148 research outputs found

    Low-cost emissions cuts in container shipping: thinking inside the box

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    Container shipping has become an emission-intensive industry; existing regulations, however, continue to display limitations. Technical emissions reduction measures require large, long-term investments, while operational measures may negatively impact transportation costs and supply-chain practices. For container shipping to become more sustainable, innovative, low-cost technological solutions are required. This study discusses such a technological game-changer which utilizes a lighter container type that, contrary to conventional ones, does not require wood in its floor. In this regard, emissions reductions are achieved both due to lower fuel consumption and tree savings. We estimate the global impact of this technology until 2050 using an integrated assessment model and considering different projections about future characteristics of the container fleet. Our results indicate that the adoption of the examined technology can reduce emissions by 4.7–18.8% depending on the main fuel used in container shipping lines, saving also a total of about 44 million trees

    Soil chemical management drives structural degradation of Oxisols under a no-till cropping system.

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    Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-06T01:17:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PSoilChemicalsoilresearch....pdf: 615207 bytes, checksum: ec842638c37dea1ce182d8cd03f82c9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-11bitstream/item/179426/1/P-Soil-Chemical-soil-research....pd

    Effect of Mn doping on the growth and properties of enstatite single crystals

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    Millimetric Mn-doped enstatite (MgSiO3) crystals have been grown by slow cooling in MoO3, V2O5, and Li2CO3 flux. Six starting mixture with different amount of manganese were slowly cooled from 1350 °C, 1050 °C and 950 °C down to 750 °C, 650 °C and 600 °C respectively. The enstatite crystals were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive spectrometry (SEM/EDS). Mn-doped enstatite crystals were reddish in color, euhedral and elongate parallel to c-axis. The largest enstatite crystal obtained is 8.5 mm in length. The effects of growth parameters on yield and size of crystals were studied. Variations observed in crystal size were attributed to the amount of Mn doping. Further characterizations by μ-Raman spectroscopy (μ-R) and cathodoluminescence (CL) allowed to study the effect of Mn doping on some chemical/physical characteristics of the enstatite and to assess its potential in advanced technological applications

    Eficácia e efetividade do UVC para desinfecção de materiais hospitalares de pacientes com COVID-19

