192 research outputs found

    The eurozone (expected) inflation : an option’s eyes view

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    En este documento de trabajo estimamos, para la inflación, las funciones de densidad neutrales al riesgo (RND) en la zona del euro diariamente desde 2009. Para ello, utilizamos swaps de inflación y opciones calls/puts, e introducimos un enfoque simple y parsimonioso para estimar conjuntamente las RND en distintos horizontes temporales. De esta manera, es posible obtener las RND implícitas para medidas forward, como la inflación a cinco años en cinco años, que, aunque no se negocian directamente en los mercados financieros, son indicadores de referencia para la política monetaria. Así, una vez obtenidas estas medidas, discutimos varios indicadores derivados de estos RND que pueden ser útiles para la política monetaria y estudiamos su evolución histórica a la luz de las decisiones y las comunicaciones del BCE durante los últimos años. Especialmente interesante es la evolución de los riesgos en las colas (asociadas con las probabilidades de deflación y de alta inflación, respectivamente)el balance de los riesgos de inflaciónmedidas de aversión al riesgo derivadas de la Encuesta a Expertos en Previsión Económica (SPF) del BCE, y la forma en que las tasas de inflación anticipada reaccionan a las políticas monetarias no convencionales del BCE (operaciones de financiación a plazo más largo, LTROPrograma para los Mercados de Valores, SMPPrograma de Compra de Activos, APP, y sus variantes y extensiones)We estimate inflation risk-neutral densities (RNDs) in the Euro area since 2009. We use Euro inflation swaps and caps/floors options, and introduce a simple and parsimonious approach to jointly estimate the RNDs across horizons. This way, we obtain the implicit RND for forward measures, like the five-on-fi ve years inflation rate, which, although it is not directly traded in the market, it is a key rate for monetary policy. Then, we discuss several indicators derived from the information content of the historical RNDs that are useful for monetary policy and compare them in the light of the ECB’s decisions and communication over the last few years. Specically, the evolution of tails risks (associated with defl ation and high inflation)the balance of inflation risksmeasures of risk aversion from the ECB’s Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF)and how forward inflation rates react to the ECB’s non-conventional monetary policies (Longer Term Renancing Operations, LTRO, Securities Market Programme, SMP, Asset Purchase Programme, APP, and its variants and extensions

    Deportividad y violencia en el fútbol base : un programa de evaluación y de prevención de partidos de riesgo

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    This studys primary objective was to evaluate sportsmanship and violence in soccer matches. In order to do so, all the trainers and referees in one of the feeder teams categories of the Zaragoza and Vitoria Football Clubs took part as experts and judges in drafting a football match evaluation checklist. Two trainers and a referee used this checklist after each match to evaluate the degree of sportsmanlike/unsportsmanlike behaviours that had taken place. The results of the evaluations of all the matches in the 2005-2006 season show that parents and spectators displayed the most unsportsmanlike behaviours, followed by the same types of behaviour in players and trainers. There was a lower incidence of violent, unsportsmanlike behaviours. This studys second objective was to evaluate a protocol to prevent violent incidents during high-risk matches in the leagues second round. This process consisted in signing a collaboration agreement with the training staff of teams that had displayed violent behaviour in the leagues first round. The trainers of these teams were trained to hold meetings and conduct specific exercises during team training sessions to encourage parents and players to behave in a sportsmanlike manner. The results show the positive contribution of these protocols, not only in the absence of violent incidents during high-risk matches, but also in the higher scores on the football match evaluation checklist achieved by participant trainers during the leagues second round, compared with non-participant trainers in the same category

