1,300 research outputs found

    Analytical Expressions for Radiative Opacities of Low Z Plasmas

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    In this work we obtain analytical expressions for the radiative opacity of several low Z plasmas (He, Li, Be, and B) in a wide range of temperatures and densities. These formulas are obtained by fitting the proposed expression to mean opacities data calculated by using the code ABAKO/ RAPCAL. This code computes the radiative properties of plasmas, both in LTE and NLTE conditions, under the detailed-level-accounting approach. It has been successfully validated in the range of interest in previous works

    Literatura espiritual en España (1901-1930)

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    Some evolutionary patterns of palaeokarst developed in Pleistocene deposits (Ebro Basin, NE Spain): Improving geohazard awareness in present-day karst

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    Pleistocene detrital deposits in the central Ebro Basin frequently show deformation features due mainly to karstification in the underlying Neogene evaporites. In 123 cases, estimation of parameters of shape and minimum volume of materials involved was accomplished. Six of them were analysed in more detail to establish the main processes involved in their genesis and the succession of events. All the deformation features in the selected sites are synsedimentary. To achieve the objectives, intense fieldwork was made applying methods of sedimentology and structural geology. Usually, a complex evolutionary pattern was observed, with evidences of dissolution, sagging, collapse, gravity flow, suffosion, and plastic flow. In a schematic way, three main situations, independent of the age of the analysed deposits, can be distinguished: (a) slow subsidence, (b) collapse, and (c) temporal overlapping of both processes. In the first 2 scenarios, basins with smooth or abrupt borders, respectively, were generated on the land surface. In the third one, slow subsidence was followed by a collapse, located in the area of maximum flexure. These patterns are also observed in present-day dolines. Comparison of direct and indirect parameters between paleodolines and present-day dolines indicates a bigger size of the latter, probably caused by the different conditions of observation. This study helps to know the possibilities in the evolution of mantled karst features, to estimate the volume of material affected by karstification and to improve the knowledge of present-day dolines behaviour. Consequently, study of paleodolines must be considered to achieve a better urban planning in active karstic areas

    Impact of climate change on solar irradiation and variability over the Iberian Peninsula using regional climate models

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    As solar energy will be an increasingly important renewable energy source in the future years, the study of how climate change affects both temporal and spatial variability is very important. In this paper, we study future changes of the solar radiation resource in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) through a set of simulations from ESCENA project until mid-century. The evaluation of the simulations against observations indicates contrasting biases for the different regional climate models (RCMs) in terms of solar irradiation amount and its interannual variability. We propose a diagnostic for the quality of solar energy resource, in which the gridpoints are classified in four categories depending on the combination of solar irradiation amount and variability. The observed large percentage of points in the optimal category (high irradiation/low variability) in the IP is captured by the RCMs in general terms. The analysis of scenarios indicates a future increase in solar irradiation, although not all scenarios agree in the geographical distribution of this increase. In most projections, a shift is projected from the category with optimal resource quality towards the category with high irradiation/high variability, pointing to a certain quality loss in the solar resource. This result is not general, as a few scenarios show an opposite result. The exceptions are not linked to a particular GCM or emissions scenario. Finally, results from a first approximation to the issue of the ability of solar energy to cover power demand peaks in summer show important differences between regions of the IP. The spatially-averaged correlation of solar irradiation and summer surface temperatures for the whole IP is rather high, which is a positive result as the strong interconnections of the power grid within the IP could allow a distribution of solar power surpluses in certain regions for such high-temperature episodes

    Application of Anaerobic and Ozonation Processes in the Landfill Leachate Treatment

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    The optimization of leachate treatment was investigated as well as the configuration of a biological-ozonation process. The leachate used for the experiments was diluted to 1/5 with tap water and treated anaerobically. The anaerobic effluent and the raw leachate were treated with ozone in order to increase their biodegradability getting the minimum organic matter removal. Both were submitted to the ozonation process, applying a constant ozone dose and varying the contact time. The ozonation of raw leachate produced a decrease of COD and BOD5 concentrations as well as BOD5/COD ratios, applying an ozone dose of 38.72 mg/L•min and contact times between 15 and 60 minutes. Ozonation as a pre-treatment process to the biological system did not improve the biodegradability of the raw leachate. The anaerobic effluent from the reactor fed with leachate diluted to 1/5, was subjected to an ozone dose of 34.99 mg/L•min and applying different contact times. BODf values increased from 74.75 up to 1220 mg/L and BODf/COD ratios reached values higher than 1. Then, the application of ozone to the anaerobic effluent led to the improvement of the biodegradability of the leachate as well as the BODf/COD ratio for all the contact times used

    Minimally Invasive Mapping Guided Surgical Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation. Utopia or Near Future?

