2,666 research outputs found

    Opening, preparation and extraction mining Ostravské seams No. 463 Natan Mine Darkov, location May 9

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    Import 22/07/2015Ve své diplomové práci navrhuji otvírku, přípravu a dobývání ostravské sloje Natan č. 463 na Důlním závodě 1 Dolu Darkov, lokality 9. Květen. Je to jeden z posledních porubů životnosti této lokality a navrhuji ho připravit a vydobýt pro Důl Darkov nezvyklým způsobem. Sloj Natan č. 463 obsahuje kvalitní koksovatelné uhlí. V této práci navrhuji připravit prorážku o výšce 1,5 m, a ražbu této prorážky navrhuji klasickým způsoben se škrabákovým nakladačem. Porub navrhuji vybavit vytrhávacím pluhem RHH800 s mechanickou výztuží typu DBT 600/1400 a hřeblovým dopravníkem typu PF3/822. Z důvodu dnešní situace ceny uhlí na světovém trhu navrhuji použít již používané stroje v OKD na jiných lokalitách a Závodech. V technicko-ekonomickém zhodnocení jsem vypočítal materiálové náklady na vyražení chodeb.In my dissertation I plan opening, preparation and extraction mining ostravské seams No. 463 Natan at Mine Darkov Location May 9. This is the one of the last face at this locality. I make a suggestion of preparing and mining this face unusual way for Mine Darkov. Seam No. 463 Natan has very good coking coal. I plan snicket gate 1,5m high driving with blasting operation and loading with scraper. I plan face equipment with drag-hook plough RHH 800, mechanical supports type DBT 600/1400 and chain conveyer PF3/822. Because of today’s world coal price I plan machines already used at others plants and locality in OKD. I calculate material cost for driving roads at technical-economic evaluation.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivelmi dobř

    Effect of core affect bidimensional structure on treatment abandonment in borderline personality disorder

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    Trabajo fin de Máster en Psicología General SanitariaModalidad: Investigación aplicadaObjetivo: estudiar el impacto del balance y activación del afecto/emoción en el cumplimiento del tratamiento en casos TLP en la Unidad de Trastornos de la Personalidad del Hospital R. Lafora de Madrid. Método: se ha contado con los datos de 219 usuarios de la Unidad, que han rellenado la escala PANAS de evaluación de las dos dimensiones del afecto cada noche de tratamiento, llevándose a cabo un análisis de supervivencia. De estos 219 usuarios, 114 (un 47%)abandonaron prematuramente el tratamiento. Resultados: el abandono es más frecuente en los primeros 90 días de tratamiento (de los 180 máximos). No se encontraron diferencias significativas según el sexo ni la edad. De las covariables de la estructura del afecto, un balance más positivo conlleva una menor probabilidad de abandono, este efecto está moderado por la desviación típica del balance: a mayor variabilidad en el balance, mayor es la relación balance-abandono como factor protector. Sin embargo estas covariables no permiten predecir en el primer mes qué usuarios van a abandonar y cuáles van a finalizar el tratamiento. Conclusiones: aunque no puede ser utilizado como predictor, un balance positivo y con variabilidad es un factor que influye favorablemente en el cumplimiento del tratamiento, que debe ser explicado con modelos que incluyan más variables relevantes. No se descarta que este efecto sea producto de la mejoría en el tratamiento. Estos resultados corroboran trabajos anteriores sobre la relevancia de la regulación emocional en el TLP

    Els inicis de la policia científica a Espanya. Balanç historiogràfic i estat de la qüestió

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    Treballs Finals de Grau en Història, Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2022-2023, Tutor: Javier Tébar Hurtado[cat] Aquest treball té el propòsit de fer un balanç bibliogràfic sobre la història de les primeres passes de la policia científica a Espanya i aproximar-se al coneixement historiogràfic de com les noves tècniques criminalístiques es van anar introduint a l’administració estatal gràcies a la influència que els dirigents polítics van rebre per part de destacats científics, ja que la seva aparició va estretament lligada a les constants reformes que van tenir lloc durant el segle XIX i el primer terç del segle XX a l’organització policial en resposta a la complexitat dels esdeveniments socials i polítics d’aquest període.[eng] The objective of this essay is to make a bibliographical analysis about the history of the first steps of the scientific police in Spain. It also focuses is achieving a historiographical knowledge of how the new forensic techniques were introduced in the state administration thanks to the influence made by scientific lobbies to the politicians of the time. It is also important to point out that the appearance of those forensic techniques were strongly tied to the numerous reforms made by the police force during the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century due to the social and political events that took place in that period of time

