859 research outputs found

    Historias de vida desde una perspectiva subalterna: Situarse desde lo inabordable de la relación con el otro

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    En esta comunicación abordamos el desafío que nos plantean las Jornadas de llevar la investigación en Historias de Vida a experiencias de “los colectivos menos favorecidos de la sociedad”, de los individuos colocados en posiciones subalternas a causa de la “marginación socio-cultural”, la “segregación por género” y “las diferencias culturales”. Lo hacemos desde dos estrategias. En la primera revisamos los aportes de la perspectiva la subalternidad para plantear y tratar de afrontar algunas de las tensiones que nos plantea acercarnos a Otro subalterno desde una institución hegemónica como es la Universidad. En la segunda parte afrontamos cómo hemos llevado estas tensiones a una investigación con jóvenes emigrantes en la que hemos tratado de descolonizar, no sólo los modos de relación, sino de representación de la alteridad. Todo ello con el fin de contribuir a generar relaciones que no eluden las tensiones y contradicciones, pero que también generen otros modos de representación y de relación con los subalternos

    ¿Por qué no ha fructificado la propuesta del profesor como investigador? Y algunas propuestas para resistir a un presente nostálgico

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    En este artículo se revisa el marco de introducción de algunas de las propuestas de John Elliot en la educación española. En especial, se presta atención al desafío que supuso el planteamiento de la investigación en la acción y la noción del profesor como investigador. A la vez que se analiza su favorable acogida inicial entre parte de la comunidad académica y el profesorado innovador, se revisan algunas de las posibles causas de por qué no fructificó en el marco de una reforma como la de 1990. Todo ello sirve de puente para destacar la vigencia de las ideas y aportaciones de John Elliott, con motivo de su investidura como doctor honoris causa por la Universitar Autònoma de Barcelona, en el momento histórico que vive nuestro sistema educativo a partir de la aprobación de la LOCE. Tener en cuenta las ideas y propuestas de John Elliott puede sugerirnos algunas formas de resistencia en un momento que muchos educadores innovadores y comprometidos en su trabajo viven como profundamente regresivo.En aquest article es revisa el marc que ha permès situar algunes de les propostes de John Elliot en l'educació espanyola. En especial, es para atenció al desafiament que va suposar el plantejament de la investigació en l'acció i la noció del professor com a investigador. Alhora que s'analitza la seva acollida favorable inicial entre una part de la comunitat acadèmica i el professorat innovador, es revisen algunes de les possibles causes de per què no va fructificar en el marc d'una reforma com la de 1990. Tot això serveix de pont per destacar la vigència de les idees i aportacions de John Elliott, amb motiu de la seva investidura com a doctor honoris causa per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, en el moment històric que viu el nostre sistema educatiu a partir de l'aprovació de la LOCE. Tenir en compte les idees i propostes de John Elliott pot suggerir-nos algunes formes de resistència en un moment que molts educadors innovadors i compromesos en el seu treball viuen com a profundament regressiu.This article studies the introduction frame of some of John Elliott's proposals to the Spanish educational system. Special emphasis is giving to the notion of action research and the teacher as researcher. It analyses the reasons of the initially favourable acceptance on the part of some scholars and innovative teachers together with the motives that might explain why this conception did not fructify during the implementation of 1990 Reform. The final part of the article builds a bridge to emphasise the validity and actuality of John Elliott's ideas and contribution, on the occasion of the his investiture as Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universitar Autònoma de Barcelona, in the current circumstances of our educational systems under the new educational law (LOCE). Taking into account John Elliot's ideas and proposals might suggest us some forms of resistance in a moment many innovative and deeply involved educators see as highly regressive

    Nutritional Importance of Selected Fresh Fishes, Shrimps and Mollusks to Meet Compliance with Nutritional Guidelines of n-3 LC-PUFA Intake in Spain