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    Background and Objectives: After the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, more effective and efficient means were needed to disinfect hospital materials. The objective of our study is to evaluate the in vitro efficacy and the economic effectiveness of type C ultraviolet (UVC) irradiation for disinfection of materials used in the care of COVID-19 patients. Methods. Four bipartite Cled plates were inoculated with suspensions of 10,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus strains, exposed to two 18W lamps, placed inside a laminar flow and incubated for quantitative growth assessments. The germicidal equipment was built: the “UVC box” was developed with two 18W lamps for use in materials returned to pharmacy and a “UVC closet” with two 60W lamps for surgical gowns exposure. The economic effectiveness was evaluated by comparing inventory costs with quarantine of materials versus UVC usage costs. Results. Microbiological inactivation in the plates started after 4 minutes with an efficiency close to 100% at 8 minutes. The “UVC box” reduced the time to release the material from 9 days to immediately, generating savings of approximately R68,400,andtheUVCclosetchangedtheuseofsurgicalgownsto0.7/patient,comparedtotheusualof1.5,generatingsavingsofnearly3,000reais/month.ThecostofinstallationandmaintenancewasR 68,400, and the “UVC closet” changed the use of surgical gowns to 0.7/patient, compared to the usual of 1.5, generating savings of nearly 3,000 reais/month. The cost of installation and maintenance was R 1,500. Conclusions. The efficacy and effectiveness of the UVC system was proven, as well as the economy promoted by its installation.Justificación y Objetivos. Despuésdelinicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, se necesitaronmedios más efectivos y eficientes para desinfectar losmaterialeshospitalarios. El artículo tiene como objetivo evaluarlaeficacia in vitroy la efectividad económica de la luz ultravioleta tipo C (UVC) para desinfección de materiales utilizados enlaatención al paciente con COVID-19. Métodos. Cuatro placas partidas Cledfueron inoculadas consuspensiones de 10,000 UFC/mL de cepas de EscherichiacoliyStaphylococcusaureus, expuestas a dos lámparas de 18W, colocadas dentro delflujo laminar e incubadas para evaluacionescuantitativas de crecimiento. Se construyóel equipo germicida: una “caja UVC” con dos lámparas de 18W para materiales de farmacia y un “armario UVC” con dos lámparas de 60W para exponerlas batas. La efectividad económica se evaluó comparando loscostos de inventario conlacuarentena de materiales, versus loscostos de uso de UVC. Resultados. La inactivación microbiológica enlas placas se inició a los 4 minutos con una eficienciacercana al 100% a los 8 minutos. La “caja UVC” redujoeltiempo de liberacióndel material de 9 días a una liberacióninmediata, economizando aproximadamente R68.400yelarmarioUVCcambioˊelusodebatasa0,7/paciente,frentealusohabitualde1,5,economizandoaproximadamente3.000reales/mes.ElcostodeinstalacioˊnymantenimientofueR 68.400 y el “armario UVC” cambióel uso de batas a 0,7/paciente, frente al uso habitual de 1,5, economizando aproximadamente 3.000 reales/mes. El costo de instalación y mantenimientofueR1.500. Conclusiones. La efectividad y eficaciadel sistema UVC fuecomprobada, además de los resultados enlaeconomía por suinstalación.Justificativa e Objetivos: Após o início da pandemia de COVID-19, meios mais efetivos e eficazes foram necessários para desinfetar materiais hospitalares. Este trabalho visa avaliar a eficácia in vitro e a efetividade econômica de luz ultravioleta tipo C (UVC) para desinfecção de materiais usados em pacientes com COVID-19. Métodos: Quatro placas bipartidas de Cled foram inoculadas com suspensões de 10.000 ufc/mL de cepas de Escherichia coli e Staphylococcus aureus, expostas a duas lâmpadas de 18W, colocadas dentro de um fluxo laminar e incubadas para avaliações quantitativas de crescimento. O equipamento germicida foi construído: uma “caixa UVC” com duas lâmpadas de 18W para materiais da farmácia e um “armário UVC” com duas lâmpadas 60W para exposição de capotes. A efetividade econômica foi avaliada comparando os custos de estoque, com quarentena de materiais versus custos de uso da UVC. Resultados: A inativação microbiológica nas placas se iniciou a partir de 4 minutos, com eficácia próxima a 100% aos 8 minutos. A “caixa de UVC” reduziu o tempo para liberação do material de 9 dias para imediato, gerando uma economia de aproximadamente R68.400,00,eoarmaˊriodeUVCalterouousodecapotespara0,7/paciente,comparadoaousohabitualde1,5,gerandoumaeconomiade3.000reais/me^s.Ocustodeinstalac\ca~oemanutenc\ca~ofoideR 68.400,00, e o “armário de UVC” alterou o uso de capotes para 0,7/paciente, comparado ao uso habitual de 1,5, gerando uma economia de 3.000 reais/mês. O custo de instalação e manutenção foi de R 1.500,00. Conclusão:Foi comprovada a eficácia e efetividade dos sistemas UVC, além da economia promovida por sua instalação

    Clinical characteristics of 80 subjects with KCNQ2-related encephalopathy: Results from a family-driven survey

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    Variants of KCNQ2 are associated with a wide spectrum of disorders, ranging from Self-limiting Neonatal Epilepsy (SelNE) to Early Onset Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy (KCNQ2-DEE). Comorbidities associated with this end of the spectrum have been seldomly described and their impact on the life of patients and their families is yet to be investigated. Collaborating with caregivers from different European family associations, we have developed a questionnaire aimed at investigating the onset and frequency of epileptic seizures, anti-seizure medications (ASM), hospitalizations, stages of development, and comorbidities. Responses from 80 patients, 40 males, from 14 countries have been collected. Median age 7.6 years (4 months - 43.6 years). Of 76 epileptic patients (93.6%), 55.3% were seizure-free with a mean age at last seizure of 26.7 months. Among patients with active epilepsy, those older have a lower frequency of seizures (p > 0.05). We were able to identify three different clusters of varying severity (Mild, Severe, Profound), based on neurodevelopmental features and symptoms, excluding epilepsy. Patients in a higher severity cluster had a higher mean number of comorbidities, which had a higher impact on families. Notably, patients in different clusters presented different epilepsy onset and courses. This study constitutes the most extensive data collection of patients with KCNQ2-DEE, with a focus on comorbidities in a wide age group. The participation of caregivers helps to define the impact of the disease on the lives of patients and families and can help identify new primary and secondary outcomes beyond seizures in future studies

