4,026 research outputs found

    The first INTEGRAL-OMC catalogue of optically variable sources

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    The Optical Monitoring Camera (OMC) onboard INTEGRAL provides photometry in the Johnson V-band. With an aperture of 50 mm and a field of view of 5deg x 5deg, OMC is able to detect optical sources brighter than V~18, from a previously selected list of potential targets of interest. After more than nine years of observations, the OMC database contains light curves for more than 70000 sources (with more than 50 photometric points each). The objectives of this work have been to characterize the potential variability of the objects monitored by OMC, to identify periodic sources and to compute their periods, taking advantage of the stability and long monitoring time of the OMC. To detect potential variability, we have performed a chi-squared test, finding 5263 variable sources out of an initial sample of 6071 objects with good photometric quality and more than 300 data points each. We have studied the periodicity of these sources using a method based on the phase dispersion minimization technique, optimized to handle light curves with very different shapes.In this first catalogue of variable sources observed by OMC, we provide for each object the median of the visual magnitude, the magnitude at maximum and minimum brightness in the light curve during the window of observations, the period, when found, as well as the complete intrinsic and period-folded light curves, together with some additional ancillary data.Comment: Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics; 13 pages, 16 figures. Figures' resolution has been degraded to fit astro-ph constraint

    Limits to the planet candidate GJ 436c

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    We report on H-band, ground-based observations of a transit of the hot Neptune GJ 436b. Once combined to achieve sampling equivalent to archived observations taken with Spitzer, our measurements reach comparable precision levels. We analyze both sets of observations in a consistent way, and measure the rate of orbital inclination change to be of 0.02+/-0.04 degrees in the time span between the two observations (253.8 d, corresponding to 0.03+/-0.05 degrees/yr if extrapolated). This rate allows us to put limits on the relative inclination between the two planets by performing simulations of planetary systems, including a second planet, GJ 436c, whose presence has been recently suggested (Ribas et al. 2008). The allowed inclinations for a 5 M_E super-Earth GJ 436c in a 5.2 d orbit are within ~7 degrees of the one of GJ 436b; for larger differences the observed inclination change can be reproduced only during short sections (<50%) of the orbital evolution of the system. The measured times of three transit centers of the system do not show any departure from linear ephemeris, a result that is only reproduced in <1% of the simulated orbits. Put together, these results argue against the proposed planet candidate GJ 436c.Comment: Replaced with accepted version. Minor language corrections. 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in A&A Letter

    HeteroGenius: A Framework for Hybrid Analysis of Heterogeneous Software Specifications

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    Nowadays, software artifacts are ubiquitous in our lives being an essential part of home appliances, cars, cell phones, and even in more critical activities like aeronautics and health sciences. In this context software failures may produce enormous losses, either economical or, in the worst case, in human lives. Software analysis is an area in software engineering concerned with the application of diverse techniques in order to prove the absence of errors in software pieces. In many cases different analysis techniques are applied by following specific methodological combinations that ensure better results. These interactions between tools are usually carried out at the user level and it is not supported by the tools. In this work we present HeteroGenius, a framework conceived to develop tools that allow users to perform hybrid analysis of heterogeneous software specifications. HeteroGenius was designed prioritising the possibility of adding new specification languages and analysis tools and enabling a synergic relation of the techniques under a graphical interface satisfying several well-known usability enhancement criteria. As a case-study we implemented the functionality of Dynamite on top of HeteroGenius.Comment: In Proceedings LAFM 2013, arXiv:1401.056

    Jacobus de Voragine, Vitae Sanctorum. ms. 713 de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona (BUB).

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    Màster de Cultures Medievals. Assignatura Codicologia de la Facultat de Filologia de la Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2013 , Directora: Gemma AvenozaEstudi codicològic del manuscrit 173: Flos Sanctorum en Catala [Manuscrit], https://cercabib.ub.edu/discovery/search?vid=34CSUC_UB:VU1&search_scope=MyInstitution&query=any,contains,b2101265*El manuscrit 713 té com a títol Vitae Sanctorum en català, i pertany a Fra Jacobus de Voragine, d'acord amb el catàleg de sala1 de Francisco Miquel Rosell. En aquest mateix catàleg s’indica que la penúltima signatura (J. 491) remetria aquest exemplar a la Biblioteca del convent de Sant Josep, Carmelitans Descalços, de Barcelona. Josefina Mateu Ibars a Los manuscritos de los siglos X a XIV de la Biblioteca Provincial y Universitaria de Barcelona, remet a la mateixa procedència. Els Carmelitans són un orde amb origen en un grup d’ermitans establerts a mitjan del segle XIII al mont Carmel. La regla fou redactada cap a 1209 per Albert Avogardo, patriarca llatí de Jerusalem, i confirmada per Honori III el 1226. Prenent l’exemple del profeta Elies, qui va viure al mont Carmel, duien una vida estrictament eremítica, de gran austeritat i contemplativa. El 1562, a partir de la reforma impulsada per Teresa d’Àvila i Juan de la Cruz, l’orde es va dividir en els carmelitans descalços i els carmelitans calçats, que van mantenir l’antiga observança. El convent barceloní dels Carmelitans Descalços sota protecció i títol de Sant Josep es va fundar el 25 de gener de 1586 a la Rambla, però no va ser fins al 3 d’octubre de 1593 que va es va traslladar al temple definitiu. Aquest convent ocupava bona part de l’àrea actual del mercat de Sant Josep, més conegut amb el nom de Boqueria. El convent es va cremar el 25 de juliol de 1835 i poc després va haver de ser enderrocat. És difícil de determinar com va arribar aquest exemplar a la BUB. La pèrdua, destrucció o dispersió de les biblioteques eclesiàstiques va ser una conseqüència directa de les desamortitzacions que va patir Espanya al segle XIX. La desamortització, que no va ser homogènia a tot el territori espanyol, tenia com a finalitat desvincular les terres o les possessions, que no podien ser ni venudes ni alienades, dels seus posseïdors mitjançant un seguit de disposicions legislatives. Tot i que les desamortitzacions també van afectar els municipis i la noblesa, l'Esglèsia es va veure notablement més afectada per la gran quantitat de béns que havia aconseguit acumular al llarg de la història..

