11 research outputs found

    Estil de vida i salut mental

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    L’augment de l’esperança de vida ha generat un creixent interès per l’estudi de la qualitat de vida de les persones grans. La depressió i l’ansietat són els dos problemes de salut mental més freqüents en aquest grup de pacients i amb més repercussió en la seva qualitat de vida. La depressió comporta habitualment una sèrie de conductes (mala alimentació, aïllament, sedentarisme, desinterès per la cura d’un mateix, etc.) que poden precipitar o agreujar altres malalties físiques. D’altra banda, el risc d’aparició de depressió en edats avançades pot augmentar davant la freqüent restricció d’activitats i l’aïllament social, els impediments en la mobilitat, així com per l’impacte creixent de malalties mèdiques, sobretot d’origen cardiovascular, vascular cerebrals i neurodegeneratives. Hi ha, per tant, una relació de causalitat bidireccional entre la salut física i la mental. Sembla que la ciència està demostrant el que va proposar fa molts segles Juvenal en la famosa expressió «Mens sana in corpore sano». És lògic, d’acord amb el que s’ha exposat més amunt, que intervencions basades en l’estil de vida estiguin demostrant utilitat en la prevenció i el tractament dels trastorns mentals. Per exemple, la pràctica regular d’exercici físic, una dieta sana i equilibrada com la que ofereix el patró mediterrani, una correcta higiene de son i l’exposició moderada a la llum solar poden ser eines importants per a l’abordatge dels símptomes depressius en la població gran, a més de millorar la seva salut física.El aumento de la esperanza de vida ha generado un creciente interés por el estudio de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. La depresión y la ansiedad son los dos problemas de salud mental más frecuentes en este grupo de pacientes y con mayor repercusión en su calidad de vida. La depresión comporta habitualmente una serie de conductas (mala alimentación, aislamiento, sedentarismo, desinterés por la higiene y atención de un mismo, etc.) que pueden precipitar o agravar otras enfermedades físicas. Por otro lado, el riesgo de aparición de depresión en edades avanzadas puede aumentar ante la frecuente restricción de actividades y el aislamiento social, los impedimentos en la movilidad, así como por el impacto creciente de enfermedades médicas, sobre todo de origen cardiovascular, vascular-cerebrales y neurodegenerativas. Existe, por lo tanto, una relación de causalidad bidireccional entre la salud física y la mental. Parece que la ciencia está demostrando lo que propuso hace muchos siglos Juvenal en la famosa expresión «Mens sana in corpore sano». Es lógico, de acuerdo con lo expuesto anteriormente, que intervenciones basadas en el estilo de vida estén demostrando utilidad en la prevención y el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales. Por ejemplo, la práctica regular de ejercicio físico, una dieta sana y equilibrada como la que ofrece el patrón mediterráneo, una correcta higiene de sueño y la exposición moderada a la luz solar pueden ser herramientas importantes en el abordaje de los síntomas depresivos en la población mayor, además de mejorar su salud física

    Patrones diferenciales de género en el uso del ocio.

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    Mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety in the general population: The mediating roles of worry, rumination, reappraisal and suppression

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    [eng] The present study examined the effects of mindfulness on depression and anxiety, both direct and indirect through the mediation of four mechanisms of emotional regulation: worry, rumination, reappraisal and suppression. Path analysis was applied to data collected from an international and non-clinical sample of 1151 adults, including both meditators and non-meditators, who completed an online questionnaire battery. Our results show that mindfulness are related to lower levels of depression and anxiety both directly and indirectly. Suppression, reappraisal, worry and rumination all acted as significant mediators of the relationship between mindfulness and depression. A similar picture emerged for the relationship between mindfulness and anxiety, with the difference that suppression was not a mediator. Our data also revealed that the estimated number of hours of mindfulness meditation practice did not affect depression or anxiety directly but did reduce these indirectly by increasing mindfulness. Worry and rumination proved to be the most potent mediating variables. Altogether, our results confirm that emotional regulation plays a significant mediating role between mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety in the general population and suggest that meditation focusing on reducing worry and rumination may be especially useful in reducing the risk of developing clinical depression


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    Este trabajo se realizó en el marco de un proyecto de investigación financiadopor el Programa Sectorial de Promoción General del Conocimiento de laDirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica del Ministeriode Educación y Cultura (PB98-0122).En los últimos años la violencia doméstica ha pasado a ser consideradacomo un verdadero problema social. Entre las cuestiones que han generadomayor interés está la caracterización de los agresores, es decir, tratarde delimitar las características sociodemográficas y psicosociales quediferencian a maltratadores y no maltratadores. Este interés ha dadolugar a gran cantidad de literatura sobre el tema


