10 research outputs found
Diversidade fisiológica em feijão comum brasileiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) com base no índice de seleção
Common bean landraces represent heterogeneous, local adaptations of domesticated species, and thereby provide genetic resources that meet current and new challenges for farming. These local ecotypes can show variable phenology and low-to-moderate edible yield, however, they are highly nutritious. Therefore, strategies to stimulate the conservation of this genetic diversity are important. The maintenance of seed germination potential is also an important feature in the characterization of genetic diversity to conserve biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to discriminate common bean landrace cultivars available at Santa Catarina State University (UDESC) germplasm bank according to their seed physiological diversity and agronomic parameters (germination rate, viability, seed vigor, and seedling growth) and based on Mulamba and Mock selection index. There is a large physiological diversity in common bean landrace cultivars. BAF 112 and BAF 81, BAF 84, BAF 42, BAF 60, and BAF 75, were identified as more promising for the storage of the seeds under conventional conditions, being able to maintain the viability and vigor during storage. Mulamba and Mock selection index were capable of selecting superior cultivars with high physiological quality.As variedades crioulas de feijão representam adaptações locais heterogêneas de espécies domesticadas e, assim, fornecem recursos genéticos que atendem aos desafios atuais e novos da agricultura. Estes ecótipos locais podem mostrar fenologia variável e produtividade, baixa a moderada, mas são altamente nutritivos. Portanto, estratégias para estimular a conservação dessa diversidade genética são importantes. A manutenção do potencial de germinação de sementes também é uma característica relevante na caracterização da diversidade genética, a fim de conservar a biodiversidade. Objetivou-se com este trabalho discriminar cultivares de feijão da Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina (UDESC) quanto à diversidade fisiológica de sementes e parâmetros agronômicos (taxa de germinação, viabilidade, vigor de sementes e crescimento de plântulas) e com base em Mulamba e Índice de seleção de simulação. Existe uma grande diversidade fisiológica nas cultivares de feijão. BAF 112 e BAF 81, BAF 84, BAF 42, BAF 60 e BAF 75, foram identificados como os mais promissores para o armazenamento de sementes sob condições convencionais, sendo capazes de manter a viabilidade e vigor durante o armazenamento. O índice de seleção de Mulamba e Mock foi capaz de selecionar cultivares superiores com alta qualidade fisiológica
Evaluation of Soil Re-mineralizer from By-Product of Volcanic Rock Mining: Experimental Proof Using Black Oats and Maize Crops
This study was focused on physical, petrographical, mineralogical, and chemical characterization of a volcanic-rock mining by-product (dacite rock), as well as on greenhouse experiment with black oats and maize crops to evaluate the potential use of the by-product as soil re-mineralizer. The by-product sample was obtained from a quarry in the Nova Prata mining district in southern Brazil. The particle size distribution of the by-product and soil was determined by sieving. Dacite rock petrographic description was performed on a polished thin section by optical microscopy. The soil and dacite rock mineralogical phases were identified by X-ray diffraction. The by-product and soil chemical composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was performed to determine potentially toxic elements, As, Cd, Hg and Pb in by-product. Additional chemical compositions of the by-product and soil were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. Black oats and, sequentially maize, crops were cultivated in a typical Hapludox soil treated with the by-product in a greenhouse. Five by-product doses (0, 906, 1813, 3625, and 7251 kg ha−1) were added into pots containing soil, each with seven replications. Responses to treatments were evaluated from dry matter production, nutritional status of the crops, and in the changes in soil properties after 70 days of each cultivation. The results showed that the by-product is composed of plagioclase, K-feldspar, quartz, clinopyroxene, smectites, and opaque minerals with apatite as accessory mineral. The addition of 3625 and 7251 kg ha−1 doses of the by-product substantially increased the dry matter yield in maize leaves. The Ca uptake by maize leaves cultivated in soil with 7251 kg ha−1 dose of the by-product was significantly higher in soil with other doses, and all by-product doses promoted high concentrations of Mg and Ca. The accumulated amounts of Ca, K, Mg and P indicated that they were enough to supply maize nutritional needs. Improvements in soil properties, such as high levels of Ca, K and P and low levels of exchangeable Al and Al saturation were observed. The results of the study suggest that the by-product can be used as soil re-mineralizer. The dacite rock by-product studied here has potential to be an environmental solution to soil fertilization problem because it does not require chemical processing and can be used as it is mined
