2,497 research outputs found

    Isotypes of ICIS and images of deformations of map germs

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    We give a simple way to study the isotypes of the homology of simplicial complexes with actions of finite groups, and use it for Milnor fibers of \textsc{icis}. We study the homology of images of mappings ftf_t that arise as deformations of complex map germs f:(Cn,S)(Cp,0)f:(\mathbb{C}^n,S)\to(\mathbb{C}^p,0), with n<pn<p, and the behaviour of singularities (instabilities) in this context. We study two generalizations of the notion of image Milnor number μI\mu_I given by Mond and give a workable way of compute them, with Milnor numbers of \textsc{icis}. We also study two unexpected traits when p>n+1p>n+1: stable perturbations with contractible image and homology of imft\text{im} f_t in unexpected dimensions. We show that Houston's conjecture, μI\mu_I constant in a family implies excellency in Gaffney's sense, is false, but we give a proof for the cases where it holds. Finally, we prove a result on coalescence of instabilities for the cases (n,p)=(1,2),(2,3)(n,p)=(1,2), (2,3), showing that it is false in general.Comment: 38 pages, 11 figure

    Limits to the planet candidate GJ 436c

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    We report on H-band, ground-based observations of a transit of the hot Neptune GJ 436b. Once combined to achieve sampling equivalent to archived observations taken with Spitzer, our measurements reach comparable precision levels. We analyze both sets of observations in a consistent way, and measure the rate of orbital inclination change to be of 0.02+/-0.04 degrees in the time span between the two observations (253.8 d, corresponding to 0.03+/-0.05 degrees/yr if extrapolated). This rate allows us to put limits on the relative inclination between the two planets by performing simulations of planetary systems, including a second planet, GJ 436c, whose presence has been recently suggested (Ribas et al. 2008). The allowed inclinations for a 5 M_E super-Earth GJ 436c in a 5.2 d orbit are within ~7 degrees of the one of GJ 436b; for larger differences the observed inclination change can be reproduced only during short sections (<50%) of the orbital evolution of the system. The measured times of three transit centers of the system do not show any departure from linear ephemeris, a result that is only reproduced in <1% of the simulated orbits. Put together, these results argue against the proposed planet candidate GJ 436c.Comment: Replaced with accepted version. Minor language corrections. 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in A&A Letter

    A note on complex plane curve singularities up to diffeomorphism and their rigidity

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    We prove that, if two germs of plane curves (C,0)(C,0) and (C,0)(C',0) with at least one singular branch are equivalent by a (real) smooth diffeomorphism, then CC is complex isomorphic to CC' or to C\overline{C'}. A similar result was shown by Ephraim for irreducible hypersurfaces before, but his proof is not constructive. Indeed, we show that the complex isomorphism is given by the Taylor series of the diffeomorphism. We also prove an analogous result for the case of non-irreducible hypersurfaces containing an irreducible component of zero-dimensional isosingular locus. Moreover, we provide a general overview of the different classifications of plane curve singularities

    Using Biotic Interaction Networks for Prediction in Biodiversity and Emerging Diseases

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    Networks offer a powerful tool for understanding and visualizing inter-species interactions within an ecology. Previously considered examples, such as trophic networks, are just representations of experimentally observed direct interactions. However, species interactions are so rich and complex it is not feasible to directly observe more than a small fraction. In this paper, using data mining techniques, we show how potential interactions can be inferred from geographic data, rather than by direct observation. An important application area for such a methodology is that of emerging diseases, where, often, little is known about inter-species interactions, such as between vectors and reservoirs. Here, we show how using geographic data, biotic interaction networks that model statistical dependencies between species distributions can be used to infer and understand inter-species interactions. Furthermore, we show how such networks can be used to build prediction models. For example, for predicting the most important reservoirs of a disease, or the degree of disease risk associated with a geographical area. We illustrate the general methodology by considering an important emerging disease - Leishmaniasis. This data mining approach allows for the use of geographic data to construct inferential biotic interaction networks which can then be used to build prediction models with a wide range of applications in ecology, biodiversity and emerging diseases

    Principios e interés de los test Bondad de Ajuste (GOF) para los modelos de captura–recaptura multiestado

