19 research outputs found

    Weed suppression greatly increased by plant diversity in intensively managed grasslands: A continental-scale experiment

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Grassland diversity can support sustainable intensification of grassland production through increased yields, reduced inputs and limited weed invasion. We report the effects of diversity on weed suppression from 3 years of a 31-site continental-scale field experiment. At each site, 15 grassland communities comprising four monocultures and 11 four-species mixtures based on a wide range of species' proportions were sown at two densities and managed by cutting. Forage species were selected according to two crossed functional traits, “method of nitrogen acquisition” and “pattern of temporal development”. Across sites, years and sown densities, annual weed biomass in mixtures and monocultures was 0.5 and 2.0 t DM ha−1 (7% and 33% of total biomass respectively). Over 95% of mixtures had weed biomass lower than the average of monocultures, and in two-thirds of cases, lower than in the most suppressive monoculture (transgressive suppression). Suppression was significantly transgressive for 58% of site-years. Transgressive suppression by mixtures was maintained across years, independent of site productivity. Based on models, average weed biomass in mixture over the whole experiment was 52% less (95% confidence interval: 30%–75%) than in the most suppressive monoculture. Transgressive suppression of weed biomass was significant at each year across all mixtures and for each mixture. Weed biomass was consistently low across all mixtures and years and was in some cases significantly but not largely different from that in the equiproportional mixture. The average variability (standard deviation) of annual weed biomass within a site was much lower for mixtures (0.42) than for monocultures (1.77). Synthesis and applications. Weed invasion can be diminished through a combination of forage species selected for complementarity and persistence traits in systems designed to reduce reliance on fertiliser nitrogen. In this study, effects of diversity on weed suppression were consistently strong across mixtures varying widely in species' proportions and over time. The level of weed biomass did not vary greatly across mixtures varying widely in proportions of sown species. These diversity benefits in intensively managed grasslands are relevant for the sustainable intensification of agriculture and, importantly, are achievable through practical farm-scale actions.We thank the many colleagues who have assisted this work. We thank M. Coll for her early contribution. Co-ordination of this project was supported by the EU Commission through COST Action 852 ‘Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments’. M.T.S., R.L. and A.R. were supported by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness through projects CARBOAGROPAS (CGL2006-13555- C03- 01/ BOS) and BIOGEI (CGL2013-49142- C2- 1- R) and the Ministry of the Environment through OPS (209/PC08/3-08.2). L.K. was supported by an award from Science Foundation Ireland (09/RFP/EOB2546). A.L., J.A.F., J.C. and M.S. were partly supported by the EU FP7 project ‘AnimalChange’ under grant agreement no. 266018.Peer Reviewe

    Critical role of TLR2 and MyD88 for functional response of macrophages to a group IIA-Secreted phospholipase A2 from snake venom

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    artículo (arbitrado) -- Universidad de Costa Rica, Instituto de Investigaciones Clodomiro Picado. 2014The snake venom MT-III is a group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) enzyme with functional and structural similarities with mammalian pro-inflammatory sPLA2s of the same group. Previously, we demonstrated that MT-III directly activates the innate inflammatory response of macrophages, including release of inflammatory mediators and formation of lipid droplets (LDs). However, the mechanisms coordinating these processes remain unclear. In the present study, by using TLR22/2 or MyD882/2 or C57BL/6 (WT) male mice, we report that TLR2 and MyD88 signaling have a critical role in MT-III-induced inflammatory response in macrophages. MT-III caused a marked release of PGE2, PGD2, PGJ2, IL-1b and IL-10 and increased the number of LDs in WT macrophages. In MT-III-stimulated TLR22/2 macrophages, formation of LDs and release of eicosanoids and cytokines were abrogated. In MyD882/2 macrophages, MT-III-induced release of PGE2, IL-1b and IL-10 was abrogated, but release of PGD2 and PGJ2 was maintained. In addition, COX-2 protein expression seen in MT-III-stimulated WT macrophages was abolished in both TLR22/2 and MyD882/2 cells, while perilipin 2 expression was abolished only in MyD882/2 cells. We further demonstrated a reduction of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids and a release of the TLR2 agonists palmitic and oleic acid from MT-III-stimulated WT macrophages compared with WT control cells, thus suggesting these fatty acids as major messengers for MT-III-induced engagement of TLR2/MyD88 signaling. Collectively, our findings identify for the first time a TLR2 and MyD88-dependent mechanism that underlies group IIA sPLA2- induced inflammatory response in macrophages.This investigation was supported by research grants from FAPESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil (www.fapesp.br), grants 11/21341-5 and 10/06345-1, INCTTOX, Sao Paulo, Brazil (www.incttox.com.br), grant 573790/2008-6, CNPq PQ, Brazil (www.cnpq.br), grant 306920/2011-5, Brazil, Spanish Ministery of Science and Innovation, Spain (http://web.micinn.es/), grant BFU2010-18826.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Instituto Clodomiro Picado (ICP

