2,221 research outputs found

    Sustainable Urban Agriculture using Compost and an Open-pollinated Maize Variety

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    Global urbanization leads to the loss of periurban farming land and increases dependency on distant agriculture systems. This provokes greenhouse gas emissions associated with transportation and storage while disconnecting nutrient cycles, as urban organic waste is not recycled into the agricultural system. Urban food production based on composted local biomass could reduce these problems, but currently used hybrid crops rely strongly on inorganic fertilizers. On the contrary, open-pollinated varieties were bred for productivity under organic fertilization, such as compost. Hypothesising that open-pollinated varieties retain high nutritional value under low nutrient conditions, a commercial hybrid and a local open-pollinated variety of maize were cultivated in non-fertilized soil and under two compost applications: Municipal compost as high nutrient input or locally produced green waste compost and municipal compost mix, as medium nutrient input. Unfertilized plots exhibited low grain production (1.9 t/ha), but yields under green waste compost/municipal compost (6.1 t/ha) and municipal compost (7.8 t/ha) treatments were comparable to observations from maize under inorganic fertilization. Contrary to the commercial variety, the open-pollinated variety exhibited higher grain micronutrient concentrations, e.g. 220% higher zinc concentrations and lower accumulation of heavy metals, e.g. 74% lower nickel concentrations. This variety-related effect was found in all treatments and was independent of soil micronutrient concentrations. In conclusion, both compost mixes were effective in increasing grain yield in both maize varieties. However, the open-pollinated variety produced grain with higher nutritional values in soil and all treatments, indicating it is potentially better suited for compost-based sustainable urban agriculture

    Oxidation of Micro-Sized Aluminium Particles: Hollow Alumina Spheres

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    Oxidized aluminium microparticles have recently been proposed for manufacturing new, environmentally-friendly, protective coatings on stainless-steels and Ni-base alloys. The oxidation mechanisms of spherical aluminium microparticles of an average particle size of 3.5 mu m were studied. Accordingly, simultaneous differential thermal analysis-thermogravimetry tests were carried out in air at different temperatures, always above aluminium melting temperature. Scanning electron microscopy and XRD were also used for the interpretation of results. Weight gain and energy results were explained in terms of the different structural changes taking place in aluminium particles. Dehydroxylation process was identified. The transformation of amorphous alumina to gamma-Al2O3 was numerically evaluated and the alumina phase transformation (gamma-Al2O3 -> I +/--Al2O3) was also studied. The temperature ranges revealed the appearance of metastable phases (theta-Al2O3). Complete oxidation of particles can be obtained at 1,300 A degrees C in < 1 h, although this also takes place at lower temperatures if enough oxidation time is used. Activation energy of oxidation process at high temperature was also estimated, taking a value of 334 kJ/mol. High temperature oxidation causes the formation of hollow alumina spheres, without any aluminium left inside them.This study was supported under the Project PARTICOAT (FP7-NMP-LARGE- 11329) funded by the European Union.Publicad

    Accumulation of organophosphorus pollutants in adipose tissue of obese women - metabolic alterations

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    Funding Information: S. Sousa is grateful to FCT and ESF (European Social Fund) through POCH ( Programa Operacional Capital Humano ) for the Ph.D. grant ( SFRH/BD/137516/2018 and COVID/BD/153231/2023 ). The authors thank the General Surgery Department of Hospital de São João (Porto, Portugal) for the human adipose tissue samples and to all patients that consent to participate. Funding Information: This work was financially supported by Portuguese national funds through projects UIDB/50006/2020, UIDP/50006/2020 , and LA/P/0008/2020 , from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ( FCT )/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior ( MCTES ). Funding Information: S. Sousa is grateful to Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and European Social Fund through Programa Operacional Capital Humano for the Ph.D. grant ( SFRH/BD/137516/2018-COVID/BD/153231/2023 ). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Elsevier Inc.Organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) and organophosphate esters (OPEs) are organophosphorus compounds created as substitutes for persistent environmental pollutants, namely organochlorines pesticides and brominated flame retardants, respectively. However, there is evidence that organophosphorus compounds are also widespread across the environment and have adverse effects on biota. In humans, OPPs and OPEs were reported to be carcinogenic, neurotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, amongst others. As lipophilic compounds, these accumulate in fat tissues as adipose tissue. Yet biomonitoring studies and analytical methodologies to assess these compounds in the human body are scarce, particularly in adipose tissue. In this study, the presence of six OPPs and seven OPEs was determined in samples of subcutaneous adipose tissue (scAT) and visceral adipose tissue (vAT) from 188 adult obese women. OPPs and OPEs were quantified by gas chromatography (GC) flame photometric detection and confirmed in GC tandem mass spectrometry. The detection frequencies ranged between 0.5-1.6% and 48–53%, respectively for OPPs and OPEs. Organophosphorus pollutants were present in both adipose tissues and median concentrations were 0.008 ± 0.020 μg/g scAT and 0.009 ± 0.020 μg/g vAT. A total of 32 Spearman's correlations were found between organophosphorus pollutants concentrations in adipose tissue and several biochemical parameters (18 positive and 14 negative). Our results show that anthropometric and hormonal parameters, cholesterol, glycaemia, macrominerals, urea and sedimentation velocity might be influenced by the presence of these compounds. The presence of organophosphorus pollutants in the environmental and their possible effect on female metabolic processes is concerning. Particularly because presently OPEs usage is not controlled or limited by any regulation. More studies are needed to fully understand these pollutants behaviour and hazard effects on human health, biota, and the environment so control regulations can be drawn to prevent and lessen their effects.publishersversionpublishe

