124 research outputs found

    Aldo van Eyck, una narración entre signos y dibujos. El Estec de Noordwijk

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    [ES] El trabajo aquí presentado trata la importancia del dibujo configurativo en la elaboración de la idea proyectual en arquitectura. Es un testimonio del método proyectual de Aldo van Eyck, que usa el dibujo como medio expresivo que concreta el pensamiento y lo ilustra a través de una arquetípica exploración de la forma. Además de un análisis de los dibujos, esta narración representa una reflexión sobre un método de trabajo, donde el gesto gráfico, visto como dimensión espacial del pensamiento, es la herramienta principal para modificar el existente. En los esbozos de van Eyck, pensamiento, palabra, lenguaje y expresión gráfica son una sola cosa dentro de un ámbito disciplinar lógico-poético. El dibujo se convierte en un complejo texto narrativo e ilustra la idea de Arquitectura de un gran Maestro de la Arquitectura. [EN] The following work aims at illustrating the importance of the configurative drawing in the elaboration of the project idea in architecture. It’s a proof of the project method of Aldo Van Eyck, who uses drawing as the medium to give substance to thoughts. Van Eyck illustrates them through an archetypical exploration of forms.Rather than simply carrying out an analysis of his drawings, this narration mainly represents a reflection on his work method where the graphic gesture – conceived as the spatial dimension of thoughts – is the fundamental tool for the modification of the existing. In Van Eyck’s sketches, thought, word, language and graphic expression are one thing in a wider disciplinary field. Therefore, drawing becomes a complex narrative text and shows the great Master’s idea about Architecture.Ginex, G. (2019). Aldo Van Eyck, a narration between sign and drawing. Estec from Noordwijk. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 24(37):86-95. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.10095OJS86952437LABRUNIE, R., 2016. De la rèception de l'oeuvre à la genèse du projet. L'Orphelinat d'Aldo van Eyck. Genève: MetisPresses.Mc CARTER, R., 2015. Aldo van Eyck. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.ed. LIGTELIJN,V., STRAUVEN, F., 2008. Aldo van Eyck writings. Amsterdam: SUN Publishers.GINEX, G., 2002. Aldo van Eyck, l'enigma della forma. Torino:Testo& Immagine.STRAUVEN, F., 1998. Aldo van Eyck, The Schape of Relativity. Amsterdam: Architettura & Natura.LIGTELIJN, V., 1999. Aldo van Eyck. Works. Basel: Birkhauser.HERTZBERGER, H., van ROIJEN WORTMANN, A., STRAUVEN, F., 1982. Aldo van Eyck. Amsterdam: Stichting Wonen.LAFAIVRE, D. and TZONIS, A., 1999. Aldo van Eyck Humanist Rebel. Rotterdam: 010

    Provide History Of Religion And God

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    There is a need for high school, college, and university educators to introduce their students to a history of mankind’s development of religions and beliefs in God. Regarded as too sensitive a subject, students are deprived of learning how mankind has evolved ways to establish moral and righteous behavior to maintain harmony among competing groups within a growing community. Based upon facts and findings surfaced by such respected Egyptologists as James H. Breasted and E.A. Wallis Budge, this author conclusively reveals how the first formal religion of Egypt has been emulated by the Judaic, Christian, and Islamic religions. Historical findings provide meaningful evidence of the spiritual nature of man, the emergence of one God Amen, the development of the concepts of truth, a soul, hereafter, Son of God, and a universal God. These findings afford greater insights in the fields of theology, humanities, psychology, and sociology studies. More importantly, a greater understanding of the nature of man can energize religious leaders and the public to effect possible solutions with the assistance of those with perceptive minds and love of humanity

    Chapter Analysis and representation for Digital Humanities: la Mappa Mosaico di Madaba. Digitalizzazione, analisi, decostruzione

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    La realta dell'High frequency trading: rischi, costi e benefici quando i computer rimpiazzano l'uomo

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    L'impatto in termini di costi e benefici del trading ad alta frequenza nella realtà dei mercati finanziari. Particolare riferimento ai rischi scaturenti dalle strategie poste in essere da tali trader, soprattutto quelli sistemici, e all'intervento delle autorità regolamentari interessate

