491 research outputs found

    Disseny i implantació de les assignatures de programació als nous Graus d'enginyeria informàtica

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    Modelling, optimisation and techno-economic analysis of a process to produce oxygen-enriched air by water desorption. Application and design for a hospital in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Oxygen, along with oxygen enriched air, is used in multiple applications, namely chemical industry and healthcare industry. Currently there are three main ways to get oxygen: cryogenic distillation, water electrolysis and membrane separation, being the first the most widely used on industrial scale. It allows the production of highly concentrated oxygen but it has one main downside, which is the high energy spending. The other processes present a lower costefficiency. A new process to produce enriched air was analysed. It is based on the ability of water to absorb and desorb oxygen at different thermodynamic equilibria, varying temperature and pressure. Firstly, based on empirical tests carried out in laboratory it was attempted to create a mathematical model. The first attempt was modelled with neural networks, but the small available empirical set of information did not allow to get a trustworthy model. The second attempt, adjusted by square errors minimising, outperforms the simulations done with computational software based on theoretical equations. Secondly, the process was simulated by computer solving the Rachford-Rice equation with an Excel worksheet and with the computer software SimSci PRO/II. Thirdly, the process model was applied to three different scenarios: chemical industry, ship propulsion and healthcare industry. In the chemical and the oil industry oxidation processes are common practice, ships use large quantities of air to oxidise the fuel in the combustion process that propels them and oxygen is important in healthcare in almost every lung related issue. Regarding the two first scenarios, the outcomes resulted in flows of water so massive that rendered the whole process unfeasible. The application to healthcare was focused on contexts where there is no possibility to obtain bottled oxygen or electricity supply is unreliable, i.e. sub- Saharan Africa. The process was designed to the Sounon-Sero hospital in Nikki (Benin), as a proxy for any hospital in a similar context. In fact, based on the information provided by that hospital, after traumatisms and malaria, it is lung-related infections that account for the highest number of patients attended at Sounon- Sero. A special emphasis has been put in designing a simple and reliable system with a demand sizing based on supply side, given the maximum capabilities of the equipment that can be found in Nikki. This opens new research opportunities regarding a more precise demand sizing or budget, which is to be done within an on-field venture.Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Tecnología del Medio AmbienteGrado en Ingeniería Químic

    Inflation expectation indicators based on financial instrument prices

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    Artículo de revistaThis article shows how indicators of agents’ inflation expectations can be derived from the prices of various financial instruments and presents the estimates obtained for the euro area and the United States. The results show that these metrics have reacted to economic and monetary decisions made in recent years, and that, on average, expected inflation is lower and less volatile in the euro area than in the United States. Moreover, since end-2016 there has been a marked rise in the probability of observing longterm inflation rates above 2% in the United States, coinciding with the likely change in the country’s economic policy stance. Changes in the indicators for the euro area have been less pronounced over this period, although a marked drop in the probability of low or negative inflation rates has been observe

    Relationship between vestibular hair cell loss and deficits in two anti-gravity reflexes in the rat.

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    The tail-lift reflex and the air-righting reflex in rats are anti-gravity reflexes that depend on vestibular function. To begin identifying their cellular basis, this study examined the relationship between reflex loss and the graded lesions caused in the vestibular sensory epithelia by varying doses of an ototoxic compound. After ototoxic exposure, we recorded these reflexes using high speed video. The movies were used to obtain objective measures of the reflexes: the minimum angle formed by the nose, the back of the neck and the base of the tail during the tail-lift maneuver and the time to right in the air-righting test. The vestibular sensory epithelia were then collected from the rats and used to estimate the loss of type I (HCI), type II (HCII) and all hair cells (HC) in both central and peripheral parts of the crista, utricle, and saccule. As expected, tail-lift angles decreased, and air-righting times increased, while the numbers of HCs remaining in the epithelia decreased in a dose-dependent manner. The results demonstrated greater sensitivity of HCI compared to HCII to the IDPN ototoxicity, as well as a relative resiliency of the saccule compared to the crista and utricle. Comparing the functional measures with the cell counts, we observed that loss of the tail-lift reflex associates better with HCI than with HCII loss. In contrast, most HCI in the crista and utricle were lost before air-righting times increased. These data suggest that these reflexes depend on the function of non-identical populations of vestibular HCs

    Proving termination through conditional termination

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    We present a constraint-based method for proving conditional termination of integer programs. Building on this, we construct a framework to prove (unconditional) program termination using a powerful mechanism to combine conditional termination proofs. Our key insight is that a conditional termination proof shows termination for a subset of program execution states which do not need to be considered in the remaining analysis. This facilitates more effective termination as well as non-termination analyses, and allows handling loops with different execution phases naturally. Moreover, our method can deal with sequences of loops compositionally. In an empirical evaluation, we show that our implementation VeryMax outperforms state-of-the-art tools on a range of standard benchmarks.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Modelado y simulación de compresores

