55 research outputs found

    Esperienze per il controllo della Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Dipt.- Tephritidae) con soli mezzi agronomici in Puglia

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    EXPERIENCE IN RHAG'OLETIS CERASIL. (DIPT .-TEPHRITIDAE) CONTROL WITH A GRONOMIC MEANS IN APULIA (SOUTHERN JTALY)In a tipic district of cherry-tree cultivations for fresh consumption (Turi, near Bari, Southern Italy) where farmers make chemical application against R. cerasi every years, have been made observations on epidemiology of this species after chemical treatments interruption with the aim to ascertain the populations of the flies and adopte for its control only cultural practices as complete harvest of the fruits and frequent tillage. Adults of R. cerasi has been trapped by jellow stiky traps "Prokoboll". The experiments were conducted during 1991 and 1992 on three cherry orchard, of 44 ha, with 31 jellow traps. At field borders there were cherry, olive, almond orchard and vineyards. During 1991 has been trapped l O adults and cherry-fruits infestation has been Jess than l o/o, and limited to 10-15 plants; during 1992 4 adults have been trapped and cherry-fruits infestation was less than 3o/o, limited to 20-30 plants. During 1993 beside the same three fields other nine were considered, scattered in the same area on the whole of 75 ha, equipped with 192 traps. Only two adults of fly has been trapped, and no infestation has been found on cherry-fruits. In this area the frequent soil tillage (4 or 5) and the complete fruit harvest are considered idoneous to obtain cherry-fruit free from R. cerasi. Key words: Rhagoletis cerasi, agronomie contrai, complete fruit-harvest, soil tillage.La sintesi dei risultati complessivi emersi nel triennio si rileva dalla tab. l. Più in particolare, nel 1991-92 si è avuto: Campo A (ampio, specializzato, monovarietale). In tutti e due gli anni non sono stati catturati adulti di Ragolete; sono mancate conseguentemente le punture di ovideposizione (sottoposte a verifica solo nel 1991) e non si sono avute larve dai campioni di ciliegie. Oltretutto le scarse produzioni del biennio, forse per difetto di impollinazione, avrebbero dovuto rendere più evidenti le infestazioni da Mosca qualora questa fosse stata presente. Campo E (medio-piccolo bivarietale giovane + medio-piccolo trivarietale di vecchio impianto, consociato). Nel 1991 vennero catturati a metà maggio, da una trappola prossima ad un confine del campo, 4 adulti (2 maschi e 2 femmine). Le ciliegie raccolte nella stessa area da 10-15 piante risultarono infestate per meno dell'l% da larve di mosca. Nel 1992 non si ebbero né catture di mosche, né ciliegie infestate. Campo C (situazione eterogenea sotto tutti i punti di vista). In entrambi gli anni in 13 trappole su 14, ossia per la quasi totalità, non si sono avute catture di adulti di Ragolete né successivamente furono osservate infestazioni sulle ciliegie; un'unica trappola, quella prospiciente al campo incolto (v. descrizio- ne del campo C) nel 1991 catturò 6 adulti (4 maschi e 2 femmine) tra il 24 e il 31 maggio. Nel 1992 la stessa trappola catturò 4 adulti (l maschio e 3 femmine) tra il 15 e il 23 maggio. In entrambi gli anni le ciliegie prelevate da 20-30 piante prossime a quella con la trappola risultarono infestate con valori inferiori al 3%. Nel 1993 le ricerche proseguite nei campi A, B e C evidenziarono completa mancanza sia di catture che di infestazione, mentre nei campi D - N, di nuova istituzione, furono catturati 2 adulti; anche in questi ciliegeti si ebbe assenza di ciliegie infestate.  

    The Challenge of Fostering Healthy Organizations: An Empirical Study on the Role of Workplace Relational Civility in Acceptance of Change and Well-Being

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    The world of work in the twenty-first century is characterized by globalization, instability, and unavoidable change. Organizations need to develop a positive relational environment in the workplace thereby enabling workers to enhance their personal resources in order to face with on-going changes in the sphere of work for promoting their well-being. Against this background, the aim of this research was to examine the relationship between workplace relational civility and both acceptance of change and well-being (hedonic well-being as well as eudaimonic well-being) beyond the effect of personality traits. The following instruments were administered to 261 Italian workers: the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI), the Acceptance of Change Scale (ACS), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and the Meaningful Life Measure (MLM). The results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that workplace relational civility explained a percentage of incremental variance beyond personality traits in relation to acceptance of change, life satisfaction, and meaning in life. These results underscore the positive relationship between workplace relational civility and acceptance of change, hedonic well-being, and eudaimonic well-being, offering new research and intervention opportunities to meet the challenge of fostering healthy organizations

    Limited Additive Diagnostic Impact of Isolated Gastrointestinal Involvement for the Triage of Children with Suspected COVID-19

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    The strategy for the selection of patients with a suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection is relevant for the organization of a children’s hospital to provide optimal separation into COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 areas and pathways. We analyzed the proportion of children with COVID-19 presenting with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in 137 consecutive patients admitted between January 2020 and August 2021. GI symptoms were present as follows: diarrhea in 35 patients (26%), vomiting in 16 (12%), and both of them in five (3%); the combination of fever, respiratory symptoms, and diarrhea was observed in 16 patients (12%). Of the 676 adult patients with COVID-19 admitted to our hospital in the same time interval, 62 (9.2%) had diarrhea, 30 (4.4%) had vomiting, and 11 (1.6%) had nausea; only one patient, a 38-year-old male, presented with isolated GI symptoms at the diagnosis. Although diarrhea was observed in one quarter of cases, one-half of them had the complete triad of fever, respiratory syndrome, and diarrhea, and only five had isolated diarrhea, of which two were diagnosed with a Campylobacter infection. The occurrence of either respiratory symptoms or gastrointestinal symptoms in our patients was not related to the patient age, while younger children were more likely to have a fever. Of the 137 patients, 73 (53%) could be tested for their serum level of SARS-CoV-2 specific IgG antibodies. The observed titer ranged between 0 (n = 3) and 1729 BAU/mL (median, 425 BAU/mL). Of 137 consecutive patients with COVID-19 admitted to our referral children’s hospital, only three presented with an isolated GI manifestation. It is interesting to note that this finding turned out to be fully in keeping with what was observed on adult patients with COVID-19 in our hospital. The additive diagnostic impact of gastrointestinal involvement for the triage of children with suspected COVID-19 appears limited

    #Wetoo? Le molestie sessuali in ambito accademico Per una criminologia (anche) di genere

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    In the wake of the scientific interest shown towards gender-based violence by the Italian criminology and its affiliated Journal (Italian Journal of Criminology), the authors address a topic that has been much neglected so far, that is sexual harassment in academia. The paper provides definitions of sexual harassment, and explores the dimensions and aspects that characterise it. Data available in the world, specifically in Europe, are synthetically presented, along with the very few existing studies in Italy up to date. Factors that encourage the occurrence of sexual harass-ment within the academic world are explained taking into consideration the different disciplines (e.g., science or humanities). Difficulties in reporting any experience of sexual harassment endured and the “culture of silence” in which the phenomenon is embedded, are among the most prominent factors sustaining it. The negative consequences for the victims, and for academic institutions and research in general, are manifold. Particular attention is devoted to strategies to prevent and repress the sexual harassment in academia, reporting the suggestions that have emerged at an international level, the resources in the occupational and criminal law, and above all the proposals that have emerged from the scientific studies available. The implementation of criminological research – in which the authors are about to engage – is the first and one of the most important means of developing awareness about sexual harassment in academia, and its prevention.Sulla scia del crescente interesse dimostrato per la violenza di genere in tutte le sue declinazioni da parte della criminologia italiana e in particolare da parte della sua rivista, le Autrici affrontano un tema finora meno trattato, quello delle molestie sessuali in ambito accademico. Di queste si forniscono le definizioni e dunque gli elementi che le caratterizzano, si riportano i dati disponibili nel mondo, in Europa e, relativamente alle pochissime ricerche esistenti, in Italia. Sono spiegati i fattori che favoriscono il ricorrere delle molestie sessuali in università, anche in relazione ai differenti settori disciplinari. Fra questi motivi è di rilievo la difficoltà nelle denunce o addirittura la “cultura del silenzio” di cui si riferiscono le ragioni. Le conseguenze negative, che vengono elencate, sono molteplici, per le persone offese ma anche per le istituzioni accademiche e per la ricerca in generale. Particolare attenzione è riservata alle strategie per prevenire e reprimere il fenomeno, riportando i suggerimenti emersi a livello internazionale, le risorse negli ambiti giuridici lavoristico e penale, soprattutto le proposte emerse dalla ricerca. Proprio l’implementazione della ricerca criminologica – in cui le Autrici sono impegnate – è d’altro canto indicata come il primo importante mezzo per promuovere consapevolezza circa le molestie sessuali in ambiente accademico, e per avviare interventi preventivi

    Dye-Derived Red-Emitting Carbon Dots for Lasing and Solid-State Lighting

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    Carbon dots are carbon-based nanoparticles renowned for their intense light-emitting capabilities covering the whole visible light range. Achieving carbon dots emitting in the red region with high efficiency is extremely relevant due to their huge potential in biological applications and in optoelectronics. Currently, photoluminescence in such an energy interval is often associated with polyheterocyclic molecular domains forming during the synthesis that, however, present low emission efficiency and issues in controlling the optical features. Here, we overcome these problems by solvothermally synthesizing carbon dots starting from Neutral Red, a common red-emitting dye, as a molecular precursor. As a result of the synthesis, such molecular fluorophore is incorporated into a carbonaceous core while retaining its original optical properties. The obtained nanoparticles are highly luminescent in the red region, with a quantum yield comparable to that of the starting dye. Most importantly, the nanoparticle carbogenic matrix protects the Neutral Red molecules from photobleaching under ultraviolet excitation while preventing aggregation-induced quenching, thus allowing solid-state emission. These advantages have been exploited to develop a fluorescence-based color conversion layer by fabricating polymer-based highly concentrated solid-state carbon dot nanocomposites. Finally, the dye-based carbon dots demonstrate both stable Fabry-Perot lasing and efficient random lasing emission in the red region

    Looking for a preventive approach to sexual harassment in academia. A systematic review

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    The systematic review (PRISMA) on sexual harassment (SH) in academia looks at studies conducted since 2018 with the aim to direct updated research findings toward an effective prevention perspective. The findings confirm that academia is a breeding ground for SH due to power imbalances and that vulnerabilities related to the macro-dynamics of power, social and cultural inequalities are risk factors for SH. It is recommended that SH prevention interventions in academia 1. adopt a socio-ecological perspective; 2. include evidence-based programs such as those dedicated to bystanders; 3. are integrated with each other through valuable networking and multistakeholder involvement and 4. pay attention to support complaints, victim listening and intake activities. Future SH studies should promote: SH standardized definitions, intersectional perspectives, “all targets” surveys, research on protective factors, research on perpetrator perspective. Future interventions should act at the cultural level fighting structural inequality and a greater enhancement of evidence-based programs is required.The systematic review (PRISMA) on sexual harassment (SH) in academia looks at studies conducted since 2018 with the aim to direct updated research findings toward an effective prevention perspective. The findings confirm that academia is a breeding ground for SH due to power imbalances and that vulnerabilities related to the macro-dynamics of power, social and cultural inequalities are risk factors for SH. It is recommended that SH prevention interventions in academia 1. adopt a socio-ecological perspective; 2. include evidence-based programs such as those dedicated to bystanders; 3. are integrated with each other through valuable networking and multistakeholder involvement and 4. pay attention to support complaints, victim listening and intake activities. Future SH studies should promote: SH standardized definitions, intersectional perspectives, "all targets" surveys, research on protective factors, research on perpetrator perspective. Future interventions should act at the cultural level fighting structural inequality and a greater enhancement of evidence-based programs is required

    Bone health and body composition in transgender adults before gender-affirming hormonal therapy: data from the COMET study

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    Purpose: Preliminary data suggested that bone mineral density (BMD) in transgender adults before initiating gender-affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) is lower when compared to cisgender controls. In this study, we analyzed bone metabolism in a sample of transgender adults before GAHT, and its possible correlation with biochemical profile, body composition and lifestyle habits (i.e., tobacco smoke and physical activity). Methods: Medical data, smoking habits, phospho-calcic and hormonal blood tests and densitometric parameters were collected in a sample of 125 transgender adults, 78 Assigned Females At Birth (AFAB) and 47 Assigned Males At Birth (AMAB) before GAHT initiation and 146 cisgender controls (57 females and 89 males) matched by sex assigned at birth and age. 55 transgender and 46 cisgender controls also underwent a complete body composition evaluation and assessment of physical activity using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results: 14.3% of transgender and 6.2% of cisgender sample, respectively, had z-score values < -2 (p = 0.04). We observed only lower vitamin D values in transgender sample regarding biochemical/hormonal profile. AFAB transgender people had more total fat mass, while AMAB transgender individuals had reduced total lean mass as compared to cisgender people (53.94 ± 7.74 vs 58.38 ± 6.91, p < 0.05). AFAB transgender adults were more likely to be active smokers and tend to spend more time indoor. Fat Mass Index (FMI) was correlated with lumbar and femur BMD both in transgender individuals, while no correlations were found between lean mass parameters and BMD in AMAB transgender people. Conclusions: Body composition and lifestyle factors could contribute to low BMD in transgender adults before GAHT

    Influence of Antisynthetase Antibodies Specificities on Antisynthetase Syndrome Clinical Spectrum TimeCourse

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    Introduction: Increased cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality is observed in inflammatory joint diseases (IJDs) such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis. However, the management of CV disease in these conditions is far from being well established.Areas covered: This review summarizes the main epidemiologic, pathophysiological, and clinical risk factors of CV disease associated with IJDs. Less common aspects on early diagnosis and risk stratification of the CV disease in these conditions are also discussed. In Europe, the most commonly used risk algorithm in patients with IJDs is the modified SCORE index based on the revised recommendations proposed by the EULAR task force in 2017.Expert opinion: Early identification of IJD patients at high risk of CV disease is essential. It should include the use of complementary noninvasive imaging techniques. A multidisciplinary approach aimed to improve heart-healthy habits, including strict control of classic CV risk factors is crucial. Adequate management of the underlying IJD is also of main importance since the reduction of disease activity decreases the risk of CV events. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may have a lesser harmful effect in IJD than in the general population, due to their anti-inflammatory effects along with other potential beneficial effects.This research was partially funded by FOREUM—Foundation for Research in Rheumatolog

    Practice patterns and 90-day treatment-related morbidity in early-stage cervical cancer

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    To evaluate the impact of the Laparoscopic Approach to Cervical Cancer (LACC) Trial on patterns of care and surgery-related morbidity in early-stage cervical cancer

    Clinical Features, Cardiovascular Risk Profile, and Therapeutic Trajectories of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Candidate for Oral Semaglutide Therapy in the Italian Specialist Care

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    Introduction: This study aimed to address therapeutic inertia in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D) by investigating the potential of early treatment with oral semaglutide. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between October 2021 and April 2022 among specialists treating individuals with T2D. A scientific committee designed a data collection form covering demographics, cardiovascular risk, glucose control metrics, ongoing therapies, and physician judgments on treatment appropriateness. Participants completed anonymous patient questionnaires reflecting routine clinical encounters. The preferred therapeutic regimen for each patient was also identified. Results: The analysis was conducted on 4449 patients initiating oral semaglutide. The population had a relatively short disease duration (42%  60% of patients, and more often than sitagliptin or empagliflozin. Conclusion: The study supports the potential of early implementation of oral semaglutide as a strategy to overcome therapeutic inertia and enhance T2D management