29 research outputs found


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    Improving Operational Efficiency In EV Ridepooling Fleets By Predictive Exploitation of Idle Times

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    In ridepooling systems with electric fleets, charging is a complex decision-making process. Most electric vehicle (EV) taxi services require drivers to make egoistic decisions, leading to decentralized ad-hoc charging strategies. The current state of the mobility system is often lacking or not shared between vehicles, making it impossible to make a system-optimal decision. Most existing approaches do not combine time, location and duration into a comprehensive control algorithm or are unsuitable for real-time operation. We therefore present a real-time predictive charging method for ridepooling services with a single operator, called Idle Time Exploitation (ITX), which predicts the periods where vehicles are idle and exploits these periods to harvest energy. It relies on Graph Convolutional Networks and a linear assignment algorithm to devise an optimal pairing of vehicles and charging stations, in pursuance of maximizing the exploited idle time. We evaluated our approach through extensive simulation studies on real-world datasets from New York City. The results demonstrate that ITX outperforms all baseline methods by at least 5% (equivalent to $70,000 for a 6,000 vehicle operation) per week in terms of a monetary reward function which was modeled to replicate the profitability of a real-world ridepooling system. Moreover, ITX can reduce delays by at least 4.68% in comparison with baseline methods and generally increase passenger comfort by facilitating a better spread of customers across the fleet. Our results also demonstrate that ITX enables vehicles to harvest energy during the day, stabilizing battery levels and increasing resilience to unexpected surges in demand. Lastly, compared to the best-performing baseline strategy, peak loads are reduced by 17.39% which benefits grid operators and paves the way for more sustainable use of the electrical grid

    Forecasting movements of health-care stock prices based on different categories of news articles using multiple kernel learning

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    —The market state changes when a new piece of information arrives. It affects decisions made by investors and is considered to be an important data source that can be used for financial forecasting. Recently information derived from news articles has become a part of financial predictive systems. The usage of news articles and their forecasting potential have been extensively researched. However, so far no attempts have been made to utilise different categories of news articles simultaneously. This paper studies how the concurrent, and appropriately weighted, usage of news articles, having different degrees of relevance to the target stock, can improve the performance of financial forecasting and support the decision-making process of investors and traders. Stock price movements are predicted using the multiple kernel learning technique which integrates information extracted from multiple news categories while separate kernels are utilised to analyse each category. News articles are partitioned according to their relevance to the target stock, its sub industry, industry, group industry and sector. The experiments are run on stocks from the Health Care sector and show that increasing the number of relevant news categories used as data sources for financial forecasting improves the performance of the predictive system in comparison with approaches based on a lower number of categories

    Minőségbiztosítás az oktatásban

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    BaBibliogr.: fol. 59v

    Analysis of the funding opportunities for SMEs

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    Diplomadolgozatomban a kis- és középvállalkozások forrásbevonásának lehetőségeit vizsgáltam. Dolgozatom első részében bemutattam, hogy pontosan milyen vállalkozás minősül KKV-nak, illetve alátámasztottam, hogy milyen jelentőséggel bírnak az Európai Unióban, illetve Magyarországon. A következő fejezetben rátértem a vállalatok finanszírozási gyakorlatára, a belső és főként a külső forrásbevonás lehetőségeit vizsgáltam. Majd egy esettanulmány keretében, egy működő cég finanszírozási gyakorlatát elemeztem. Ezt követően következtetéseket vontam le, javaslatot tettem egy fenntartható finanszírozási politika kialakítására.MSc/MAVállalkozásfejlesztésK