10 research outputs found

    Investigation of Geological Diversity Based on the Degree of Sensitivity and the Amount of Equilibrium and Resilience of the Geosystem (Case study: The Eastern Kopet-Dagh Zone)

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    Geomorphological principles show that the earth's surface is not fixed and changes over time. The physical elements of the earth's surface, from microscopic components such as minerals to macroscopic phenomena such as landforms, are all part of geodiversity. Landform equilibrium and resilience are related to the resistance to the erosion pattern. In other words, morphogenic processes in low resilience geosystems cause landform changes. Resilience is usually considered as increasing stability and reducing sensitivity; measuring the amount and quality of that issue is essential in protecting perspectives. Here, we evaluate the geo-diversity of the Eastern Kopet-Dagh Mountains in northeastern Iran based on the geosystem's degree of sensitivity, equilibrium, and resilience. In this study, using overlapping information layers, we classified each indicator into three degrees of sensitivity after selecting suitable indicators. Then, a geological diversity map was prepared by combining the data into two sub-sets of geosystem sensitivity and protection. We find that about 41% of the Eastern Kopet-Dagh Mountains, equivalent to 7800 km2, have a high degree of sensitivity, more in the southern half of the study area than in the northern half. In these sensitive areas the slightest change by disturbance can overwhelm the recovery potential and change the state of the geosystem. Consistency of research findings with field visits shows the necessity of proper management and exploitation of the mentioned areas to prevent critical conditions and further expansion of vulnerable regions

    Diagnostic value of mitral Z-value in mortality of patients with tetralogy of Fallot: A seven-year experiment

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    Background: Tetralogy of Fallot (TF) in some Iranian patients is different in that the mitral z-value is significantly lower than normal. The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the mitral Z-value on post-surgery mortality. Materials and Methods: The present retrospective analytical study was conducted on surgery candidate patients diagnosed with TF who had attended Shahid Modarres Hospital in Tehran between late March 2012 and late March 2019. Once the type of treatment and the need for surgery were decided and the mitral size and Z-value were determined, the patients underwent surgery, and then divided into two groups based on the outcome (death or discharge). Results: A total of 160 patients entered the study over seven years, of whom, 110 were discharged (group 1) and 50 died (group 2). There were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of gender. The patients' mean age was 8.96±8.09 years in the group 1 and 3.16±2.7 years in the group 2 (P<0.000). Mean mitral Z-value was -2.26±2.11 in the group 1 (ranging from -7.1 to +1.3) and -3.48±1.71 in the group 2 (ranging from -6 to -1.1), and Independent Sample Test showed no significant difference between the two groups (P=0.271). Conclusion: The mitral Z-value was significantly lower than normal in participating patients with TF, which could indicate hypo-plasticity of the left ventricle in Iranian patients with TF. No significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of surgical complications. In other words, the mitral Z-value had no effect on mortality of patients with TF

    Capacity building of Farokhshahr city for recognition and elimination of society problems by mobilization of people in Farrokhshahr development team