Leptospirosis in Dairy Cattle from Southern Brazil - Risk Factors
Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses. Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the most prevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herds from different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested for leptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination. A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88; and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conducted with the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-square tests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasiman seroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodies against leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in each mesoregion evaluated and varied with vaccination status tested of the animals. The most prevalent serogroups in MR1 were Djasiman and Icterohaemorrhagiae. In MR2 and MR3, Djasiman was the most prevalent serogroup, regardless of vaccination status. Other prevalent serogroups in vaccinated animals were Icterohaemorrhagiae (MR1), Sejroe (MR2), Pomona, Sejroe, and Icterohaemorrhagiae (MR3). The other serovars tested had a prevalence of less or equal than 2%. The occurrence of reproductive problems with abortions and estrus repetition, was associated with reactivity to the serogroup Djasiman (P > 0.05). The results showed that the access of animals to flooded areas and the presence of rodents were significant risk factors, according to the literature.Discussion: The prevalence of antibodies against Leptospira in the studied areas was higher than expected, with a high prevalence of Djasiman serogroup. It is important to note that this serogroup is not present in current vaccine formulations. The presence of wetlands and rodents as risk factors in association with Djasiman is consistent with the scientific literature, since wild rodents are natural hosts, and swampy areas may allow Leptospira to survive for up to 180 days in the environment. Due to the presence and high prevalence found of the serogroup Djasiman in the experiment, new studies are being carried out to improve our knowledge about this serogroup and its possible inclusion in a commercial vaccine. Prophylaxis and control measures were recommended to rural producers in the analyzed properties.Keywords: bovine leptospirosis, herds, zoonosis, antibodies, reproductive disorders, leptospires, Djasiman
A produção de carne e leite a base de pastagens começa por sementes de qualidade
Winter pastures are an important component of livestock systems in southern Brazil. It provides meat and milk production at low costs. The seeds quality is fundamental for establishment of productive forages, with high potential and free contamination of undesirable pathogens and weeds. The objective was to evaluate the seeds quality of winter forage acquired by ranchers in highlands region of Santa Catarina State. It were sampled 78 lots of seeds in the local market in 12 municipalities, collected during summer and autumn of 2017 and 2019. Parameters were germination, purity, other seeds and inert material analyzed in laboratory homologated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. More than 67% of the analyzed seeds lots are below what the current legislation calls for. This compromises the establishment, the production, and profitability of the ranchers.As pastagens cultivadas de inverno são um importante componente dos sistemas pecuários no sul do Brasil, oportunizando a produção de carne e leite a custos competitivos. A qualidade de sementes é fundamental para o estabelecimento de pastos produtivos, com alto potencial e livre de contaminação de patógenos e plantas indesejáveis. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de sementes de forrageiras de inverno adquiridas por produtores rurais no Planalto Catarinense, no verão/outono de 2017 e 2019. Foram amostrados 78 lotes de sementes de forrageiras adquiridas no mercado local em 12 municípios da região. Parâmetros de germinação, pureza, outras sementes e material inerte foram analisadas em laboratório de análise de sementes credenciado no Ministério da Agricultura Pecuária e Abastecimento. A maior parte dos lotes de sementes analisadas estão abaixo do que preconiza a legislação vigente. Isto compromete o estabelecimento, produção e rentabilidade dos pecuaristas