    Fragili morfologie. La Calabria dei borghi abbandonati

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    The proposed work tackles the theme of abandoned villages in Calabria and analyses, in particular, the role of representative modelling and graphic simulation as a monitoring tool for an intervention methodology that aims at recovering "morphological memory". The proposed theme analyses intangible significances as urban archetypes that may still be renewed through practices that restore "meanings" rather than things. Through surveys and cognitive explorations the consistency of each sample’s urbanity is analysed in relation to its state of abandonment. The presented models represent different layers of research that analyse the morphological characteristics of the sites in which the global urban form in the relationship with the its territory highlights the changes in use of the housing structure according to the changes that essentially depend on natural factors, which urban structure has suffered in the course of its life. The question raised here concerns the role of representation as a tool for controlling and evaluating transformation through surveys and subsequent graphic simulations as a means of monitoring changes in architecture in its forms and contents. The paper aims to rediscover the main procedural questions where the specific formal characteristics are still enormously relevant in the perspective of a new environment that re-becomes a "contemporary" living environment. Fragili morfologie. La Calabria dei borghi abbandonatiIl lavoro proposto affronta il tema degli antichi borghi abbandonati della Calabria e analizza in particolare il ruolo della rappresentazione modellistica e della simulazione grafica come strumento di monitoraggio per una metodologia di intervento che tende ad un recupero della “memoria morfologica”.Il tema proposto analizza i significati immateriali come archetipi urbani ancora rinnovabili attraverso pratiche che rigenerano “significati” piuttosto che cose. Attraverso rilievi ed esplorazioni conoscitive si analizza la reale consistenza dell’urbano di ogni campione in relazione al suo stato di abbandono. I modelli presentati rappresentano diversi strati di indagine che analizzano le caratteristiche tipo–morfologiche dei siti in cui la forma urbana globale nella relazione con il territorio di appartenenza evidenzia i mutamenti d’uso della struttura abitativa a seconda delle modifiche che dipendono essenzialmente da fattori naturali, che la struttura urbana ha subito nel corso della sua vita. La questione qui posta riguarda il ruolo della rappresentazione come strumento per il controllo e la valutazione della trasformazione attraverso indagini e successive simulazioni grafiche e modellistiche come mezzo per monitorare i cambiamenti dell’architettura nelle sue forme e nei suoi contenuti. Il presente scritto mira a ritrovare le principali questioni procedurali dove ancora le caratteristiche formali specifiche sono enormemente rilevanti nell’ottica di un nuovo ambiente che ri–diventa un ambiente vivente “contemporaneo”.Il lavoro proposto affronta il tema degli antichi borghi abbandonati della Calabria e analizza in particolare il ruolo della rappresentazione modellistica e della simulazione grafica come strumento di monitoraggio per una metodologia di intervento che tende ad un recupero della “memoria morfologica”.Il tema proposto analizza i significati immateriali come archetipi urbani ancora rinnovabili attraverso pratiche che rigenerano “significati” piuttosto che cose. Attraverso rilievi ed esplorazioni conoscitive si analizza la reale consistenza dell’urbano di ogni campione in relazione al suo stato di abbandono. I modelli presentati rappresentano diversi strati di indagine che analizzano le caratteristiche tipo–morfologiche dei siti in cui la forma urbana globale nella relazione con il territorio di appartenenza evidenzia i mutamenti d’uso della struttura abitativa a seconda delle modifiche che dipendono essenzialmente da fattori naturali, che la struttura urbana ha subito nel corso della sua vita. La questione qui posta riguarda il ruolo della rappresentazione come strumento per il controllo e la valutazione della trasformazione attraverso indagini e successive simulazioni grafiche e modellistiche come mezzo per monitorare i cambiamenti dell’architettura nelle sue forme e nei suoi contenuti. Il presente scritto mira a ritrovare le principali questioni procedurali dove ancora le caratteristiche formali specifiche sono enormemente rilevanti nell’ottica di un nuovo ambiente che ri–diventa un ambiente vivente “contemporaneo”. Fragile Morphologies. Calabria of Abandoned VillagesThe proposed work tackles the theme of abandoned villages in Calabria and analyses, in particular, the role of representative modelling and graphic simulation as a monitoring tool for an intervention methodology that aims at recovering "morphological memory". The proposed theme analyses intangible significances as urban archetypes that may still be renewed through practices that restore "meanings" rather than things. Through surveys and cognitive explorations the consistency of each sample’s urbanity is analysed in relation to its state of abandonment. The presented models represent different layers of research that analyse the morphological characteristics of the sites in which the global urban form in the relationship with the its territory highlights the changes in use of the housing structure according to the changes that essentially depend on natural factors, which urban structure has suffered in the course of its life. The question raised here concerns the role of representation as a tool for controlling and evaluating transformation through surveys and subsequent graphic simulations as a means of monitoring changes in architecture in its forms and contents. The paper aims to rediscover the main procedural questions where the specific formal characteristics are still enormously relevant in the perspective of a new environment that re-becomes a "contemporary" living environment

