935 research outputs found

    Acuerdo de separación voluntaria, división de todas las participaciones de una sociedad limitada ostentadas pro indiviso y reducción de capital con amortización de participaciones de quien se separa. Comentario a la STS 44/2014, de 18 de febrero (RJ 2014, 921).

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    El trabajo versa sobre el supuesto de una sociedad limitada la totalidad de cuyas participaciones se ostenta pro indiviso por los socios-comuneros, de manera que, en determinados aspectos, las reglas aplicables dejan de ser las del Derecho de Sociedades para entrar en juego las normas generales sobre Derecho de contratos y de cosas. El problema de la valoración de las cuotas del condominio en caso de división del mismo, mal que tiene implicaciones societarias, debe atender a los preceptos en sede de copropiedad.The paper deals with a Spanish closed corporation whose shares were jointly held by their shareholders and co-owners. Applicable rules to some legal relations were no longer those of Corporate Law, but the ones of Contract Law and the Law of rights in rem. The problem of valuation of the percentages of the co-owners in case of division has to be solved through the rules on joint property, even if it has implications for the corporation

    The beauty of the mammalian vascular system

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    Beauty is a characteristic of objects that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure. In nature, aesthetic appreciation thereof has given rise to the mathematical search for good series (e.g. the Fibonacci series) and proportions (e.g. the Golden proportion) as important elements of beauty. In 1928 the mathematician George David Birkhoff introduced a formula for aesthetic measurement of an object. Birkhoff equation defines the aesthetic value as the amount of order divided by the complexity of the product. These two features can be measured easily in poetry, music, painting, architecture, etc. In the fine arts, it is the artist who manipulates both these features, but how does nature manage order and complexity in living organisms or their parts? Here we show how Birkhoff equation, applied to the mammalian vascular system of eight representative animals, results in new insights into the organization of the animal vascular system. We found that order and complexity are highly correlated in the mammalian vascular system (_R^2^_=0.9511). Accordingly, in nature both features are not independently managed in the manner of artists. We found significant differences among the Birkhoff aesthetic values in the mammalian arterial system, whereas no such differences exist in the venous system. We anticipate our approach to be useful in the study of morphogenesis and evolution of tree-like structures, employing the Birkhoff aesthetic value as a simple tool for conducting such studies

    Family competition via divergence in the trading of funds

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    We examine the influence of managerial structures and characteristics on the level of trading divergence among fund families as well as their effects on the subsequent performance of those families. Fund families with fewer interactions between their funds and managers tend to diverge more in their trading decisions. We find a positive influence of this divergence on the performance of fund families not only in competitive but also in cooperative environments. This finding shows that if cooperation leads a fund family to make different trading decisions than their competitors, they have better results

    Healthy Universities: Concepts, Dimensions and Approaches for the Construction of Healthy University Environments

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the health paradigms that prevail in the actions of the current university world by specifying the dimensions to guide interventions within the framework of Healthy Universities and by proposing a comprehensive and integrated vision of health for the construction of these interventions. Thus, a systematic review of the main available scientific databases based on an interpretative perspective was carried out. Forty-four articles, published between 2007 and 2018 and related to university environments or some of their stakeholders that included the addressed dimensions of Health: physical, mental, social, environmental and spiritual were selected. The results show that this field of study is growing, most studies point to the physical and mental dimension of the students. Few studies were found in the other addressed dimensions for teachers, employees and pensioners. In conclusion, the relevance of the five dimensions was identified; although the least studied were environmental and spiritual, they have great potential for the development of interventions. Healthy universities must articulate the five dimensions with the stakeholders that make up their communities from the holistic and salutogenic approach to overcome the bio-medical trend of current interventions

    La fusión posterior a una adquisición de sociedad con endeudamiento de la adquirente (Análisis del art. 35 LME)