    Subjective Compounds and Subjectivity/Subjectification in the English Noun Phrase

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    This paper makes a case for the category of subjective compounds, that is adjective-noun word units which convey subjective meaning, for example little bleeder, old chum, half-victory . These compounds are characterized grammatically by their behaviour as a unit in phrase structure, their internal inseparability and the non-attribute-like behaviour of the adjectival components. Adjective and noun have a high degree of collocational cohesion, which is reflected in high mutual information scores. This collocational cohesion is semantically motivated by the subjective evaluative features which adjective and noun share. To accommodate these subjective compounds we propose a prosodic, field-like model of the English noun phrase (NP), rather than a linear subjective-objective model as traditionally recognized in the literature. A prosodic model, which recognizes that subjective meaning is spread over the whole NP, can account both for the strong tendency of more subjective modifiers to precede more objective ones and for the minor countercurrent of more subjective elements to follow more objective ones. Such a model, we argue, also captures the fact that subjectification can entail both leftward and rightward movement in NP structure

    Improving accuracy of herbage yield predictions in perennial ryegrass with UAV-based structural and spectral data fusion and machine learning

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    High-throughput field phenotyping using close remote sensing platforms and sensors for non-destructive assessment of plant traits can support the objective evaluation of yield predictions of large breeding trials. The main objective of this study was to examine the potential of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based structural and spectral features and their combination in herbage yield predictions across diploid and tetraploid varieties and breeding populations of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Canopy structural (i.e., canopy height) and spectral (i.e., vegetation indices) information were derived from data gathered with two sensors: a consumer-grade RGB and a 10-band multispectral (MS) camera system, which were compared in the analysis. A total of 468 field plots comprising 115 diploid and 112 tetraploid varieties and populations were considered in this study. A modelling framework established to predict dry matter yield (DMY), was used to test three machine learning algorithms, including Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), Random Forest (RF), and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The results of the nested cross-validation revealed: (a) the fusion of structural and spectral features achieved better DMY estimates as compared to models fitted with structural or spectral data only, irrespective of the sensor, ploidy level or machine learning algorithm applied; (b) models built with MS-based predictor variables, despite their lower spatial resolution, slightly outperformed the RGB-based models, as lower mean relative root mean square error (rRMSE) values were delivered; and (c) on average, the RF technique reported the best model performances among tested algorithms, regardless of the dataset used. The approach introduced in this study can provide accurate yield estimates (up to an RMSE = 308 kg ha−1) and useful information for breeders and practical farm-scale applications

    Towards an objective evaluation of persistency of Lolium perenne swards using UAV imagery

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    Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a perennial crop used in temperate regions as forage. In L. perenne breeding programs, persistency is an important trait. Poor persistency results in sward degradation and associated yield and nutritive value losses. Breeders assess persistency of accessions using visual scoring in field plots during the 2nd or 3rd growing season. This evaluation system is easy and cheap but is not free from human bias. In this study, the correlation between the scoring done by different breeders was only 0.243. As an alternative we have developed a methodology to assess persistency of L. perenne breeding materials based on vegetation indices (VIs) derived from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) imagery. The VIs Excess green (ExG2), Green Leaf Index and Normalized green intensity (GCC) were found to provide consistent results for flights carried out under different light conditions and were validated by ground reference information. The correlation between the VIs and the percentage of ground cover extracted from on-ground imagery was 0.885. To test the implementation of the method we compared the ExG2 value based approach to selection with a visual score based selection methodology as applied by two breeders. The breeding decisions of Breeder A agreed well with decisions based on ExG2 values (74.6%), but those of Breeder B displayed a lower agreement (54.0%). In contrast, agreement between decisions based on different flights was very high (91.6%). The methodology was validated for general applicability. In summary, the results demonstrate that basing persistency selection in L. perenne breeding programs on ExG2 values from UAV imagery is likely to be more objective in comparison to the currently-used visual scoring method.status: publishe

    Partial and Transient Reduction of Glycolysis by PFKFB3 Blockade Reduces Pathological Angiogenesis

