42 research outputs found

    Adaptation aux cyclones et au risque de submersion marine dans les communes littorales de Guadeloupe

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    La Guadeloupe est soumise aux cyclones qui génèrent des dégâts importants. En fonction du contexte économique local et mondial, les cyclones engendrent des ruptures positives ou négatives pour les sociétés et les économies insulaires. Les formes adaptatives demeurent les plus nombreuses à toutes les échelles du territoire à l’initiative des collectivités territoriales, des filières de production comme des habitants. Les fronts de mer, moins habités, demeurent cependant le support d’activités à grande valeur ajoutée souvent en lien avec le tourisme à grande valeur ajoutée.Guadeloupe is subject to hurricane that generate significant damage. Depending on the local and global economy, cyclones create positive or negative disruptions for island societies and economies. Adaptive forms remain the most numerous at all scales of the territory at the initiative of local authorities, production sectors and inhabitants. The sea fronts, less inhabited, however, remain the support of activities often related to tourism with high added value

    The snow avalanches risk on Alpine roads network

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    Road accessibility is highly strategic for the maintenance of economic activities but also for the emergency services. In mountains, snow avalanches are a particularly strong threat because, in addition to the victims and direct damage, they cause a loss of accessibility more or less prolonged when the networks are already strongly altered by seasonal closures. Specifically, risk to traffic roads caused by snow avalanches has been very rarely assessed at a regional scale. To assess the physical, human and functional vulnerabilities of road networks in three Alpine departments (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-Maritimes), the first step of this research was to geo-locate and harmonize within a GIS all information sources about the consequences of avalanches on roads. This allowed identifying the road impacts of avalanches since 1937, to characterize the intensity and typology of damages and to evaluate the functional vulnerability of networks. The second step was to produce simple risk indexes of dysfunction and isolation at this regional scale. These indicators were modeled using the graph theory in a GIS framework, integrating avalanche activity indicators derived from the past activity with the road network. The obtained output maps should facilitate the decision support for crisis management and a comparative spatial analysis at the regional scale

    Respostas da população para enfrentar eventos excepcionais: o exemplo das ilhas de são Martinho e de São Bartolomeu à passagem do furacão Irma

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    International audienceThe intense hurricane season of 2017 in the North Atlantic brought a number of major hurricanes including Hurricane Irma (cat. 5), which landed on the French islands of St. Martin and St. Barthélemy. These two French Overseas Collectivities, separated by a distance of some 20 kilometres, have very different territorial and social characteristics. The study reported in this article is part of a scientific feedback conducted a few weeks after Irma. The social approach to the disaster conducted within this research framework aims to characterise the behaviour and implications of the inhabitants in the experience of the event, placed in a social and territorial context thanks to narrative interviews administered in situ. The comparative approach reveals similar behaviour before and during the hurricane, but individual and collective social and territorial factors guided very distinct post-event reactions.A intensa temporada de furacões de 2017 no Atlântico Norte incluiu uma série de furacões importantes, como o FuracãoIrma (cat. 5), que afetou as ilhas francesas de São Martinho e São Bartolomeu. Estas duas colectividades francesasultramarinas, a cerca de 20 quilómetros uma da outra, têm características territoriais e sociais muito diferentes. Oestudo relatado neste artigo é parte de um feedback científico realizado algumas semanas depois de Irma. A abordagemsocial da catástrofe conduzida neste quadro de investigação visa caracterizar o comportamento e as implicaçõesdas populações na experiência do evento, colocada no contexto social e territorial, graças a entrevistas narrativasadministradas in situ. A abordagem comparativa revela comportamentos semelhantes antes do evento e durante ofuracão, mas factores sociais e territoriais individuais e colectivos guiaram a reacções pós-evento muito distintas.Palavras-chave: Furacão, desastre, comportamento, vulnerabilidade, recuperação

    Rivages et horizons : hommages au géographe Jean-Marie Miossec

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    International audienceDes concepts aux pratiques d'aménagement du territoire, des littoraux au tourisme, de la géopolitique aux témoignages directs, le lecteur découvrira dans ce livre-hommage toutes les facettes de la géographie telle que pratiquée par le géographe Jean-Marie Miossec. Les différentes contributions éclairent des pratiques et des thèmes chers à cet enseignant-chercheur, tout en soulignant ses apports scientifiques. Après une carrière universitaire d'une grande richesse qui l'a conduit jusqu'à la présidence de l'université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, Jean-Marie Miossec poursuit actuellement la rédaction de plusieurs ouvrages, tout en poursuivant l'encadrement de doctorants

    Le tourisme dans la Caraïbe, un moteur du développement territorial

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    International audienceIdées d'Amériques 12 | Automne / Hiver 2018 Le tourisme dans les Amériques Le tourisme dans la Caraïbe, un moteur du développement territorial El turismo en el Caribe, un motor del desarrollo territorial Tourism in the Caribbean, a Strong Factor of Territorial Developmen

    Integrating spatial accessibility in the design of volcano evacuation plans in the French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique)

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    International audienceThis article provides a spatial and comparative approach to evaluate the territorial accessibility in the event of a volcanic crisis in the French West Indies. A spatial assessment of resources and populations exposed to volcanic hazards is performed, followed by an assessment of the risk of territorial isolation due to lahars. Modelling of the risk of terrestrial isolation builds upon graph-based computations and indices that take into account the specific vulnerability of river-crossing structures and the knowledge of historical lahars. Another application of the graphs concerns scenarios for the evacuation of population, the sole efficient response to an eruption. This results in an optimised division of areas to evacuate in order to assess the potential reduction of the load on the road network. These different results are integrated into a prototype for evacuation maps intended for local authorities. The situation of Guadeloupe is of greater concern than that in Martinique, given the level of exposure, the potential losses of accessibility in case of lahars, and the greater and ongoing volcanic unrest of La Soufrière volcano in Guadeloupe

    La Soufrière de Guadeloupe : la population est-elle prête à faire face à une nouvelle crise volcanique ?

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    International audienceCet article explore les questions des perceptions et des préparations relatives au risque volcanique en Guadeloupe, s'appuyant sur des enquêtes et entretiens réalisés en 2020 et 2021. Malgré l'élaboration de stratégies adaptatives depuis la dernière crise éruptive de 1976, l'étude met en évidence une méconnaissance généralisée des procédures d'évacuation, souligne la difficulté d’imposer une stratégie de gestion top-down et met en évidence la méfiance des citoyens vis-à-vis du pouvoir central. C’est dans ce contexte que des pistes d'amélioration se doivent d'être explorées afin de renforcer les liens entre les individus et les acteurs impliqués, ainsi que leurs niveaux de préparation aux futures crises éruptives