    Evaluation of the Sportsmanship-Aggression Continuum in Youth Football

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    8 p.[ENG] Given the importance of sport in modern society, it is essential that appropriate instruments are available for the assessment of both fair play and unfair play in the sport of football, particularly in the context of youth football. This research study presents the findings from the implementation of a protocol intended to assess fair play during football matches across three seasons. The study included 64 teams, 1192 players, 64 coaches and 292 referees all of whom were involved in the First Cadet category of the Football Federation of Álava (FFA). The measurement instrument employed was the Record of Football Match Evaluations (RFME) developed by Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño and Aznar (2007). The results revealed that there was a high level of fair play at this level of play which extended to referees, coaches and players across the seasons of interest; there was a greater frequency of fair play attitudes relative to unfair play attitudes; home teams that were victorious were judged to have the most favorable fair play attitudes; and there was a negative correlation between perceived fair play and the number of cards shown by referees. The instrument 1) allowed for the effective utilization of a tool to assess fair play in youth football; 2) was effective for use over the course of the season; and 3) provided knowledge about the social agents who initiate inappropriate and unsportsmanlike acts during football matches for of school age youth, which enables consideration of appropriate counter measures.[ES] Dada la trascendencia que tiene en nuestra sociedad el deporte, en especial el fútbol desde edades muy tempranas, se hace necesario que los gestores de las competiciones dispongan de herramientas que permitan evaluar los comportamientos de deportividad y no deportividad que se observan en contextos deportivos de fútbol. En la presente investigación, se muestra la implementación de un protocolo de evaluación continua de la deportividad en los partidos de fútbol, durante tres temporadas deportivas. Participaron 64 equipos; 1192 futbolistas, 64 entrenadores y 292 árbitros, de la categoría primera cadete de la Federación Alavesa de Fútbol (F.A.F.). El instrumento de recogida de información utilizado fue el “Registro de Evaluación de Partidos de Fútbol” (REPF) (Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño y Aznar, 2007). Los resultados re"ejan: puntuaciones positivas, en relación a la deportividad de árbitros, entrenadores y jugadores en cada una de las temporadas evaluadas; una mayor frecuencia de actitudes y conductas deportivas en comparación con las no-deportivas; una mayor percepción de deportividad en aquellos partidos en los que el equipo local es el ganador; y una correlación negativa entre la percepción de deportividad de un partido y el número de tarjetas mostradas por los árbitros. Como conclusión, se puede a#rmar que el instrumento que se presenta permite: 1. Utilizar una herramienta de evaluación especí#ca de la deportividad para la disciplina del fútbol en edad escolar; 2. Evaluar la deportividad a lo largo de toda la temporada; 3. Identi#car los agentes que presentan comportamientos inadecuados durante la práctica deportiva de los jóvenes deportistas, pudiendo proponer las mejores medidas de intervenció

    Evaluation of the Sportsmanship-Aggression Continuum in Youth Football

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    8 p.[ENG] Given the importance of sport in modern society, it is essential that appropriate instruments are available for the assessment of both fair play and unfair play in the sport of football, particularly in the context of youth football. This research study presents the findings from the implementation of a protocol intended to assess fair play during football matches across three seasons. The study included 64 teams, 1192 players, 64 coaches and 292 referees all of whom were involved in the First Cadet category of the Football Federation of Álava (FFA). The measurement instrument employed was the Record of Football Match Evaluations (RFME) developed by Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño and Aznar (2007). The results revealed that there was a high level of fair play at this level of play which extended to referees, coaches and players across the seasons of interest; there was a greater frequency of fair play attitudes relative to unfair play attitudes; home teams that were victorious were judged to have the most favorable fair play attitudes; and there was a negative correlation between perceived fair play and the number of cards shown by referees. The instrument 1) allowed for the effective utilization of a tool to assess fair play in youth football; 2) was effective for use over the course of the season; and 3) provided knowledge about the social agents who initiate inappropriate and unsportsmanlike acts during football matches for of school age youth, which enables consideration of appropriate counter measures.[ES] Dada la trascendencia que tiene en nuestra sociedad el deporte, en especial el fútbol desde edades muy tempranas, se hace necesario que los gestores de las competiciones dispongan de herramientas que permitan evaluar los comportamientos de deportividad y no deportividad que se observan en contextos deportivos de fútbol. En la presente investigación, se muestra la implementación de un protocolo de evaluación continua de la deportividad en los partidos de fútbol, durante tres temporadas deportivas. Participaron 64 equipos; 1192 futbolistas, 64 entrenadores y 292 árbitros, de la categoría primera cadete de la Federación Alavesa de Fútbol (F.A.F.). El instrumento de recogida de información utilizado fue el “Registro de Evaluación de Partidos de Fútbol” (REPF) (Gimeno, Sáenz, Ariño y Aznar, 2007). Los resultados re"ejan: puntuaciones positivas, en relación a la deportividad de árbitros, entrenadores y jugadores en cada una de las temporadas evaluadas; una mayor frecuencia de actitudes y conductas deportivas en comparación con las no-deportivas; una mayor percepción de deportividad en aquellos partidos en los que el equipo local es el ganador; y una correlación negativa entre la percepción de deportividad de un partido y el número de tarjetas mostradas por los árbitros. Como conclusión, se puede a#rmar que el instrumento que se presenta permite: 1. Utilizar una herramienta de evaluación especí#ca de la deportividad para la disciplina del fútbol en edad escolar; 2. Evaluar la deportividad a lo largo de toda la temporada; 3. Identi#car los agentes que presentan comportamientos inadecuados durante la práctica deportiva de los jóvenes deportistas, pudiendo proponer las mejores medidas de intervenció