    Pathways and efficiency of nitrogen attenuation in wastewater effluent through soil aquifer treatment

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    Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) is used to increase groundwater resources and enhance the water quality of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. The resulting water quality needs to be assessed. In this study, we investigate attenuation pathways of nitrogen (N) compounds (predominantly NH4+) from a secondary treatment effluent in pilot SAT systems: both a conventional one (SAT-Control system) and one operating with a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) to provide extra dissolved organic carbon to the recharged water. The goal is to evaluate the effectiveness of the two systems regarding N compounds by means of chemical and isotopic tools. Water chemistry (NO3-, NH4+, Non-Purgeable Dissolved Organic Carbon (NPDOC), and O2) and isotopic composition of NO3- (ẟ15N-NO3- and ẟ18O-NO3-) and NH4+ (ẟ15N-NH4+) were monitored in the inflow and at three different sections and depths along the aquifer flow path. Chemical and isotopic results suggest that coupled nitrification-denitrification were the principal mechanisms responsible for the migration and distribution of inorganic N in the systems and that nitrification rate decreased with depth. At the end of the study period, 66% of the total N in the solution was removed in the SAT-PRB system and 69% in the SAT-Control system, measured at the outlet of the systems. The residual N in solution in the SAT-PRB system had an approximately equal proportion of N-NH4+ and N-NO3- while in the SAT-Control system, the residual N in solution was primarily N-NO3-. Isotopic data also confirmed complete NO3- degradation in the systems from July to September with the possibility of mixing newly generated NO3- with the residual NO3- in the substrate pool

    Caloric Restriction in Group-Housed Mice: Littermate and Sex Influence on Behavioral and Hormonal Data

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    This study was partially funded by the Master's program in Basic and Applied Neuroscience and Pain, University of Granada, the Junta de Andalucia (grants CTS109 and B-CTS-422-UGR18) and the Spanish Ministry of Health (National Drug Plan grant 2020I049). AV-A was recipient of a predoctoral fellowship (Grant/Award number: FPU18/05012) of the Ministerio de Universidades, Spain. LR-L has a research contract under the grant B-CTS-422-UGR18 (Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia 2014-2020).We acknowledge the technical assistance of Ms. Ana Fernández Ibáñez, who helped with the ACTH hormone analysis, and of Mr. Daniel González Fernández, who edited the final English version of this document.Much of the research done on aging, oxidative stress, anxiety, and cognitive and social behavior in rodents has focused on caloric restriction (CR). This often involves several days of single housing, which can cause numerous logistical problems, as well as cognitive and social dysfunctions. Previous results in our laboratory showed the viability of long-term CR in grouped rats. Our research has studied the possibility of CR in grouped female and male littermates and unrelated CB6F1/J (C57BL/6J x BALBc/J hybrid strain) mice, measuring: (i) possible differences in body mass proportions between mice in ad libitum and CR conditions (at 70% of ad libitum), (ii) aggressive behavior, using the number of pushes and chasing behavior time as an indicator and social behavior using the time under the feeder as indicator, and (iii) difference in serum adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) concentrations (stress biomarker), under ad libitum and CR conditions. Results showed the impossibility of implementing CR in unrelated male mice. In all other groups, CR was possible, with a less aggressive behavior (measured only with the number of pushes) observed in the unrelated female mice under CR conditions. In that sense, the ACTH levels measured on the last day of CR showed no difference in stress levels. These results indicate that implementantion of long-term CR in mice can be optimized technically and also related to their well-being by grouping animals, in particular, related mice.Master's program in Basic and Applied Neuroscience and Pain, University of GranadaJunta de Andalucia CTS109 B-CTS-422-UGR18Spanish Ministry of Health (National Drug Plan grant) 2020I049Ministerio de Universidades, Spain FPU18/05012Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucia B-CTS-422-UGR1

    Prevalencia de desnutrición en sujetos mayores de 65 años en la Comunidad de Madrid: Estudio DREAM + 65