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    La tesis aborda la problemática de las adquisiciones apalancadas con especial referencia a aquéllas que concluyen en una fusión. Ésta se encuentra dividida en tres partes, que se corresponden, respectivamente, con los aspectos económicos y financieros de la transacción, con la evolución histórica y panorama jurídico- comparado relativo a las fórmulas de tutela de los intereses económicos que surgen en la operación, y con el tratamiento jurídico-positivo dado a la misma tras la entrada en vigor del art. 35 de la Ley 3/2009, de Modificaciones Estructurales de las Sociedades Mercantiles. En la primera parte, que se corresponde con el primer capítulo, se da cuenta de las características fundamentales de la operación, consistente en una compraventa de sociedad con un elevado grado de endeudamiento con posterior fusión de la sociedad adquirente y la compañía objetivo. Se explican, a su vez, los problemas de tipo patrimonial y organizativo que pueden surgir en este tipo de transacciones, así como los efectos perniciosos para socios minoritarios y acreedores. Se plantean, en fin, las posibles ventajas que, como consecuencia de la concentración empresarial, pueden apreciarse, como son la existencia de sinergias o economías de escala, así como la posible eliminación de costes de agencia por el alineamiento de intereses. En la segunda parte, en la que se integran los Capítulos II y III, se expone la evolución histórica de las fórmulas de tutela de los intereses económicos que surgen en las operaciones apalancadas, que tiene que ver, en esencia, con la introducción de una prohibición de asistencia financiera para la adquisición de acciones propias. La institución, de origen inglés, fue concebida de manera primigenia como reacción frente a una situación macroeconómica adversa que pretendía ser evitada en lo venidero. Con posterioridad, su expansión a otros ordenamientos vino de la mano de su normativización en sede europea. La progresiva flexibilización de los últimos tiempos ha tenido, finalmente, diversas causas, que la han vaciado de contenido, aproximando la configuración al control de tipo ex post llevado a cabo en sede concursal que se puede apreciar en el ordenamiento estadounidense o, en relación con las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada, en Derecho alemán. En la tercera parte, que se encuentra dividida en otros tres capítulos, se realiza un estudio exegético del fragmento legislativo elegido -art. 35 LME-, así como de su inserción sistemática en el resto del ordenamiento y su interrelación con otras instituciones jurídicas de tipo societario y concursal. Si el precepto aludido prescribe unas determinadas especialidades que constituyen obligaciones informativas añadidas, el objetivo es dilucidar cuál es la interpretación de cada uno de los elementos de la norma. Así, el Capítulo IV analiza los elementos propios del supuesto de hecho normativo, a saber, la adquisición, el endeudamiento, el plazo, la fusión y los elementos subjetivos concurrentes. Por su parte, el Capítulo V se ocupa de las reglas concretas que tienen que ver con el proyecto, el informe de los administradores y el informe de experto independiente en la fusión apalancada. Finalmente, el Capítulo VI estudia los remedios que el ordenamiento, tanto en sede societaria, como concursal, pone a disposición de los correspondientes afectados por el incumplimiento de la norma legal referida

    Advanced Formulation Technology and its benefits for Clomazone containing herbicides

