4,279 research outputs found

    Impact du lait et de ses composantes sur le contrôle de l'appétit, la perte pondérale et la capacité à l'effort

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    Considérant l'influence néfaste qu'a l'obésité sur la santé de la population, il est primordial de trouver des solutions durables afin de contrer cette problématique. À cet égard, les présents travaux évaluent l'effet du lait et de ses composantes sur le contrôle de l'appétit, la perte pondérale et la capacité à l'effort. Dans un premier temps, la perte de poids induit une augmentation de l'appétit qui se mesure à l'aide d'échelles visuelles analogues (EVA) de 150 mm. Cet effet se manifeste chez la femme par une augmentation de 5,8 mm (3,9 %) du désir de manger et une diminution de 3,6 mm (2,4 %) de la sensation d'être rempli pour chaque kilogramme de masse grasse perdue. Ces proportions semblent être transposables à l'utilisation d'EVA de 100 mm, car les présents travaux montrent que les deux méthodes donnent une appréciation équivalente des sensations d'appétit. La quantification de l'effet de la perte de poids sur l'appétit permet l'évaluation du potentiel rassasiant d'un agent administré lors de la perte de poids. Ainsi, cette thèse montre que l'addition de lait à la diète de petites consommatrices de calcium (<800 mg/j) permet d'atténuer l'augmentation du désir de manger et de la faim ainsi que la diminution de la sensation d'être rempli normalement produites par le déficit énergétique. En plus du calcium, les protéines contenues dans les produits laitiers peuvent avoir un impact sur le contrôle de l'appétit et de la composition corporelle. Toutefois, le recensement de la littérature comparant l'effet de protéines venant de différentes sources sur la balance énergétique ne permet pas d'émettre une conclusion claire sur la divergence de leur effet en raison du manque d'études menées sur le sujet. Des évidences suggèrent, par contre, que les protéines de lactosérum montrent le meilleur potentiel de rassasiement et l'effet facilitateur le plus important sur la synthèse et le maintien du tissu musculaire. Finalement, cette thèse présente les premières évidences suggérant qu'un apport insuffisant en calcium hypothèque la capacité à l'effort sous maximal. Cette thèse regroupe des résultats qui mettent en évidence l'importance d'un apport adéquat en produits laitiers et en calcium afin de faciliter le contrôle pondéral et la capacité de travail physique

    Analysis of EEC Regulation 2092/91 in relation to other national and international organic standards

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    This Deliverable 3.2 report presents an analysis of differences between EEC Regulation 2092/91 and other organic standards and their implementation, using a specially developed database (www.organicrules.org). It further reports on database development. The work was carried out as part of the “EEC 2092/91 (Organic) Revision” STREP project (No. SSPE-CT- 2004-502397) within the EU 6th Framework Programme. The main objective was to identify differences in organic standards in relation to Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 and to analyse selected national governmental and private organic standards with the aim of identifying specific areas in the (EEC) 2092/91 where revision in terms of harmonisation, regionalisation or simplification may be possible

    Connecting Children and Young People with Trees

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    Engaging children and young people with the natural world has never been more important. The benefits of outdoor learning span from increased nature connection to improved self-esteem and physical wellbeing. But with so many potential risks and barriers, how can we help practitioners feel confident and capable in an outdoor setting and therefore improve access to green space for children and young people? The education team at the National Forest Company set out to tackle this challenge. The National Forest was established in the early 1990s in a post-industrial area of the English Midlands. It covers 200 square miles and has seen a huge transformation from black to green over the last thirty years through an intensive program of tree planting and habitat restoration. However, nature was not designed to be the only beneficiary of this work. Green spaces were created near to where people live, work and learn to promote engagement with nature. It became clear early on that working with schools and youth groups across the Forest would be vital to making this happen. Here we describe the varied ways that outdoor learning provision has been supported and improved in the National Forest – from traditional in-school settings to engagement through arts and culture. We address some of the challenges facing outdoor learning providers and offer a pathway to success that can be followed elsewhere. By offering a variety of ways to engage with the local treescapes, the National Forest hopes to foster the next generation of custodians of this ever-changing landscape

    Deceptive measures of progress in the NHS long-term plan for cancer: case-based vs. population-based measures

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    The NHS Long Term Plan for cancer aims to increase early-stage diagnoses from 50% to 75% and to have 55,000 more people each year survive their cancer for at least 5 years following diagnosis. The targets measures are flawed and could be met without improving outcomes that really matter to patients. The proportion of early-stage diagnoses could increase, while the number of patients presenting at a late-stage remains the same. More patients could survive their cancer for longer, but lead time and overdiagnosis bias make it impossible to know whether anyone had their life prolonged. The target measures should switch from biased case-based measures to unbiased population-based measures that reflect the key objectives in cancer care: reducing late-stage incidence and mortality

    Altered standards of care for health care providers in the pandemic influenza

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    Pandemic influenza will pose tremendous challenges to health care providers, state public health authorities, and the public. All will have to conduct business under the most adverse of circumstances. It will be difficult for providers to meet the customary legal standards of care imposed by state and federal regulatory authorities, as well as the common law tort system. This white paper will explore the legal issues associated with altered standards of care in pandemic influenza.William S. and Christine S. Hall Center for Law and Health at the Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis; Indiana University Center for Bioethics; Indiana State Department of Healt

    Physical Activity Plays an Important Role in Body Weight Regulation

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    Emerging literature highlights the need to incorporate physical activity into every strategy intended to prevent weight gain as well as to maintain weight loss over time. Furthermore, physical activity should be part of any plan to lose weight. The stimulus of exercise provides valuable metabolic adaptations that improve energy and macronutrient balance regulation. A tight coupling between energy intake and energy expenditure has been documented at high levels of physical exercise, suggesting that exercise may improve appetite control. The regular practice of physical activity has also been reported to reduce the risk of stress-induced weight gain. A more personalized approach is recommended when planning exercise programs in a clinical weight loss setting in order to limit the compensatory changes associated to exercise-induced weight loss. With modern environment promoting overeating and sedentary behavior, there is an urgent need for a concerted action including legislative measures to promote healthy active living in order to curb the current epidemic of chronic diseases

    Outsourcing the business of development : the rise of for-profit consultancies in the UK Aid Sector

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    Funding: Economic and Social Research Council - ES/V01269X/1.While much attention has been paid to the ways in which the private sector is now embedded within the field of development, one group of actors — for-profit development consultancies and contractors, or service providers — has received relatively little attention. This article analyses the growing role of for-profit consultancies and contractors in British aid delivery, which has been driven by two key trends: first, the outsourcing of managerial, audit and knowledge-management functions as part of efforts to bring private sector approaches and skills into public spending on aid; and second, the reconfiguration of aid spending towards markets and the private sector, and away from locally embedded, state-focused aid programming. The authors argue that both trends were launched under New Labour in the early 2000s, and super-charged under successive Conservative governments. The resulting entanglement means that the policies and practices of the UK government's aid agencies, and the interests and forms of for-profit service providers, are increasingly mutually constitutive. Amongst other implications, this shift acts to displace traditional forms of contestation and accountability of aid delivery.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Pediatric interstitial lung disease

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    Interstitial lung disease in children (chILD) is rare and encompasses more than 200 entities, with new especially genetic causes being discovered. Several classifications have been proposed, and there is considerable overlap with entities which present in adult life. Presentation may be shortly after birth with acute respiratory distress and in infancy and childhood either with a primary respiratory presentation or with systemic symptoms such as poor feeding and failure to thrive. Newborn acute presentations are usually due either to a mutation in one of the surfactant protein (Sp) genes or the alveolar capillary dysplasia (ACD)-congenital alveolar dysplasia (CAD) spectrum. The latter usually progress rapidly to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and early lung biopsy is advisable to prevent prolonged futile treatment being offered. Outside the newborn period, a staged protocol for investigation is proposed. This starts with a computed tomography scan, which confirms or otherwise the presence of chILD, and occasionally can lead to a specific diagnosis. In particular in settings where there is a high burden of infection, infective mimics of chILD need to be excluded. The next investigations aim to try to move from pattern recognition to specific diagnoses, both genetic and environmental. The speed of progression to lung biopsy will depend on the clinical state of the child, and the biopsy itself may suggest a hunt for a new underlying cause, such as immunodeficiency. Specific genetic causing chILD includes mutations in SpB and SpC and processing genes (thyroid transcription factor-1 [TTF-1] and adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette subfamily A) (the last three can present at any time in the life course); genes involved in Sp catabolism (granulocyte-macrophage colony factor receptor A and B genes), an increasing number implicated in the ACD-CAD spectrum, and other non-Sp related genes such as Filamin-A and integrin genes. Environmental causes are also important and vary across the world. Vaping has been implicated as causing a large number of chILDs, and a vaping history is essential in any young person with an unusual respiratory illness. Medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter such as oily laxatives, are also causes of chILD. There are important conditions of unknown cause presenting in early childhood. Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy (NEHI) and pulmonary interstitial glycogenosis generally have a good prognosis, and are probably best considered as part of a spectrum of pulmonary dysmaturity syndromes, in some of which underlying gene mutations have been detected, for example, TTF-1 for NEHI. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is an example of an umbrella description, which may present at any age, and has a number of underlying causes with different specific treatments, underscoring the need to move from pattern recognition to specific diagnoses. chILDs have important implications for adult physicians; there may be late as yet poorly described sequelae of the disease or its treatment in adult life; there may be genetic implications for the wider family; and there may be late chILD relapses. Smooth transition to adult services is essential for all chILD survivors, with pediatric and adult chest physicians working closely together