2,567 research outputs found

    Brugada-type ECG associated with pectus excavatum

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    Brugada phenocopies (BrP) are new clinical entities characterized by an ECG pattern that is identical to type 1 or type 2 Brugada pattern, despite the absence of the true congenital Brugada syndrome (BrS). BrP are caused by various factors such as mechanical mediastinal compression, myocardial ischemia, pulmonary embolism, pericardial diseases and metabolic conditions. However, only few cases have been reported of patients with pectus excavatum and BrP. They have an ECG showing right bundle branch block, but also mild ST-segment elevation in the right precordial leads, mimicking the ECG patterns of type 2 Brugada syndrome.peer-reviewe

    Automated characterization of single-photon avalanche photodiode

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    We report an automated characterization of a single-photon detector based on commercial silicon avalanche photodiode (PerkinElmer C30902SH). The photodiode is characterized by I-V curves at different illumination levels (darkness, 10 pW and 10 uW), dark count rate and photon detection efficiency at different bias voltages. The automated characterization routine is implemented in C++ running on a Linux computer.Comment: Have permission to post journal-formatted version on arXi

    Leak detection using instantaneous frequency analysis

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    Leaking pipes are a primary concern for water utilities around the globe as they compose a major portion of losses. Contemporary interest surrounding leaks is well documented and there is a proliferation of leak detection techniques. Although the reasons for these leaks are well known, some of the current methods for leak detection and location are either complicated, inaccurate and most of them are time consuming. Transient analyses offer a plausible route towards leak detection due to their robustness and simplicity. These approaches use the change of pressure response of the fluid in a pipeline to identify features. The method used in the current study employ a single pressure transducer to obtain the time domain signal of the pressure transient response caused by a sudden opening and closing of a solenoid valve. The device used is fitted onto a standard UK hydrant and both cause a pressure wave and acquire the pressure history. The work described here shows that the analysis using Hilbert transform (HT), Hilbert Huang transform (HIHT) and EMD based method is a promising tool for leak detection and location in the pipeline network. In the first part of the work, the analysis of instantaneous characteristics of transient pressure signal has been calculated using HT and HHT for both simulated and experimental data. These instantaneous properties of the signals are shown to be capable of detecting the reflection from the features of the pipe such as leakages and outlet. When tested with leak different locations, the processed results still show the existing of the features in the system. In the second part of the work, the study is based on newly method of analysing nonstationary data called empirical mode decomposition (EMD) for instantaneous frequency calculation for leak detection. First, the pressure signals were filtered in order to remove the noise using EMD. Then the instantaneous frequency was calculated and compared using different methods. With this method, it is possible to identify the leaks and also the features in the pipeline network. These were tested at different locations of a real water distribution system in the Yorkshire Water region

    Epistemologi Al-ghazali

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    Sebagai Hujjatul Islam, al-Ghazali adalah tokoh yang sudah tidak diragukan lagi perannya dalam membangun tradirisi keilmuan di dunia Islam. Kecerdasannya telah membuat kagum orang banyak, bukan saja dari kalangan umat Islam bahkan juga para cendekiawan Barat. Hasil karya ilmiahnya yang begitu banyak dan meliputi berbagai disiplin ilmu adalah bukti betapa produktifnya sang jenius ini.Tulisan ini hendak mengangkat pemikiran al-Ghazali tentang filsafat ilmu dengan ketiga aspeknya: ontologis, epistemologis, dan aksiologis. Secara ontologis, al­Ghazali tidak menghendaki adanya dikhotomi ilmu. Pemisahan ilmu menjadi ilmu umum dan ilmu agama sejatinya adalah tidak sejalan dengan hakikat ilmu itu sendiri. Bagi al-Ghazali, ilmu secara substansial adalah satu karena memang berasal dari Yang Satu, yaitu Allah swt.Adapun ditinjau dari aspek epistemologis, kebenaran ilmiah, menurut al­Ghazali, bisa diperoleh dengan menggunakan tiga buah instrumen, yaitu panca indra, akal dan hati. Sedangkan pada aspek aksiologis, ilmu harus dikembangkan dengan tujuan bagi kemaslahatan manusia dan alam dengan dilandaskan kepada nilai-nilai teosentris (ibadah)

