10 research outputs found

    Alteraciones vasculares inducidas por un modelo de síndrome metabólico en conejo.

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    El síndrome metabólico (SMet) es una enfermedad multifactorial que cursa con al menos tres de los siguientes factores: obesidad central, disglucemia, aumento de la presión sanguínea, triglicéridos aumentados o lipoproteínas de alta densidad disminuidas en plasma. El SMet afecta a los vasos sanguíneos alterando su reactividad, debido a un desequilibrio entre las sustancias vasodilatadoras y vasoconstrictoras a favor de la vasoconstricción. En esta tesis estudiamos los efectos del SMet en arterias de conejo (aorta abdominal, carótida y renal) analizando la reactividad vascular a agonistas contráctiles, como el cloruro potásico (KCl), la norepinefrina (NE) y la endotelina-1 (ET-1), y relajantes, como la acetilcolina (Ach,) y el nitroprusiato sódico (NP). Por otra parte, se midió la expresión proteica de los adrenoreceptore (AR) alfa1 (α1)y beta2(2), los receptores de la endotelina-1, A y B (R ET-A, R ET-B), la óxido nítrico sintasa endotelial (eNOS), los canales de potasio activados por calcio de alta conductancia (BKCa), la cobre/zinc superóxido dismutasa (Cu/Zn-SOD), la manganeso superóxido dismutasa (Mn-SOD), la NADPH oxidasa 4 (Nox-4), la óxido nítrico sintasa inducible (iNOS), la ciclooxigenasa 2 (COX-2), el receptor gamma activado por proliferadores peroxisómicos (PPARγ), la serina-treonina cinasa Akt y Akt fosforilada (P-Akt). Los resultados indican que el SMet inducido por una dieta alta en grasa y fructosa en conejos induce disfunción vascular en aorta disminuyendo la vasodilatación y sin afectar a la vasoconstricción. Mientras que las arterias carótida y renal no manifiestan daño endotelial probablemente por un mecanismo de compensación de las células lisas vasculares que cursa con aumento de la sensibilidad al NO. La disfunción endotelial presente en la aorta no se relacionó con una menor expresión de eNOS, canales BKCa o con un aumento de estrés oxidativo, pero sí con una menor expresión de los AR 2, PPARγ y P-Akt. Tampoco se sobreexpresó ni la iNOS o la COX-2 en la pared vascular de la aorta, indicando que el proceso de inflamación local era incipiente. La presencia de disfunción vascular en aorta y la ausencia de mecanismos que compensen la función vasodilatadora, como ocurre en las arterias carótida y renal, indican que este vaso es el primero en dañarse en el modelo de SMet inducido por la dieta. La ventaja de estudiar los estadios iniciales de una enfermedad es poder detectar aquellas vías de señalización que se dañan precozmente, ya que suponen dianas terapéuticas para frenar o paliar la evolución de la enfermedad. En este sentido, nuestro estudio demuestra una alteración de la vía de señalización PPARγ/Akt/eNOS en la pared vascular de la aorta que podría explicar, al menos en parte, la disminución en la capacidad dilatadora encontrada en conejos con SMet

    Análisis de redes sociales: un estudio de caso en Educación Física:

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    This study analyzes social networks in a physical education class in a public high school in Valencia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of this paper is to check the social status of the classroom and identify potentially problematic situations in the classroom, based on the analysis of dimensions such as pleasant interaction, emotional support, social support and co-study. To do this, a quantitative methodology was used through a questionnaire where students had to respond based on their perception of the rest of their classmates from various items corresponding to sociological dimensions. From this point, a social network analysis (SNA) was carried out and numerical and graphic values were extracted that exposed the social situation of the students. Integration problems were found, derived from the great differences in centrality between the most isolated students and the average of the class, as well as a large number of connections in the dimension “pleasant interaction”, and few connections in “emotional support”. Substantial leadership differences were also found depending on the dimension, so that the student leaders in some areas were not leaders in others. Finally, differences were found between face-to-face and digital connections, the latter being greater. This study encourages physical education teachers to use SNA to objectively know the social situation of the class, taking into account the great social component that surrounds a session of this subject.Este estudio analiza de forma gráfica las redes sociales en una clase de educación física de un centro público de secundaria de Valencia durante la pandemia del COVID-19, a partir de las conexiones que se producen entre los alumnos. El objetivo es comprobar el estado social del aula e identificar situaciones potencialmente problemáticas en el aula, a partir del análisis de dimensiones como la interacción agradable, el apoyo emocional, el apoyo social y el coestudio. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa mediante un cuestionario donde los estudiantes debían responder en función de su percepción del resto de compañeros a partir de varios ítems correspondientes a dimensiones sociológicas. Se realizó un análisis de redes sociales (SNA) y se extrajeron valores numéricos y gráficos que exponían la situación social del alumnado. Se hallaron problemas de integración, derivadas de las grandes diferencias de centralidad entre los alumnos más aislados y la media de la clase, así como una gran cantidad de conexiones en la dimensión “interacción agradable” y pocas conexiones en “apoyo emocional”. Se hallaron también diferencias sustanciales de liderazgo dependiendo de la dimensión de forma que los alumnos líderes en unos ámbitos, en otros no lo eran. Por último, se encontraron diferencias entre las conexiones cara a cara y digitales, siendo mayores estas últimas. Este estudio anima a los docentes de educación física a utilizar en SNA para conocer de forma objetiva la situación social de la clase, teniendo en cuenta el gran componente social que envuelve a una sesión de esta asignatura

    Social Network Analysis: A Case Study in Physical Education

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    [Resumen] Este estudio analiza de forma gráfica las redes sociales en una clase de educación física de un centro público de secundaria de Valencia durante la pandemia del COVID-19, a partir de las conexiones que se producen entre los alumnos. El objetivo es comprobar el estado social del aula e identificar situaciones potencialmente problemáticas en el aula, a partir del análisis de dimensiones como la interacción agradable, el apoyo emocional, el apoyo social y el coestudio. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa mediante un cuestionario donde los estudiantes debían responder en función de su percepción del resto de compañeros a partir de varios ítems correspondientes a dimensiones sociológicas. Se realizó un análisis de redes sociales (SNA) y se extrajeron valores numéricos y gráficos que exponían la situación social del alumnado. Se hallaron problemas de integración, derivadas de las grandes diferencias de centralidad entre los alumnos más aislados y la media de la clase, así como una gran cantidad de conexiones en la dimensión “interacción agradable” y pocas conexiones en “apoyo emocional”. Se hallaron también diferencias sustanciales de liderazgo dependiendo de la dimensión de forma que los alumnos líderes en unos ámbitos, en otros no lo eran. Por último, se encontraron diferencias entre las conexiones cara a cara y digitales, siendo mayores estas últimas. Este estudio anima a los docentes de educación física a utilizar en SNA para conocer de forma objetiva la situación social de la clase, teniendo en cuenta el gran componente social que envuelve a una sesión de esta asignatura.[Abstract] This study analyzes social networks in a physical education class in a public high school in Valencia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main objective of this paper is to check the social status of the classroom and identify potentially problematic situations in the classroom, based on the analysis of dimensions such as pleasant interaction, emotional support, social support and co-study. To do this, a quantitative methodology was used through a questionnaire where students had to respond based on their perception of the rest of their classmates from various items corresponding to sociological dimensions. From this point, a social network analysis (SNA) was carried out and numerical and graphic values were extracted that exposed the social situation of the students. Integration problems were found, derived from the great differences in centrality between the most isolated students and the average of the class, as well as a large number of connections in the dimension “pleasant interaction”, and few connections in “emotional support”. Substantial leadership differences were also found depending on the dimension, so that the student leaders in some areas were not leaders in others. Finally, differences were found between face-to-face and digital connections, the latter being greater. This study encourages physical education teachers to use SNA to objectively know the social situation of the class, taking into account the great social component that surrounds a session of this subject

    Effect of fatigue strength exercise on anterior thigh skin temperature rewarming after cold stress test