    Soybean Production Under Drought Stress with Application of Bradyrhizobium Japonicum Induced by Genistein

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    A research about production of soybean under drought stress with the application of Bradyrhizobium japonicum induced by genistein was conducted in green house, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara. The aim of the research was to study the role of B. japonicum induced by genistein on soybean production. The experiment used Randomized Complete Block Design Factorial with three factors. The first factor was genistein treatments consisted of without and with genistein. The second factor was B. japonicum consisted of without B. japonicum, B. japonicum isolate 1, B. japonicum isolate 2 and B. japonicum isolate 3. The third factor was soil water content condition namely 40%, 60% and 80% of field capacity. The parameters observed were plant growth rate, relative growth rate, nett assimilation rate, dry weight/plant and dry weight of 100 seeds. The result research showed that the treatment of interaction between B. japonicum induced genistein under 80% of field capacity gave the higher plant growth rate, plant growth rate, relative growth rate, nett assimilation rate and dry weight of 100 seeds

    from new space to big space how commercial space dream is becoming a reality

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    Abstract New space is a misleading expression. Many new trends steer the evolution of space activities. Development of commercial space, with start-ups and space ventures, is one of the most visible trends in space. Stimulated by the first initiatives related to space tourism, access to space and the growing use of small satellites, space activities have attracted new entrepreneurs, both start-ups and big web actors with substantial investment capacity. This revolution started in the Silicon Valley and spread worldwide. Start-ups have attracted around $21.8 billion of investment from 2000 to 2018. It is far below the annual institutional budgets but the pace gained momentum since 2006 and specially 2012. Between teenage crisis and age of reason, New space is now old: the first start-ups shall confirm their promises, while new players pop up and try to find their way. It shakes the legacy players but they demonstrate resilience and adaptation capacity. It is now the right time to take stock of the first lessons learnt. Start-ups disrupt the established industry? Instead of a simplistic shortcut, this paper reports an "organisational ecology" study. With a deliberate industrial viewpoint, its ambition is to help understanding complex evolutions in the space ecosystem. The first part of the paper introduces the current ecosystem, its actors, the key trends and the main types of activities. Through facts and figures on technology, investments and markets, the second part reviews how "new space" trends is preparing the advent of big space. The third part summarises lessons from other industries and typical disruption scenarios that could affect space activities. The drivers of New space are discussed in section four. The last part is a foresight exercise, discussing possible evolutions and impacts, threats and opportunities. The decisive role of institutional actors and the « new New space » with more and more space-faring nations is also highlighted. Something big is happening in space. While it is too early to depict the new landscape, this study shows that the future picture will not be black and white but more colourful. The size and the age of the company are less important than agility, mindset, ability to manage risks and to cooperate. A big vision for the future, from entrepreneurs or from nations, is also needed

    Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la creación de un departamento en la Corporación Interactuar, especializado en la comercialización de los productos y/o servicios de las microempresas de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana 2011

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    El presente estudio de prefactibilidad para la creación de un departamento en la Corporación Interactuar, especializado en la comercialización de los productos y/o servicios de las microempresas de Medellín y su Área Metropolitana 2011, para lo cual se realizaron estudios legales, administrativos, de mercado y financieros, determinan la viabilidad de la creación de este departamento, como una alternativa eficaz para el mercadeo y comercialización de los productos de las microempresas. El microempresario realiza la adecuación del producto que le permite la penetración en nuevos mercados, generando así las ventas requeridas para su estabilidad. INTERACTUAR en el apoyo que brinda a miles de emprendedores y microempresarios, debe ofrecer una estrategia integral que permita desde la consolidación de su proyecto, financiamiento y puesta en marcha del mismo; siendo un valor agregado que permita el posicionamiento y colocación exitosa del producto, con la posibilidad de competir en el mercado, lo que traerá como beneficio la consolidación de clientes y el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones financieras con la empresa y en especial permitir la generación y conservación de empleos, el sostenimiento de familias y la materialización del proyecto de vida del emprendedor. El apoyo en la comercialización a los microempresarios se convierte, hoy en día, en una necesidad sentida por todos los sectores económicos microempresariales, ya que producen productos muy buenos pero no los saben vender. La mayoría de microempresarios no saben cerrar el círculo más importante en los procesos empresariales, la venta. Sino venden no pueden subsistir y les toca cerrar sus negocios.The following feasibility study about the creation of a department at Corporación Interactuar, specialized in merchandizing products and/or services of microbusiness in Medellín and the Metropolitan Area 2011. For that legal, administrative, marketing and financial studies were made, determining the viability of creating this department as an effective alternative for the merchandize and marketing of the microbusiness products. The microentrepreneur adapts the product in order to achieve new markets, generating the sells required to his stability. INTERACTUAR with the support to thousands of entrepreneurs and microentrepreneurs must offer an integral strategy allowing the consolidation, financial and implementation of the project, being an additional role that allows the successful positioning of the product with the possibility of competing in the market, being important to the clients and getting the financial requirements with the enterprise creating jobs specially focused on family support and the life project. Nowadays, the marketing support to the entrepreneurs becomes a necessity in all the economic sectors because they produce high quality goods but they don’t know how to sell them. Most of the microentrepreneurs don’t know how to close the most important aspect in the enterprise process: the sales. If they didn’t sell they wouldn’t subsist and they had to close their business

