28,754 research outputs found

    Similitude requirements and scaling relationships as applied to model testing

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    The similitude requirements for the most general test conditions are presented. These similitude requirements are considered in relation to the scaling relationships, test technique, test conditions (including supersonic flow), and test objectives. Particular emphasis is placed on satisfying the various similitude requirements for incompressible and compressible flow conditions. For free flying models tests, the test velocities for incompressible flow are scaled from Froude number similitude requirements and those for compressible flow are scaled from Mach number similitude requirements. The limitations of various test techniques are indicated, with emphasis on the free flying model

    Ratio control in a cascade model of cell differentiation

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    We propose a kind of reaction-diffusion equations for cell differentiation, which exhibits the Turing instability. If the diffusivity of some variables is set to be infinity, we get coupled competitive reaction-diffusion equations with a global feedback term. The size ratio of each cell type is controlled by a system parameter in the model. Finally, we extend the model to a cascade model of cell differentiation. A hierarchical spatial structure appears as a result of the cell differentiation. The size ratio of each cell type is also controlled by the system parameter.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Effect of Edge Roughness on Electronic Transport in Graphene Nanoribbon Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors

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    Results of quantum mechanical simulations of the influence of edge disorder on transport in graphene nanoribbon metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) are reported. The addition of edge disorder significantly reduces ON-state currents and increases OFF-state currents, and introduces wide variability across devices. These effects decrease as ribbon widths increase and as edges become smoother. However the bandgap decreases with increasing width, thereby increasing the band-to-band tunneling mediated subthreshold leakage current even with perfect nanoribbons. These results suggest that without atomically precise edge control during fabrication, MOSFET performance gains through use of graphene will be difficult to achieve.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Encoding databases satisfying a given set of dependencies

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    Consider a relation schema with a set of dependency constraints. A fundamental question is what is the minimum space where the possible instances of the schema can be "stored". We study the following model. Encode the instances by giving a function which maps the set of possible instances into the set of words of a given length over the binary alphabet in a decodable way. The problem is to find the minimum length needed. This minimum is called the information content of the database. We investigate several cases where the set of dependency constraints consist of relatively simple sets of functional or multivalued dependencies. We also consider the following natural extension. Is it possible to encode the instances such a way that small changes in the instance cause a small change in the code. © 2012 Springer-Verlag

    Calibration of the visible and near-infrared channels of the NOAA-9 AVHRR using high-altitude aircraft measurements from August 1985 and October 1986

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    Visible and near infrared wavelength sensors mounted on operational satellites now in use do not have onboard absolute calibration devices. One means of establishing an in-orbit calibration for a satellite sensor is to make simultaneous measurement of a bright, relatively uniform scene along the satellite view vector from a calibrated instrument on board a high altitude aircraft. Herein, aircraft data were recorded over White Sands, New Mexico at satellite overpass time. Comparison of the coincident aircraft and orbiting satellite data for the visible and near infrared wavelength channels of the NOAA-9 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer shows that the calibration of the visible channel was unchanged from prelaunch values, but that the near infrared channel has degraded 6 percent by Aug. 1985. By Oct. 1986 the visible channel had degraded 13 percent and the near infrared channel had degraded 19 percent

    Malawi’s Maize Marketing System

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    National food security in Malawi depends on improving the performance of maize markets. Ensuring that grain is consistently available at tolerable prices is crucial for consumers’ food security. At the same time, surplus producing farmers need to receive farm-gate prices consistently above production costs to intensify the use of fertilizer and other productivity enhancing technologies in a sustainable manner. These concerns give rise to the classic food price dilemma for policy makers in Malawi: how to keep prices low enough to ensure low income consumers’ access to food while keeping prices high enough to promote farm production incentives. These tensions cannot be avoided but they can be relieved through reducing food marketing margins, which shrink the wedge between producer and consumer prices. Moreover, Malawi faces major political and economic problems associated with food price instability especially given its dependence on rain fed agriculture in a region prone to drought. These issues show that improving the performance of maize markets is at the core of achieving sustainable food security and poverty reduction in Malawi.food security, Malawi, maize, marketing, food policy, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Security and Poverty, International Development, Marketing, q12, q18,

    Visible and near-infrared channel calibration of the GOES-6 VISSR using high-altitude aircraft measurements

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    Present and future visible and near-infrared wavelength sensors mounted on operational satellites do not have on-board absolute calibration devices. One means of establishing an in-orbit calibration for a satellite sensor is to make simultaneous measurements of a bright, relatively uniform scene along the satellite view vector from a calibrated instrument on board a high altitude aircraft. Aircraft data were recorded over White Sands, New Mexico, and the coincident aircraft and orbiting satellite data is compared for the visible and near-infrared wavelength channel of the GOES-6 Visible Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer

    Plaintiff Estate\u27s Motion for Sanctions Against Cuyahoga County Prosecutor William D. Mason

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    Estate’s motion for sanctions against William D. Mason for violation of Disciplinary Rule 7-107, which provides in pertinent part that “A lawyer who is participating. . . in. . . a matter shall not make an extra judicial statement that a reasonable person would expect to be disseminated. . . if the lawyer knows or. . . should know. . . will. . . materially prejudice an adjudicated procedure.” The Estate alleged that Prosecutor Mason violated D.R. 7-107 in a press conference interview on February 22, 2000, which resulted in the following Plain Dealer headline: “Sheppard Sought $3.25 Million, Mason Says.” The Estate argued that Mason improperly and inaccurately revealed details of a failed settlement agreement between the parties and that this could have had a prejudicial effect on the jury, which in fact caused the court to voir dire all eleven jurists, one of which actually saw the headline

    Monotonic Prefix Consistency in Distributed Systems

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    We study the issue of data consistency in distributed systems. Specifically, we consider a distributed system that replicates its data at multiple sites, which is prone to partitions, and which is assumed to be available (in the sense that queries are always eventually answered). In such a setting, strong consistency, where all replicas of the system apply synchronously every operation, is not possible to implement. However, many weaker consistency criteria that allow a greater number of behaviors than strong consistency, are implementable in available distributed systems. We focus on determining the strongest consistency criterion that can be implemented in a convergent and available distributed system that tolerates partitions. We focus on objects where the set of operations can be split into updates and queries. We show that no criterion stronger than Monotonic Prefix Consistency (MPC) can be implemented.Comment: Submitted pape

    Biological explorations of Sinai: flora and fauna of Wadi Isla and Hebran, St Katherine Protectorate, Egypt

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    A comprehensive survey was accomplished for two of the most important and beautiful wadis in the Sinai, Wadi Isla & Hebran. The biodiversity of the two wadis are surveyed including plant species and their associated insects, spiders and scorpions. The list includes 20 plant families with 51 species, 8 insect orders with 54 families and 138 species, and 4 arachnid orders with 17 families and 23 species. The highest number of species recorded were Coleoptera and Hymenoptera.Keywords: Biodiversity, checklist, plants, insects, spider