    Lipophilicity in drug design: an overview of lipophilicity descriptors in 3D-QSAR studies

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    The pharmacophore concept is a fundamental cornerstone in drug discovery, playing a critical role in determining the success of in silico techniques, such as virtual screening and 3D-QSAR studies. The reliability of these approaches is influenced by the quality of the physicochemical descriptors used to characterize the chemical entities. In this context, a pivotal role is exerted by lipophilicity, which is a major contribution to host-guest interaction and ligand binding affinity. Several approaches have been undertaken to account for the descriptive and predictive capabilities of lipophilicity in 3D-QSAR modeling. Recent efforts encode the use of quantum mechanical-based descriptors derived from continuum solvation models, which open novel avenues for gaining insight into structure-activity relationships studies

    Developing a brief tele-psychotherapy model for COVID-19 patients and their family members

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    Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively impacting the mental health of COVID-19 patients and family members. Given the restrictions limiting in person contact to reduce the spread of the virus, a digital approach is needed to tackle the psychological aftermath of the pandemic. We present the development of a brief remote psychotherapy program for COVID-19 patients and/or their relatives. Methods: We first reviewed the literature on psychotherapeutic interventions for COVID-19 related symptoms. Based on this evidence, we leveraged ongoing clinical experiences with COVID-19 survivors and family members to design an intervention model that could be disseminated and integrated into the workflow of the mental health system. Results: This 8-session model -inspired by constructivist and hermeneutic-phenomenological therapies- serves COVID-19 patients during hospitalization, remission and recovery. This model can also be delivered to people dealing with the COVID-19 hospitalization/discharge of a family member, or the loss of a family member due to COVID-19. Conclusion: We described a remote psychotherapeutic approach to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic psychological aftermath. To date, the approach seems feasible and highly customizable to patients' needs. Studies are underway to test its preliminary efficacy. Once proven efficacious, this treatment model could provide a blueprint for future tele-psychology wide-scale interventions

    Il limes della Calabria bizantina: tracce, percorsi e vie

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    The case-study focusses on Byzantine fortifications along the limes that cross the region of Calabria. The theme is related to Goal 11: "Making cities and human settlements inclusive, secure, lasting and sustainable" and specifically to Goal 11.4: "Strengthen commitments to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage", set out in the 2030 Strategy Agenda. The methodological process is defined, therefore, upon improving protection measures with the use of special equipment with archaeological and architectural purposes for the relief of walled cities and fortresses in hazardous areas.The historical heritage helps to return the identity of peoples. The application of research areas extend both into the fields of archeology and that of architecture. The overall goal is to provide a picture of the state of study and research into the Byzantine system in Calabria. A fundamental role in defining the Byzantine architectural character in Calabria has since 1970 through "Byzantine studies Meetings", with the formulation of the first archaeological map. Il limes della Calabria bizantina: tracce, percorsi e vieIl contributo si occuperà come caso studio delle vie bizantine in Calabria, rintracciabili e ancora riconoscibili lungo il limes che attraversa la Regione Calabria.Il tema è riconducibile al Goal 11: "Rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, duraturi e sostenibili" e nello specifico al Goal 11.4: "Rafforzare gli impegni per proteggere e salvaguardare il patrimonio culturale e naturale del mondo", presenti nella Strategia Agenda 2030.Il contributo mostra il risultato delle campagne effettuate sui siti e sulle architetture bizantine nell’area di studio. Il processo metodologico definito è volto a migliorare gli interventi di salvaguardia, di osservazione e di analisi con finalità archeologica ed architettonica per il rilievo di città murate, architetture (sacre e civili), fortezze.Il patrimonio storico contribuisce a restituire le identità dei popoli. Gli ambiti di applicazione della ricerca si estendono al campo dell’architettura e dell’archeologia. Il fine che ci proponiamo è quello di fornire un quadro dello stato degli studi e della ricerca sul sistema bizantino in Calabria.Un ruolo fondamentale nella definizione dei caratteri architettonici bizantini nell’area Calabrese si ha dal 1970 con gli “Incontri di studi bizantini” e la formulazione della prima carta archeologica della Calabria.Il contributo si occuperà come caso studio delle vie bizantine in Calabria, rintracciabili e ancora riconoscibili lungo il limes che attraversa la Regione Calabria.Il tema è riconducibile al Goal 11: "Rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, duraturi e sostenibili" e nello specifico al Goal 11.4: "Rafforzare gli impegni per proteggere e salvaguardare il patrimonio culturale e naturale del mondo", presenti nella Strategia Agenda 2030.Il contributo mostra il risultato delle campagne effettuate sui siti e sulle architetture bizantine nell’area di studio. Il processo metodologico definito è volto a migliorare gli interventi di salvaguardia, di osservazione e di analisi con finalità archeologica ed architettonica per il rilievo di città murate, architetture (sacre e civili), fortezze.Il patrimonio storico contribuisce a restituire le identità dei popoli. Gli ambiti di applicazione della ricerca si estendono al campo dell’architettura e dell’archeologia. Il fine che ci proponiamo è quello di fornire un quadro dello stato degli studi e della ricerca sul sistema bizantino in Calabria.Un ruolo fondamentale nella definizione dei caratteri architettonici bizantini nell’area Calabrese si ha dal 1970 con gli “Incontri di studi bizantini” e la formulazione della prima carta archeologica della Calabria. The Limes of Byzantine Calabria: Evidences, Routes, WaysThe case-study focusses on Byzantine fortifications along the limes that cross the region of Calabria. The theme is related to Goal 11: "Making cities and human settlements inclusive, secure, lasting and sustainable" and specifically to Goal 11.4: "Strengthen commitments to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage", set out in the 2030 Strategy Agenda. The methodological process is defined, therefore, upon improving protection measures with the use of special equipment with archaeological and architectural purposes for the relief of walled cities and fortresses in hazardous areas.The historical heritage helps to return the identity of peoples. The application of research areas extend both into the fields of archeology and that of architecture. The overall goal is to provide a picture of the state of study and research into the Byzantine system in Calabria. A fundamental role in defining the Byzantine architectural character in Calabria has since 1970 through "Byzantine studies Meetings", with the formulation of the first archaeological map