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    Clomazone is an important compound for effective weed control in winter oilseed rape and spring crops as potatoes and vegetables. Both when applied solo and as a complementary partner to other active ingredients, clomazone offers good and reliable control on a range of key weed species and crop safety. Its unique mode of action brings valuable contribution to anti-resistance weed management strategies. Clomazone effects on susceptible weed species are the typical bleaching symptoms. FMC developed and patented a unique CS microencapsulation technology for clomazone formulations. This technology as used in Centium 36 CS maintains efficacy and crop safety and reduces the risk of potential damage to non-target plants. In addition FMC introduces two novel formulation platforms, Synchronized Technology (SYNCTEC) and Dual Active Matrix Technology (DAMTEC). Synchronized Technology (SYNCTEC) means co-microencapsulation of multiple active ingredients and synchronized delivery to the target after application, hence making the different herbicides available at their optimal timing. Dual Active Matrix Technology (DAMTEC) combines a microencapsulated active ingredient with a second active ingredient in granular form. Both proprietary technologies are specifically designed for co-formulated products and preserve the unique properties of the different active ingredients and all benefits from the CS microencapsulation system including control of volatility and high efficacy performance.Keywords: Clomazone, dual active matrix, microencapsulation, performance, secondary drift control, synchronized delivery, technology platformsFortschrittliche Formulierungstechnologie und ihr Nutzen für Clomazone-haltige HerbizideZusammenfassungClomazone ist ein wichtiger Wirkstoff für eine effektive Unkrautbekämpfung in Winterraps und Sommerkulturen wie Kartoffel und Feldgemüsearten. Sowohl bei alleiniger Anwendung wie auch als Partner anderer Wirkstoffe bietet Clomazone eine gute und sichere Bekämpfung wichtiger Unkrautarten bei guter Kulturverträglichkeit. Der besondere Wirkmechanismus liefert einen wesentlichen Beitrag zu Anti-Resistenzstrategien in der Unkrautbekämpfung. Der Effekt von Clomazone auf empfindliche Unkrautarten äußert sich in den typischen Entfärbungssymptomen (bleaching) an grünen Pflanzenteilen. Für Formulierungen, die als Wirkstoff Clomazone enthalten, hat FMC hat eine besondere CS Mikroverkapslungstechnologie entwickelt und patentieren lassen. Die Technologie, wie sie bei Centium 36 CS zur Anwendung kommt, unterstützt die Wirkung und Kultursicherheit und reduziert das Risiko eines potentiellen Schadens an Nicht-Zielpflanzen. Mit der ‚Synchronized Technology (SYNTEC)‘ und der ‚Dual Active Matrix Technology (DAMTEC)‘ begibt sich FMC auf zwei neuartige Ebenen in der Formulierungstechnologie. Unter der ‚Synchronized Technology (SYNTEC)‘ ist die gemeinsame Mikroverkapselung mehrerer Wirkstoffe und ihre aufeinander abgestimmte Lieferbarkeit nach Applikation zu verstehen, während bei der Dual Active Matrix Technology (DAMTEC) eine Mikroverkapselte Aktivsubstanz mit einem in Granulatform vorliegenden Wirkstoff kombiniert werden. Beide proprietären Technologien sind speziell für co-formulierte Produkte ausgelegt, um sowohl die speziellen Wirkeigenschaften der Einzelkomponenten als auch alle Vorteile der CS-Verkapselung zu erhalten wie etwa die induzierte Abdrift-Reduktion und die hohe Wirkleistung.Stichwörter: Aufeinander abgestimmte Vorrätigkeit, Clomazone, Dual Active Matrix (duale active Matrix), induzierte Abdrift-Reduktion, Leistung, Mikroverkapselung, Technologie-Ebene

    A Simplified Approach for the Ultimate Limit State Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Elements

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    Several advanced constitutive models of concrete have been developed in recent decades, some of which are able to reproduce the behaviour of concrete structures with a high level of accuracy. Yet given their complex formulation, their application by most practitioners can entail some difficulties. This paper describes the adoption of an alternative, simplified comprehensible constitutive model for the ultimate limit state analysis of 3D reinforced concrete structural elements. The proposed model is described and the undertaken assumptions are justified. Different uniaxial stress strain models can be adopted, particularly neglecting the tensile strength of concrete permits to study the goodness of the stress field method and the strut-and-tie method for 3D elements. This model was implemented into a non-linear finite element-based tool developed by the authors. The results of twelve four-pile caps and three socket base column-to-foundation connections are shown. The proposed approach facilitated the identification of the flow of forces and allowed a better understanding of the structural response.The authors wish to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for the FPU fellowship FPU12-01459 received by the first author, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for funding Project BIA 2012-32300.Meléndez-Gimeno, C.; Miguel Sosa, P.; Pallarés Rubio, L. (2016). A Simplified Approach for the Ultimate Limit State Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Elements. Engineering Structures. 123:330-340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.05.039S33034012

