4,960 research outputs found

    Post-test simulations for the NACIE-UP benchmark by STH codes

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    This paper illustrates the results obtained in the last phase of the NACIE-UP benchmark activity foreseen inside the EU SESAME Project. The purpose of this research activity, performed by system thermal–hydraulic (STH) codes, is finalized to the improvement, development and validation of existing STH codes for Heavy Liquid Metal (HLM) systems. All the participants improved their modelling of the NACIE-UP facility, respect to the initial blind simulation phase, adopting the actual experimental boundary conditions and reducing as much as possible sources of uncertainty in their numerical model. Four different STH codes were employed by the participants to the benchmark to model the NACIE-UP facility, namely: CATHARE for ENEA, ATHLET for GRS, RELAP5-3D© for the “Sapienza” University of Rome and RELAP5/Mod3.3(modified) for the University of Pisa. Three reference tests foreseen in the NACIE-UP benchmark and carried out at ENEA Brasimone Research Centre were analysed from four participants. The data from the post-test analyses, performed independently by the participant using different STH codes, were compared together and with the available experimental results and critically discussed

    System thermal-hydraulic modelling of the phénix dissymmetric test benchmark

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    Phénix is a French pool-type sodium-cooled prototype reactor; before the definitive shutdown, occurred in 2009, a final set of experimental tests are carried out in order to increase the knowledge on the operation and the safety aspect of the pool-type liquid metal-cooled reactors. One of the experiments was the Dissymmetric End-of-Life Test which was selected for the validation benchmark activity in the frame of SESAME project. The computer code validation plays a key role in the safety assessment of the innovative nuclear reactors and the Phénix dissymmetric test provides useful experimental data to verify the computer codes capability in the asymmetric thermal-hydraulic behaviour into a pool-type liquid metal-cooled reactor. This paper shows the comparison of the outcomes obtained with six different System Thermal-Hydraulic (STH) codes: RELAP5-3D©, SPECTRA, ATHLET, SAS4A/SASSYS-1, ASTEC-Na and CATHARE. The nodalization scheme of the reactor was individually achieved by the participants; during the development of the thermal-hydraulic model, the pool nodalization methodology had a special attention in order to investigate the capability of the STH codes to reproduce the dissymmetric effects which occur in each loop and into pools, caused by the azimuthal asymmetry of the boundary conditions. The modelling methodology of the participants is discussed and the main results are compared in this paper to obtain useful guide lines for the future modelling of innovative liquid metal pool-type reactors

    Ab-initio calculation of all-optical time-resolved calorimetry of nanosized systems: Evidence of nanosecond-decoupling of electron and phonon temperatures

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    The thermal dynamics induced by ultrashort laser pulses in nanoscale systems, i.e. all-optical time-resolved nanocalorimetry is theoretically investigated from 300 to 1.5 K. We report ab-initio calculations describing the temperature dependence of the electron-phonon interactions for Cu nanodisks supported on Si. The electrons and phonons temperatures are found to decouple on the ns time scale at 10 K, which is two orders of magnitude in excess with respect to that found for standard low-temperature transport experiments. By accounting for the physics behind our results we suggest an alternative route for overhauling the present knowledge of the electron-phonon decoupling mechanism in nanoscale systems by replacing the mK temperature requirements of conventional experiments with experiments in the time-domain.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted on Physical Review B

    Experimental characterization of leak detection systems in HLM pool using LIFUS5/Mod3 facility

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    In the framework of the European Union MAXSIMA project, the safety of the steam generator (SG) adopted in the primary loop of the Heavy Liquid Metal Fast Reactor has been studied investigating the consequences and damage propagation of a SG tube rupture event and characterizing leak rates from typical cracks. Instrumentation able to promptly detect the presence of a crack in the SG tubes may be used to prevent its further propagation, which would lead to a full rupture of the tube. Application of the leak-before-break concept is relevant for improving the safety of a reactor system and decreasing the probability of a pipe break event. In this framework, a new experimental campaign (Test Series C) has been carried out in the LIFUS5/Mod3 facility, installed at ENEA Centro Ricerche Brasimone, in order to characterize and to correlate the leak rate through typical cracks occurring in the pressurized tubes with signals detected by proper transducers. Test C1.3_60 was executed injecting water at about 20 bars and 200°C into lead-bismuth eutectic alloy. The injection was performed through a laser microholed plate 60 μm in diameter. Analysis of the thermohydraulic data permitted characterization of the leakage through typical cracks that can occur in the pressurized tubes of the SG. Analysis of the data acquired by microphones and accelerometers highlighted that it is possible to correlate the signals to the leakage and the rate of release

    Treatment of canine leishmaniasis: Long term molecular and serological observations

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    The aim of the present paper was to evaluate the anti-Leishmania activity of 3 different protocols of treatment (miltefosine plus allopurinol, difloxacin cloridrate plus metronidazole and meglumine antimoniate plus allopurinol) in 42 dogs naturally infected by L. infantum, during a 24-months parasitological and clinical follow-up. Our results suggest that, apart from miltefosine, the other two therapeutic regimens could be evaluated to treat animals with canL in medium-endemicity areas

    Relaxation Dynamics of Photoinduced Changes in the Superfluid Weight of High-Tc Superconductors

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    In the transient state of d-wave superconductors, we investigate the temporal variation of photoinduced changes in the superfluid weight. We derive the formula that relates the nonlinear response function to the nonequilibrium distribution function. The latter qunatity is obtained by solving the kinetic equation with the electron-electron and the electron-phonon interaction included. By numerical calculations, a nonexponential decay is found at low temperatures in contrast to the usual exponential decay at high temperatures. The nonexponential decay originates from the nonmonotonous temporal variation of the nonequilibrium distribution function at low energies. The main physical process that causes this behavior is not the recombination of quasiparticles as previous phenomenological studies suggested, but the absorption of phonons.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures; to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 80, No.

    Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: Treatment and management

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    Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis consists of the presence of abrasions or ulcerations located on mucosae (oral or genital). Objectives: The aim of this article is to review the current literature providing the main causes related to recurrent aphthous stomatitis and insights into treatment and management of this clinical condition Methods: Articles matching terms that correlated with "recurrent aphthous stomatitis"were searched on PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library and selected according to their pertinence. Results: Several forms of aphthous stomatitis have been described, based on the extent (minor, major), morphology (herpetiform) and associations to other signs (Beh\ue7et syndrome or more complex inflammatory syndromes). Topical as well as systemic treatments have been described to obtain a faster remission of the aphthosis or to reduce associated symptoms such as pain. Conclusions: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis can have a mild-to-severe clinical appearance, being mainly localized on the oral mucosa or at the level of the genital area. Different strategies have been described so far for its management and treatment

    Atopic dermatitis and atopic march: which link?

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    There is a long standing debate on the atopic march in childhood. The natural progression of allergic manifestations may be considered as comorbidities, which occur more frequently in a specific evolutive age. On the other hand, the natural history of allergies in children may follow trajectories that may be heterogeneous. The effects of atopic march in clinical practice have also been reported