45 research outputs found

    Principios psicopedagógicos en la reforma educativa: bibliografía

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    Water exchanges in Mediterranean microtidal harbours

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    Mediterranean ports feature complex layouts and exert important environmental pressures in squeezed coastal zones. They experience mild meteo-oceanographic conditions during part of the year, leading to water velocities that are close to the resolution limits of observation equipment. The paper addresses the challenge of characterising summer port hydrodynamics by designing intensive field campaigns, focused on hydrodynamic variables, such as harbour entrance fluxes. The approach was developed for three Spanish microtidal harbours with different domain sizes and one or two entrances. These elements play a key role in harbour exchanges through the entrance and the subsequent water renovation. The paper will present and discuss the meteocean data and inferred variables, such as renovation times, which is a key indicator of water quality. From this basis, the paper will discuss the changing estuarine circulation patterns and the role of upwelling and downwelling on observed water temperature peaks. The conclusions will address the role of harbour hydrodynamics in integrated coastal water quality and port engineering, particularly for ports’ environmental impacts on adjacent beaches. To assess the full hydrodynamic domain, forecasting models are helpful. The continuous observations presented in this work would also help in the implementation and validation of these models.This research received funding from the Samoa 2 project, under agreement with Puertos del Estado and by the European Social Fund (ESF) through a grant from FI AGAUR 2020 (Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Radar on RAIA: High frequency radars in the RAIA Observatory

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    The RADAR ON RAIA project aims to update and extend beyond the Galician border the High Frequency (HF) radar network that has been operating since 2011 in the framework of the RAIA Observatory. The Project is allowing the establishment of a cross-border collaboration beyond the physical infrastructure itself, developing a sharing strategy of maintenance procedures, validation and data processing on both sides of the border, as well as an easy and public access to all the information. In addition, new products are being developed to exploit the potential of the HF radar technology.Peer Reviewe

    IL-6 serum levels predict severity and response to tocilizumab in COVID-19: An observational study

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    Background: Patients with coronavirus disaese 2019 (COVID-19) can develop a cytokine release syndrome that eventually leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Because IL-6 is a relevant cytokine in acute respiratory distress syndrome, the blockade of its receptor with tocilizumab (TCZ) could reduce mortality and/or morbidity in severe COVID-19. Objective: We sought to determine whether baseline IL-6 serum levels can predict the need for IMV and the response to TCZ. Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Clinical information and laboratory findings, including IL-6 levels, were collected approximately 3 and 9 days after admission to be matched with preadministration and postadministration of TCZ. Multivariable logistic and linear regressions and survival analysis were performed depending on outcomes: need for IMV, evolution of arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, or mortality. Results: One hundred forty-six patients were studied, predominantly males (66%); median age was 63 years. Forty-four patients (30%) required IMV, and 58 patients (40%) received treatment with TCZ. IL-6 levels greater than 30 pg/mL was the best predictor for IMV (odds ratio, 7.1; P < .001). Early administration of TCZ was associated with improvement in oxygenation (arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio) in patients with high IL-6 (P = .048). Patients with high IL-6 not treated with TCZ showed high mortality (hazard ratio, 4.6; P = .003), as well as those with low IL-6 treated with TCZ (hazard ratio, 3.6; P = .016). No relevant serious adverse events were observed in TCZ-treated patients. Conclusions: Baseline IL-6 greater than 30 pg/mL predicts IMV requirement in patients with COVID-19 and contributes to establish an adequate indication for TCZ administrationThis study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant nos. RD16/0011/0012 and PI18/ 0371 to I.G.A., grant no. PI19/00549 to A.A., and grant no. SAF2017-82886-R to F.S.-M.) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The study was also funded by ‘‘La Caixa Banking Foundation’’ (grant no. HR17-00016 to F.S.-M.) and ‘‘Fondos Supera COVID19’’ by Banco de Santander and CRUE. None of these sponsors have had any role in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publicatio

    Estado actual y propuesta de mejoramiento para los sistemas de control en el subsector del transporte público de pasajeros intermunicipal en la zona centro occidente de Colombia durante los años 2016-2017