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    El presente proyecto fin de carrera trata sobre el modelado y simulación de dos compresores neumáticos: de pistones y de paletas. El modelado del compresor de pistones se realizará por medio de un compresor real tras su desmontaje y toma de medidas. El compresor de paletas, sin embargo, será un modelo totalmente inventado ya que no disponemos de ningún compresor ni de planos para poder ayudarnos. El software de diseño utilizado para el modelado de los compresores será Solid Edge Syncronous Technologies, con el que diseñaremos las piezas de los compresores a tamaño real, para luego ensamblarlas como un único conjunto y por último dotar a dicho conjunto del movimiento que desarrolla en la realidad. Para ello respetaremos todos los elementos determinantes en el funcionamiento, haciendo las simplifiaciones que creamos oportunas siempre que no influyan en el correcto funcionamiento de los compresores. Para simular el funcionamiento de los compresores utilizaremos Femap V10. Usaremos dicho software, ya que de este modo no tendremos problemas a la hora de importar las piezas directamente desde Solid Edge Syncronous Technologies. El otro objetivo de este proyecto está más enfocado al campo de la enseñanza ya que la posibilidad de poder diseñar estos compresores por ordenador es una ventaja importante a la hora de realizar una demostración, por ejemplo, de cómo funciona un compresor por dentro sin necesidad de tener uno real, o hacer pruebas de qué materiales son los más apropiados para su fabricación, cuál es el máximo rendimiento que pueden dar...Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Situación demográfica de la infancia y la adolescencia actual. Una visión mundial

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    Este trabajo recoge datos e indicadores de carácter demográfico sobre los niños y los adolescentes a partir de las principales estadísticas producidas por organismos internacionales. El objetivo que aborda es doble. Por un lado, hacer un retrato a nivel mundial de la situación de la infancia y la adolescencia actual, destacando aquellos aspectos que, siempre desde una óptica demográfica, requieren una especial atención pues conforman procesos sociales que afectan de forma sustantiva a su modo y calidad de vida. Y por otro, mostrar a los investigadores de otros campos disciplinares, que los datos e indicadores demográficos sirven no solo para contextualizar algunos de estos procesos, sino también, para identificarlos y analizarlos, procurando un conocimiento útil de cara a las colaboraciones interdisciplinares que, muchas veces, son necesarias para la elaboración de propuestas de acción eficaces

    Relación entre las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación con el rendimiento académico y la práctica de la actividad física en educación primaria

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    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) appear as a potential way in the childhood and later adolescence, as far as educational, didactic and social areas are concerned. The ICT also relate directly to a lifestyle increasingly sedentary, provoking other conducts no adaptative that affect, among other things, the school performance. Present study seeks to reduce the relation between the mentioned variables with a sample of 163 subjects in the average age of 11,66 years (DT = 1,23) belonging to public schools of the Region of Murcia. For all, this investigation has as principal aim: to know the relation between TIC, academic performance and practice of physical activity in the childhood. The results show low rates of compliance with the recommendations of use of ICT as well as physical activity.Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) se presentan como un medio potencial en la niñez y posterior adolescencia, en el ámbito educativo, didáctico y social. Asimismo, las TIC se relacionan directamente con los estilos de vida que en los últimos años cada vez recae en un mayor sedentarismo, lo que provoca conductas desadaptativas que afectan, entre otros, al rendimiento escolar. El presente estudio busca estrechar las relaciones existentes entre dichas variables a partir de una muestra de 163 sujetos con una edad media de 11,66 años (DT= 1,23) pertenecientes a centros públicos de la Región de Murcia.Por todo ello, esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal: conocer la relación existente entre las TIC, el rendimiento académico y la práctica de la actividad física en la niñez. Los resultados señalan bajos porcentajes de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de utilización de las TIC así como de práctica de actividad física

    Measurements of the mass allocation for multiple injection strategies using the rate of injection and momentum flux signals

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    [EN] As legislations set very stringent environmental and fuel economy standards, researchers have pushed into a continuous development in all areas of the diesel engine. The recent evolution of the injection technologies has permitted to modify the fuel-delivery strategies. From what was a single pulse per injection event, modern systems allow to inject up to eight different times precisely per combustion cycle. In such sense, experimental results of the rate of injection and momentum flux could be useful for validation and improvement of computational models. Moreover, accurately quantifying the injected mass per pulse in a fuel-gas interface can provide data with more realistic engine-like conditions. To this end, this research presents measurements of the rate of injection and momentum flux for two simple multiple injection strategies: a pilot-main and a main-post. Boundary conditions included two rail and discharge pressures, two different pilot/post quantities and four dwell times. A new approach was employed to estimate the mass allocation with the momentum flux data, and results were compared to the rate of injection traces to verify the distribution calculated. On the results, signals for each pulse were successfully decoupled using its rising and falling edge. The shot-to-shot variability of the pilot/post injection was highly dependent on its transitory characteristics, and on the dwell time for post injections due to internal pressure waves. The injected mass per pulse was successfully measured as well in the momentum flux test rig, and the energizing time changed slightly to account for the different operation interfaces. Signals from both measurement campaigns showed a remarkable agreement when compared, ascertain the possibility of measuring the injected mass, and its allocation for multiple injection strategies, in the momentum flux test rig.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencias, Investigacion y Universidades through project RTI2018-099706-B-I00. Part of the experimental hardware was purchased through funds obtained from Generalitat Valenciana and FEDER through project IDIFEDER/2018/037. In addition, A.V. was supported through the FPI contract 2016-S2-1361 of "`Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID)'' of Universitat Poltecnica de Valencia.Payri, R.; Gimeno, J.; Marti-Aldaravi, P.; Viera, A. (2021). Measurements of the mass allocation for multiple injection strategies using the rate of injection and momentum flux signals. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(4):1180-1195. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419894854S1180119522
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