Physiological and sanitary quality of seeds of landraces of beans produced in organic and conventional system
The sustainability of agricultural systems has been a collective
effort of farmers, technical assistants and researchers, where the
maintenance of agrobiodiversity is essential for food production in a
sustainable manner. Knowledge of the potential characteristics of seeds
landraces on condition of organic and conventional crops can assist in
recovery, by farmers, the habit of conserving seeds and increase the use
of these genetic resources by farmers, also increasing the possibility of
management and conservation agrobiodiversity. The objective of this
study was to characterize the physiological quality (viability and vigor),
health quality (incidence of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) and
storability (tolerance to deterioration) of seeds of bean genotypes grown
in two agricultural crops under organic and conventional cultivation, in
order to obtain information on the genetic response of each cultivar to
different production systems and the potential of each genotype as
attributes of physiological and sanitary quality of seeds. The seeds were
grown in field crops in 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, in Campos Novos /
SC. Twenty-six genotypes (Table 1) were used, originating from the
collection of Active Bank of bean germplasm (BAF) of Agroveterinárias
Sciences Center of the State University of Santa Catarina - CAV /
UDESC. The analyzes were performed on Seeds Analysis Laboratory
(LAS), the CAV / UDESC, soon after harvest and after storage of seeds
in the laboratory, between the months of March to October, with
temperature and relative humidity of the ambient air. Was held
germination tests, emergency field, electrical conductivity, accelerated
aging, cold, measuring the lengths of seedlings and sanity. The genetic
diversity found in the results and ranking the sum of posts Mulamba and
Mock associated with the grouping method of Scott-Knott, allowed
categorizing genotypes for physiological quality and storability of seeds.
The landraces BAF 75, 55, 81, 84, 60, 13, 36, 42 and the
commercial cultivars BAF 110 and 121 were identified with high
potential physiological quality in seeds produced, and indicated for seed
production both in conditions organic and conventional farming. The
landraces BAF 84, 81, 75, 55, 36 and 42 were identified with high
physiological potential of seed storage in the conditions of temperature
and humidity uncontrolled, being able to maintain the viability and vigor
of seeds for a period of eight months after harvesting, what allows the
use of seed for the next crop. The landraces BAF 42 and 75 presented
high seed quality in both agricultural system in the two years of
cultivation, maintained after storage and with a low infection of C.
lindemuthianumA sustentabilidade dos sistemas agrícolas tem sido um esforço
coletivo de agricultores, assistentes técnicos e pesquisadores, onde a
manutenção da agrobiodiversidade é indispensável para a produção de
alimentos de forma sustentável. O conhecimento das características
potenciais das sementes dos genótipos crioulos sob condição de cultivo
orgânico e convencional pode auxiliar na retomada, por parte dos
agricultores, do hábito de conservação de suas sementes e potencializar
o uso destes recursos genéticos pelo agricultor, ampliando também a
possibilidade de manejo e a conservação da agrobiodiversidade. O
objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar a qualidade fisiológica (viabilidade
e o vigor), qualidade sanitária (incidência de Colletotrichum
lindemuthianum) e o potencial de armazenamento (tolerância a
deterioração) das sementes de genótipos crioulos e comerciais de feijão
produzidas em duas safras agrícolas sob cultivo orgânico e
convencional, com o intuito de obter informações sobre a resposta
genética de cada cultivar aos diferentes sistemas de produção e as
potencialidades de cada genótipo quanto aos atributos de qualidade
fisiológica e sanitária das sementes. As sementes foram produzidas em
campo, nas safras 2011/2012 e 2012/2013, em Campos Novos/SC.