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    Introduction: Disease-related malnutrition (DRM) is a frequent community healthcare problem that predominantly affects adults over 65 years of age and increases morbidity and mortality rates, while also decreasing quality of life. Objective: To study the prevalence of DRM in adults over 65 in different community healthcare centres belonging to the Regional Social Welfare Service of the Community of Madrid. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in 33 community healthcare centres in Madrid (6 primary healthcare centres (PC), 9 care centres for the elderly (CE), 9 hospitals (H) and 9 nursing homes (NH)) selected by means of multistage sampling. The variables studied were age, sex, level of dependence according to the Red Cross disability scale, reason for admission and underlying disease, habitat (urban-periurban-rural) and geographical distribution (north-centre-south). The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA-screening) was employed as a nutritional screening tool in all the centres. In the case of patients with positive screening (at risk-malnutrition), the MNA-assessment was carried out. Statistical analysis was conducted with the SPSS 21.0 package and included descriptive statistics, Chi-square test and Fisher’s exact test, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test and univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analysis (LR). Statistical significance was considered to be p < 0.05. Results: A total of 1,103 subjects were recruited (275 PC, 278 CE, 281 H, 269 NH), mean age 79.5 ± 8.4 years (41.2% were males and 58.8% females). The subjects from H and NH had a higher degree of disability (p < 0.001). The overall prevalence of DRM was 10%, 23.3% being at risk of malnutrition, with differences among the 4 types of community healthcare centres (p < 0.001). The univariate LR analysis showed significant differences in the prevalence of malnutrition according to age, sex, degree of dependence, type of community healthcare centre, habitat and geographical zone. Nevertheless, in the multivariate analysis, only the degree of dependence, the type of centre and habitat were statistically significant. Conclusions: The prevalence of DRM in adults over 65 years of age in the Community of Madrid amounts to 10%, with another 23.3% at risk of malnutrition. The variables that were independently related with malnutrition in the multivariate analysis were only the patients’ level of dependence and the type and setting of the community healthcare centreIntroducción: la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) es un problema sociosanitario frecuente que afecta preferentemente a los mayores de 65 años, que aumenta la morbimortalidad y disminuye la calidad de vida. Objetivo: estudiar la prevalencia de DRE en mayores de 65 años en diferentes centros sociosanitarios del Servicio Regional de Bienestar Social de la Comunidad de Madrid. Métodos: estudio transversal en 33 centros sociosanitarios de Madrid (6 centros de atención primaria [AP], 9 centros de mayores [CM], 9 hospitales [H] y 9 residencias [R]) seleccionados mediante muestreo polietápico. Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, nivel de dependencia según la escala de incapacidad de la Cruz Roja, motivo de ingreso y enfermedad de base, hábitat (urbano-periurbano-rural) y distribución geográfica (norte-centro-sur). Como herramienta de cribado nutricional se utilizó el Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA-cribaje) en todos los centros. En los pacientes con cribado positivo (en riesgo-desnutrición) se realizó el MNA-evaluación. El estudio estadístico se realizó con el paquete SSS 21.0 e incluyó estadística descriptiva, test de Chi-cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher, ANOVA de un factor, Kruskal-Wallis y análisis de regresión logística (RL) binaria univariante y multivariante. Se consideró significación estadística p < 0,05. Resultados: se reclutaron 1.103 sujetos (275 AP, 278 CM, 281 H, 269 R), edad media de 79,5 ± 8,4 años (41,2% varones, 58,8% mujeres). Los sujetos procedentes de H y R tuvieron un mayor grado de incapacidad (p < 0,001). La prevalencia global de DRE fue del 10%, encontrándose un 23,3% en riesgo de desnutrición, con diferencias entre los cuatro tipos de centros sociosanitarios (p < 0,001). El análisis univariante de RL mostró diferencias significativas en la prevalencia de desnutrición según la edad, sexo, grado de dependencia, tipo de centro sociosanitario, hábitat y zona geográfica. Sin embargo, en el análisis multivariante solo el grado de dependencia, el tipo de centro y el hábitat tuvieron significación estadística. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de DRE en mayores de 65 años en la Comunidad de Madrid es del 10%, encontrándose además un 23,3% en riesgo de desnutrición. Las únicas variables que se relacionaron de forma independiente con la desnutrición en el análisis multivariante fueron el nivel de dependencia de los pacientes y el tipo y hábitat de centro sociosanitari

    Pulmonary surfactant and drug delivery: Vehiculization of a tryptophan-tagged antimicrobial peptide over the air-liquid interfacial highway