    Ethical issues in social work research and strategies for an ethically responsible research

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    Introducción. La investigación es una fuente de conocimiento en Trabajo Social (en adelante, TS), que está condicionada, en su dimensión ética, por el contexto sociopolítico, los valores, principios y ética de la profesión y las peculiaridades de la investigación en TS (en adelante, ITS). Este trabajo pretende contribuir a la reflexión sobre las prácticas investigadoras del TS, identificando las principales cuestiones éticas que se plantean en el proceso de ITS y sus estrategias de abordaje para garantizar una investigación éticamente responsable. Material y Métodos. El trabajo se ha realizado mediante el análisis bibliográfico y la transferencia de la experiencia investigadora del autor. Resultados. Tras de la identificación de las cuestiones éticas que surgen en los procesos de investigación, se hacen explícitas estrategias necesarias para garantizar que la ITS sea éticamente responsable: (1) en las primeras etapas de la investigación (formulación inicial de las preguntas de investigación, protección y selección de los participantes, consentimiento informado, revisión institucional de los proyectos); (2) en su diseño y metodología (uso del engaño, confidencialidad y privacidad, conflictos de intereses y relaciones duales); (3) en los resultados de la investigación (informes de resultados, difusión de resultados, reconocimiento de las contribuciones). Discusión y conclusiones. Las cuestiones éticas en la ITS surgen en la interacción con la ética de la investigación en Ciencias Sociales, y la misión, la ética y los valores del TS. Ambas ofrecen orientaciones de conducta generales, pero existen cuestiones específicas que requieren estrategias específicas de abordaje en diferentes momentos del proceso de investigación.Introduction. Research is a source of knowledge in social work (hereafter named SW), conditioned, in its ethical dimension, by the socio-political context, SW values, principles and ethics and the peculiarities of SW research (hereafter named SWR). This work aims to contribute to the reflection on SWR practices, identifying key ethical issues that arise in the process of SWR and strategies to ensure ethically responsible research. Material and Methods. The work has been conducted using the literature review and the transfer of the research experience of the author. Results. After the identification of ethical issues that arise in the research process, the paper specifies strategies to ensure that SWR is ethically responsible: (1) in the early stages of the investigation (initial formulation of research questions, protection and selection of participants, informed consent, institutional review of projects), (2) in its design and methodology (use of deception, confidentiality and privacy, conflicts of interest and dual relationships), (3) in the results of research (reporting results, dissemination of results, recognition of contributions). Discussion and conclusions. Ethical issues arise in SWR in the interaction with the ethics of social science research, and the mission, ethics and values of SW. Both offer general guidelines for research behavior, but there are specific issues that require specific strategies to address at different times of the research process

    A new genus of neobatrachian frog from southern Patagonian forests, Argentina and Chile

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    In 1975 Lynch named a new species of frog based on two specimens from Puerto Eden, Wellington Island, southern Chile, tentatively allocated to the genus Telmatobius. Telmatobius grandisonae Lynch was later included by the same author in his genus Atelognathus. Based on a reappraisal of the type material and the description of the internal and external morphology, karyotype, tadpole morphology and molecular evidence from recently discovered specimens collected at Lago del Desierto, southern Argentina, we describe the monotypic genus Chaltenobatrachus, with Telmatobius grandisonae (Lynch) serving as the type species. Chaltenobatrachus differs from Atelognathus mainly in having a uniform bright green dorsal coloration, with brown to reddish warts; orange iris with gold spots; fingers with interdigital membrane; frontoparietals well developed, small nasals; well ossified sphenethmoid; anteriorly expanded homosternum; skin of tadpole transparent; oral disc with protruding anterior and lateral papillae; diploid number 2n = 32 chromosomes. The genetic distances between Chaltenobatrachus and Atelognathus meet or exceed most other intergeneric comparisons.Fil: Basso, Nestor Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; ArgentinaFil: Úbeda, Carmen A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Bunge, Maria M.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Martinazzo Giménez, Liza Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Nacional Patagónico; Argentin

    Certain minimal varieties are set-theoretic complete intersections

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    We present a class of homogeneous ideals which are generated by monomials and binomials of degree two and are set-theoretic complete intersections. This class includes certain reducible varieties of minimal degree and, in particular, the presentation ideals of the fiber cone algebras of monomial varieties of codimension two