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    Fishery products are the main source of dietary n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). Following the European Commission’s request to address the risks and benefits of seafood consumption, and taking into account the great variability of nutrient and contaminant levels in fishery products, the present work aims to estimate the n-3 LC-PUFA provided per serving of selected fishes, shrimps and mollusks that are commonly consumed in Spain. This would enable the establishment of a risk–benefit analysis of fish consumption and provide recommendations for fish intake to comply with nutritional guidelines of n-3 LC-PUFA intake. We confirmed high variation in the pattern and contents of fatty acids for different species. n-6 PUFA were minor fatty acids, whereas palmitic (C16:0), oleic (C18:1 n-9), and mainly eicosapentaenoic (C20:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic (C22:6 n-3) acids were the major fatty acids in the sample. Therefore, consumption of 2–3 servings per week of a variety of fishery products may contribute to compliance with the recommended daily n-3 LC-PUFA intake while maintaining an adequate balance to avoid contaminant-derived potential risks (metals and others). Taking the fatty acid content of fishery products described in this study into consideration, it is advisable to include one serving of fatty fish per week in order to meet recommended n-3 LC-PUFA levels.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI10/0052

    Prenatal Metals Exposure and pre-adolescents’ Emotional and Behavioral Problems

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    Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. We are grateful to all the participants and their families for taking part in this study. We also appreciate the generous contribution in the study of all INMA members. A full roster of the INMA Project researchers can be found at http://www.proyectoinma.org/presentacion-inma/listado-investigadores/en_listado-investigadores.html. This study was supported by grants from Spanish government through the Ministry of Universities under the grant CAS21/00008 and grant for the requalification of the Spanish University, financed by the European Union, NextGeneration EU, Instituto de Salud Carlos III [FIS-FEDER: 13/1944, 16/1288, 17/00663 and 19/1338; FIS-FSE: 17/00260; Miguel Servet-FSE: MSII20/0006, FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, CPII18/00018], CIBERESP, Department of Health of the Basque Government (2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065), Generalitat Valenciana [BEST/2020/059, AICO/2020/285 and CIAICO/2021/132] and the Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (DFG06/002, DFG08/001 and DFG15/221 and DFG 89/17). We also acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency through the "Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa 2019-2023" Program (CEX2018-000806-S), and support from the Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA Program.Emotional and behavioral problems during childhood raise the risk of subsequent developmental of mental disorders. Our aim was to study the association between maternal metal and trace element concentrations during gestation and these problems in 9 year-old children. The study sample comprised Spanish mother-child pairs in the INMA project (n = 1003). Metals and trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl and Zn) were measured in urine samples collected during pregnancy. Inorganic As metabolites were speciated in a subsample (n = 729). Emotional and behavioral problems were assessed using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) composed of three scales: internalizing, externalizing and total problems. Sociodemographic, dietary and exposure to other environmental pollutants were obtained through questionnaires. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in brain- and metabolism-related genes APOE, BDNF, GSTP1, and PON1 were determined in cord blood. Multivariate negative binomial models were used. The interaction with sex and genotypes was evaluated including interaction terms. A multi-element analysis was carried out by a principal component analysis. Higher concentrations of Cu, monomethylarsonic acid, and Pb during pregnancy were associated with an increased incidence ratio risk (IRR) between 4.6 and 7.5% for internalizing and externalizing problems for all three CBCL scales in the children. Increasing Mo, Ni and Co concentrations were associated with higher IRR for internalizing problems (up to 8%), and Cd for externalizing problems (6.7%). Modifications by sex and genotypes were found for several associations. Multi-element analysis associated multiple metals and trace elements (Ni, Cu, Se, Cd and Pb) with higher internalizing problems.CRUE-CSIC agreementSpanish government through the Ministry of Universities CAS21/00008Spanish UniversityEuropean Union (EU)NextGeneration EUInstituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government 13/1944, 16/1288, 17/00663, 19/1338FIS-FSE 17/00260Miguel Servet-FSE MSII20/0006, FIS-PI06/0867, FIS-PI09/00090, CPII18/00018CIBERESPDepartment of Health of the Basque Government 2005111093, 2009111069, 2013111089, 2015111065Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF) BEST/2020/059, AICO/2020/285, CIAICO/2021/132Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa DFG06/002, DFG08/001, DFG15/221, DFG 89/17Spanish GovernmentState Research Agency CEX2018-000806-SGeneralitat de Catalunya through the CERCA Progra