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se direccionó en dos propósitos fundamentales que constituyen la naturaleza misma del fenómeno y orientan el ejercicio académico. En primer lugar, se llevó a cabo un análisis sobre el estado actual de los sistemas de control en el subsector del transporte público de pasajeros intermunicipal en la zona Centro Occidente de Colombia durante los años 2016-2017. A partir del anterior análisis, se estableció de manera general un plan de mejoramiento continuo para las organizaciones y empresas vinculadas en el estudio, a fin de posibilitar un avance en la prestación y calidad del servicio de transporte público intermunicipal entre los departamentos de Caldas, Chocó, Quindío, Valle y Risaralda, vinculados al ejercicio investigativo.The present research work was directed in two fundamental purposes that constitute the very nature of the phenomenon and guide the academic exercise. First, an analysis was carried out on the current status of control systems in the sub-sector of public intermunicipal passenger transport in the Central West of Colombia during the years 2016-2017. Based on the previous analysis, a continuous improvement plan was established in general for organizations and companies linked to the study, in order to enable progress in the provision and quality of intermunicipal public transport service between the departments of Caldas, Chocó , Quindío, Valle and Risaralda, linked to the research exercise.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereira - Facultad de Ciencias Economicas, Administrativas y Contables - Especialización en Revisoría fisca

    Estudios de marcado y recaptura de especies marinas

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    Los resultados obtenidos del marcado y posterior recaptura de los ejemplares son una herramienta muy valiosa para contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de la biología y ecología de una especie, examinando ciertos aspectos como son: el crecimiento, los movimientos o migraciones, la mortalidad o supervivencia, la abundancia y distribución de la especie, el hábitat y diferenciación de poblaciones o stocks. Actualmente la técnica de marcado se aplica a muchas especies, tanto terrestres como marinas, pertenecientes a diversos grupos zoológicos: peces, crustáceos, reptiles, moluscos y mamíferos. Este libro repasa algunos ejemplos de marcado de especies marinas de interés comercial. No todas las especies pueden ser marcadas, porque es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos para poder llevar a cabo con éxito un experimento de marcado. En uno de los apartados de esta guía, se describen los distintos aspectos a tener en cuenta para obtener buenos resultados. Se describen los principales proyectos de marcado actualmente en ejecución o en marcha llevados a cabo por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). En primer lugar, se describe brevemente la especie, su distribución, crecimiento, reproducción, alimentación, etc. A continuación, se presenta la información del marcado, es decir, campañas realizadas, número de ejemplares marcados y algunos de los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha a partir de las recapturas disponibles. En algunas especies, los programas de marcado se llevan realizando desde hace más de 20 años, como es el caso del atún rojo, por lo que la información disponible es bastante amplia. En otros casos por el contrario como la merluza, los proyectos son relativamente recientes, no obstante los resultados son bastante interesantes y prometedores.Nowadays many different marine animals are being tagged. This book summarizes recent tagging programs carried out by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). Although the objectives of these various studies mainly depend on the species and each project in particular, the general aim is to better understand the biology and ecology of these animals the structure and dynamics of their populations and their capacity to respond to human activities. This book provides an overview of different aspects of this technique such as a brief history of tagging, the types of tags currently used, including both conventional and electronic tags, where and how to put them on the marine animals, some recommendations regarding how to perform a tagging survey and where to go or what to do if anyone recovers a tagged fish or marine animal. The book then summarizes the main species tagged by the IEO, making a short description of their biology followed by some of the results obtained from tagging studies undertaken until now. Other applications are to know the spatial distribution (spawning or feeding areas), estimate growth parameters, mortality and survival rates, longevity, the size of the population or identifying stocks. Nowadays the advances in electronics have also open new fields such us the possibility of tracking an animal and knowing its habitat preferences and behaviour. Besides some of these tags have the capacity of recording this information during long periods and sending the data from long distances even without the need to recover the animal. Tagging activities constitute a very useful tool to improve the knowledge of many species and contribute to their management and conservation. For that reason this methodology is included in many IEO projects in which other activities like the monitoring of the fishery (landings, fishing effort, fleet characteristics, fishing areas, biological sampling, etc.) are carried out. Some projects are related with coastal pelagic fisheries including anchovy, sardine and mackerel or oceanic pelagic fisheries like tuna and billfish species and pelagic sharks. Others are focused on benthic and demersal species such as hake, black spot seabream, anglerfish, flatfish, etc. Nevertheless not all species can be tagged, as they have to survive being caught and handled before being release. For this reason, tagging techniques may not easily be applied to some species