Foram utilizados vinte e seis genótipos de feijão (Tabela 1), com origem
da coleção do Banco Ativo de germoplasma de feijão (BAF) do Centro
de Ciências Agroveterinárias da Universidade do Estado de Santa
Catarina CAV/UDESC. As análises das sementes foram realizadas no
Laboratório de Análise de Sementes (LAS), do CAV/UDESC, logo após
a colheita e após o armazenamento das sementes no laboratório, entre os
meses de março a outubro, com temperatura e umidade relativa do ar
ambiente. Realizou-se os testes de germinação, emergência a campo,
condutividade elétrica, envelhecimento acelerado, frio, medição dos
comprimentos de plântulas e sanidade. A diversidade genética
encontrada nos resultados e a classificação na soma de postos de
Mulamba e Mock associada ao método de agrupamento de Scott-Knott,
permitiu categorizar os genótipos quanto à qualidade fisiológicas e o
potencial de armazenamento das sementes. As cultivares crioulas BAF
75, 55, 81, 84, 60, 13, 36, 42 e as cultivares comerciais BAF 110 e 121
foram identificadas com alto potencial de qualidade fisiológica nas
sementes produzidas, e indicadas para a produção de sementes, tanto nas
condições de cultivo orgânico como convencional. As cultivares
crioulas BAF 84, 81, 75, 55, 36 e 42 foram identificadas com alto
potencial fisiológico de armazenamento das sementes nas condições de
temperatura e umidade ambiente, sendo capazes de manter a viabilidade
e o vigor das sementes por um período de oito meses após a colheita, o
que permite o uso das semente para a safra seguinte. As cultivares
crioulas BAF 42 e 75 apresentaram alta qualidade das sementes
produzidas em ambos os sistema agrícolas nos dois anos de cultivo,
mantida após o armazenamento e com baixa infecção de C.
Soybean crops cultivated with dacite rock by-product: a proof of a cleaner technology to soil remineralization
Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Seed quality of common bean accessions under organic and conventional farming systems1
<div><p>ABSTRACT Agrobiodiversity is essential for a sustainable food production, and the knowledge of the potential characteristics of landrace seeds may prompt farmers to adopt the habit of seed conservation for this species. This study aimed at categorizing landrace and commercial common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions, according to the physiological quality (viability and vigor) of seeds produced in the field, during two growing seasons, under organic and conventional farming systems. Germination percentage, field emergence, electrical conductivity, accelerated aging, cold test and seedling length were assessed. The landrace bean accessions exhibit diversity in the physiological seed quality, in terms of their viability and vigor. No differences were observed between the farming systems, in relation to the physiological quality of the seeds produced. The categorization of landrace common bean accessions allows to identify those with superior physiological seed quality.</p></div
Leptospirosis in Dairy Cattle from Southern Brazil - Risk Factors
Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses. Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the most prevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herds from different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested for leptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination. A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88; and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conducted with the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-square tests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasiman seroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodies against leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in each mesoregion evaluated and varied with vaccination status tested of the animals. The most prevalent serogroups in MR1 were Djasiman and Icterohaemorrhagiae. In MR2 and MR3, Djasiman was the most prevalent serogroup, regardless of vaccination status. Other prevalent serogroups in vaccinated animals were Icterohaemorrhagiae (MR1), Sejroe (MR2), Pomona, Sejroe, and Icterohaemorrhagiae (MR3). The other serovars tested had a prevalence of less or equal than 2%. The occurrence of reproductive problems with abortions and estrus repetition, was associated with reactivity to the serogroup Djasiman (P > 0.05). The results showed that the access of animals to flooded areas and the presence of rodents were significant risk factors, according to the literature.Discussion: The prevalence of antibodies against Leptospira in the studied areas was higher than expected, with a high prevalence of Djasiman serogroup. It is important to note that this serogroup is not present in current vaccine formulations. The presence of wetlands and rodents as risk factors in association with Djasiman is consistent with the scientific literature, since wild rodents are natural hosts, and swampy areas may allow Leptospira to survive for up to 180 days in the environment. Due to the presence and high prevalence found of the serogroup Djasiman in the experiment, new studies are being carried out to improve our knowledge about this serogroup and its possible inclusion in a commercial vaccine. Prophylaxis and control measures were recommended to rural producers in the analyzed properties.Keywords: bovine leptospirosis, herds, zoonosis, antibodies, reproductive disorders, leptospires, Djasiman