2,035 research outputs found

    Relationship between foot eversion and thermographic foot skin temperature after running

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    [EN] The main instruments to assess foot eversion have some limitations (especially for field applications), and therefore it is necessary to explore new methods. The objective was to determine the relationship between foot eversion and skin temperature asymmetry of the foot sole (difference between medial and lateral side), using infrared thermography. Twenty-two runners performed a running test lasting 30 min. Skin temperature of the feet soles was measured by infrared thermography before and after running. Foot eversion during running was measured by kinematic analysis. Immediately after running, weak negative correlations were observed between thermal symmetry of the rearfoot and eversion at contact time, and between thermal symmetry of the entire plantar surface of the foot and maximum eversion during stance phase (r = −0.3 and p = 0.04 in both cases). Regarding temperature variations, weak correlations were also observed (r = 0.4 and p < 0.05). The weak correlations observed in this study suggest that skin temperature is not related to foot eversion. However, these results open interesting future lines of researchSIDirección General de Investigación Científica y 397 Técnica (DGICT) (DEP2013-48420-P); Ministerio de 398 Educación, Cultura y Deporte (MECD) (Doctoral 399 Fellowship (FPU))

    IR Thermography from UAVs to Monitor Thermal Anomalies in the Envelopes of Traditional Wine Cellars: Field Test

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    Infrared thermography (IRT) techniques for building inspection are currently becoming increasingly popular as non-destructive methods that provide valuable information about surface temperature (ST) and ST contrast (delta-T). With the advent of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-mounted thermal cameras, IRT technology is now endowed with improved flexibility from an aerial perspective for the study of building envelopes. A case study cellar in Northwest (NW) Spain is used to assess the capability and reliability of low-altitude passive IRT in evaluating a typical semi-buried building. The study comparatively assesses the use of a pole-mounted FLIR B335 camera and a drone-mounted FLIR Vue Pro R camera for this purpose. Both tested IRT systems demonstrate good e ectiveness in detecting thermal anomalies (e.g., thermal bridges, air leakages, constructive singularities, and moisture in the walls of the cellar) but pose some di culties in performing accurate ST measurements under real operating conditions. Working with UAVs gives great flexibility for the inspection, but the angle of view strongly influences the radiometric data captured and must be taken into account to avoid disturbances due to specular reflections.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the National Programme for Research Aimed at the Challenges of Society grant for the project “Bioclimatic Design Strategies in Wine Cellars as Nearly Zero-Energy Building Models” [BIA2014-54291-R]S

    Relationship between students' perception of a rubric for oral presentations and their academic characteristics

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    The use of rubrics in the evaluation of oral presentations has been associated with several benefits for students. However, it is unknown whether students with better academic marks and greater self‐regulation find the use of rubrics more useful or not. This paper aims to assess the relationship between how students perceive the use of a rubric and their academic characteristics, and to analyze the congruence between the professor's and students' evaluations when using the rubric. Eighty‐five students studying for a Degree in Sport Sciences participated in this study. A rubric for oral presentations was used to assess the students' performance. The students then filled out a questionnaire about their perception of the validity of the rubric, an assessment of academic performance, and a self‐regulation questionnaire. Inverse correlations were observed between the academic record and two items of the rubric validity perception (r 0.22). There was very good congruence between the professor's and students' marks when using the rubric (ICC = 0.78). The results suggest that the rubric used is a good instrument to ensure fair and consistent evaluations, despite possible differences between evaluators

    Effects of different hydration supports on stride kinematics, comfort, and impact accelerations during running

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    Background: Different supports for hydration can influence total body mass and affect running biomechanics. Research question: Do different hydration supports affect the perceived exertion and comfort, stride kinematics, and impact accelerations during running?. Methods: This was a crossover study design. Thirteen trail runners completed a treadmill running test divided into four different durations and randomized hydration supports conditions, lasting 8 min each at moderate intensity: A) waist bag (0.84 kg); B) medium load backpack (0.84 kg); C) full load backpack (3.40 kg); and D) a control condition without water support. Impact accelerations were measured for 30 s in 4, 6, and 8 min. The rate of perceived exertion and heart rate were registered on minutes 4 and 8. At the last minute of each condition, comfort perception was registered. Results and significance: No condition affected the stride kinematics. Full load backpack condition reduced head acceleration peak (−0.21 g; p = 0.04; ES=0.4) and head acceleration magnitude (−0.23 g; p = 0.03; ES=0.4), and increased shock attenuation (3.08 g; p = 0.04; ES=0.3). It also elicited higher perceived exertion (p 0.8) being considered heavier (p 1.1). The waist bag condition was more comfortable in terms of noise (p = 0.006; ES=1.3) and humidity/heat (p = 0.001; ES=0.8). The waist bag was the most comfortable support. On the other hand, the full backpack elicited lower comfort and was the only generating compensatory adjustments. These results may help to improve design of full load backpack aiming at comfort for runners