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    This work evaluates interaction of pulmonary surfactant (PS) and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in order to investigate (i) if PS can be used to transport AMPs, and (ii) to what extent PS interferes with AMP function and vice versa. This, in turn, is motivated by a need to find new strategies to treat bacterial infections in the airways. Low respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) are a leading cause of illness and death worldwide that, together with the problem of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria, bring to light the necessity of developing effective therapies that ensure high bioavailability of the drug at the site of infection and display a potent antimicrobial effect. Here, we propose the combination of AMPs with PS to improve their delivery, exemplified for the hydrophobically endtagged AMP, GRR10W4 (GRRPRPRPRPWWWW-NH2), with previously demonstrated potent antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of bacteria under various conditions. Experiments using model systems emulating the respiratory interface and an operating alveolus, based on surface balances and bubble surfactometry, served to demonstrate that a fluorescently labelled version of GRR10W4 (GRR10W4-F), was able to interact and insert into PS membranes without affecting its biophysical function. Therefore, vehiculization of the peptide along air–liquid interfaces was enabled, even for interfaces previously occupied by surfactants layers. Furthermore, breathing-like compression-expansion dynamics promoted the interfacial release of GRR10W4-F after its delivery, which could further allow the peptide to perform its antimicrobial function. PS/GRR10W4-F formulations displayed greater antimicrobial effects and reduced toxicity on cultured airway epithelial cells compared to that of the peptide alone. Taken together, these results open the door to the development of novel delivery strategies for AMPs in order to increase the bioavailability of these molecules at the infection site via inhaled therapies

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    En la primera parte de la obra se aborda el tema de medios y las elecciones de 2009; en la segunda, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, y en la tercera parte los medios de comunicación y el periodismo. Al final se presentan sembalnzas de Rigo Mora, Álvaro González de Mendoza y David “el Negro” Guerrero, quienes desde el cine y la radiodifusión, dejaron momentos memorables a la comunidad tapatía.ITESO, A.C

    Conserved stromal-immune cell circuits secure B cell homeostasis and function

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    B cell zone reticular cells (BRCs) form stable microenvironments that direct efficient humoral immunity with B cell priming and memory maintenance being orchestrated across lymphoid organs. However, a comprehensive understanding of systemic humoral immunity is hampered by the lack of knowledge of global BRC sustenance, function and major pathways controlling BRC-immune cell interactions. Here we dissected the BRC landscape and immune cell interactome in human and murine lymphoid organs. In addition to the major BRC subsets underpinning the follicle, including follicular dendritic cells, PI16+^{+} RCs were present across organs and species. As well as BRC-produced niche factors, immune cell-driven BRC differentiation and activation programs governed the convergence of shared BRC subsets, overwriting tissue-specific gene signatures. Our data reveal that a canonical set of immune cell-provided cues enforce bidirectional signaling programs that sustain functional BRC niches across lymphoid organs and species, thereby securing efficient humoral immunity

    Comparative validation of three contemporary bleeding risk scores in acute coronary syndromes

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    Background: Hemorrhagic complications are strongly linked with subsequent adverse outcomes in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients. Various risk scores (RS) are available to estimate the bleeding risk in these patients. Aims: To compare the predictive accuracy of the three contemporary bleeding RS in ACS. Methods: We studied 4500 consecutive patients with ACS. For each patient, the ACTION, CRUSADE, and Mehran et al bleeding RS were calculated. We assessed their performance either for the prediction of their own major bleeding events or to predict the TIMI serious (major and minor) bleeding episodes in the overall population, in patients with non-ST elevation ACS (NSTEACS) and in those with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. Calibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow test) and discrimination (c-statistic) for the three RS were computed and compared. We used the concept of net reclassification improvement (NRI) to compare the incremental prognostic value of using a particular RS over the remaining scores in predicting the TIMI serious bleeding. Results: The best predictive accuracy was obtained by the CRUSADE score either for the prediction of its own major bleeding events (c-statistic=0.80, 0.791, and 0.81 for the entire sample, for STEMI, and for NSTEACS patients, respectively) or to predict the TIMI serious bleed occurrence (c-statistic=0.741, 0.738,and 0.745 for the whole population, for STEMI and NSTEACS patients, respectively). The lowest bleeding rates observed in patients classified as low risk corresponded to the CRUSADE RS. All scores performed modestly in patients who did not undergo coronariography (all c-statistic <0.70). The CRUSADE score was significantly superior to the ACTION model in predicting the TIMI serious bleeding occurrence in terms of NRI overall and by ACS subgroups (p<0.05). Overall, the CRUSADE RS exhibited better calibration for predicting the TIMI serious bleeding compared to the ACTION and Mehran et al scores (Hosmer-Lemeshow p-values of 0.26, 0.13, and 0.07, respectively). Conclusion: The CRUSADE score represents, among the more contemporary bleeding RS, the most accurate and reliable quantitative clinical tool in STEACS and STEMI patients. We encourage the utilization of the CRUSADE index for bleeding risk stratification purposes in daily clinical practice and in ACS outcome studies. The performance of the three more contemporary bleeding RS is modest in those patients who received conservative management