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    Strategies targeting pathological angiogenesis have focused primarily on blocking vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), but resistance and insufficient efficacy limit their success, mandating alternative antiangiogenic strategies. We recently provided genetic evidence that the glycolytic activator phosphofructokinase-2/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase 3 (PFKFB3) promotes vessel formation but did not explore the antiangiogenic therapeutic potential of PFKFB3 blockade. Here, we show that blockade of PFKFB3 by the small molecule 3-(3-pyridinyl)-1-(4-pyridinyl)-2-propen-1-one (3PO) reduced vessel sprouting in endothelial cell (EC) spheroids, zebrafish embryos, and the postnatal mouse retina by inhibiting EC proliferation and migration. 3PO also suppressed vascular hyperbranching induced by inhibition of Notch or VEGF receptor 1 (VEGFR1) and amplified the antiangiogenic effect of VEGF blockade. Although 3PO reduced glycolysis only partially and transiently in vivo, this sufficed to decrease pathological neovascularization in ocular and inflammatory models. These insights may offer therapeutic antiangiogenic opportunities.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Partial and Transient Reduction of Glycolysis by PFKFB3 Blockade Reduces Pathological Angiogenesis journaltitle: Cell Metabolism articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2013.11.008 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Complementary positional proteomics for screening substrates of endo- and exoproteases

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    We describe a positional proteomics approach to simultaneously analyze N- and C-terminal peptides and used it to screen for human protein substrates of granzyme B and carboxypeptidase A4 in human cell lysates. This approach allowed comprehensive proteome studies, and we report the identification of 965 database-annotated protein C termini, 334 neo-C termini resulting from granzyme B processing and 16 neo-C termini resulting from carboxypeptidase A4 processing

    Impairment of Angiogenesis by Fatty Acid Synthase Inhibition Involves mTOR Malonylation

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    The role of fatty acid synthesis in endothelial cells (ECs) remains incompletely characterized. We report that fatty acid synthase knockdown (FASNKD) in ECs impedes vessel sprouting by reducing proliferation. Endothelial loss of FASN impaired angiogenesis in vivo, while FASN blockade reduced pathological ocular neovascularization, at >10-fold lower doses than used for anti-cancer treatment. Impaired angiogenesis was not due to energy stress, redox imbalance, or palmitate depletion. Rather, FASNKD elevated malonyl-CoA levels, causing malonylation (a post-translational modification) of mTOR at lysine 1218 (K1218). mTOR K-1218 malonylation impaired mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) kinase activity, thereby reducing phosphorylation of downstream targets (p70S6K/4EBP1). Silencing acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1 (an enzyme producing malonyl-CoA) normalized malonyl-CoA levels and reactivated mTOR in FASNKD ECs. Mutagenesis unveiled the importance of mTOR K1218 malonylation for angiogenesis. This study unveils a novel role of FASN in metabolite signaling that contributes to explaining the anti-angiogenic effect of FASN blockade.status: publishe

    Ecosystem function enhanced by combining four functional types of plant species in intensively managed grassland mixtures: a 3-year continental-scale field experiment

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    A coordinated continental-scale field experiment across 31 sites was used to compare the biomass yield of monocultures and four species mixtures associated with intensively managed agricultural grassland systems. To increase complementarity in resource use, each of the four species in the experimental design represented a distinct functional type derived from two levels of each of two functional traits, nitrogen acquisition (N2-fixing legume or nonfixing grass) crossed with temporal development (fast-establishing or temporally persistent). Relative abundances of the four functional types in mixtures were systematically varied at sowing to vary the evenness of the same four species in mixture communities at each site and sown at two levels of seed density. Across multiple years, the total yield (including weed biomass) of the mixtures exceeded that of the average monoculture in >97% of comparisons. It also exceeded that of the best monoculture (transgressive overyielding) in about 60% of sites, with a mean yield ratio of mixture to best-performing monoculture of 1·07 across all sites. Analyses based on yield of sown species only (excluding weed biomass) demonstrated considerably greater transgressive overyielding (significant at about 70% of sites, ratio of mixture to best-performing monoculture = 1·18). Mixtures maintained a resistance to weed invasion over at least 3 years. In mixtures, median values indicate <4% of weed biomass in total yield, whereas the median percentage of weeds in monocultures increased from 15% in year 1 to 32% in year 3. Within each year, there was a highly significant relationship (P < 0·0001) between sward evenness and the diversity effect (excess of mixture performance over that predicted from the monoculture performances of component species). At lower evenness values, increases in community evenness resulted in an increased diversity effect, but the diversity effect was not significantly different from the maximum diversity effect across a wide range of higher evenness values. The latter indicates the robustness of the diversity effect to changes in species' relative abundances. Across sites with three complete years of data (24 of the 31 sites), the effect of interactions between the fast-establishing and temporal persistent trait levels of temporal development was highly significant and comparable in magnitude to effects of interactions between N2-fixing and nonfixing trait levels of nitrogen acquisition. Synthesis and applications. The design of grassland mixtures is relevant to farm-level strategies to achieve sustainable intensification. Experimental evidence indicated significant yield benefits of four species agronomic mixtures which yielded more than the highest-yielding monoculture at most sites. The results are relevant for agricultural practice and show how grassland mixtures can be designed to improve resource complementarity, increase yields and reduce weed invasion. The yield benefits were robust to considerable changes in the relative proportions of the four species, which is extremely useful for practical management of grassland swards