    School + : un proyecto europeo para repensar la enseñanza secundaria

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    El V Programa Marco de la Comisión Europea a través del programa de «Las Tecnologías de la Sociedad de la Información» (IST), impulsó, en el año 2000, la línea de investigación, desarrollo e innovación denominada «La escuela del mañana» con el objetivo de desarrollar y evaluar nuevos entornos de aprendizaje que utilicen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para la mejora del aprendizaje en la escuela. School+: Más que un sistema informático para construir la escuela del mañana fue uno de los proyectos seleccionados. Los datos en los que se basa este artículo forman parte de los estudios de caso realizados para analizar y discutir la utilización de un sistema digital de gestión del aprendizaje y un modelo de enseñanza basado en la indagación en veinte escuelas secundarias de cinco países europeos. La observación participante, el análisis de documentos y los diarios de campo fueron los principales métodos utilizados. Este artículo presenta algunos de los resultados de la investigación relacionados con el cambio y la mejora de la escuela secundaria. Se centra en los procesos que aluden no sólo a la utilización de las TIC sino a nuevas maneras de enfocar la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y el trabajo colaborativo en y entre las escuelas y otros agentes educativos. El foco del artículo es la constitución de redes de colaboración entre la escuela y la universidad, los logros y dificultades que comporta organizar la enseñanza de forma alternativa y el papel de la tecnología para apoyar estos procesos.The Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies Program (IST), aimed to the development of a more accessible Information Society for all,launched in the year 2000,a call for RTD proposals under the action line of "The School of the Future". The purpose of this initiative was developing and testing new learning environments integrating accessible ICT devices to improve teaching and learning. School+: More than a platform to build the school of tomorrow was one of the eleven selected projects. This paper builds on data collected through twenty case studies carried out to analyse and discuss the impact of the use of a digital learning management system and an inquiry based teaching and learning perspective in twenty secondary schools of five European countries. Participant observation, document analysis, focus groups and field notes were the most important research method used.This paper offers some of the research results in relation to change and improvement in the secondary school.The processes involved allude not only to the use of ICT but also to new ways of approaching teaching and learning and to the collaboration in and between schools and other educational agents.The paper focuses in the establishment of collaborative networks between schools and universities, the strengths and weaknesses derived of implementing alternative teaching and learning modes, and the role of technology to foster these process

    Serum Selenium and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) Trial: Nested Case-Control Study

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    Background: Selenium is an essential trace mineral with potential interest for cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention owing to its antioxidant properties. Epidemiological data on selenium status and CVD remain inconsistent. The objective of this study was to ascertain whether low serum selenium (SSe) concentrations are related to an increased risk of a first CVD event in a population at high cardiovascular risk. Methods: We undertook a case-control study nested within the “PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea” (PREDIMED) trial. A total of 207 participants diagnosed with CVD (myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death) during the follow-up period (2003–2010) were matched by sex, age, and intervention group to 436 controls by incidence density sampling. Median time between serum sample collection and subsequent CVD event occurrence was 0.94 years. SSe levels were determined using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis. Covariates were assessed through validated questionnaires, in-person interviews, and medical record reviews. Conditional logistic regression was used to calculate multivariable-adjusted odds ratios (ORs). Results: Among women, the mean SSe concentration was lower in cases than in controls (98.5 g/L vs. 103.8 g/L; p = 0.016). In controls, SSe levels were directly associated with percentage of total energy intake from proteins and fish intake (p for linear trend < 0.001 and 0.049, respectively), whereas SSe concentrations were inversely associated with age, body mass index, and percentage of total energy intake from carbohydrates (p for linear trend < 0.001, 0.008 and 0.016 respectively). In the total group, we observed an inverse dose–response gradient between SSe levels and risk of CVD in the fully-adjusted model (highest vs. lowest quartile: OR = 0.47, 95% CI: 0.27–0.81; ptrend = 0.003). Conclusions: Among elderly individuals at high cardiovascular risk, high SSe concentrations within population reference values are associated with lower first CVD incidence.official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) RTIC G03/140RTIC RD 06/0045 "PREDIMED" JR14/00008Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Fisiopatologia de la Obesidad y Nutricion (CIBERobn)Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares CNIC 06/2007Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto de Investigacion) PI04-2239 PI05/2584 CP06/00100 PI07/0240 PI07/1138 PI07/0954 PI 07/0473 PI10/01407 PI10/02658 PI11/01647 P11/02505 PI13/00462Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (MICINN) (AGL)-2009-13906-C02 AGL2010-22319-C03 AGL2013-49083C3-1-RMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad-Fondos FEDER-Instituto de Salud Carlos III UNGR15-CE-3380 Fundacion Mapfre 2010Junta de Andalucia PI0105/2007Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of CataloniaCenter for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF) GVACOMP 06109 GVACOMP2010-181 GVACOMP2011-151 PROMETEO 21/2021Conselleria de Sanitat y Atencion Primaria CS2010-AP-111 CS2011-AP-042Regional Government of Navarra P27/2011Centre Catala de la Nutricio de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalan

    School + : un proyecto europeo para repensar la enseñanza secundaria

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    El V Programa Marco de la Comisión Europea a través del programa de «Las Tecnologías de la Sociedad de la Información» (IST), impulsó, en el año 2000, la línea de investigación, desarrollo e innovación denominada «La escuela del mañana» con el objetivo de desarrollar y evaluar nuevos entornos de aprendizaje que utilicen las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) para la mejora del aprendizaje en la escuela. School+: Más que un sistema informático para construir la escuela del mañana fue uno de los proyectos seleccionados. Los datos en los que se basa este artículo forman parte de los estudios de caso realizados para analizar y discutir la utilización de un sistema digital de gestión del aprendizaje y un modelo de enseñanza basado en la indagación en veinte escuelas secundarias de cinco países europeos. La observación participante, el análisis de documentos y los diarios de campo fueron los principales métodos utilizados. Este artículo presenta algunos de los resultados de la investigación relacionados con el cambio y la mejora de la escuela secundaria. Se centra en los procesos que aluden no sólo a la utilización de las TIC sino a nuevas maneras de enfocar la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y el trabajo colaborativo en y entre las escuelas y otros agentes educativos. El foco del artículo es la constitución de redes de colaboración entre la escuela y la universidad, los logros y dificultades que comporta organizar la enseñanza de forma alternativa y el papel de la tecnología para apoyar estos procesos.The Fifth Framework Programme of the European Commission through the Information Society Technologies Program (IST), aimed to the development of a more accessible Information Society for all,launched in the year 2000,a call for RTD proposals under the action line of "The School of the Future". The purpose of this initiative was developing and testing new learning environments integrating accessible ICT devices to improve teaching and learning. School+: More than a platform to build the school of tomorrow was one of the eleven selected projects. This paper builds on data collected through twenty case studies carried out to analyse and discuss the impact of the use of a digital learning management system and an inquiry based teaching and learning perspective in twenty secondary schools of five European countries. Participant observation, document analysis, focus groups and field notes were the most important research method used.This paper offers some of the research results in relation to change and improvement in the secondary school.The processes involved allude not only to the use of ICT but also to new ways of approaching teaching and learning and to the collaboration in and between schools and other educational agents.The paper focuses in the establishment of collaborative networks between schools and universities, the strengths and weaknesses derived of implementing alternative teaching and learning modes, and the role of technology to foster these process

    Association between serum copper levels and risk of cardiovascular disease: A nested case-control study in the PREDIMED trial

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    This research was funded by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), through grants provided to research networks specifically developed for the trial (RTIC G03/140; RTIC RD 06/0045 “PREDIMED”), and JR14/00008, and through Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn), and by grants from Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC06/2007), the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria–Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Proyecto de Investigación (PI04-2239, PI05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, P11/02505 and PI13/00462), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Recursos y teconologia agroalimentarias (AGL)-2009-13906-C02 and AGL2010-22319-C03 and AGL2013-49083C3-1-R), the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-Fondos FEDER-Instituto de Salud Carlos III (UNGR15-CE-3380), the Fundación Mapfre 2010, the Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0105/2007), the Public Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia, the Generalitat Valenciana (Generalitat Valenciana Ayuda Complementatia GVACOMP) 06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151), Conselleria de Sanitat y AP; Atención Primaria (CS) 2010-AP-111, and CS2011-AP-042), Regional Government of Navarra (P27/2011), and Centre Català de la Nutrició de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans. Hojiblanca and Patrimonio Communal Olivarero donated extra-virgin olive oil; the California Walnut Commission donated walnuts; Borges donated almonds; La Morella Nuts donated hazelnuts. The authors would like to thank the Universidad de Malaga/ Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA) for funding the Open Access fees for the publication. The authors would like to thank the Aula de Dieta Mediterránea y Vida Saludable de la Real Academia de Medicina de Andalucía Oriental, Ceuta y Melilla for its financial support in the analytical determination of copper levels.Background and aim: Certain trace elements have been associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between serum copper (S -Cu) levels and the risk of a first event of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in a population of older adults with high cardiovascular risk. Methods and results: We conducted a case-control study nested within the PREDIMED trial. During a median follow-up of 4.8 years, a total of 207 incident cases diagnosed with CVD were matched for sex, age, and intervention group with 436 controls. Personal interviews, reviews of medical records, and validated questionnaires were used to assess known CVD risk factors. Biological serum samples were collected annually. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis was used to determine S-Cu levels. Adjusted odds ratios were calculated using multivariate conditional logistic regression models. All participants had S-Cu levels within the reference values, 750 mg/L to 1450 mg/L. Among men, but not among women, the mean S-Cu concentration was higher in cases 1014.1 mg/L than in controls 959.3 mg/L; (p = 0.004). In men, the multivariable-adjusted odds ratio for CVD was 2.36 (95% CI 1.07-5.20 for the comparison of the highest vs. the lowest quartile; p for trend = 0.02), in women, it was 0.43 (95% CI 0.11-1.70; p for trend = 0.165). Conclusion: In older Spanish men with high cardiovascular risk, a significant association was observed between high S-Cu levels, but still within the reference values, and an increased risk of a first event of CVD. Our findings suggest a sex difference in CVD risk and S-Cu levels. To confirm this relationship and to analyze the differences observed between men and women, further studies are needed.Spanish government, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)Centro de Investigación Biomedica en Red de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición (CIBERobn) RTIC G03/140, RTIC RD 06/0045, JR14/00008Centro Nacional de Investigaciones CardiovascularesFondo de Investigación Sanitaria-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional CNIC06/2007Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government PI04-2239, PI05/2584, CP06/00100, PI07/0240, PI07/1138, PI07/0954, PI 07/0473, PI10/01407, PI10/02658, PI11/01647, P11/02505, PI13/00462,Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Fondos FEDER-Instituto de Salud Carlos III 2009-13906-C02, AGL2010-22319-C03, AGL2013-49083C3-1-RFundacion Mapfre UNGR15-CE-3380Consejería de Salud de la Junta de AndalucíaPublic Health Division of the Department of Health of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia PI0105/2007Center for Forestry Research & Experimentation (CIEF)Conselleria de Sanitat y AP 06109, GVACOMP2010-181, GVACOMP2011-151Atención Primaria (CS) 2010-AP-111, CS2011-AP-042onal Government of Navarra 2010-AP-111, CS2011-AP-042Centre Catala de la Nutricio de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans P27/2011Universidad de Málaga/ Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA)Real Academia de Medicina de Andalucía Orienta

    About the Senses and Places of Learning in the Teachers’ Lives and Their Implications for Teacher Education

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    El contenido de este artículo se basa en una investigación cuya finalidad era explorar cómo el profesorado de secundaria aprende a lo largo, ancho y profundo de la vida. La utilización de métodos visuales (cartografías), las narrativas de los 28 participantes en la investigación, la documentación visual de los procesos y las notas de campo, nos permitieron profundizar en sus lugares de aprendizaje, sus movimientos entre el dentro y el fuera de la institución y el sentido que le dan al aprender. El trabajo de campo se centró en dos talleres con los grupos de docentes (11, 8, 7 y 3) y el diálogo continuado con ellos. De las evidencias obtenidas, se han seleccionado aquellas en las que el profesorado hace referencia a las relaciones pedagógicas y los entornos de formación a los que se vinculan sus aprendizajes. De su ordenación y del diálogo interpretativo realizado se deriva que aprender es para los docentes una experiencia atravesada por los afectos. Afectos que se entrelazan en las relaciones con antiguos profesores, familiares, alumnado, colegas y aquellos con quienes se encuentran en entornos no formales. En estas experiencias se tejen saberes no necesariamente académicos, que terminan confluyendo en la práctica profesional y en la vida del profesorado fuera de los centros educativos. Esta consideración amplia y compleja del aprender conduce a una serie de consideraciones que pueden contribuir a plantear la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado como una trama de procesos que están en constante devenir.The content of this paper is based on a research project aimed at exploring how secondary school teachers learn across the length, breadth and depth of life. The use of visual methods (cartographies), the narratives of the 28 participants in the research, the visual documentation of the processes and the field notes, allowed us to deepen in their learning places, their movements between inside and outside the institution and the meaning they give to learning. The fieldwork focused on two workshops with the groups of teachers (11, 8, 7 and 3) and continued by dialoguing with them. From the interpretative dialogue carried out emerges that learning is for teachers an experience crossed by the affections. Affects that are intertwined into relationships with former teachers, family members, students, colleagues and those with whom they find themselves in non-formal environments. These experiences weave together knowledge that is not necessarily academic, which ends up converging in professional practice and in teaches’ life outside schools. This broad and complex consideration of teachers’ learning leads to a series of findings that may contribute to raising teacher initial and in-service education as a network of processes that are constantly evolving

    Una visión amplia y compleja de la tecnología. Trayectoria, transiciones y posiciones de un grupo de investigación

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    This paper contains the developments, discussions and decisions made in our research group since its inception in 1994. To do this, first, we situate the socio-historical context of the development of educational research in Spain. Second, we describe the evolution of the group, which led to a name change, a redefinition of the research topics and a greater accuracy in the definition of our ontological, epistemological and methodological positions. This includes our perspective on technology, visualities and educational environments. Finally we exemplify these concepts in two European projects we are developing right now. For us, research is not only inseparable from the academic task, but essential to go beyond the common sense and to be able to provide evidence on the complex phenomena that shape education. But, above all, it represents the best way to improve our work as teachers and educators.Keywords: educational technology, educational research, research methodology, research and theory.En este artículo hacemos explícitas las evoluciones, discusiones y toma de decisiones realizadas en nuestro grupo de investigación desde su creación en 1994. Para ello, en primer lugar, situamos el contexto sociohistórico del desarrollo de la investigación educativa en España. En segundo, damos cuenta de la evolución del grupo, que conllevó un cambio de nombre, una redefinición de las líneas de investigación y una mayor precisión de nuestras posiciones ontológicas, epistemológicas y metodológicas. Lo que incluye nuestra perspectiva sobre la tecnología, las visualidades y los entornos educativos. Finalmente ejemplificamos estas concepciones en dos proyectos europeos que estamos desarrollando en estos momentos. Para nosotros la investigación no es sólo consustancial al trabajo académico, sino fundamental para poder ir más allá del sentido común y aportar evidencias sobre los complejos fenómenos que configuran la educación. Pero, sobre todo, una forma de mejorar nuestra labor como profesores y formadores.Palabras clave: tecnología educativa, investigación educativa, metodología de investigación, investigación y teoría