165 research outputs found

    Wage growth dispersion across the euro area countries - some stylised facts

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    This study presents some stylised facts on wage growth differentials across the euro area countries in the years before and in the first eight years after the introduction of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999. The study shows that wage growth dispersion, i.e. the degree of difference in wage growth at a given point in time, has been on a clear downward trend since the early 1980s. However, wage growth dispersion across the euro area countries still appears to be higher than the degree of wage growth dispersion within West Germany, the United States, Italy and Spain. Differences in wage growth rates between individual euro area countries and the euro area in the years before and in the first eight years after the introduction of EMU appear to be positively related to the respective differences between their Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) inflation and average HICP inflation in the euro area. Conversely, relative wage growth differentials across euro area countries have been somewhat unrelated to relative productivity growth differentials. Some countries combine positive wage growth differentials and negative productivity growth differentials vis-à-vis the euro area average over an extended period – and hence positive unit labour cost growth differentials. These countries run the risk of accumulating competitiveness losses and it is therefore a challenge to ensure that the necessary adjustment mechanisms operate fully, in the sense that wage developments are sufficiently flexible and reflect productivity developments. Wage growth persistence within individual euro area countries – largely reflecting inflation persistence and certain institutional factors – might also have contributed somewhat to wage growth differentials across the euro area countries. Moreover, wage level convergence has also played a role in explaining wage growth patterns in the 1980s and the 1990s. However, since 1999, the link between the initial compensation level and the subsequent growth rate of compensation per employee appears barely significant. The study also shows a limited co-movement of wage growth across countries, even in the context of a high degree of business cycle synchronisation seen in the last few years. This suggests that the impact on wage growth of country-specific developments across euro area countries has been larger than the impact of common cyclical developments and external shocks. This could reflect the normal and desirable working of adjustment mechanisms, which – in an optimally functioning currency union with synchronised business cycles – would take place via price and cost and wage developments. On the other hand, structural impediments, for example a relatively low degree of openness in domestically-oriented sectors in some countries, might prevent a stronger link between the degree of synchronisation of wage growth rates and business cycles. JEL Classification: E24, E31, C10.Cross-country wage dispersion, wage and productivity levels across countries and sectors.

    Wage growth dispersion across the euro area countries - some stylised facts

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    This study presents some stylised facts on wage growth differentials across the euro area countries in the years before and in the first eight years after the introduction of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in 1999. The study shows that wage growth dispersion, i.e. the degree of difference in wage growth at a given point in time, has been on a clear downward trend since the early 1980s. However, wage growth dispersion across the euro area countries still appears to be higher than the degree of wage growth dispersion within West Germany, the United States, Italy and Spain. Differences in wage growth rates between individual euro area countries and the euro area in the years before and in the first eight years after the introduction of EMU appear to be positively related to the respective differences between their Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) inflation and average HICP inflation in the euro area. Conversely, relative wage growth differentials across euro area countries have been somewhat unrelated to relative productivity growth differentials. Some countries combine positive wage growth differentials and negative productivity growth differentials vis-à-vis the euro area average over an extended period – and hence positive unit labour cost growth differentials. These countries run the risk of accumulating competitiveness losses and it is therefore a challenge to ensure that the necessary adjustment mechanisms operate fully, in the sense that wage developments are sufficiently flexible and reflect productivity developments. Wage growth persistence within individual euro area countries – largely reflecting inflation persistence and certain institutional factors – might also have contributed somewhat to wage growth differentials across the euro area countries. Moreover, wage level convergence has also played a role in explaining wage growth patterns in the 1980s and the 1990s. However, since 1999, the link between the initial compensation level and the subsequent growth rate of compensation per employee appears barely significant. The study also shows a limited co-movement of wage growth across countries, even in the context of a high degree of business cycle synchronisation seen in the last few years. This suggests that the impact on wage growth of country-specific developments across euro area countries has been larger than the impact of common cyclical developments and external shocks. This could reflect the normal and desirable working of adjustment mechanisms, which – in an optimally functioning currency union with synchronised business cycles – would take place via price and cost and wage developments. On the other hand, structural impediments, for example a relatively low degree of openness in domestically-oriented sectors in some countries, might prevent a stronger link between the degree of synchronisation of wage growth rates and business cycles

    How Difficult Can It Be? Creating an Integrated Network Among Library Stakeholders to Promote Electronic Access

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    Tracking electronic access is a major challenge for libraries that cannot be ignored. Vast quantities of electronic resources continue to be acquired, and libraries continue to seek a way to keep up with the evolving electronic resource ecosystem. Libraries are immersed in monitoring electronic resources for access performance, features, functionality, completeness of content, and usage. Publishers, providers, and vendors are immersed in their innovative business models. Users are immersed in their research needs. With these immersion silos, there is a lack of communication between stakeholders that creates an unsustainable ecosystem. Currently, stakeholders are creating piecemeal patches that partially address access problems rather than an integrated effort of the whole community to incorporate interconnected solutions. These patches are not solving the problems. They are focusing on the symptoms, but not treating the cause. Why? The electronic access ecosystem is constantly in a state of flux. The system was simpler in times past. In this digital age, the creation, dissemination, and use of data is dynamic. It is vital to the success of the electronic access ecosystem that there be interplay between all the stakeholders. One stakeholder cannot successfully manage electronic access by itself. There needs to be a concerted effort among all stakeholders for monitoring, identifying, and addressing electronic access issues. These relationships are complex. What’s hindering the communication between stakeholders? What are we doing wrong and how can it be fixed? This problem can’t be fixed overnight, but must be carefully orchestrated. Libraries need to take the lead in the development of integrated networks. This presentation will address some of the networking problems that plague stakeholders and provide suggestions for improved networking integration. Audience participation will be sought for sharing problems and suggestions

    Cholangiocyte organoids can repair bile ducts after transplantation in the human liver.

