252 research outputs found

    Comparison of lentiviral vector titration methods

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    BACKGROUND: Lentiviral vectors are efficient vehicles for stable gene transfer in dividing and non-dividing cells. Several improvements in vector design to increase biosafety and transgene expression, have led to the approval of these vectors for use in clinical studies. Methods are required to analyze the quality of lentiviral vector production, the efficiency of gene transfer and the extent of therapeutic gene expression. RESULTS: We compared lentiviral vector titration methods that measure pg p24/ml, RNA equivalents/ml, transducing units (TU/ml) or mRNA equivalents. The amount of genomic RNA in vector particles proves to be reliable to assess the production quality of vectors encoding non-fluorescent proteins. However, the RNA and p24 titers of concentrated vectors are rather poor in predicting transduction efficiency, due to the high variability of vector production based on transient transfection. Moreover, we demonstrate that transgenic mRNA levels correlate well with TU and can be used for functional titration of non-fluorescent transgenes. CONCLUSION: The different titration methods have specific advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the experimental set-up one titration method should be preferred over the others

    Taxpayer Compliance, Trust, and Power

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    Self-assessment system as adopted in Indonesia, focusing on taxpayer awareness. Therefore trust should be the spearhead of tax compliance rather than power. This study aims to examine how trust and power play a role in improving tax compliance by the slippery slope framework. Method of data collection in this research surveys in Central Java. The sampling technique is a multi-stage sampling that combines stratified random sampling and convenience sampling. Data has been collected from October 2015-April 2016, and 242 instruments were collected (86.4 percent response rate). By using multiple regression tests, the results of this study indicate that trust and power both simultaneously and partially affect tax compliance. Based on the coefficient different test, power has a greater impact than trust in creating tax compliance. This means that the compliance created in Indonesia is mandatory compliance that denies from self-assessment system that based on voluntary compliance.JEL Classification: H26; G41DOI: https://doi.org/10.26905/jkdp.v22i2.158

    Interplay between HIV Entry and Transportin-SR2 Dependency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transportin-SR2 (TRN-SR2, TNPO3, transportin 3) was previously identified as an interaction partner of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase and functions as a nuclear import factor of HIV-1. A possible role of capsid in transportin-SR2-mediated nuclear import was recently suggested by the findings that a chimeric HIV virus, carrying the murine leukemia virus (MLV) capsid and matrix proteins, displayed a transportin-SR2 independent phenotype, and that the HIV-1 N74D capsid mutant proved insensitive to transportin-SR2 knockdown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our present analysis of viral specificity reveals that TRN-SR2 is not used to the same extent by all lentiviruses. The DNA flap does not determine the TRN-SR2 requirement of HIV-1. We corroborate the TRN-SR2 independent phenotype of the chimeric HIV virus carrying the MLV capsid and matrix proteins. We reanalyzed the HIV-1 N74D capsid mutant in cells transiently or stably depleted of transportin-SR2 and confirm that the N74D capsid mutant is independent of TRN-SR2 when pseudotyped with the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G). Remarkably, although somewhat less dependent on TRN-SR2 than wild type virus, the N74D capsid mutant carrying the wild type HIV-1 envelope required TRN-SR2 for efficient replication. By pseudotyping with envelopes that mediate pH-independent viral uptake including HIV-1, measles virus and amphotropic MLV envelopes, we demonstrate that HIV-1 N74D capsid mutant viruses retain partial dependency on TRN-SR2. However, this dependency on TRN-SR2 is lost when the HIV N74D capsid mutant is pseudotyped with envelopes mediating pH-dependent endocytosis, such as the VSV-G and Ebola virus envelopes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Here we discover a link between the viral entry of HIV and its interaction with TRN-SR2. Our data confirm the importance of TRN-SR2 in HIV-1 replication and argue for careful interpretation of experiments performed with VSV-G pseudotyped viruses in studies on early steps of HIV replication including the role of capsid therein.</p

