facilities of the University of LiĂšge, the Consortium des Equipements de Calcul Intensif (Grant No. FRS-FNRS G.A. 2.5020.11), and Zenobe/CENAERO funded by the Walloon Region under Grant No. G.A. 1117545. M.C. and O.G. acknowledge support from the Fonds de Recherche du QuĂ©bec Nature et Technologie (FRQ-NT), Canada, and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant No. RGPIN-2016-06666. The implementation of the libpaw library (M.T., T.R., and D.C.) was supported by the ANR NEWCASTLE project (Grant No. ANR-2010-COSI-005-01) of the French National Research Agency. M.R. and M.S. acknowledge funding from Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO-Spain) (Grants Nos. MAT2016-77100-C2-2-P and SEV-2015-0496) and Generalitat de Catalunya (Grant No. 2017 SGR1506). This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program (Grant Agreement No. 724529). P.G. acknowledges support from FNRS Belgium through PDR (Grant No. HiT4FiT), ULiĂšge and the CommunautĂ© française de Belgique through the ARC project AIMED, the EU and FNRS through M.ERA.NET project SIOX, and the European Funds for Regional Developments (FEDER) and the Walloon Region in the framework of the operational program “Wallonie-2020.EU” through the project Multifunctional thin films/LoCoTED. The Flatiron Institute is a division of the Simons Foundation. A large part of the data presented in this paper is available directly from the Abinit Web page www.abinit.org. Any other data not appearing in this web page can be provided by the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Peer reviewe

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNetÂź convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNetÂź model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery

    Intégration et exploitation d'outils de visualisation : compréhension de situations complexes

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    La compréhension de situations complexes s'avÚre de plus en plus nécessaire, notamment dans les domaines militaires. En réponse à cette demande, le projet IMAGE, en cours à Recherche et Développement pour la Défense Canada - Valcartier, vise à développer un environnement interactif offrant des outils logiciels aidant à augmenter la vitesse et le niveau de compréhension de l'humain dans de telles situations. Il regroupe quatre grands modules : Scénarisation, Simulation, Exploration et Représentation. Le projet présenté dans ce mémoire a trait au développement d'un prototype pour la partie Exploration, qui regroupe principalement des outils de visualisation. Cette plateforme servira à des expérimentations en psychologie cognitive visant à mesurer l'augmentation de la compréhension offerte par ces outils. L'humain étant au centre de l'environnement développé, certaines théories qui lui sont reliées, touchant notamment la psychologie cognitive, les interfaces personne-machine ainsi que la visualisation d'information, sont d'abord présentées. Une revue de diverses plateformes logicielles existantes, susceptibles d'offrir des fonctionnalités intéressantes pour l'implémentation, est également effectuée. Suite à une évaluation plus approfondie des outils retenus ainsi que plusieurs tests avec ces derniers, une premiÚre problématique, ayant trait au transfert de multiples flots de données XML partant du module Simulation vers le module Exploration, est alors abordée; la création de l'application ImageDataServer s'ensuit, faisant usage du framework ACE pour la gestion de multiples connexions et le traitement de données en parallÚle. Suite à cette réalisation, des premiers jets de représentations visuelles, basés sur un scénario tactique de convoi militaire, sont développés à partir des données de simulation de ce scénario transférées vers Eye-Sys, une application de visualisation générique. Une scÚne 3D montrant l'évolution spatiale et temporelle ainsi que les interactions entre les agents de la simulation, véhicules militaires, explosifs et insurgés, y est mise en action grùce à des données provenant d'une base de données MySQL. La vue est également synchronisée à une application de simulation interactive, Multichronia, servant de point de contrÎle principal pour l'utilisateur. Une évaluation des performances du systÚme et une discussion sur divers aspects de développement complÚtent ce mémoire

    Les pratiques artistiques queers et féministes au Québec : art et activisme en tous lieux

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    L’art et le politique entretiennent un dialogue prolifique qui nous renseigne, notamment, sur divers enjeux fĂ©ministes de l’actualitĂ© quĂ©bĂ©coise. À partir d’oeuvres choisies, l’auteure observe certains effets de cette conjoncture, s’activant dans le milieu artistique comme dans la rue. En analysant le travail des artistes Virginie Jourdain, Florence S. Larose, Coco Riot et Elisha Lim, elle aborde diffĂ©rentes thĂ©matiques comme la justice reproductive, les politiques du genre, le rapport entre « culture populaire » et « sous-culture », de mĂȘme que la pertinence de dĂ©centrer la critique fĂ©ministe et la critique queer, comme l’ont proposĂ© les queers of color, par exemple.Artistic and political spaces are in a constant dialogue that informs us a lot about the actual state of feminism in Quebec. From selected works, the author observes some effects of this relation, who take place in the art milieu as in the street. Analyzing the work and discourses of the artists Virginie Jourdain, Florence S. Larose, Elisha Lim and Coco Riot, she addresses different issues such as reproductive justice, gender politics, the relationship between « popular culture » and « subculture », and the relevance of decentralizing feminist and queer hegemony, as proposed by queers of color, for example.Arte y polĂ­tica mantienen un diĂĄlogo fecundo que nos informa, en particular, sobre diversas problemĂĄticas feministas en la actualidad quebequense. De las obras seleccionadas, la autora observĂł algunos efectos de esta situaciĂłn, que se activa en las artes tanto como en la calle. Ha convocado las artistas Virginie Jourdain, Florence S. Larose, Coco Riot y Elisha Lim con quienes aborda diversos temas como la justicia reproductiva, las polĂ­ticas de gĂ©nero, la relaciĂłn entre la « cultura popular » y la « subcultura », asĂ­ como la pertinencia de descentralizar la crĂ­tica feminista y queer (segĂșn lo propuesto por los queers of color, por ejemplo)