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    Optimal goodness–of–fit procedures for multistate models are new. Drawing a parallel with the corresponding single–state procedures, we present their singularities and show how the overall test can be decomposed into interpretable components. All theoretical developments are illustrated with an application to the now classical study of movements of Canada geese between wintering sites. Through this application, we exemplify how the interpretable components give insight into the data, leading eventually to the choice of an appropriate general model but also sometimes to the invalidation of the multistate models as a whole. The method for computing a corrective overdispersion factor is then mentioned. We also take the opportunity to try to demystify some statistical notions like that of Minimal Sufficient Statistics by introducing them intuitively. We conclude that these tests should be considered an important part of the analysis itself, contributing in ways that the parametric modelling cannot always do to the understanding of the data.Los procedimientos óptimos de bondad de ajuste, aplicados a los modelos multiestado, son nuevos. Trazando un paralelismo con los correspondientes procesos de uniestado, presentamos sus articularidades y mostramos como el test general puede descomponerse en componentes susceptibles de ser interpretados. Todos los desarrollos teóricos están ilustrados con una aplicación del ya clásico estudio de los desplazamientos de la barnacla canadiense entre sus lugares de invernada. Mediante esta aplicación, presentamos un ejemplo de cómo los componentes susceptibles de ser interpretados nos proporcionan una idea de los datos que nos pueden llevar a la elección de un modelo general apropiado, pero también a veces a la invalidación de los modelos de multiestados en su conjunto. Se menciona entonces el método para calcular un factor de corrección de la sobredispersión. Aprovechamos esta ocasión para intentar también desmitificar algunas nociones estadísticas, como las Estadísticas Suficientes Mínimas, introduciéndolas intuitivamente. La conclusión es que estas pruebas deberían considerarse una parte importante del propio análisis, contribuyendo a la comprensión de los datos, de un modo que el modelaje paramétrico no siempre consigue

    GK Boo and AE For: Two low-mass eclipsing binaries with dwarf companions

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    A study of late-type low-mass eclipsing binaries provides us with important information about the most common stars in the Universe. We obtain the first light curves and perform period analyses of two neglected eclipsing binaries GK Boo and AE For to reveal their basic physical properties. We performed both a period analysis of the times of the minima and a BVR light curve analysis. Many new times of minima for both the systems were derived and collected from the data obtained by automatic and robotic telescopes. This allowed us to study the long-term period changes in these systems for the first time. From the light curve analysis, we derived the first rough estimates of the physical properties of these systems. We find that the analyzed systems are somewhat similar to each other. Both contain low-mass components of similar types, both are close to the Sun, both have short orbital period, and both contain another low-mass companions on longer orbits of a few years. In the case of GK Boo, both components are probably of K3 spectral type, while the distant companion is probably a late M star. The light curve of GK Boo is asymmetric, which probably causes the shift in the secondary minima in the O-C diagram. System AE For comprises two K7 stars, and the third body is a possible brown dwarf with a minimal mass of only about 47 Jupiter Mass. We succeed in completing period and light curve analyses of both systems, although a more detailed spectroscopic analysis is needed to confirm the physical parameters of the components to a higher accuracy.Comment: 8 pages, 11 tables, 6 figures, published in 2012A&A...537A.109

    Arenas eólicas y sus suelos del humedal reserva de la biosfera: Las tablas de daimiel

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    Three soil profiles were characterized from a sandy area situated in a transitional zone in the “Tablas de Daimiel” UNESCO wetland biosphere reserve (TDNP) in the Mancha Plain (Central Spain). The original thickness of the soil layer in this area was as much as 100 cm, but the combined effect of unbalanced cultivation (including irrigation) and an increasingly dry climate has partially eroded their natural properties, almost leading to a desertification process. The main properties of these soils, classified as Xeropsamments (Soil Survey Staff 2006) or Arenosols (IUSS Working Group WRB 2006), are the dominance of sand in the soil matrix, its basic character, and low soil organic matter and carbonate contents. Scanning electron microscopy of the quartz grain surfaces indicated that the superficial textures were commonly well preserved and characteristic of specific conditions of Aeolian formation. Exoscopy revealed a mixture of sub-angular and rounded quartz morphotypes with wellpreserved mechanical impacts on the grain surfaces. These percussion effects are characteristic of aeolian processes and confirmed that mechanical actions were more significant than chemical processes in their pedogenesis. This micromorphological study of the textural sands in the transitional zone of the TDNP revealed that the (red) sands were transported to this area by wind, probably from material of degraded red soils, and deposited on soil horizons previously developed over marls and limestones. The relict character of these materials and specially their susceptibility to degradation should be considered as a priority argument to preserve this area and introduce management measurements to avoid soil erosio

    Effects of strategic alliances' on hospital efficiency and capacity utilization in Mexico

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2019, Emerald Publishing Limited.Purpose:This paper aims to investigate the efficiency implications of belonging to a strategic hospital alliance (SHA) and measuring the effects over capacity utilization of such agreements in a Mexican healthcare context. Design/methodology/approach: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is the nonparametric methodology used, which supports both objectives. Technological gaps ratios are calculated by using DEA-metafrontier approach to compare efficiency between SHA members and a hospital's control group. Also, hospital capacity utilization ratios are used as the maximum rate of output possible from fixed inputs in a frontier setting using directional distance functions. Data were collected from an alliance called Consorcio Mexicano de Hospitales in México, which has 29 general private hospitals and a group of 47 hospitals with same characteristics from a database made by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía for year 2014. Findings: The results indicate that efficiency is better at hospitals that belong to an alliance; it also shows an improvement of installed capacity management for hospital alliances in México. Originality/value: The results can be useful for both private health organization managers and regulators themselves to adopt management practices that may end up having a favorable impact on cost and prices containment. Additionally, there are no previous studies neither in Mexico nor in Latin America that analyze the impact of strategic hospitality alliances on the efficiency and utilization of the capacity of private hospitals