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    Isolation of the pulmonary veins has been used as surgical treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF) from the early 90s, as it was incorporated in the Maze procedure. With the evidence that triggers form this area can induce AF, the Maze III procedure has been adapted and modified towards a single lesion around the pulmonary veins for the treatment of paroxysmal and chronic AF in some centers. New ablation techniques with a diversity of energy sources further paved the way for less invasive procedures. Minimal invasive techniques to prevent major surgery may potentially make the treatment available for a patient population that do not have to undergo cardiac surgery for other reasons. Besides these technical developments, high density mapping can be used to identify the AF substrate in the individual patient and optimization of the treatment by local substrate guided ablation. This review aims to summarize the robotic and thoracoscopic techniques to isolate the pulmonary veins. Furthermore, it is discussed why pulmonary veins isolation may be effective in patients with chronic AF, and whether there is a role for mapping guided minimal invasive surgical treatment of AF in the near future

    Wild animals suppress the spread of socially transmitted misinformation

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    Understanding the mechanisms by which information and misinformation spread through groups of individual actors is essential to the prediction of phenomena ranging from coordinated group behaviors to misinformation epidemics. Transmission of information through groups depends on the rules that individuals use to transform the perceived actions of others into their own behaviors. Because it is often not possible to directly infer decision-making strategies in situ, most studies of behavioral spread assume that individuals make decisions by pooling or averaging the actions or behavioral states of neighbors. However, whether individuals may instead adopt more sophisticated strategies that exploit socially transmitted information, while remaining robust to misinformation, is unknown. Here, we study the relationship between individual decision-making and misinformation spread in groups of wild coral reef fish, where misinformation occurs in the form of false alarms that can spread contagiously through groups. Using automated visual field reconstruction of wild animals, we infer the precise sequences of socially transmitted visual stimuli perceived by individuals during decision-making. Our analysis reveals a feature of decision-making essential for controlling misinformation spread: dynamic adjustments in sensitivity to socially transmitted cues. This form of dynamic gain control can be achieved by a simple and biologically widespread decision-making circuit, and it renders individual behavior robust to natural fluctuations in misinformation exposure.</p

    Opacity calculation for target physics using the ABAKO/RAPCAL code

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    Radiative properties of hot dense plasmas remain a subject of current interest since they play an important role in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) research, as well as in studies on stellar physics. In particular, the understanding of ICF plasmas requires emissivities and opacities for both hydro-simulations and diagnostics. Nevertheless, the accurate calculation of these properties is still an open question and continuous efforts are being made to develop new models and numerical codes that can facilitate the evaluation of such properties. In this work the set of atomic models ABAKO/RAPCAL is presented, as well as a series of results for carbon and aluminum to show its capability for modeling the population kinetics of plasmas in both LTE and NLTE regimes. Also, the spectroscopic diagnostics of a laser-produced aluminum plasma using ABAKO/RAPCAL is discussed. Additionally, as an interesting application of these codes, fitting analytical formulas for Rosseland and Planck mean opacities for carbon plasmas are reported. These formulas are useful as input data in hydrodynamic simulation of targets where the computation task is so hard that in line computation with sophisticated opacity codes is prohibitive

    Future journalists’ fight against disinformation: analysis of university training offers and challenges in the Spanish context

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    Disinformation has become a global problem affecting mass media, governments and citizens globally. Besides the loss of trust in the media and its weakening influence, exposure to all manner of messages on social media in recent years has paved the way for disinformation, which has become a considerable challenge for journalism. According to the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer, Spain is one of the countries most concerned about this phenomenon (Edelman, 2022). However, is this concern shared by Spanish journalist associations? What training initiatives are being carried out for future journalists to counter the spread of disinformation? How should fact-checking be taught in university? This study aims to answer these questions by using a dual methodology. First, a review and analysis were undertaken on the different training initiatives for bachelor’s and university-specific master’s degree students. Then, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted with experts, including fact-checkers, experienced journalists and representatives of sectoral associations, to ascertain their views on fact-checking and disinformation. The main results show that Spanish universities offer few training fact-checking-related initiatives, particularly at bachelor’s degree level, although more and more university-specific degrees and master’s degrees on this topic are becoming available. Furthermore, most interviewees view specialised training for the next generation of journalists as a key factor for fighting disinformation, and they provide guidelines to achieve this

    Potential benefits of melatonin in organ transplantation: a review

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    Organ transplantation is a useful therapeutic tool for patients with end-stage organ failure; however, graft rejection is a major obstacle in terms of a successful treatment. Rejection is usually a consequence of a complex immunological and nonimmunological antigen-independent cascade of events, including free radical-mediated ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). To reduce the frequency of this outcome, continuing improvements in the efficacy of antirejection drugs are a top priority to enhance the long-term survival of transplant recipients. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a powerful antioxidant and ant-inflammatory agent synthesized from the essential amino acid L-tryptophan; it is produced by the pineal gland as well as by many other organs including ovary, testes, bone marrow, gut, placenta, and liver. Melatonin has proven to be a potentially useful therapeutic tool in the reduction of graft rejection. Its benefits are based on its direct actions as a free radical scavenger as well as its indirect antioxidative actions in the stimulation of the cellular antioxidant defense system. Moreover, it has significant anti-inflammatory activity. Melatonin has been found to improve the beneficial effects of preservation fluids when they are enriched with the indoleamine. This article reviews the experimental evidence that melatonin is useful in reducing graft failure, especially in cardiac, bone, otolaryngology, ovarian, testicular, lung, pancreas, kidney, and liver transplantation