    Fine-sorting One-dimensional Particle-In-Cell Algorithm with Monte-Carlo Collisions on a Graphics Processing Unit

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    Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with Monte-Carlo collisions are used in plasma science to explore a variety of kinetic effects. One major problem is the long run-time of such simulations. Even on modern computer systems, PIC codes take a considerable amount of time for convergence. Most of the computations can be massively parallelized, since particles behave independently of each other within one time step. Current graphics processing units (GPUs) offer an attractive means for execution of the parallelized code. In this contribution we show a one-dimensional PIC code running on Nvidia GPUs using the CUDA environment. A distinctive feature of the code is that size of the cells that the code uses to sort the particles with respect to their coordinates is comparable to size of the grid cells used for discretization of the electric field. Hence, we call the corresponding algorithm "fine-sorting". Implementation details and optimization of the code are discussed and the speed-up compared to classical CPU approaches is computed

    towards disruptions in earth observation new earth observation systems and markets evolution possible scenarios and impacts

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    Abstract This paper reviews the trends in Earth observation (EO) and the possible impacts on markets of the new initiatives, launched either by existing providers of EO data or by new players, privately funded. After a presentation of the existing models, the paper discusses the new approaches, addressing both commercial and institutional markets. New concepts for the very high resolution markets, in Europe and in the US, are the main focus of this analysis. Two complementary perspectives are summarised: on the one hand, the type of system and its operational performance and, on the other, the related business models, concepts of operation and ownership schemes. Until now, Earth observation systems for the most critical institutional needs are mainly dedicated assets owned and operated by governments or public organisations, often at national level. Even in the case of dual use missions, the governmental and commercial operations are in general fully segregated for the very high resolution satellites. Recent evolutions could affect this paradigm. Firstly, the increased performance of commercial satellites has a high degree of convergence with defence needs: 25–30 cm resolution is now the benchmark or at least a very short term target for commercial missions. The second evolution is the development of hybrid procurement schemes, combining proprietary missions and data buy framework contracts, partly triggered by the budgetary constraints of public customers, some failures in the execution of large spy satellites contracts and by the willingness to foster the competitiveness of industry on the export market. New space is another trend, which is more disruptive. This trend begun in the Silicon Valley and spread worldwide, arousing our expectations, sometimes excessively. This new model involves not only start-ups but also big web actors with substantial investment capacity. Both aim to transforming space into a commodity, taking benefit from the convergence between Information technology and EO. Beside the massive constellations for broadband Internet access, some initiatives have been launched for Earth observation markets, targeting high resolution and high revisit. Last but not least, more and more countries, the newcomers, invest in their own EO capacity, confirming the soft power dimension of space but also opening new opportunities for international or regional cooperation. As many unpredictable events may occur, even in a short time frame, the last part of the paper has a prospective dimension. Based on market trends and industrial stakes, it discusses the realism and likelihood of possible scenarios and identifies their impacts on the EO landscape and the main stakeholders involved, in particular in Europe: – The governmental and institutional actors, using Earth observation data for their operational missions, with an evolving balance between sovereign assets and external services. – The commercial operators of very high resolution satellites, with the new market opportunities and the possible emergence of worldwide champions. – The satellite manufacturers and their competitiveness. – The role of nations and space agencies, including the non-dependence or national sovereignty and international cooperation dimensions. Based on the comparison of three "radical" scenarios, the conclusion shows that there are opportunities for service providers and satellite manufacturers. Even without clear answer to the future industrial, technical and political structure of EO systems, relevant indicators to be monitored during the next three-five years are identified. The last section focuses on Europe and the role of institutions in order to support European champions and small and medium companies in the new worldwide competition