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    Although dynamic thermography skin temperature assessment has been used in medical field, scientific evidence in sports is scarce. The aim of the study was to assess changes in anterior thigh skin temperature in response to a cold stress test after a strength exercise fatiguing protocol. Ten physically active adults performed a familiarization session and two strength exercise sessions, one with dominant and the other with non-dominant lower limb. Participants performed bouts of 10 concentric and eccentric contractions of leg extensions in an isokinetic device until reaching around 30% of force loss. Infrared thermographic images were taken at baseline conditions and after the fatigue level from both thighs after being cooled using a cryotherapy system. ROIs included vastus medialis, rectus femoris, adductor and vastus lateralis. Skin temperature rewarming was assessed during 180s after the cooling process obtaining the coefficients of the following equation: ΔSkin temperature = β0 + β1 * ln(T), being β0 and β1 the constant and slope coefficients, respectively, T the time elapsed following the cold stress in seconds, and ΔSkin temperature the difference between the skin temperature at T respect and the pre-cooling moment. Lower β0 and higher β1 were found for vastus lateralis and rectus femoris in the intervention lower limb compared with baseline conditions (p  0.6). Adductor only showed differences in β0 (p = 0.01 and ES = 0.92). The regressions models obtained showed that β0 and β1 had a direct relationship with age and muscle mass, but an inverse relationship with the number of series performed until 30% of fatigue (R2 = 0.8). In conclusion, fatigue strength exercise results in a lower skin temperature and a faster thermal increase after a cold stress test

    Effect of fatigue strength exercise on anterior thigh skin temperature rewarming after cold stress test

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    Although dynamic thermography skin temperature assessment has been used in medical field, scientific evidence in sports is scarce. The aim of the study was to assess changes in anterior thigh skin temperature in response to a cold stress test after a strength exercise fatiguing protocol. Ten physically active adults performed a familiarization session and two strength exercise sessions, one with dominant and the other with non-dominant lower limb. Participants performed bouts of 10 concentric and eccentric contractions of leg extensions in an isokinetic device until reaching around 30% of force loss. Infrared thermographic images were taken at baseline conditions and after the fatigue level from both thighs after being cooled using a cryotherapy system. ROIs included vastus medialis, rectus femoris, adductor and vastus lateralis. Skin temperature rewarming was assessed during 180s after the cooling process obtaining the coefficients of the following equation: ΔSkin temperature = β0 + β1 * ln(T), being β0 and β1 the constant and slope coefficients, respectively, T the time elapsed following the cold stress in seconds, and ΔSkin temperature the difference between the skin temperature at T respect and the pre-cooling moment. Lower β0 and higher β1 were found for vastus lateralis and rectus femoris in the intervention lower limb compared with baseline conditions (p 0.6). Adductor only showed differences in β0 (p = 0.01 and ES = 0.92). The regressions models obtained showed that β0 and β1 had a direct relationship with age and muscle mass, but an inverse relationship with the number of series performed until 30% of fatigue (R² = 0.8). In conclusion, fatigue strength exercise results in a lower skin temperature and a faster thermal increase after a cold stress test.S

    Neuronal effects of Sugammadex in combination with Rocuronium or Vecuronium.

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    Rocuronium (ROC) and Vecuronium (VEC) are the most currently used steroidal non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking (MNB) agents. Sugammadex (SUG) rapidly reverses steroidal NMB agents after anaesthesia. The present study was conducted in order to evaluate neuronal effects of SUG alone and in combination with both ROC and VEC. Using MTT, CASP-3 activity and Western-blot we determined the toxicity of SUG, ROC or VEC in neurons in primary culture. SUG induces apoptosis/necrosis in neurons in primary culture and increases cytochrome C (CytC), apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF), Smac/Diablo and Caspase 3 (CASP-3) protein expression. Our results also demonstrated that both ROC and VEC prevent these SUG effects. The protective role of both ROC and VEC could be explained by the fact that SUG encapsulates NMB drugs. In BBB impaired conditions it would be desirable to control SUG doses to prevent the excess of free SUG in plasma that may induce neuronal damage. A balance between SUG, ROC or VEC would be necessary to prevent the risk of cell damag

    PPARγ as an indicator of vascular function in an experimental model of metabolic syndrome in rabbits