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    Organoid technology holds great promise for regenerative medicine but has not yet been applied to humans. We address this challenge using cholangiocyte organoids in the context of cholangiopathies, which represent a key reason for liver transplantation. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we show that primary human cholangiocytes display transcriptional diversity that is lost in organoid culture. However, cholangiocyte organoids remain plastic and resume their in vivo signatures when transplanted back in the biliary tree. We then utilize a model of cell engraftment in human livers undergoing ex vivo normothermic perfusion to demonstrate that this property allows extrahepatic organoids to repair human intrahepatic ducts after transplantation. Our results provide proof of principle that cholangiocyte organoids can be used to repair human biliary epithelium

    Reconstruction of the mouse extrahepatic biliary tree using primary human extrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids

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    Treatment of common bile duct disorders such as biliary atresia or ischaemic strictures is limited to liver transplantation or hepatojejunostomy due to the lack of suitable tissue for surgical reconstruction. Here, we report a novel method for the isolation and propagation of human cholangiocytes from the extrahepatic biliary tree and we explore the potential of bioengineered biliary tissue consisting of these extrahepatic cholangiocyte organoids (ECOs) and biodegradable scaffolds for transplantation and biliary reconstruction in vivo. ECOs closely correlate with primary cholangiocytes in terms of transcriptomic profile and functional properties (ALP, GGT). Following transplantation in immunocompromised mice ECOs self-organize into tubular structures expressing biliary markers (CK7). When seeded on biodegradable scaffolds, ECOs form tissue-like structures retaining biliary marker expression (CK7) and function (ALP, GGT). This bioengineered tissue can reconstruct the wall of the biliary tree (gallbladder) and rescue and extrahepatic biliary injury mouse model following transplantation. Furthermore, it can be fashioned into bioengineered ducts and replace the native common bile duct of immunocompromised mice, with no evidence of cholestasis or lumen occlusion up to one month after reconstruction. In conclusion, ECOs can successfully reconstruct the biliary tree following transplantation, providing proof-of-principle for organ regeneration using human primary cells expanded in vitro

    Differentiation of human-induced pluripotent stem cell under flow conditions to mature hepatocytes for liver tissue engineering

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    Hepatic differentiation of human?induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) under flow conditions in a 3D scaffold is expected to be a major step forward for construction of bioartificial livers. The aims of this study were to induce hepatic differentiation of hiPSCs under perfusion conditions and to perform functional comparisons with fresh human precision?cut liver slices (hPCLS), an excellent benchmark for the human liver in vivo. The majority of the mRNA expression of CYP isoenzymes and transporters and the tested CYP activities, Phase II metabolism, and albumin, urea, and bile acid synthesis in the hiPSC?derived cells reached values that overlap those of hPCLS, which indicates a higher degree of hepatic differentiation than observed until now. Differentiation under flow compared with static conditions had a strong inducing effect on Phase II metabolism and suppressed AFP expression but resulted in slightly lower activity of some of the Phase I metabolism enzymes. Gene expression data indicate that hiPSCs differentiated into both hepatic and biliary directions. In conclusion, the hiPSC differentiated under flow conditions towards hepatocytes express a wide spectrum of liver functions at levels comparable with hPCLS indicating excellent future perspectives for the development of a bioartificial liver system for toxicity testing or as liver support device for patients

    Interleukin-13 Activates Distinct Cellular Pathways Leading to Ductular Reaction, Steatosis, and Fibrosis

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    Fibroproliferative diseases are driven by dysregulated tissue repair responses and are major cause of morbidity and mortality as they affect nearly every organ system. Type-2 cytokine responses are critically involved in tissue repair; however, the mechanisms that regulate beneficial regeneration versus pathological fibrosis are not well understood. Here, we have shown that the type-2 effector cytokine interleukin-13 simultaneously, yet independently, directed hepatic fibrosis and the compensatory proliferation of hepatocytes and biliary cells in progressive models of liver disease induced by interleukin-13 over-expression or following infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Using transgenic mice with interleukin-13 signaling genetically disrupted in hepatocytes, cholangiocytes, or resident tissue fibroblasts, we have revealed direct and distinct roles for interleukin-13 in fibrosis, steatosis, cholestasis, and ductular reaction. Together, these studies show that these mechanisms are simultaneously controlled but distinctly regulated by interleukin-13 signaling. Thus, it may be possible to promote interleukin-13-dependent hepatobiliary expansion without generating pathological fibrosis