566 research outputs found

    Strongly Time-Variable Ultra-Violet Metal Line Emission from the Circum-Galactic Medium of High-Redshift Galaxies

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    We use cosmological simulations from the Feedback In Realistic Environments (FIRE) project, which implement a comprehensive set of stellar feedback processes, to study ultra-violet (UV) metal line emission from the circum-galactic medium of high-redshift (z=2-4) galaxies. Our simulations cover the halo mass range Mh ~ 2x10^11 - 8.5x10^12 Msun at z=2, representative of Lyman break galaxies. Of the transitions we analyze, the low-ionization C III (977 A) and Si III (1207 A) emission lines are the most luminous, with C IV (1548 A) and Si IV (1394 A) also showing interesting spatially-extended structures. The more massive halos are on average more UV-luminous. The UV metal line emission from galactic halos in our simulations arises primarily from collisionally ionized gas and is strongly time variable, with peak-to-trough variations of up to ~2 dex. The peaks of UV metal line luminosity correspond closely to massive and energetic mass outflow events, which follow bursts of star formation and inject sufficient energy into galactic halos to power the metal line emission. The strong time variability implies that even some relatively low-mass halos may be detectable. Conversely, flux-limited samples will be biased toward halos whose central galaxy has recently experienced a strong burst of star formation. Spatially-extended UV metal line emission around high-redshift galaxies should be detectable by current and upcoming integral field spectrographs such as the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope and Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI).Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Observation of a Griffiths-like phase in the paramagnetic regime of ErCo_2

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    A systematic x-ray magnetic circular dichroism study of the paramagnetic phase of ErCo2 has recently allowed to identify the inversion of the net magnetization of the Co net moment with respect to the applied field well above the ferrimagnetic ordering temperature, Tc. The study of small angle neutron scattering measurements has also shown the presence of short range order correlations in the same temperature region. This phenomenon, which we have denoted parimagnetism, may be related with the onset of a Griffiths-like phase in paramagnetic ErCo2. We have measured ac susceptibility on ErCo2 as a function of temperature, applied field, and excitation frequency. Several characteristics shared by systems showing a Griffiths phase are present in ErCo2, namely the formation of ferromagnetic clusters in the disordered phase, the loss of analyticity of the magnetic susceptibility and its extreme sensitivity to an applied magnetic field. The paramagnetic susceptibility allows to establish that the magnetic clusters are only formed by Co moments as well as the intrinsic nature of those Co moments

    Galactic neutron stars I. Space and velocity distributions in the disk and in the halo

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    Aims. Neutron stars (NSs) produced in the Milky Way are supposedly ten to the eighth - ten to the ninth, of which only 2×103\sim 2 \times 10^{3} are observed. Constraining the phase space distribution of NSs may help to characterize the yet undetected population of stellar remnants. Methods. We perform Monte Carlo simulations of NS orbits, under different assumptions concerning the Galactic potential and the distribution of progenitors and birth velocities. We study the resulting phase space distributions, focusing on the statistical properties of the NS populations in the disk and in the solar neighbourhood. Results. It is shown that 80\sim 80 percent of NSs are in bound orbits. The fraction of NSs located in a disk of radius 20 kpc and width 0.4 kpc is 20\lesssim 20 percent. Therefore the majority of NSs populate the halo. Fits for the surface density of the disk, the distribution of heights on the Galactic plane and the velocity distribution of the disk, are given. We also provide sky maps of the projected number density in heliocentric Galactic coordinates (l, b). Our results are compared with previous ones reported in the literature. Conclusions. Obvious applications of our modelling are in the revisiting of accretion luminosities of old isolated NSs, the issue of the observability of the nearest NS and the NS optical depth for microlensing events. These will be the scope of further studies.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Birth and Evolution of Isolated Radio Pulsars

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    We investigate the birth and evolution of Galactic isolated radio pulsars. We begin by estimating their birth space velocity distribution from proper motion measurements of Brisken et al. (2002, 2003). We find no evidence for multimodality of the distribution and favor one in which the absolute one-dimensional velocity components are exponentially distributed and with a three-dimensional mean velocity of 380^{+40}_{-60} km s^-1. We then proceed with a Monte Carlo-based population synthesis, modelling the birth properties of the pulsars, their time evolution, and their detection in the Parkes and Swinburne Multibeam surveys. We present a population model that appears generally consistent with the observations. Our results suggest that pulsars are born in the spiral arms, with a Galactocentric radial distribution that is well described by the functional form proposed by Yusifov & Kucuk (2004), in which the pulsar surface density peaks at radius ~3 kpc. The birth spin period distribution extends to several hundred milliseconds, with no evidence of multimodality. Models which assume the radio luminosities of pulsars to be independent of the spin periods and period derivatives are inadequate, as they lead to the detection of too many old simulated pulsars in our simulations. Dithered radio luminosities proportional to the square root of the spin-down luminosity accommodate the observations well and provide a natural mechanism for the pulsars to dim uniformly as they approach the death line, avoiding an observed pile-up on the latter. There is no evidence for significant torque decay (due to magnetic field decay or otherwise) over the lifetime of the pulsars as radio sources (~100 Myr). Finally, we estimate the pulsar birthrate and total number of pulsars in the Galaxy.Comment: 27 pages, including 15 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Origins of the Circumgalactic Medium in the FIRE Simulations