    Oblique incidence and polarization effects in coupled gratings

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    Oblique incidence and polarization orientation of the input beam have dramatic effects on the spectral response of coupled dielectric waveguide gratings. Coupled gratings with small periodic perturbations can be described as a problem of two coupled resonances at strictly normal incidence, but we find that the device involves four coupled resonances when oblique incidence and polarization effects are included in the analysis. Very small deviations from normal incidence change qualitatively the spectral response and four peaks are observed, whereas only two peaks are present at normal incidence. Polarization misalignments produce a decrease of the reflectance of the resonances at normal incidence, but a simultaneous shift of the spectral position of the peaks is observed at oblique incidence

    Plasticizing effect of biobased epoxidized fatty acid esters on mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid)

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    Poly(lactic acid), PLA, is a polyester that can be produced from lactic acid derived from renewable resources. This polymer offers attracting uses in packaging industry due to its biodegradability and high tensile strength. However, PLA is quite brittle, which limits its applications. To overcome this drawback, PLA was plasticized with epoxy-type plasticizer derived from a fatty acid, octyl epoxy stearate (OES) at different loadings (1, 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 phr). The addition of OES decreases the glass transition temperature and provides a remarkable increase in elongation at break and impact-absorbed energy. Plasticizer saturation occurs at relatively low concentrations of about 5 phr OES; higher concentration leads to phase separation as observed by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Optimum balanced mechanical properties are obtained at relatively low concentrations of OES (5 phr), thus indicating the usefulness of this material as environmentally friendly plasticizer for PLA industrial formulations.This research was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness-MINECO, Ref: MAT2014-59242-C2-1-R. Authors also thank to "Conselleria d'Educacio, Cultura i Esport"-Generalitat Valenciana, Ref: GV/2014/008 for financial support.Ferri Azor, JM.; Samper Madrigal, MD.; García Sanoguera, D.; Reig Pérez, MJ.; Fenollar Gimeno, OÁ.; Balart Gimeno, RA. (2016). Plasticizing effect of biobased epoxidized fatty acid esters on mechanical and thermal properties of poly(lactic acid). Journal of Materials Science. 51(11):5356-5366. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-9838-2S535653665111Alam J, Alam M, Raja M, Abduljaleel Z, Dass LA (2014) MWCNTs-reinforced epoxidized linseed oil plasticized polylactic acid nanocomposite and its electroactive shape memory behaviour. Int J Mol Sci 15(11):19924–19937. doi: 10.3390/ijms151119924Arrieta MP, Fortunati E, Dominici F, Lopez J, Kenny JM (2015) Bionanocomposite films based on plasticized PLA-PHB/cellulose nanocrystal blends. Carbohydr Polym 121:265–275. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.12.056Dharmalingam S, Hayes DG, Wadsworth LC, Dunlap RN, DeBruyn JM, Lee J, Wszelaki AL (2015) Soil degradation of polylactic acid/polyhydroxyalkanoate-based nonwoven mulches. J Polym Environ 23(3):302–315. doi: 10.1007/s10924-015-0716-9Lin C-M, Lin C-H, Huang Y-T, Lou C-W, Lin J-H (2013) Mechanical and electrical properties of the polyaniline (PANI)/polylactic acid (PLA) nonwoven fabric. In: Kida K (ed), Machine design and manufacturing engineering II, Pts 1 and 2, vols 365–366. pp 1074–1077. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.365-366.1074Serafini Immich AP, Lis Arias M, Carreras N, Luis Boemo R, Antonio Tornero J (2013) Drug delivery systems using sandwich configurations of electrospun poly(lactic acid) nanofiber membranes and ibuprofen. Mater Sci Eng C-Mater Biol Appl 33(7):4002–4008. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2013.05.034Llorens E, Calderon S, del Valle LJ, Puiggali J (2015) Polybiguanide (PHMB) loaded in PLA scaffolds displaying high hydrophobic, biocompatibility and antibacterial properties. Mater Sci Eng C-Mater Biol Appl 50:74–84. doi: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.01.100Nainar SMM, Begum S, Ansari MNM, Hoque ME, Aini SS, Ng MH, Ruszymah BHI (2014) Effect of compatibilizers on in vitro biocompatibility of PLA-HA bioscaffold. 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