    Drivers of atmospheric CO2 concentrations over glacial to interglacial time scales

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    Les concentracions de CO2 han canviat de forma regular durant els darrers 650,000 anys, entre uns valors fixos màxims durant breus períodes interglacials, i mínims durant períodes glacials molt més prolongats. Aquesta variabilitat natural té lloc en paral·lel a canvis en diferents variables climàtiques durant el mateix interval la qual cosa suggereix una connexió causal entre el clima i el CO2. No obstant això, trobar una explicació a les variacions de CO2 entre períodes glacials i interglacials és un problema de difícil atribució. No hi ha un únic mecanisme que s'hagi identificat que expliqui tot sol les raons darrera les fluctuacions naturals totals del CO2 atmosfèric. Sembla probable que un conjunt de mecanismes hagin actuat en concert, incloent processos físics, biològics i químics, i que és probable que l'oceà hi jugui un paper important donat que és un reservori molt gran de carboni i degut a les taxes de renovació del cicle marí de carboni. El repte no és tan sols explicar l'amplitud de les variacionals glacials-interglacials de CO2, però també la complexa evolució del CO2 atmosfèric i el clima de manera consistent. Abstract Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have regularly alternated over the last 650,000 years, between fixed maxima during short interglacial periods and minima over prolonged glacial intervals. This natural variability has taken place alongside major and simultaneous changes in climatic variables, which suggests a strong causal link between climate and CO2. However, the reason for these glacial-interglacial CO2 variations remains difficult to explain. No single mechanism has been identified that accounts for the full range of natural fluctuations of atmospheric CO2. It appears likely that numerous mechanisms have acted in concert. These are likely to encompass physical, biological, and chemical processes and to involve the ocean, given its large carbon reservoir and high turnover rates. Moreover, the challenge is not only to explain the amplitude of glacial-interglacial CO2 variations, but also the complex temporal evolution of atmospheric CO2 and climate.Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have regularly alternated over the last 650,000 years, between fixed maxima during short interglacial periods and minima over prolonged glacial intervals. This natural variability has taken place alongside major and simultaneous changes in climatic variables, which suggests a strong causal link between climate and CO2. However, the reason for these glacial-interglacial CO2 variations remains difficult to explain. No single mechanism has been identified that accounts for the full range of natural fluctuations of atmospheric CO2. It appears likely that numerous mechanisms have acted in concert. These are likely to encompass physical, biological, and chemical processes and to involve the ocean, given its large carbon reservoir and high turnover rates. Moreover, the challenge is not only to explain the amplitude of glacial-interglacial CO2 variations, but also the complex temporal evolution of atmospheric CO2 and climate

    Propuesta de Reservas Naturales Fluviales en ríos efímeros de la cuenca del Ebro

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    Los ríos efímeros se encuentran olvidados en ámbitos de gestión administrativa en la cuenca hidrográfica del Ebro. Estos cursos fluviales suponen un reto puesto que son sistemas muy abundantes en la esfera mediterránea, pero son escasamente conocidos y valorados. Con el presente trabajo fin de grado se realiza una caracterización de diferentes sistemas efímeros (barranco de Valcenicera, río Sus-Seco, barranco de Asún y rambla de Valcodo) haciendo hincapié en la geomorfología fluvial y los impactos antrópicos para su puesta en valor y para la realización de una propuesta de Reservas Naturales Fluviales, figura que actualmente no cuenta con representación efímera en la cuenca del Ebro. Con ello se consigue profundizar en la problemática de estos espacios ligada a acciones antrópicas y proponer las medidas de restauración necesarias.<br /

    A Deep Learning-Based System (Microscan) for the Identification of Pollen Development Stages and Its Application to Obtaining Doubled Haploid Lines in Eggplant

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    [EN] The development of double haploids (DHs) is a straightforward path for obtaining pure lines but has multiple bottlenecks. Among them is the determination of the optimal stage of pollen induction for androgenesis. In this work, we developed Microscan, a deep learning-based system for the detection and recognition of the stages of pollen development. In a first experiment, the algorithm was developed adapting the RetinaNet predictive model using microspores of different eggplant accessions as samples. A mean average precision of 86.30% was obtained. In a second experiment, the anther range to be cultivated in vitro was determined in three eggplant genotypes by applying the Microscan system. Subsequently, they were cultivated following two different androgenesis protocols (Cb and E6). The response was only observed in the anther size range predicted by Microscan, obtaining the best results with the E6 protocol. The plants obtained were characterized by flow cytometry and with the Single Primer Enrichment Technology high-throughput genotyping platform, obtaining a high rate of confirmed haploid and double haploid plants. Microscan has been revealed as a tool for the high-throughput efficient analysis of microspore samples, as it has been exemplified in eggplant by providing an increase in the yield of DHs production.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-I00 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). This work was also undertaken as part of the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives", which is supported by the Government of Norway. The project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information, see the project website: http://www.cwrdiversity.org/.The Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte funded a predoctoral fellowship granted to Edgar Garcia-Fortea (FPU17/02389).García-Fortea, E.; García-Pérez, A.; Gimeno -Páez, E.; Sánchez-Gimeno, A.; Vilanova Navarro, S.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Pastor-Calle, D. (2020). A Deep Learning-Based System (Microscan) for the Identification of Pollen Development Stages and Its Application to Obtaining Doubled Haploid Lines in Eggplant. Biology. 9(9):1-19. https://doi.org/10.3390/biology9090272S11999Prohens, J., Gramazio, P., Plazas, M., Dempewolf, H., Kilian, B., Díez, M. J., … Vilanova, S. (2017). Introgressiomics: a new approach for using crop wild relatives in breeding for adaptation to climate change. Euphytica, 213(7). doi:10.1007/s10681-017-1938-9Acquaah, G. (2012). Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding. doi:10.1002/9781118313718Salim, M., Gökçe, A., Naqqash, M. N., & Bakhsh, A. (2020). Gene Pyramiding: An Emerging Control Strategy Against Insect Pests of Agronomic Crops. Agronomic Crops, 285-312. doi:10.1007/978-981-15-0025-1_16Jonas, E., & de Koning, D.-J. (2013). Does genomic selection have a future in plant breeding? Trends in Biotechnology, 31(9), 497-504. doi:10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.06.003Ahmadi, B., & Ebrahimzadeh, H. (2020). In vitro androgenesis: spontaneous vs. artificial genome doubling and characterization of regenerants. Plant Cell Reports, 39(3), 299-316. doi:10.1007/s00299-020-02509-zKumar, K. R., Singh, K. P., Bhatia, R., Raju, D. V. S., & Panwar, S. (2019). Optimising protocol for successful development of haploids in marigold (Tagetes spp.) through in vitro androgenesis. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 138(1), 11-28. doi:10.1007/s11240-019-01598-3Lantos, C., Bóna, L., Nagy, É., Békés, F., & Pauk, J. (2018). Induction of in vitro androgenesis in anther and isolated microspore culture of different spelt wheat (Triticum spelta L.) genotypes. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC), 133(3), 385-393. doi:10.1007/s11240-018-1391-zWarchoł, M., Czyczyło-Mysza, I., Marcińska, I., Dziurka, K., Noga, A., Kapłoniak, K., … Skrzypek, E. (2019). Factors inducing regeneration response in oat (Avena sativa L.) anther culture. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 55(5), 595-604. doi:10.1007/s11627-019-09987-1González, J. M., & Jouve, N. (2005). Microspore development during in vitro androgenesis in triticale. Biologia plantarum, 49(1), 23-28. doi:10.1007/s10535-005-3028-4Segui-Simarro, J. M., & Nuez, F. (2007). 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    Hand hygiene technique quality evaluation in nursing and medicine students of two academic courses

