44 research outputs found

    Analisis putusan nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi tentang sengketa tanah wakaf

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    Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 28 Tahun 1977 Tentang Perwakafan Tanah Milik menyebutkan bahwa sesuai dengan ketentuan Pasal 14 ayat (1) huruf b dan Pasal 49 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1960, maka dipandang perlu untuk mengatur tata cara dan pendaftaran perwakafan tanah milik dengan Peraturan Pemerintah. Namun pada kenyataannya dalam putusan Pengadilan Agama Cimahi Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi status tanah wakaf yang diamanahkan oleh Nani Sumarni yang ber-Akta Ikrar Wakaf Nomor K.8/Wk.01/218/X/2012 tanggal 22 Oktober 2012 bersengketa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui fakta hukum dalam putusan Pengadilan Agama Cimahi Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi, pembuktian dalam putusan Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi, pertimbangan dan dasar hukum Hakim Pengadilan Agama Cimahi menolak gugatan Penggugat dalam putusan Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi. Penelitian ini bertitik tolak dari kerangka pemikiran bahwa suatu putusan pengadilan harus memuat dasar hukum, baik dari sumber hukum Islam maupun berdasarkan ketentuan pasal-pasal tertentu yaitu peraturan perundang-undangan, hukum kebiasaan, yurisprudensi, dan doktrin hukum,dan memuat pertimbangan hukum yang disesuaikan agar putusan tersebut benar dan memenuhi rasa keadilan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Content Analisis (analisis isi), yaitu yang didasarkan pada sumber dokumen atau bahan bacaan. Yang dimana dalam hal ini adalah analisis terhadap berkas putusan Pengadilan Agama Cimahi Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi tentang sengketa tanah wakaf. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa fakta hukum dalam putusan Pengadilan Agama Cimahi Nomor 4658/Pdt.G/2016/PA.Cmi adalah berawal dari adanya perbedaan pendapat antara Penggugat dan Tergugat juga Turut Tergugat tentang status kepemilikan tanah yang telah terbit Akta Ikrar Wakaf Nomor K.8/W.k.01/218/X/2012, tertanggal 22 Oktober 2012, Majelis Hakim dalam menyelesaikan perkara sengketa tanah wakaf pada putusan ini menggunakan Interpretasi Sistematis (logis) yang menafsirkan peraturan perundang-undangan dengan menghubungkannya dengan peraturan hukum (undang-undang lain) atau dengan keseluruhan sistem hukum sehingga Majelis Hakim menolak gugatan Penggugat

    Daī’f al-Jāmi’: Menilik Konsistensi al-Albānī dalam Tashīh ad-Da’īf

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    Muhammad Nāsir ad-Dīn al-Albānī merupakan salah satu sarjana hadis yang dianggap kontroversial. Banyak ulama yang mengatakan bahwa penilaian-penilaiannya terhadap hadis tidak dapat diperpegangi. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya kontradiksi penilaian al-Albānī dalam banyak hadis. Dalam satu kasus ditemukan ia men-da’īf-kan suatu hadis, namun dalam karyanya yang lain hadis itu dinilainya hasan, atau bahkan sahīh, atau sebaliknya. Artikel ini berupaya mengungkap bagaimana konsistensi al-Albānī dalam kritik hadis, khususnya hadis-hadis yang telah direvisi penilaiannya oleh al-Albānī dari hadis yang awalnya ia hukumi dengan status da’īf kemudian diralat menjadi sahīh dalam karyanya Daī’f al-Jāmi’. Ditemukan bahwa dalam menerapkan konsep tashīh terhadap hadis-hadis yang telah di-da’īf -kan, tampaknya ia kurang konsisten. Berdasarkan penelitian ditemukan kasus al-Albānī men-sahīh-kan hadis yang telah dihukuminya dengan status da’īf jiddan (hadis matrūk dan hadis mungkar), dan hal itu bertentangan dengan metodenya yang menyatakan bahwa hadis da’īf tidak dapat dinaikkan derajatnya jika tingkat ke-da’īf -annya berat meskipun ditemukan riwayat-riwayat lain sebagai pendukung

    Understanding deviant teachings and its features among muslim youths: a case study of UNIKL students

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    This paper presents the understanding of deviant teachings and its features among UniKL students and their opinions towards this issue. This paper will be focused on one of branch of UniKL institutions which is British Malaysian Institute at Gombak. 5 features characteristic of deviant teachings stated while focusing on two of the famous deviant teachings in Malaysia; Ayah Pin and Tuhan Harun. A questionnaire distributed asking understanding of student towards deviant teachings and its feature. Results shown that students are well aware on this issue, however, it is important for teachers to prioritize this matter and ensure that all students are aware and understand the concept of deviant teaching in order to protect their faith from anything that deviates from the true teachings of Islam