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    زمینه و هدف: تحقیق مشارکتی جامعه محور نوعی از پژوهش علمی است که به تازگی در علوم بهداشتی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. این نوع تحقیق بر نیازهای جامعه استوار است و باید راه حلی برای مشکلات سلامت در جامعه ارائه کند. در این پروژه تأسیس پایگاه تحقیقات توسعه و ارتقاء سلامت شهر فرخشهر به عنوان یک راهکار جهت توانمندسازی و مشارکت مردم در شناسایی و حل مشکلات و اولویت بندی مشکلات و نیازهای مردم منطقه مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است. روش بررسی: این مطالعه یک تحقیق مشارکتی بر مبنای رویکرد برنامه ریزی شده به سلامت جامعه (Planned Approach To Community Health=PATCH) است که در منطقه پایگاه تحقیقات توسعه و ارتقاء سلامت فرخشهر در استان چهار محال و بختیاری با جمعیتی حدود 40000 نفر انجام شد. کل فرآیند شامل پنج مرحله به قرار ذیل بود: 1- بسیج مردمی 2- نیاز سنجی 3 - تعیین اولویت های پژوهشی4 - طراحی برنامه های مداخله ای 5 -ارزشیابی کل فرآیند. کل تحقیق با مشارکت فعال اعضاء تیم توسعه فرخشهر، صاحب نظران، معتمدین محلی، مسئولین شهر و کلیه ذینفعان و با نظارت محققین دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد انجام گردید. مرحله بسیج مردمی با دعوت از صاحب نظران و علاقه مندان توسط تیم توسعه فرخشهر، تشکیل 10 کمیته کاری فعال با مشارکت 4000 نفر و تدوین شرح وظایف و شناسایی گروههای ذینفع و اطلاع رسانی به مردم از کانال های مختلف و برگزاری همایش شهر سالم انجام گردید. مرحله نیاز سنجی پس از برگزاری کارگاه پژوهش مشارکتی و پژوهش کیفی توسط معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه در جهت توانمندسازی اعضای تیم توسعه شروع شد. تیم توسعه با کمک نمایندگان سازمان های مشارکت کننده و نمایندگان دانشگاه پروفایل جامعه را تهیه و اطلاعات دموگرافیک جامعه بدست آمد و سپس نیازسنجی به روش ارزیابی سریع انجام گردید. نهایتاً اولویت بندی نیازها با کمک ماتریس دو بعدی،دیاگرام ون، دیاگرام اولویت ها و جدول تجزیه و تحلیل مشکلات انجام گردید. یافته ها: نتایج این مطالعه به شرح زیر می باشد: 1- تشکیل 10 کمیته کاری فعال در جامعه مورد مطالعه با حدود 4000 عضو فعال، 2- تشکیل کارگاههـای پژوهش مشارکتی و پژوهش کیفی، 3- نیاز سنجی و تعیین 40 مشکل در جامعه مورد مطالعه، 4- اولویت بندی مشکلات شناسایی شده با استفاده از ماتریس دو بعدی و تعیین20 مشکل حائز اولویت. : نتایج این تحقیق نشان داد که در هر جامعه نیازهای مردم با توجه به شرایط فرهنگی، اجتماعی و اقتصادی آن جامعه متفاوت می باشد و لذا توصیه می گردد جهت ارتقاء سلامت، تعیین نیازهای مردم و اولویت بندی آنها با مشارکت خود مردم انجام گردد