    Estudios de marcado y recaptura de especies marinas

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    Los resultados obtenidos del marcado y posterior recaptura de los ejemplares son una herramienta muy valiosa para contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento de la biología y ecología de una especie, examinando ciertos aspectos como son: el crecimiento, los movimientos o migraciones, la mortalidad o supervivencia, la abundancia y distribución de la especie, el hábitat y diferenciación de poblaciones o stocks. Actualmente la técnica de marcado se aplica a muchas especies, tanto terrestres como marinas, pertenecientes a diversos grupos zoológicos: peces, crustáceos, reptiles, moluscos y mamíferos. Este libro repasa algunos ejemplos de marcado de especies marinas de interés comercial. No todas las especies pueden ser marcadas, porque es necesario cumplir una serie de requisitos para poder llevar a cabo con éxito un experimento de marcado. En uno de los apartados de esta guía, se describen los distintos aspectos a tener en cuenta para obtener buenos resultados. Se describen los principales proyectos de marcado actualmente en ejecución o en marcha llevados a cabo por el Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO). En primer lugar, se describe brevemente la especie, su distribución, crecimiento, reproducción, alimentación, etc. A continuación, se presenta la información del marcado, es decir, campañas realizadas, número de ejemplares marcados y algunos de los resultados obtenidos hasta la fecha a partir de las recapturas disponibles. En algunas especies, los programas de marcado se llevan realizando desde hace más de 20 años, como es el caso del atún rojo, por lo que la información disponible es bastante amplia. En otros casos por el contrario como la merluza, los proyectos son relativamente recientes, no obstante los resultados son bastante interesantes y prometedores.Nowadays many different marine animals are being tagged. This book summarizes recent tagging programs carried out by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). Although the objectives of these various studies mainly depend on the species and each project in particular, the general aim is to better understand the biology and ecology of these animals the structure and dynamics of their populations and their capacity to respond to human activities. This book provides an overview of different aspects of this technique such as a brief history of tagging, the types of tags currently used, including both conventional and electronic tags, where and how to put them on the marine animals, some recommendations regarding how to perform a tagging survey and where to go or what to do if anyone recovers a tagged fish or marine animal. The book then summarizes the main species tagged by the IEO, making a short description of their biology followed by some of the results obtained from tagging studies undertaken until now. Other applications are to know the spatial distribution (spawning or feeding areas), estimate growth parameters, mortality and survival rates, longevity, the size of the population or identifying stocks. Nowadays the advances in electronics have also open new fields such us the possibility of tracking an animal and knowing its habitat preferences and behaviour. Besides some of these tags have the capacity of recording this information during long periods and sending the data from long distances even without the need to recover the animal. Tagging activities constitute a very useful tool to improve the knowledge of many species and contribute to their management and conservation. For that reason this methodology is included in many IEO projects in which other activities like the monitoring of the fishery (landings, fishing effort, fleet characteristics, fishing areas, biological sampling, etc.) are carried out. Some projects are related with coastal pelagic fisheries including anchovy, sardine and mackerel or oceanic pelagic fisheries like tuna and billfish species and pelagic sharks. Others are focused on benthic and demersal species such as hake, black spot seabream, anglerfish, flatfish, etc. Nevertheless not all species can be tagged, as they have to survive being caught and handled before being release. For this reason, tagging techniques may not easily be applied to some species.Versión del edito

    Copernicus Ocean State Report, issue 6

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    The 6th issue of the Copernicus OSR incorporates a large range of topics for the blue, white and green ocean for all European regional seas, and the global ocean over 1993–2020 with a special focus on 2020