    Estudio preliminar de la activación neuromuscular corriendo descalzo y calzado = Preliminary study of the neuromuscular activation during barefoot and shod running.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio preliminar fue comparar la actividad muscular de los músculos tibial anterior, peroneo lateral largo, gastrocnemio medial y gastrocnemio lateral entre la carrera con y sin calzado, y la influencia de la fatiga. 7 participantes realizaron una carrera de fatiga de 20 minutos al 75% de su velocidad aeróbica máxima en cinta con 1% de pendiente. Se midió la actividad mioeléctrica de los músculos antes mencionados tanto antes como después de la prueba de fatiga en dos condiciones: con calzado y sin calzado. Los resultados mostraron una mayor actividad del tibial anterior durante la carrera en fatiga descalzo respecto a la carrera calzado y una mayor actividad del peroneo lateral largo durante la carrera sin fatiga descalzo. Por otra parte, también se encontró una menor actividad del gastrocnemio medial durante la carrera con zapatillas y en fatiga respecto a la carrera sin fatiga. ABSTRACT The aim of this preliminary study was to compare the influence of footwear and 13 the fatigue state on the muscle activity of the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis and gastrocnemius lateralis. For this purpose, 7 participants ran a 20-min fatiguing run on a treadmill at 1% slope at 75% of their individual maximal aerobic speed. Muscle activation was measured twice during 30 seconds before and after the fatiguing run while running shod and barefoot. Before the fatiguing run, running barefoot led to a greater activation of the peroneus longus compared to running shod. When running fatigued, running barefoot also increased the activation of the tibialis anterior compared to running shod. Moreover, the fatigue state decreased the gastrocnemius medialis activity when running shod. The aim of this preliminary study was to compare the influence of footwear and the fatigue state on the muscle activity of the tibialis anterior, peroneus longus, gastrocnemius medialis and gastrocnemius lateralis. For this purpose, 7 participants ran a 20-min fatiguing run on a treadmill at 1% slope at 75% of their individual maximal aerobic speed. Muscle activation was measured twice during 30 seconds before and after the fatiguing run while running shod and barefoot. Before the fatiguing run, running barefoot led to a greater activation of the peroneus longus compared to running shod. When running fatigued, running barefoot also increased the activation of the tibialis anterior compared to running shod. Moreover, the fatigue state decreased the gastrocnemius medialis activity when running shod

    Efectos de los soportes plantares sobre la termorregulación de las plantas de los pies durante la carrera

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    Existe una gran controversia acerca de si el uso de soportes plantares puede reducir el riesgo de padecer lesiones por sobreuso en corredores. Se ha observado una relación entre las cargas plantares y la temperatura superficial de los pies, por lo que el tipo de soporte plantar podría afectar a la temperatura de la planta del pie. El objetivo del estudio fue, analizar los efectos de los soportes plantares en la temperatura superficial, así como en la simetría térmica, de las plantas de los pies tras la carrera. 12 corredores entrenados realizaron 3 test de 30 minutos de carrera (10 de calentamiento y 20 de prueba al 80% de su Velocidad Aeróbica Máxima) con soporte control, con soporte prefabricado y con soporte personalizado. No se encontraron diferencias entre ninguna de las condiciones (p>0.05). Tampoco se encontraron asimetrías térmicas entre el pie derecho y el pie izquierdo (p>0.05) por el uso de soportes plantares. En conclusión, el uso de soportes plantares durante la carrera no afecta a la temperatura de las plantas de los pies, por lo que no comportan beneficios, pero tampoco resultan inconvenientes desde el punto de vista de térmico

    Footwear outsole temperature may be more related to plantar pressure during a prolonged run than foot temperature