    Magnetic ordering in GaAlAs:Mn double well structure

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    The magnetic order in the diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier of double AlAs/GaAs: Mn quantum well structures is investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. A confinement adapted RKKY mechanism is implemented for indirect exchange between Mn ions mediated by holes. It is shown that, depending on the barrier width and the hole concentration a ferromagnetic or a spin-glass order can be established.Comment: 3 figure

    The environment for good practice in art education in Malaysia

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    This investigation of the environment for good practice in Art Education in Malaysia looked at how far the implementation of the new Art Education curriculum in secondary schools had succeeded in broadening students' and professionals' perception of the importance of art in . education and the factors which enable good practice to exist in Art Education. A minority of schools were found to be examples of good practice and they were looked at in detail as case studies. Secondary school students, teachers, principals, curriculum planners, lecturers, artists, designers and policy makers were involved in interviews and questionnaires. Five schools with different approaches were involved as case studies. Direct and indirect questions, observation and asking a third party were used in order to find out what students, teachers and principals say they do in relationship to what they actually do. This research found that a change in the art curriculum in schools was not successful in broadening students', teachers', principals' and decision makers' understanding of the value of art in education. Only a few schools succeeded in implementing art displaying good practice. These schools succeeded in showing that learning art increased students' perception of aesthetic values, sensitivity to the environment and enabled them to use the benefits and creativity of art in their everyday life. Learning art opened up an opportunity in their future careers and future education in art and design. The combination of good implementers (art teachers and principals) and a good infrastructure were found to be major factors in implementing good practice in Art Education. The interest, enthusiasm and success in integrating learning art in the classroom and the world of art outside contribute to the factors which enable good practice to exist in Art Education. The outcomes of this research will contribute to the policies of art planners and art implementers and to a model for the future development of Art Education in Malaysia.Institute Teknologi MARA (ITM

    Teologi Kerukunan Beragama Dalam Islam (Studi Kasus Kerukunan Beragama Di Indonesia)

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    Religious affiliation and cultural diversity has become potential sources of social conflicts in Indonesia. As almost every existing religion has a truth claim, all of it's believers fell obliged to proclaim religious teachings and values in social and national life. Viewed in this context , the biggest problem in Indonesia today is “ how theology of existing religions define themselves among other religions . This article is aimed at exploring the concept of “Tasamuh / the principle of tolerance” as one of the theological basis of the religious consciousness in Islam. The concept of tolerance in Islam is so simple and rational. Islam requires its followers to establish strict limits in the context of faith, while maintaining respect for other's rights, individually, socially and religiously. Such an obligation is made to keep its followers not to get stuck on syncretism

    Pengembangan Peta Interaktif Tiga Dimensi Gedung Rektorat Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Menggunakan Unity3d Engine

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    Penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam pemetaan digital sudah lama digunakan. Dahulu orang cenderung melakukan pemetaan digital secara 2D untuk memetakan suatu area atau gedung, namun pemetaan secara 2D sendiri tidak memberikan informasi secara mendetail tentang keadaan dan topografi dari area atau gedung tersebut. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi penggunaan teknologi 3D pun mulai digunakan dalam pemetaan secara digital agar dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih mendetail tentang keadaan suatu area atau gedung. Untuk membangun sebuah peta 3D dapat dilakukan menggunakan engine 3D yang biasanya digunakan untuk membuat game. Dengan memanfaatkan Unity3D Engine penulis akan membangun sebuah pemetaan digital secara 3D agar dari pemetaan tersebut dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat dan tepat mengenai keadaan area yang dipetakan sesuai dengan Kenyataan. Dalam pembuatan akan dipetakan gedung Rektorat Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. Pemetaan secara 3D ini dapat memberikan informasi yang akurat dan mendetail kepada pengguna peta 3D ini nantinya tentang keadaan dari gedung Rektorat