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    Este trabajo se realizó en el marco de un proyecto de investigación financiadopor el Programa Sectorial de Promoción General del Conocimiento de laDirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica del Ministeriode Educación y Cultura (PB98-0122).En los últimos años la violencia doméstica ha pasado a ser consideradacomo un verdadero problema social. Entre las cuestiones que han generadomayor interés está la caracterización de los agresores, es decir, tratarde delimitar las características sociodemográficas y psicosociales quediferencian a maltratadores y no maltratadores. Este interés ha dadolugar a gran cantidad de literatura sobre el tema

    Expectations, experiences and attitudes of patients and primary care health professionals regarding online psychotherapeutic interventions for depression: protocol for a qualitative study

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    BACKGROUND: In the year 2020, depression will cause the second highest amount of disability worldwide. One quarter of the population will suffer from depression symptoms at some point in their lives. Mental health services in Western countries are overburdened. Therefore, cost-effective interventions that do not involve mental health services, such as online psychotherapy programs, have been proposed. These programs demonstrate satisfactory outcomes, but the completion rate for patients is low. Health professionals' attitudes towards this type of psychotherapy are more negative than the attitudes of depressed patients themselves. The aim of this study is to describe the profile of depressed patients who would benefit most from online psychotherapy and to identify expectations, experiences, and attitudes about online psychotherapy among both patients and health professionals that can facilitate or hinder its effects. METHODS: A parallel qualitative design will be used in a randomised controlled trial on the efficiency of online psychotherapeutic treatment for depression. Through interviews and focus groups, the experiences of treated patients, their reasons for abandoning the program, the expectations of untreated patients, and the attitudes of health professionals will be examined. Questions will be asked about training in new technologies, opinions of online psychotherapy, adjustment to therapy within the daily routine, the virtual and anonymous relationship with the therapist, the process of online communication, information necessary to make progress in therapy, process of working with the program, motivations and attitudes about treatment, expected consequences, normalisation of this type of therapy in primary care, changes in the physician-patient relationship, and resources and risks. A thematic content analysis from the grounded theory for interviews and an analysis of the discursive positions of participants based on the sociological model for focus groups will be performed. DISCUSSION: Knowledge of the expectations, experiences, and attitudes of both patients and medical personnel regarding online interventions for depression can facilitate the implementation of this new psychotherapeutic tool. This qualitative investigation will provide thorough knowledge of the perceptions, beliefs, and values of patients and clinicians, which will be very useful for understanding how to implement this intervention method for depression

    Nusinersen Versus Sham Control In Infantile-Onset Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    BACKGROUND & para;& para;Spinal muscular atrophy is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder that is caused by an insufficient level of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Nusinersen is an antisense oligonucleotide drug that modifies pre-messenger RNA splicing of the SMN2 gene and thus promotes increased production of full-length SMN protein.& para;& para;METHODS & para;& para;We conducted a randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled, phase 3 efficacy and safety trial of nusinersen in infants with spinal muscular atrophy. The primary end points were a motor-milestone response (defined according to results on the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination) and event-free survival (time to death or the use of permanent assisted ventilation). Secondary end points included over all survival and subgroup analyses of event-free survival according to disease duration at screening. Only the first primary end point was tested in a prespecified interim analysis. To control the overall type I error rate at 0.05, a hierarchical testing strategy was used for the second primary end point and the secondary end points in the final analysis.& para;& para;RESULTS & para;& para;In the interim analysis, a significantly higher percentage of infants in the nusinersen group than in the control group had a motor-milestone response (21 of 51 infants [41 %] vs. 0 of 27 [0%], P<0.001), and this result prompted early termination of the trial. In the final analysis, a significantly higher percentage of infants in the nusinersen group than in the control group had a motor-milestone response (37 of 73 infants [51%] vs. 0 of 37 [0%]), and the likelihood of event-free survival was higher in the nusinersen group than in the control group (hazard ratio for death or the use of permanent assisted ventilation, 0.53; P=0.005). The likelihood of overall survival was higher in the nusinersen group than in the control group (hazard ratio for death, 0.37; P=0.004), and infants with a shorter disease duration at screening were more likely than those with a longer disease duration to benefit from nusinersen. The incidence and severity of adverse events were similar in the two groups.& para;& para;CONCLUSIONS & para;& para;Among infants with spinal muscular atrophy, those who received nusinersen were more likely to be alive and have improvements in motor function than those in the control group. Early treatment may be necessary to maximize the benefit of the drug.Wo