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    Background and aims: Underlying mechanisms associated with vascular dysfunction in metabolic syndrome (MetS) remain unclear and can even vary from one vascular bed to another. Methods: In this study, MetS was induced by a high-fat, high-sucrose diet, and after 28 weeks, aorta and renal arteries were removed and used for isometric recording of tension in organ baths, protein expression by Western blot, and histological analysis to assess the presence of atherosclerosis. Results: MetS induced a mild hypertension, pre-diabetes, central obesity and dyslipidaemia. Our results indicated that MetS did not change the contractile response in either the aorta or renal artery. Conversely, vasodilation was affected in both arteries in a different way. The aorta from MetS showed vascular dysfunction, including lower response to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside, while the renal artery from MetS presented a preserved relaxation to acetylcholine and an increased sensitivity to sodium nitroprusside. We did not find vascular oxidative stress in the aorta from MetS, but we found a significant decrease in PPARγ, phospho-Akt (p-Akt) and phospho-eNOS (p-eNOS) protein expression. On the other hand, we found oxidative stress in the renal artery from MetS, and PPARγ, Akt and p-Akt were overexpressed. No evidence of atherosclerosis was found in arteries from MetS. Conclusions: MetS affects vascular function differently depending on the vessel. In the aorta, it decreases both the vasodilation and the expression of the PPARγ/Akt/eNOS pathway, while in the renal artery, it increases the expression of PPARγ/Akt signalling pathway without decreasing the vasodilation

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    Percepción de competencia para la atención de alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales en Educación Física: la voz de estudiantes universitarios de España y Reino Unido

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    Centering attention on people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) has relevance to the educational field. The present study gathers the views of university students studying a Bachelor’s Degree relating to Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at public universities in Spain and United Kingdom (UK). Focus is placed on the training received relating to students with SEND. The data came from a questionnaire completed by 457 students from both countries who were in their last year of Bachelor’s Degree. The results show that the quality of training in SEND is the factor that most influences self-perceptions about scientific and professional capacity to address disability and SEN. Furthermore, personal experience in SEND matters also show an important influence and, to a lesser extent, although also significantly, the predominance of practical training over theoretical knowledge. The percentage of students who declare that their Bachelor’s Degree gives high importance to training in SEND is higher in the sample of UK students. In addition, significant differences have been found over the three components detected, demonstrating that Spanish students, unlike UK students, perceive that their level of professional training is higher, despite there being a greater need for training, and that the preparation of teachers for integration is also greater. Results suggest the necessity to continue focusing efforts on improving training in the field of SEND, providing it with higher levels of inclusiveness, both in its theoretical and practical content. This is something that should also be applied to continuous training offered by official educational institutions addressed to non-university teachers.La atención a personas con necesidades especiales tiene una particular relevancia en el campo educativo. El presente estudio recoge las opiniones y las percepciones de estudiantes universitarios del Grado de Ciencias de Actividad Física y del Deporte de centros públicos de España y Reino Unido sobre la formación recibida en el Grado sobre atención a alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales (NEE). Los datos provienen de un cuestionario cumplimentado por 457 estudiantes de ambos países que se encontraban en su último curso del Grado/Bachellor universitario. Los resultados vienen a demostrar que la calidad de la formación en NEE es el factor que más influencia ejerce en la autopercepción de capacidad científica y profesional para abordar la atención a las NEE. También, se observa la existencia de una importante influencia de la experiencia personal adquirida en materia de NEE y, en menor medida, aunque también de modo significativo, el predominio de la formación práctica sobre la teórica en materia de NEE. Por países, el porcentaje de estudiantes que declaran que sus centros conceden una alta importancia a la formación en NEE es mayor en la muestra de estudiantes ingleses que de españoles. Además, se han encontrado diferencias significativas en función del país de procedencia en los tres componentes detectados demostrándose que los estudiantes españoles, a diferencia de los ingleses, tienen la percepción de que su nivel de capacitación profesional es mayor, que existe una mayor necesidad de formación, y de que la preparación del profesorado para la integración también es mayor. Los resultados plantean la necesidad de seguir centrando los esfuerzos en mejorar la formación en el campo de las NEE, dotándola de una mayor capacidad de integrar a este colectivo de estudiantes, tanto en sus contenidos teóricos como prácticos. Algo que debería también aplicarse a las actividades de formación continua que ofertan los organismos e instituciones educativas oficiales dirigidas al profesorado no universitario