    Azobioisosteres of Curcumin with Pronounced Activity against Amyloid Aggregation, Intracellular Oxidative Stress, and Neuroinflammation

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    Many (poly‐)phenolic natural products, for example, curcumin and taxifolin, have been studied for their activity against specific hallmarks of neurodegeneration, such as amyloid‐β 42 (Aβ42) aggregation and neuroinflammation. Due to their drawbacks, arising from poor pharmacokinetics, rapid metabolism, and even instability in aqueous medium, the biological activity of azobenzene compounds carrying a pharmacophoric catechol group, which have been designed as bioisoteres of curcumin has been examined. Molecular simulations reveal the ability of these compounds to form a hydrophobic cluster with Aβ42, which adopts different folds, affecting the propensity to populate fibril‐like conformations. Furthermore, the curcumin bioisosteres exceeded the parent compound in activity against Aβ42 aggregation inhibition, glutamate‐induced intracellular oxidative stress in HT22 cells, and neuroinflammation in microglial BV‐2 cells. The most active compound prevented apoptosis of HT22 cells at a concentration of 2.5 μm (83 % cell survival), whereas curcumin only showed very low protection at 10 μm (21 % cell survival)

    N-benzyl 4,4-disubstituted piperidines as a potent class of influenza H1N1 virus inhibitors showing a novel mechanism of hemagglutinin fusion peptide interaction

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    The influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) is an attractive target for antiviral therapy due to its essential role in mediating virus entry into the host cell. We here report the identification of a class of N-benzyl- 4,4,-disubstituted piperidines as influenza A virus fusion inhibitors with specific activity against the H1N1 subtype. Using the highly efficient one-step Ugi four-component reaction, diverse library of piperidine-based analogues was synthesized and evaluated to explore the structure-activity relation- ships (SAR). Mechanistic studies, including resistance selection with the most active compound (2) demonstrated that it acts as an inhibitor of the low pH-induced HA-mediated membrane fusion process. Computational studies identified an as yet unrecognized fusion inhibitor binding site, which is located at the bottom of the HA2 stem in close proximity to the fusion peptide. A direct p-stacking interaction between the N-benzylpiperidine moiety of 2 and F9HA2 of the fusion peptide, reinforced with an addi- tional p-stacking interaction with Y119HA2, and a salt bridge of the protonated piperidine nitrogen with E120HA2, were identified as important interactions to mediate ligand binding. This site rationalized the observed SAR and provided a structural explanation for the H1N1-specific activity of our inhibitors. Furthermore, the HA1-S326V mutation resulting in resistance to 2 is close to the proposed new binding pocket. Our findings point to the N-benzyl-4,4,-disubstituted piperidines as an interesting class of influenza virus inhibitors, representing the first example of fusion peptide binders with great potential for anti-influenza drug development