    Capacity building for priority setting in Farrokhshahr population

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    زمینه و هدف: تعیین‌ اولویت‌های پژوهشی فرآیندی‌ مهم‌ در مدیریت‌ پژوهش‌ها در تمام حوزه ها بخصوص حوزه سلامت‌ کشورها بشمار می رود که‌ اهمیت‌ آن‌ بویژه‌در زمان‌ تخصیص‌ منابع‌ محدود مالی‌ و انسانی‌ دو چندان‌ می شود. فرآیند تعیین‌ اولویت‌ها به‌ تمامی‌ کشورها در زمینه‌ طرح‌ ریزی‌ برنامه‌های‌ پژوهش‌ در حوزه‌ سلامت‌ و بسیج‌ و تخصیص‌ منابع‌ پژوهشی‌ و همچنین‌ تقویت ‌ظرفیت‌ پژوهشی‌ بومی‌ خود کمک‌ خواهد کرد. گروههای‌ ذینفعی‌ که‌ باید در فرآیند تعیین‌ اولویت‌ها شرکت‌ داده‌ شوند علاوه‌ برپژوهشگران‌ شامل‌ بهره‌ گیرندگان‌ بالقوه‌ و مردمی‌ می‌باشند که‌ از نتایج‌ پژوهش‌ تأثیر خواهند پذیرفت‌. در این مطالعه توانمند سازی مردم در تعیین اولویت های مشکلات مردم فرخشهر در استان چهار محال و بختیاری به صورت مشارکتی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است. روش بررسی: این‌ پروژه‌ یک‌ تحقیق‌ مشارکتی است که‌ در آن‌ مشکلات‌ شناسایی‌ شده‌ با روش‌ ارزیابی‌ سریع (Rapid appraisal) در شهر فرخشهر، استان‌ چهارمحال‌ و بختیاری‌ در سال‌ 83 توسط تیم توسعه فرخشهر با مشارکت معاونت پژوهشی دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهرکرد مورد اولویت‌ بندی‌ قرار گرفتند پس‌ از طبقه‌ بندی‌ اطلاعات‌ بدست‌ آمده‌ از نیازسنجی‌ با در نظر گرفتن‌ عوامل‌ محیطی‌، اقتصادی‌، اجتماعی‌، ساختار نهادها و مؤسسات‌ منطقه‌ و همچنین‌ شناسایی‌ عوامل‌ کند کننده‌ و مانع‌ شونده‌ و شرایط زندگی‌ و معیشتی‌ گروههای‌ مختلف‌ مردم و تعیین‌ ارتباط آن‌ با عوامل‌ فوق‌ الذکر مشکلات‌ اولویت‌ بندی‌ و تجزیه‌ و تحلیل‌ شد. در فرآیند مشارکت جامعه، پرسنل ناظر و اجرائی ابتدا هدف از تعیین اولویت هارا برای عموم شرکت کنندگان شرح دادند و تمامی نکات مبهم را روشن ساختند فرآیند مشارکت بصورت تبادل فعال مشارکت یا مشاوره که از پیشنهادات و نظرات مردم در برنامه ریزی و تصمیم گیری استفاده شود دنبال شد و در آخر تصمیم گیری در مورد تعیین اولویت ها به مردم واگذار شد کل فرآیند با مشارکت فعال اعضای تیم توسعه فرخشهر و با نظارت محققین دانشگاه که به عنوان ناظر شرکت داشتند انجام گردید. ابزارهای اولویت بندی در گروههای ذینفع شامل: ماتریس دو بعدی، دیاگرام اولویت ها، جدول تجزیه و تحلیل مشکلات، دیاگرام ون گروهها دینفع، ماتریس اختلاف و همکاری بین گروههای ذینفع بود. یافته ها: در این‌ مطالعه‌ 40 مشکل‌ مردم‌ فرخشهر شناسایی‌ و در 9 گروه طبقه‌ بندی‌ گردید: مشکلات‌ سالمندان‌، فرهنگی‌ هنری‌، عمرانی‌، ورزشی‌، زنان‌، بهداشت‌ روان‌، جوانان‌، امنیت‌ اجتماعی‌ و مشکلات‌ اشتغال طی فرآیند فوق 20 مشکل به عنوان اولویت های اول تا بیستم تعیین گردید. نهایتاَ با تجزیه و تحلیل داده های بدست آمده از ابزار های اولویت بندی، درک صحیحی از مشکلات حائز اولویت، فرصت ها، اقدامات صورت گرفته، راه حل ها و منابع بالقوه و بالفعل پیش رو برای حل مشکلات حاصل شد

    Trefoil Factor Family in Pre-neoplastic Lesions and Gastric Cancer

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    Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Although the global incidence of gastric cancer has been decreased dramatically in recent decades, north and northwest of Iran have the highest incidence rate of gastric cancer. Whilst the surgical procedures for gastric cancer have been improved, there is no cure for that. The intestinal type of GC results from pre-neoplastic conditions including atrophic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia and dysplasia. Trefoil Factors Family proteins (TFFs) are small and stable molecules secreted by the mammalian gastrointestinal tract. TFFs constitute a family of three peptides (TFF1, TFF2and TFF3) that are widely expressed in a tissue specific manner in the gastrointestinal tract. Variable TFFs expression in gastric cancer and pre-neoplastic lesions has been found. TFF1 has a tumor suppressor activity and inhibits tumorogenesis in gastric cancer. Its expression decreases in gastritis, gastric atrophy, dysplasia, intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer.TFF2 has a protective effect on gastrointestinal epithelium. As a prognostic factor, TFF2 expression decreases in gastric ulcer, chronic atrophic gastritis and gastric cancer. TFF3 is considered as an oncogenic factor in gastric tissues. Whilst the normal gastric tissues don’t express TFF3, it increases in intestinal metaplasia. Therefore, more studies are necessary to clarify the role of TFFs in GC and pre-neoplastic conditions. This review has focused on elucidating the important role of TFFs in gastric cancer and pre-neoplastic lesions

    Comprehension of Passive Structure: Study of Children with and without Specific Language Impairment

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    Objectives: Specific language impaired children, despite being normal in cognitive and neurological characteristics, and also normal levels of hearing, experience multiple problems in syntax comprehension. This study compared the passive comprehension as one of Syntactic Structures in Persian-speaking typically developing children and Specific language impaired children. Methods: 10 children with Specific language impairment, 10 typically developing children matched for age with Specific language impaired children, and 15 younger typically developing children responded to passive sentence comprehension using picture identification task. Results: The results of study revealed significant differences in comprehension of passive sentences in Specific language impaired children and age-matched typically developing children. The difference in Comprehension of passive sentences was not statistically significant in Children with Specific Language Impairment and younger typically developing children. There were significant differences in the comprehension of passive sentences between two typically developing children groups. Discussion: While age-matched typically developing children comprehend passive structure completely, it seems that Specific language impaired children and younger typically developing children still have not come to a full comprehension of the passive structure. Specific language impaired children compared with age-matched and younger typically developing children interpreted passive sentences mostly as active sentences

    The Effect of Acute Intra Locus Coeruleus (LC) Microinfusion of Bupropion on Formalin-Induced Pain Behavior in Rat

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    Introduction: Inflammatory pain is a common sign of chronic diseases. Some brain regions such as locus coeruleus (LC) of the brainstem nor-epinephrine (NE) system have a key role in The mechanisms of the pain modulation and dependence. Bupropion synthesized as an antidepressant, but it is using for smoke cessation. It can change morphine withdrawal signs such as pain related behaviors. This study tested the acute effect of intra-LC microinfusion of bupropion on the formalin-induced pain behavior in rats.  Methods: Wistar male rats were divided into 6 groups (control-naïve, control-operated, shamoperated, and 3 treated groups with 10-2, 10-3, 10-4 mol/&mul intra-LC of bupropion). The injection guide cannulae were implanted into LC nuclei bilaterally by stereotaxic coordinated surgery under sterile condition. The sham group received normal saline as drug vehicle but control groups had no intra-LC injections. Formalin (50 &mul, 2.5%) was injected subcutaneously in plantar region of the right hindpaw in all animals (30 min after drug administration in treated animals). Nociceptive signs were observed continuously and registered on-line each minute. Common pain scoring was used for pain assessment.  Results: The analysis of data by one-way ANOVA showed that bupropion can reduce pain behavior scores significantly. Bupropion reduced total pain score in the phase 01 (60%) and phase 02 (52%) of maximal behavior compared to the sham group, dose dependently and significantly. The pain scores of controls and sham groups had no significant difference.  Discussion: The results showed that bupropion has analgesic effects on LC neurons and can alter the neurochemical involvement of LC in pain process. Bupropion has different and significant effect on early and late phases of formalin test

    Human risk of diseases associated with red meat intake: Analysis of current theories and proposed role for metabolic incorporation of a non-human sialic acid

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    The burden of metabolic risk factors in North Africa and the Middle East, 1990–2019: findings from the Global Burden of Disease StudyResearch in context

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    Summary: Background: The objective of this study is to investigate the trends of exposure and burden attributable to the four main metabolic risk factors, including high systolic blood pressure (SBP), high fasting plasma glucose (FPG), high body-mass index (BMI), and high low-density lipoproteins cholesterol (LDL) in North Africa and the Middle East from 1990 to 2019. Methods: The data were retrieved from Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. Summary exposure value (SEV) was used for risk factor exposure. Burden attributable to each risk factor was incorporated in the population attributable fraction to estimate the total attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs). Findings: While age-standardized death rate (ASDR) attributable to high-LDL and high-SBP decreased by 26.5% (18.6–35.2) and 23.4% (15.9–31.5) over 1990–2019, respectively, high-BMI with 5.1% (−9.0–25.9) and high-FPG with 21.4% (7.0–37.4) change, grew in ASDR. Moreover, age-standardized DALY rate attributed to high-LDL and high-SBP declined by 30.2% (20.9–39.0) and 25.2% (16.8–33.9), respectively. The attributable age-standardized DALY rate of high-BMI with 8.3% (−6.5–28.8) and high-FPG with 27.0% (14.3–40.8) increase, had a growing trend. Age-standardized SEVs of high-FPG, high-BMI, high-SBP, and high-LDL increased by 92.4% (82.8–103.3), 76.0% (58.9–99.3), 10.4% (3.8–18.0), and 5.5% (4.3–7.1), respectively. Interpretation: The burden attributed to high-SBP and high-LDL decreased during the 1990–2019 period in the region, while the attributable burden of high-FPG and high-BMI increased. Alarmingly, exposure to all four risk factors increased in the past three decades. There has been significant heterogeneity among the countries in the region regarding the trends of exposure and attributable burden. Urgent action is required at the individual, community, and national levels in terms of introducing effective strategies for prevention and treatment that account for local and socioeconomic factors. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation