1,985 research outputs found

    Unmasked in the Plandemic: Misinformation during the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic

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    This paper explores the misinformation phenomena surrounding COVID-19 on social media platforms and its potential impact on the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. It defines the terms misinformation and disinformation and links these to recent political phenomena of “fake news” and political disinformation campaigns. It characterizes the sources of misinformation online and seeks to analyze the psycho-social and cognitive mechanisms of online misinformation spread such as source and message credibility through research on vaccine hesitancy and misinformation online during other global pandemics and resurging epidemics. Network analysis establishes that misinformation online spreads farther and faster than factual information on social media platforms. Relationships between misinformation and impact on health are explored utilizing research based in agent-based modeling techniques. It argues for the quantification and characterization of COVID-19 online misinformation in order to develop targeted interventions to vulnerable and at-risk groups using informed risk communication practices across all levels of government to mitigate disparities in COVID-19 case rates and transmission. Keywords: SARS-CoV-19; COVID-19; Misinformation; Disinformation; Credibility; Network Analysis; Risk Communication; Crisis Communication; Health Communicatio

    Composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties of Megalops atlanticus scales

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    In recent years, there has been an increased interest on understanding the mechanical behavior and microstructure of fish scales aiming at the development of bioinspired materials. This study presents a study of the composition, microstructure, and mechanical properties of the scales of Tarpon fish (Megalops atlanticus). Mechanical properties were evaluated in uniaxial tension as a function of positions along the length of the fish (head, midlength, and tail). Because of the possible anisotropy of the scales, additional tensile tests were performed on three different orientations (0°, 45°, and 90°). Examination of the fish scale microstructure and composition were performed by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy and RAMAN spectroscopy. The results showed that the scales are anisotropic with variation of the mechanical properties as a function of body position. Megalops atlantiticus scales are composed of fibrous collagen and hydroxyapatite crystals. The scales have a nonhomogenous distribution crosswise and lengthwise, providing multifunctional characteristics, which can be exploited on bioinspired materials

    Estado dependente, capitalismo e democracia na América Latina os casos da Venezuela e Bolívia pós-1999

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    Esta Tese é produto da pesquisa sobre a temática Estado dependente, desenvolvimento capitalista e democracia na América Latina, com foco em dois países: Venezuela, sob os governos Chávez e Maduro (1999 em diante) e Bolívia, sob o governo Morales (2006 em diante). O texto está dividido em dois capítulos. O primeiro analisa o Estado dependente e suas problemáticas teóricas correlatas, buscando evidenciar a inexistência de teoria de Estado definida ou uma teoria marxista de Estado definida. A esse respeito, apresentamos uma análise alternativa sobre o Estado dependente para ser aplicada na América Latina. Já o segundo capítulo apresenta uma análise sobre o caráter da relação Estado, capitalismo e democracia na Venezuela e Bolívia pós-1999. Buscamos, aqui, caracterizar essa relação nesses dois países que apresentam variantes de capitalismo de Estado. Desde já salientamos que o texto apresentado não tem a pretensão de esgotar os assuntos abordados, tendo um caráter um tanto provisório, cujo aprofundamento teórico e analítico, em alguns casos, fica para serem elaborados em outro momento

    Triple aproximació a les biennals d'art contemporani de les comarques de Tarragona: vessant estètica, sociològica i didàctica

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    La investigació presenta un triple vessant de les biennals d’art en tres àmbits diferenciats, que, alhora, s’interrelacionen: el vessant historicoartístic, el sociològic i el didàctic. En el vessant historicista de les arts visuals es realitza, per primera vegada, una anàlisi global de les manifestacions artístiques, es revisen les edicions de les biennals, les obres d’art i l’evolució dels artistes que hi han participat i la seva projecció, i es fa menció especial als guanyadors dels certàmens biennals. En el vessant sociològic, s’analitza la participació de la convocatòria al concurs, la repercussió que ha tingut en l’àmbit cultural de les respectives ciutats i si ha propiciat la creació de contextos favorables, així com la Incidència social de l’impacte mediàtic a la premsa. En el vessant didàctic, s’analitza la relació entre educació i art al llarg de la història de l’educació artística, en els diferents nivells educatius, amb el centre d’atenció a la demarcació de Tarragona, i emfatitza en l’estudi del cas de les biennals del Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona. Paraules clau: biennal, ciències socials, educació artística, demarcació Tarragona, museu, art contemporani.La investigación analiza un triple componente de las Bienales de Arte en tres ámbitos diferenciados, que, a su vez, se interrelacionan: la vertiente histórico-artística, la sociológica y la didáctica. En el componente historicista de las artes visuales se realiza, por primera vez, un análisis global de las manifestaciones artísticas, revisando las ediciones de las bienales, las obras y la evolución de los artistas que han participado, su proyección, haciendo mención especial de los ganadores de los certámenes bienales. En el componente sociológico se analiza la participación de la convocatoria al concurso, la repercusión que ha tenido en el ámbito cultural de las respectivas ciudades y se ha propiciado la creación contextos favorables, así como la incidencia social del impacto mediático en la prensa. En el componente didáctico, se analiza la relación entre educación y arte a lo largo de la historia de la educación artística, en los diferentes niveles educativos, con el centro de atención a la demarcación de Tarragona, enfatizando en el estudio del caso de las bienales del Museu d’Art Modern de Tarragona. Palabras clave: bienal, ciencias sociales, educación artística, demarcación Tarragona, museo, arte contemporáneo.The research analyzes a triple component of the Art Biennials focusing on three distinct, but interrelated, areas: The art-historical, the sociological and the educational aspects. In the historicist component of the visual arts, for the first time a comprehensive analysis of the artistic production is performed, reviewing the biennial editions, the work and evolution of the participating artists and the impact of their work, with specific attention to the winners of these biennial competitions. The sociological component analyzes the participation in the call of the competition, the impact it has had on the cultural environment of the respective cities, whether it has contributed to the creation of favourable contexts and, finally, the social impact of media coverage in the press. The didactic component analyzes the relationship between education and art throughout the history of art education, at different educational levels and focused on the province of Tarragona, centred on the case study biennal of the Museu d'Art Modern de Tarragona. Keywords: biennial, social sciences, art education, Tarragona, museum, contemporary art

    A dialética do latifúndio e minifúndio: A política agrária boliviana nos últimos 50 anos

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    The objective of this article is to present an analysis of the post-1953 Bolivian agrarian policy. In order to understand the content of this state policy and its class nature, we seek to characterize its main long-term structural aspects, taking into account the context of post-1953 socio-economic and political transformations, passing quickly through populist, military and neoliberal regimes. We start from the hypothesis that Bolivian agrarian policy adopted a structural pattern of Agrarian Reform known as a junker model, reproducing in the long term the large landlordism and smallholdings.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma análise da política agrária boliviana pós-1953. Para entendermos o conteúdo dessa política estatal e sua natureza de classe, buscamos caracterizar seus os principais aspectos estruturais de longo prazo, tomando em conta o contexto de transformações sócio-econômicas e políticas pós-1953, passando rapidamente pelos regimes populista, militar e neoliberal. Partimos da hipótese segundo a qual a política agrária boliviana adotou um padrão estrutural de Reforma Agrária conhecido como modelo junker, reproduzindo a longo prazo o grande latifúndio e o minifúndio

    A neighbourhood theorem for submanifolds in generalized complex geometry

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    We study neighbourhoods of submanifolds in generalized complex geometry. Our first main result provides sufficient criteria for such a submanifold to admit a neighbourhood on which the generalized complex structure is B-field equivalent to a holomorphic Poisson structure. This is intimately tied with our second main result, which is a rigidity theorem for generalized complex deformations of holomorphic Poisson structures. Specifically, on a compact manifold with boundary we provide explicit conditions under which any generalized complex perturbation of a holomorphic Poisson structure is B-field equivalent to another holomorphic Poisson structure. The proofs of these results require two analytical tools: Hodge decompositions on almost complex manifolds with boundary, and the Nash-Moser algorithm. As a concrete application of these results, we show that on a four-dimensional generalized complex submanifold which is generically symplectic, a neighbourhood of the entire complex locus is B-field equivalent to a holomorphic Poisson structure. Furthermore, we use the neighbourhood theorem to develop the theory of blowing down submanifolds in generalized complex geometry.Comment: 36 pages, minor change

    Spontaneous regression of solitary osteochondromas in children: An option to consider in clinical practice

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    Osteochondromas are neoplasm that belong to the family of cartilaginous histogenesis tumors and represent 90% of all forms of exostoses. As most osteochondromas are asymptomatic, underdiagnosis is frequent. Symptomatic forms usually manifest before the age of 20 years, and the most common symptoms are pain and the detection of a bony mass. Herein, we report four cases of spontaneous regression of solitary osteochondromas in the light of literature. We consider that orthopedic surgeons should take into account the possibility of spontaneous regression of these tumors, before recommending surgery. Symptoms are usually mild and we recommend following these patients with X-ray and physical examination annually

    Solar radiation prediction for dimensioning photovoltaic systems using artificial neural networks

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    This paper presents a prediction model of solar radiation for dimensioning photovoltaic generation systems in the Atlantic Coast of Colombia, using artificial neural networks. As a case of study is presented the municipality "El Carmen de Bolivar" located in this region. To obtain the model, the average data of daily temperature, relative humidity and solar radiation from the last ten years, reported by weather stations in this city were used. Six neural networks were designed with six variants of input variables (temperature, humidity and month) and the output variable (solar radiation). The best result was obtained using all input variables. In the training process, the correlation index (R) between solar radiation estimated by the model and the recorded data was 0.8. In validating the correlation index was 0.77