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    We use a particle tracking analysis to study the origins of the circumgalactic medium (CGM), separating it into (1) accretion from the intergalactic medium (IGM), (2) wind from the central galaxy, and (3) gas ejected from other galaxies. Our sample consists of 21 FIRE-2 simulations, spanning the halo mass range log(Mh/Msun) ~ 10-12 , and we focus on z=0.25 and z=2. Owing to strong stellar feedback, only ~L* halos retain a baryon mass >~50% of their cosmic budget. Metals are more efficiently retained by halos, with a retention fraction >~50%. Across all masses and redshifts analyzed >~60% of the CGM mass originates as IGM accretion (some of which is associated with infalling halos). Overall, the second most important contribution is wind from the central galaxy, though gas ejected or stripped from satellites can contribute a comparable mass in ~L* halos. Gas can persist in the CGM for billions of years, resulting in well-mixed halo gas. Sight lines through the CGM are therefore likely to intersect gas of multiple origins. For low-redshift ~L* halos, cool gas (T<10^4.7 K) is distributed on average preferentially along the galaxy plane, however with strong halo-to-halo variability. The metallicity of IGM accretion is systematically lower than the metallicity of winds (typically by >~1 dex), although CGM and IGM metallicities depend significantly on the treatment of subgrid metal diffusion. Our results highlight the multiple physical mechanisms that contribute to the CGM and will inform observational efforts to develop a cohesive picture.Comment: 23 pages, 22 figures. Minor revisions from previous version. Online interactive visualizations available at zhafen.github.io/CGM-origins and zhafen.github.io/CGM-origins-pathline

    Role of Esrrg in the Fibrate-Mediated Regulation of Lipid Metabolism Genes in Human ApoA-I Transgenic Mice

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    We have used a new ApoA-I transgenic mouse model to identify by global gene expression profiling, candidate genes that affect lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in response to fenofibrate treatment. Multilevel bioinformatical analysis and stringent selection criteria (2-fold change, 0% false discovery rate) identified 267 significantly changed genes involved in several molecular pathways. The fenofibrate-treated group did not have significantly altered levels of hepatic human APOA-I mRNA and plasma ApoA-I compared with the control group. However, the treatment increased cholesterol levels to 1.95-fold mainly due to the increase in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. The observed changes in HDL are associated with the upregulation of genes involved in phospholipid biosynthesis and lipid hydrolysis, as well as phospholipid transfer protein. Significant upregulation was observed in genes involved in fatty acid transport and β-oxidation, but not in those of fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis, Krebs cycle and gluconeogenesis. Fenofibrate changed significantly the expression of seven transcription factors. The estrogen receptor-related gamma gene was upregulated 2.36-fold and had a significant positive correlation with genes of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and mitochondrial functions, indicating an important role of this orphan receptor in mediating the fenofibrate-induced activation of a specific subset of its target genes.National Institutes of Health (HL48739 and HL68216); European Union (LSHM-CT-2006-0376331, LSHG-CT-2006-037277); the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens; the Hellenic Cardiological Society; the John F Kostopoulos Foundatio

    The Subaru Ly-alpha blob survey: A sample of 100 kpc Ly-alpha blobs at z=3

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    We present results of a survey for giant Ly-alpha nebulae (LABs) at z=3 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam. We obtained Ly-alpha imaging at z=3.09+-0.03 around the SSA22 protocluster and in several blank fields. The total survey area is 2.1 square degrees, corresponding to a comoving volume of 1.6 x 10^6 Mpc^3. Using a uniform detection threshold of 1.4 x 10^{-18} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2} for the Ly-alpha images, we construct a sample of 14 LAB candidates with major-axis diameters larger than 100 kpc, including five previously known blobs and two known quasars. This survey triples the number of known LABs over 100 kpc. The giant LAB sample shows a possible "morphology-density relation": filamentary LABs reside in average density environments as derived from compact Ly-alpha emitters, while circular LABs reside in both average density and overdense environments. Although it is hard to examine the formation mechanisms of LABs only from the Ly-alpha morphologies, more filamentary LABs may relate to cold gas accretion from the surrounding inter-galactic medium (IGM) and more circular LABs may relate to large-scale gas outflows, which are driven by intense starbursts and/or by AGN activities. Our survey highlights the potential usefulness of giant LABs to investigate the interactions between galaxies and the surrounding IGM from the field to overdense environments at high-redshift.Comment: MNRAS Letters accepted (6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables