230 research outputs found

    Iodine sorption study on the proposed use of Viton A in a shuttle galley water accumulator

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    The installation of a Viton A accumulator in the Shuttle galley has been proposed to prevent overpressurization of the hot water supply system. A laboratory study has been conducted to determine if there would be any interaction between the Viton A material and the iodine used to disinfect the water. Coupons of Viton A were exposed for 24 hours to aqueous iodine solutions similar in quality to the Shuttle's potable water. Changes in the iodine residual were monitored to determine the rate of iodine sorption by the coupon. Total organic carbon (TOC) was monitored to determine the rate of desorption of organic materials from the Viton A. The same coupons were then soaked in reagent-grade water for 24 hours, and iodine was monitored to determine the rate of iodine desorption. The coupons were again exposed to iodine solutions for 24 hours and iodine and TOC were monitored. No significant change in the iodine sorption rate was detected between the first and second exposures. A triangle taste test indicated at a 1 percent confidence level that the water exposed to Viton A had a different taste which was less acceptable to the panelists

    Nonsingular global string compactifications

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    We consider an exotic `compactification' of spacetime in which there are two infinite extra dimensions, using a global string instead of a domain wall. By having a negative cosmological constant we prove the existence of a nonsingular static solution using a dynamical systems argument. A nonsingular solution also exists in the absence of a cosmological constant with a time-dependent metric. We compare and contrast this solution with the Randall-Sundrum universe and the Cohen-Kaplan spacetime, and consider the options of using such a model as a realistic resolution of the hierarchy problem.Comment: 8 pages revtex, 1 figure : References added and equation correcte

    The scalar perturbation of the higher-dimensional rotating black holes

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    The massless scalar field in the higher-dimensional Kerr black hole (Myers- Perry solution with a single rotation axis) has been investigated. It has been shown that the field equation is separable in arbitrary dimensions. The quasi-normal modes of the scalar field have been searched in five dimensions using the continued fraction method. The numerical result shows the evidence for the stability of the scalar perturbation of the five-dimensional Kerr black holes. The time scale of the resonant oscillation in the rapidly rotating black hole, in which case the horizon radius becomes small, is characterized by (black hole mass)^{1/2}(Planck mass)^{-3/2} rather than the light-crossing time of the horizon.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, revised versio

    Power-Law Inflation from the Rolling Tachyon

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    Modeling the potential by an inverse square law in terms of the tachyon field (V(T)=βT2V(T)=\beta T^{-2}) we find exact solution for spatially flat isotropic universe.We show that for β>23/3\beta>2\sqrt{3}/3 the model undergoes power-law inflation. A way to construct other exact solutions is specified and exemplified.Comment: References added. Matches the version in print. To appear in PR

    BPS Branes in Cosmology

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    The possibility to study the M/string theory cosmology via 5d bulk & brane action is investigated. The role of the 4-form field in the theory of BPS branes in 5d is clarified. We describe arguments suggesting that the effective 4d description of the universe in the ekpyrotic scenario (hep-th/0103239) should lead to contraction rather than expansion of the universe. To verify these arguments, we study the full 5d action prior to its integration over the 5th dimension. We show that if one adds the potential V(Y) to the action of the bulk brane, then the metric ansatz used in the ekpyrotic scenario does not solve the dilaton and gravitational equations. To find a consistent cosmological solution one must use a more general metric ansatz and a complete 5d description of the brane interaction instead of simply adding an effective 4d bulk brane potential V(Y).Comment: 18 pages, revte

    Born-Infeld Quantum Condensate as Dark Energy in the Universe

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    Some cosmological implications of ultraviolet quantum effects leading to a condensation of Born-Infeld matter are considered. It is shown that under very general conditions the quantum condensate can not act as phantom matter if its energy density is positive. On the other hand, it behaves as an effective cosmological constant in the limit where quantum induced contributions to the energy-momentum tensor dominate over the classical effects.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. Extended discussion, In Press, Physics Letters

    Domain Walls of D=8 Gauged Supergravities and their D=11 Origin

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    Performing a Scherk-Schwarz dimensional reduction of D=11 supergravity on a three-dimensional group manifold we construct five D=8 gauged maximal supergravities whose gauge groups are the three-dimensional (non-)compact subgroups of SL(3,R). These cases include the Salam-Sezgin SO(3) gauged supergravity. We construct the most general half-supersymmetric domain wall solutions to these five gauged supergravities. The generic form is a triple domain wall solution whose truncations lead to double and single domain wall solutions. We find that one of the single domain wall solutions has zero potential but nonzero superpotential. Upon uplifting to 11 dimensions each domain wall becomes a purely gravitational 1/2 BPS solution. The corresponding metric has a 7+4 split with a Minkowski 7-metric and a 4-metric that corresponds to a gravitational instanton. These instantons generalize the SO(3) metric of Belinsky, Gibbons, Page and Pope (which includes the Eguchi-Hanson metric) to the other Bianchi types of class A.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, references adde

    Gauging the Full R-Symmetry Group in Five-dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein/tensor Supergravity

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    We show that certain five dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein supergravity theories admit the gauging of the full R-symmetry group, SU(2)_R, of the underlying N=2 Poincare superalgebra. This generalizes the previously studied Abelian gaugings of U(1)_R subgroup of SU(2)_R and completes the construction of the most general vector and tensor field coupled five dimensional N=2 supergravity theories with gauge interactions. The gauging of SU(2)_R turns out to be possible only in special cases, and leads to a new type of scalar potential. For a large class of these theories the potential does not have any critical points.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages ; section two is split in two and the discussion of the critical points is moved into the new section. Version to appear in Physical Review

    Wave function of the radion in the brane background with a massless scalar field and a self-tuning problem

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    We consider flat solutions in the brane background with a massless scalar field appearing in 5D HMNPQ2H^2_{MNPQ}. Since there exist bulk singularities or arises the divergent 4D Planck mass, we should introduce a compact extra dimension, the size of which is then fixed by brane tension(s) and a bulk cosmological constant. Inspecting scalar perturbations around the flat solutions, we find that the flat solutions are stable vacua from the positive mass spectrum of radion. We show that the massless radion mode is projected out by the boundary condition arising in cutting off the extra dimension. Thus, the fixed extra dimension is not alterable, which is not useful toward a self-tuning of the cosmological constant.Comment: Latex file of 18 pages including 1 eps figur

    Born-Infeld Theory and Stringy Causality

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    Fluctuations around a non-trivial solution of Born-Infeld theory have a limiting speed given not by the Einstein metric but the Boillat metric. The Boillat metric is S-duality invariant and conformal to the open string metric. It also governs the propagation of scalars and spinors in Born-Infeld theory. We discuss the potential clash between causality determined by the closed string and open string light cones and find that the latter never lie outside the former. Both cones touch along the principal null directions of the background Born-Infeld field. We consider black hole solutions in situations in which the distinction between bulk and brane is not sharp such as space filling branes and find that the location of the event horizon and the thermodynamic properties do not depend on whether one uses the closed or open string metric. Analogous statements hold in the more general context of non-linear electrodynamics or effective quantum-corrected metrics. We show how Born-Infeld action to second order might be obtained from higher-curvature gravity in Kaluza-Klein theory. Finally we point out some intriguing analogies with Einstein-Schr\"odinger theory.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, LaTex; Some comments and references adde