    Technology Adoption Among Town Planners in Malaysia

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    The integration of technology in the planning practices of the Malaysian construction industry has significantly transformed how planners approach the development process. The objective of this research is to examine the extent to which technology has been adopted in planning practices in Malaysia. To accomplish this, a mixed methods approach was used, which involved distributing an electronic survey form to the members of the Malaysian Institute of Planners (MIP). The study has revealed three important findings. Firstly, for software adoption rates, the majority of respondents used basic storage, communication, CAD, graphic design, and GIS software with varying skill levels. On the other hand, hardware adoption rates were lower, likely due to financial constraints, and most respondents had average skills in operating GPS, drones, remote sensing, cloud computing, and 3D printing hardware. Secondly, the annual budget for most organisations was below RM30,000, with software subscriptions accounting for the largest budget allocation. Lastly, financial resources, a lack of skilled workers, and network constraints were identified as the biggest challenges faced by planning agencies in adopting technology. The research suggests that providing grants for technology adoption for small firms and local authorities, standardisation of systems, and flexible data sharing can increase productivity in planning activities across agencies. In summary, planners must adapt to technology due to the increasing demand for new development. Effective data management is required for decision-making. Malaysia’s government and planners are willing to adopt technology for increased productivity, and recent developments such as I-Plan and OSC 3.0 Plus Online demonstrate a commitment to data-driven decision-making. There is still much to learn and improve for planners in the public and private sectors to contribute to the success of the construction industry in Malaysia

    Effects of Laminate Arrangement on the Failure Behaviour of Hybrid Composite Plates under Transverse Sinusoidal Load

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    The present work deals with the effects of laminate arrangement on the failure behaviour of hybrid composite plates under transverse sinusoidal load. Failure analysis has been a subject under study for many years, especially for composite materials. This is largely due to the spontaneous nature of composite materials when it fails without warning. Hybrid composite are commonly utilized to improve the unexpected and instantaneous failure mode of composites. Nevertheless, the failure behaviour of hybrid composites is still not well understood. Moreover, studies have not exploited the effects on sinusoidal transverse loading on hybrid composites. Therefore, the first and last ply failure of the hybrid composite laminate was simulated and analysed using built in failure criteria function in ANSYS. The hybrid composite consisted of graphite (GR) and glass (GL), with lamination schemes of [GL/GL/GL/GL], [GL/GL/GL/GR] and [GR/GL/GL/GL] were subjected of transverse sinusoidal loading.  The laminate failure was predicted using the Maximum Stress Theory. Prior to determining the first and last ply failure of the hybrid composite plate, numerical validation was conducted to ensure the accuracy of the finite element software. The failure curves of the first ply failure and last ply failure were plotted and the results showed significant difference in the correlation of loadings that caused first and last ply failures and the lamination scheme of the hybrid composite plates. Thus, it can be said that the present work proves to be of importance and valuable in the field of study as well as enriching the knowledge regarding the failure behaviour of hybrid composite plate under transverse sinusoidal load of different laminate arrangement

    Hyper-heuristic framework for sequential semi-supervised classification based on core clustering

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    Existing stream data learning models with limited labeling have many limitations, most importantly, algorithms that suffer from a limited capability to adapt to the evolving nature of data, which is called concept drift. Hence, the algorithm must overcome the problem of dynamic update in the internal parameters or countering the concept drift. However, using neural network-based semi-supervised stream data learning is not adequate due to the need for capturing quickly the changes in the distribution and characteristics of various classes of the data whilst avoiding the effect of the outdated stored knowledge in neural networks (NN). This article presents a prominent framework that integrates each of the NN, a meta-heuristic based on evolutionary genetic algorithm (GA) and a core online-offline clustering (Core). The framework trains the NN on previously labeled data and its knowledge is used to calculate the error of the core online-offline clustering block. The genetic optimization is responsible for selecting the best parameters of the core model to minimize the error. This integration aims to handle the concept drift. We designated this model as hyper-heuristic framework for semi-supervised classification or HH-F. Experimental results of the application of HH-F on real datasets prove the superiority of the proposed framework over the existing state-of-the art approaches used in the literature for sequential classification data with evolving nature

    Diversity and composition of beetles (Order: Coleoptera) in three different ages of oil palms in Lekir Oil Palm Plantation, Perak, Malaysia

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    The diversity and composition of beetles from oil palm plantation in Ladang Lekir, Perak, Malaysia were collected each month using Malaise trap, yellow pan and window traps from three different sites on the basis of their oil palm aged i.e. five (Plot 1), seven (Plot 2) and 12 (Plot 3) years old from November 2015 to October 2016. From 3862 individuals, 110 species and 83 morphospecies from 40 families and 59 subfamilies were successfully collected. From all samples recorded, the five years old oil palm showed the highest Shannon Diversity Index (H' = 3.42), Peilou Equality Index (E' = 0.23) and Margalef Richness Index (R’= 17.33) with species accumulation curve near to asymptote. The most abundant species recorded from the three sites was Elaeidobius kamerunicus with 940 individuals (relative abundance, RA = 24%). Plot 1 had the highest beetle species with 132 individuals (68.4%), while Plot 2 was the lowest with 85 individuals (44%). The t-test analysis showed that there was no significant difference in term of the diversity index (H’) between Plot 3 and Plot 2 (p-value=0.092), while there were significant differences between these two plots (Plot 2 and Plot 3) with Plot 1 (p-value= 0.47 and 0.046). This study would provide basic information for future research in sustainable oil palm plantations management in Malaysia

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access