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    Objetivo:assim como as mãos dos professionais de saúde, as mãos dos estudantes de Enfermagem e Medicina durante os estágios clínicos podem funcionar como veículo de transmissão das infecções hospitalares.Método:estudo descritivo com estudantes de Graduação em Enfermagem e Medicina. Avaliou-se a qualidade da técnica de higiene das mãos por meio de prova visual a partir de solução hidro-alcoólica marcada com fluoresceína e lâmpada de luz ultravioleta.Resultados:avaliaram-se 546 alunos, 73,8% da Graduação em Medicina e 26,2% da Enfermagem. As áreas das mãos com correta distribuição de sabão foram as palmas (92,9%); as áreas não esfregadas corretamente foram os polegares (55,1%). Em ambas as mãos, a higienização foi muito boa em 24,7%, boa em 29,8%, regular em 25,1% e má em 20,3%. Os piores foram: os homens, os estudantes de Enfermagem e os estudantes do primeiro ano de escola. Não houve diferenças significativas por idade.Conclusões:a técnica de higiene de mãos não foi realizada de modo eficaz. O papel educativo é fundamental para sedimentar as bases de boas práticas na higienização das mãos, em conhecimentos teóricos e no desenvolvimento de habilidades e reforço de boas práticasObjective: because they are health professionals, nursing and medical students' hands during internships can function as a transmission vehicle for hospital-acquired infections.Method: a descriptive study with nursing and medical degree students on the quality of the hand hygiene technique, which was assessed via a visual test using a hydroalcoholic solution marked with fluorescence and an ultraviolet lamp.Results: 546 students were assessed, 73.8% from medicine and 26.2% from nursing. The area of the hand with a proper antiseptic distribution was the palm (92.9%); areas not properly scrubbed were the thumbs (55.1%). 24.7% was very good in both hands, 29.8% was good, 25.1% was fair, and 20.3% was poor. The worst assessed were the male, nursing and first year students. There were no significant differences in the age groups.Conclusions: hand hygiene technique is not applied efficiently. Education plays a key role in setting a good practice base in hand hygiene, theoretical knowledge, and in skill development, as well as good practice reinforcement.Objetivo:al igual que los profesionales sanitarios, las manos de los estudiantes de enfermería y medicina durante las estancias clínicas pueden funcionar como vehículo de trasmisión de las infecciones nosocomiales.Método:estudio descriptivo con estudiantes de Grado de Enfermería y de Medicina. Se evaluó la calidad de la técnica de la higiene de manos por prueba visual con solución hidroalcohólica marcada con fluoresceína y lámpara de luz ultravioleta.Resultados:se evaluó a 546 alumnos, Grado de Medicina 73,8% y 26,2% de Enfermería. Las zonas de las manos con una correcta distribución de desinfectante fueron las palmas (92,9%); las no frotadas correctamente fueron los pulgares (55,1%). En ambas manos fue muy buena en el 24,7%, buena en el 29,8%, regular en 25,1% y mala en 20,3%. Los peores han sido: los hombres, los estudiantes de enfermería y los de primer año de estudio. No hubo diferencias significativas por edad.Conclusiones:no se realizó la técnica de higiene de manos de una manera eficaz. El papel de la educación es fundamental para sentar las bases de buenas prácticas en higiene de manos, en conocimientos teóricos y en el desarrollo de habilidades y el refuerzo de buenas práctica

    El elefante en la habitación

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    Si bien las condiciones epidemiológicas del momento en que atendimos a nuestra paciente no ponían fácilrealizar unos diagnósticos diferenciales extensos ni adecuados, no debemos permitir que ninguna situación nos impida aportar la mayor calidad asistencial a nuestros pacientes. La patología autoinmune, no muy frecuente en nuestro medio, requiere de un elevado índice de sospecha por parte del clínico, y debe formar parte de cualquier proceso diagnóstico al que nos enfrentemos