    Association of polymorphisms in the LEDGF/p75 gene (PSIP1) with susceptibility to HIV-1 infection and disease progression

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    OBJECTIVE: LEDGF/p75, encoded by the PSIP1 gene, interacts with HIV-1 integrase and targets HIV-1 integration into active genes. We investigated the influence of polymorphisms in PSIP1 on HIV-1 acquisition and disease progression in black South Africans. METHODS: Integrase binding domain of LEDGF/p75 was sequenced in 126 participants. Four haplotype tagging SNPs rs2277191, rs1033056, rs12339417 and rs10283923 referred to as SNP1, SNP2, SNP3 and SNP4, respectively, and one exonic SNP rs61744944 (SNP5, Q472L) were genotyped in 195 HIV-1 seronegative, 52 primary and 403 chronically infected individuals using TaqMan assays. LEDGF/p75 expression was quantified by real-time RT-PCR. The impact of Q472L mutation on the interaction with HIV_1 IN was measured by AlphaScreen. RESULTS: rs2277191 (SNP1) A was more frequent among seropositives (P = 0.06, Fisher's exact test). Among individuals followed longitudinally SNP1A trended towards association with higher likelihood of HIV-1 acquisition [relative hazard (RH) = 2.21, P = 0.08; Cox model] and it was also associated with rapid disease progression (RH = 5.98, P = 0.04; Cox model) in the recently infected (primary infection) cohort. rs12339417 (SNP3)C was associated with slower decline of CD4(+) T cells (P = 0.02) and lower messenger RNA (mRNA) levels of LEDGF/p75 (P < 0.01). Seroconverters had higher preinfection mRNA levels of LEDGF/p75 (P < 0.01) and these levels decreased after HIV-1 infection (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Genetic variants of PSIP1 may affect HIV-1 outcomes. Further studies are needed to confirm the effect of genetic variation of PSIP1 on HIV-1 pathogenesis in different cohorts

    Fate of mesoangioblasts in a vaginal birth injury model: influence of the route of administration

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    Currently cell therapy is considered as an experimental strategy to assist the healing process following simulated vaginal birth injury in rats, boosting the functional and morphologic recovery of pelvic floor muscles and nerves. However, the optimal administration route and dose still need to be determined. Mesangioblasts theoretically have the advantage that they can differentiate in skeletal and smooth muscle. We investigated the fate of mesoangioblasts transduced with luciferase and green fluorescent protein reporter genes (rMABseGFP/fLUC) using bioluminescence, immunofluorescence and RT-PCR in rats undergoing simulated birth injury. rMABseGFP/fLUC were injected locally, intravenously and intra-arterially (common iliacs and aorta). Intra-arterial delivery resulted in the highest amount of rMABseGFP/fLUC in the pelvic organs region and in a more homogeneous distribution over all relevant pelvic organs. Sham controls showed that the presence of the injury is important for recruitment of intra-arterially injected rMABseGFP/fLUC. Injection through the aorta or bilaterally in the common iliac arteries resulted in comparable numbers of rMABseGFP/fLUC in the pelvic organs, yet aortic injection was faster and gave less complications

    Virus Evolution Reveals an Exclusive Role for LEDGF/p75 in Chromosomal Tethering of HIV

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    Retroviruses by definition insert their viral genome into the host cell chromosome. Although the key player of retroviral integration is viral integrase, a role for cellular cofactors has been proposed. Lentiviral integrases use the cellular protein LEDGF/p75 to tether the preintegration complex to the chromosome, although the existence of alternative host proteins substituting for the function of LEDGF/p75 in integration has been proposed. Truncation mutants of LEDGF/p75 lacking the chromosome attachment site strongly inhibit HIV replication by competition for the interaction with integrase. In an attempt to select HIV strains that can overcome the inhibition, we now have used T-cell lines that stably express a C-terminal fragment of LEDGF/p75. Despite resistance development, the affinity of integrase for LEDGF/p75 is reduced and replication kinetics in human primary T cells is impaired. Detection of the integrase mutations A128T and E170G at key positions in the LEDGF/p75–integrase interface provides in vivo evidence for previously reported crystallographic data. Moreover, the complementary inhibition by LEDGF/p75 knockdown and mutagenesis at the integrase–LEDGF/p75 interface points to the incapability of HIV to circumvent LEDGF/p75 function during proviral integration. Altogether, the data provide a striking example of the power of viral molecular evolution. The results underline the importance of the LEDGF/p75 HIV-1 interplay as target for innovative antiviral therapy. Moreover, the role of LEDGF/p75 in targeting integration will stimulate research on strategies to direct gene therapy vectors into safe landing sites