    Stable Aqueous Solutions of Naked Titanate Nanotubes

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    Aqueous solutions of naked nanotubes with Ti concentration up to 10 mm are obtained by hydrothermal synthesis followed by extensive ultrasound treatment. The morphology, surface characteristics, and solution behavior of the solubilized nanotubes are investigated. The time course of the solubilization process driven by ultrasound follows a first-order kinetic law and is mediated by the competition between Na+ and H+ for surface sites. The dynamics of interaction with small cations (i.e. the sodium ion) is studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and is demonstrated to be a multifaced process, since Na+ is in part free to exchange between the binding sites on nanotubes and the bulk and in part is confined to slowly exchanging nanotube sites. The aqueous titanate nanotube solutions are stable for months, thus opening new perspectives for the use of this material in drug delivery and in homogeneous photocatalysis

    Investigation of germanium implanted with aluminum by multi-laser micro-Raman spectroscopy

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    Germanium samples, implanted with aluminum and annealed, have been investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy using different excitation lines with the aim of gaining insights about the Al distribution at different depths beneath the sample surface and to correlate the Raman spectra with the electrical and chemical profiles, obtained by Spreading Resistance Profiling (SRP) and Secondary Ions Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) measurements, respectively. The intensity of the Al\u2013Ge Raman peak at about 370 cm 121, due to the local vibrational mode of the substitutional Al atoms in the Ge matrix, has been directly related to the SRP behavior, while no correlation has been observed with SIMS profiles. These findings show that the electrically active content is entirely due to the substitutional Al atoms. Finally, a clear down shift is observed for the Ge\u2013Ge Raman peak at ~300 cm 121, which also seems to be directly related to the active content of Al dopant atoms. This work shows that micro-Raman spectroscopy can be a suitable tool for the study of doping profiles in Ge

    Challenges in the harmonisation of global integrated assessment models: a comprehensive methodology to reduce model response heterogeneity

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    Harmonisation sets the ground to a solid inter-comparison of integrated assessment models. A clear and transparent harmonisation process promotes a consistent interpretation of the modelling outcomes divergences and, reducing the model variance, is instrumental to the use of integrated assessment models to support policy decision-making. Despite its crucial role for climate economic policies, the definition of a comprehensive harmonisation methodology for integrated assessment modelling remains an open challenge for the scientific community. This paper proposes a framework for a harmonisation methodology with the definition of indispensable steps and recommendations to overcome stumbling blocks in order to reduce the variance of the outcomes which depends on controllable modelling assumptions. The harmonisation approach of the PARIS REINFORCE project is presented here to layout such a framework. A decomposition analysis of the harmonisation process is shown through 6 integrated assessment models (GCAM, ICES-XPS, MUSE, E3ME, GEMINI-E3, and TIAM). Results prove the potentials of the proposed framework to reduce the model variance and present a powerful diagnostic tool to feedback on the quality of the harmonisation itself

    Influência do biochar na disponibilidade de água de um Latossolo.

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    Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da aplicação de biochar nas características físico-hídricas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico típico cultivado com eucalipto. Incorporou-se ao solo a dose de 3,21 Mg ha-1 de biochar de cavacos de eucalipto pirolisados a 450 °C por 8 horas. As amostras de solo foram coletadas três meses após a incorporação nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm. Observou-se redução da densidade e incremento da porosidade total em ambas as profundidades estudadas. Ensaios de extração de água demonstraram que, na primeira profundidade, houve incremento na disponibilidade total de água e na segunda profundidade houve aumento da macroporosidade e redução da microporosidade. A dose de biochar aplicada aumentou a disponibilidade de água do solo

    Influência do biochar na disponibilidade de água de um latossolo.

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    Objetivou-se estudar os efeitos da aplicação de biochar nas características físico-hídricas de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico típico cultivado com eucalipto. Incorporou-se ao solo a dose de 3,21 Mg ha-1 de biochar de cavacos de eucalipto pirolisados a 450 °C por 8 horas. As amostras de solo foram coletadas três meses após a incorporação nas profundidades de 0-10 e 10-20 cm. Observou-se redução da densidade e incremento da porosidade total em ambas as profundidades estudadas. Ensaios de extração de água demonstraram que, na primeira profundidade, houve incremento na disponibilidade total de água e na segunda profundidade houve aumento da macroporosidade e redução da microporosidade. A dose de biochar aplicada aumentou a disponibilidade de água do solo