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    Objective: The temperature of the sole of the foot has been suggested as an alternative to the measurement of plantar pressure during running despite the scarce evidence about their relationship. The temperature of the footwear outsole could also be representative of plantar pressure distribution due to its less multifactorial dependence. The aim of the study was to determine if plantar pressure during a prolonged run could be related to plantar temperature, either of the sole of the foot or the footwear outsole. Approach: Thirty recreational runners (15 males and 15 females) performed a 30-minute running test on a treadmill. Thermographic images of the sole of the foot and the footwear outsole were taken before and immediately after the test, and dynamic plantar pressure was measured at the end of the test. Pearson correlations and stepwise multiple linear regressions were performed. Main results: Plantar pressure percentage was related to a moderate correlation with plantar temperature percentage in forefoot and rearfoot (P<0.05), showing a greater relationship with the footwear outsole than with the sole of the foot (r=0.52–0.73 vs r=0.40–0.61, respectively). Moreover, moderate correlations were also observed between footwear outsole and sole of the foot temperature variables, especially in rearfoot. Significance: Footwear outsole temperature may be better related to plantar pressure distribution than sole of the foot temperature, in the forefoot and rearfoot. The midfoot is the most sensitive and variable region to analyze, as it does not seem to have any relationship with plantar pressure

    Jornada-Taller con carácter extensionista “La semana de los virus: conocer, investigar y prevenir en el Nivel Secundario”

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    Esta Jornada-Taller tiene como objetivo promover la actividad científica desde la Universidad a alumnos de una Escuela Secundaria del interior de la Provincia de Córdoba. Los alumnos y profesores que acompañan pertenecen a una escuela secundaria de Arroyito. Además fomentar la extensión universitaria hacia la comunidad educativa, a través del conocimiento y la investigación científica. Se realiza en una sola jornada. La temática planteada refiere a comprender el Organigrama Institucional, estructura y funciones. Presentación de la Institución. Virología General. Sección centralizada de Bioseguridad y Esterilización. Relación virus-célula. Infección viral por Rubéola. Vacuna. Importancia Sanitaria. Prevención VIH. Sin vacuna. Importancia Sanitaria. La metodología se basa en charlas expositivas y dialogadas. Visita a la Sección centralizada de bioseguridad y esterilización. Actividad participativa a partir de un video. La evaluación se lleva a cabo mediante la participación activa y la devolución. El seguimiento es a través del registro de las observaciones, de la participación de los alumnos, las intervenciones oportunas, las respuestas adecuadas, etc. También se hace el ajuste de las clases dictadas para mejorar las prácticas hacia futuras jornadas y promocionando estas actividades extensionistas a colegios de otras ciudades del interior de Córdoba

    Long-term effects of graduated compression stockings on cardiorespiratory performance

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    ABSTRACT: The use of graduated compression stockings (GCS) in sport has been increasing in the last years due to their potential positive effects for athletes. However, there is little evidence to support whether these types of garments actually improve cardiorespiratory performance. The aim of this study was to examine the cardiorespiratory responses of GCS during running after three weeks of regular use. Twenty recreational runners performed three tests on different days: test 1) ¿ a 5-min maximal effort run in order to determine the participants¿ maximal aerobic speed; and tests 2) and 3) ¿ a fatigue running test of 30 minutes at 80% of their maximal aerobic speed with either GCS or PLACEBO stockings at random. Cardiorespiratory parameters (minute ventilation, heart rate, relative oxygen consumption, relative carbon dioxide production, ventilatory equivalents for oxygen and carbon dioxide, and oxygen pulse) were measured. Before each test in the laboratory, the participants trained with the randomly assigned stockings (GCS or PLACEBO) for three weeks. No significant differences between GCS and PLACEBO were found in any of the cardiorespiratory parameters. In conclusion, the present study provides evidence that running with GCS for three weeks does not influence cardiorespiratory parameters in recreational runners

    El Greenwashing o como destapar estrategias comerciales de ventas falsas que se apoyan en una filosofía "verde"

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    En nuestro trabajo partimos del estudio de la forma en que las empresas utilizan el Green Marketing en su estrategia comercial, y como lo “verde” se integra como una filosofía que está impregnada en la cultura empresarial de la organización. Partiendo de lo anterior, hemos descubierto que en muchos períodos esta estrategia verde es un argumento para obtener mejores resultados, más que una idea interiorizada en la organización, a esto es lo que denominamos Greenwashing. A lo largo del artículo hemos revisado la literatura que existe sobre el tema objeto de estudio, y como resultado hemos desarrollado un completo modelo teórico utilizando las variables más relevantes encontradas en esta investigación, y que mejor pueden estudiar este fenómeno del Greenwashing.In our work, we start from the study of how companies use Green Marketing in their business strategy, and how the "green" is integrated as a philosophy that is impregnated in the business culture of the organization. Based on the above, we have discovered that in many periods, this green strategy is an argument for better results, rather than an idea internalized in the organization, this is what we call Greenwashing. Throughout the article we have reviewed the literature that exists on the subject under study, and as a result we have developed a complete theoretical model using the most relevant variables found in this research, and that can best study this Greenwashing phenomenon