    Bioluminescence imaging of stroke-induced endogenous neural stem cell response

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    Brain injury following stroke affects neurogenesis in the adult mammalian brain. However, a complete under¬standing of the origin and fate of the endogenous neural stem cells (eNSCs) in vivo is missing. Tools and technol¬ogy that allow non-invasive imaging and tracking of eNSCs in living animals will help to overcome this hurdle. In this study, we aimed to monitor eNSCs in a photothrombotic (PT) stroke model using in vivo bioluminescence imaging (BLI). In a first strategy, inducible transgenic mice expressing firefly luciferase (Fluc) in the eNSCs were generated. In animals that received stroke, an increased BLI signal originating from the infarct region was ob¬served. However, due to histological limitations, the identity and exact origin of cells contributing to the in¬creased BLI signal could not be revealed. To overcome this limitation, we developed an alternative strategy employing stereotactic injection of conditional lentiviral vectors (Cre-Flex LVs) encoding Fluc and eGFP in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of Nestin-Cre transgenic mice, thereby specifically labeling the eNSCs. Upon induction of stroke, increased eNSC proliferation resulted in a significant increase in BLI signal between 2 days and 2 weeks after stroke, decreasing after 3 months. Additionally, the BLI signal relocalized from the SVZ towards the infarct region during the 2 weeks following stroke. Histological analysis at 90 days post stroke showed that in the peri-infarct area, 36% of labeled eNSC progeny differentiated into astrocytes, while 21% differentiated into mature neu¬rons. In conclusion, we developed and validated a novel imaging technique that unequivocally demonstrates that nestin+ eNSCs originating from the SVZ respond to stroke injury by increased proliferation, migration towards the infarct region and differentiation into both astrocytes and neurons. In addition, this new approach allows non-invasive and specific monitoring of eNSCs overtime, opening perspectives for preclinical evaluation of can¬didate stroke therapeutics

    High-resolution profiling of the LEDGF/p75 chromatin interaction in the ENCODE region

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    Lens epithelium-derived growth factor/p75 (LEDGF/p75) is a transcriptional coactivator involved in stress response, autoimmune disease, cancer and HIV replication. A fusion between the nuclear pore protein NUP98 and LEDGF/p75 has been found in human acute and chronic myeloid leukemia and association of LEDGF/p75 with mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL)/menin is critical for leukemic transformation. During lentiviral replication, LEDGF/p75 tethers the pre-integration complex to the host chromatin resulting in a bias of integration into active transcription units (TUs). The consensus function of LEDGF/p75 is tethering of cargos to chromatin. In this regard, we determined the LEDGF/p75 chromatin binding profile. To this purpose, we used DamID technology and focused on the highly annotated ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) regions. LEDGF/p75 primarily binds downstream of the transcription start site of active TUs in agreement with the enrichment of HIV-1 integration sites at these locations. We show that LEDGF/p75 binding is not restricted to stress response elements in the genome, and correlation analysis with more than 200 genomic features revealed an association with active chromatin markers, such as H3 and H4 acetylation, H3K4 monomethylation and RNA polymerase II binding. Interestingly, some associations did not correlate with HIV-1 integration indicating that not all LEDGF/p75 complexes on the chromosome are amenable to HIV-1 integration