297 research outputs found

    Improvement of maritime casualty investigation system in the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Music has been widely recommended as a technique to enhance the psychophysical state of participants in sport and exercise. However, there is scant scientific evidence to clarify its proposed benefits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the effect of fast and slow rhythm of music on anaerobic performance and salivary cortisol concentration in trained men. Thirty male physical education college students (ages: 25.66±3.89 yr, height: 176.65 ± 7.66 cm, body mass: 78.45±16.20 kg) voluntary participated in this study and divided to three groups: fast music, slow music, and no music(control). All subjects performed the coninghum test following a 20% grate and 14.3km/h speed on the treadmill. For measuring of cortisol, not stimulated samples of saliva collected, 15 minutes befor and immediately 5 and 30 minute after the exercise. No significant differences were found in anaerobic performance among the three groups in pretest indicating homogeneity of the groups. However, salivary cortisol no significant in anaerobic performance 5 and 30 minute after exercise as well. Summarily, Music doed not have a positive effect on performance, this study provided some support for the hypothesis that listening fast and slow music not significantly impacted during supramaximal exercise

    Preference Disaggregation: Towards an Integrated Framework

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    La desagregació de preferències pretén capturar models de preferències mitjançant la descomposició de la informació obtinguda a partir de preferències indirectes que estan en forma d'eleccions holístiques o judicis. Des d'una perspectiva d'ajuda a la presa de decisions multi criteri, aquesta informació es pren com a punt de partida en un procés d'inferència que condueix a model de preferències basat en punts de vista, generalment conflictius, que conjuntament formen una base per a la decisió. L'estudi de les decisions humanes ha rebut una atenció creixent en els últims anys des de diverses disciplines, que inclouen des de les ciències del comportament (anàlisi de decisions, desagregació de preferències), la intel·ligència artificial (aprenentatge de preferències), fins a l'economia i el màrqueting (teoria de l'elecció). Les tres corrents, encara que originades per diferents filosofies, convergeixen ràpidament cap a una comprensió integral de les preferències, que és l'element bàsic per a les decisions i accions humanes. Aquesta tesi doctoral aprofundeix en aquesta àrea de recerca mitjançant la introducció d'un marc analític integrat que permet capturar les preferències d'una forma complexa a partir de l'observació d'opcions holístiques, decisions i judicis.La desagregación de preferencias pretende capturar modelos de preferencias mediante la descomposición de la información obtenida con preferencias indirectas que están en forma de elecciones holísticas o juicios. Desde una perspectiva de ayuda a la toma de decisiones multicriterio, dicha información se toma como punto de partida en un proceso de inferencia que conduce a modelo de preferencias basado en puntos de vista, generalmente conflictivos, que conjuntamente forman una base para la decisión. El estudio de las decisiones humanas ha recibido una atención creciente en los últimos años desde varias disciplinas, que incluyen desde las ciencias del comportamiento (análisis de decisiones, desagregación de preferencias), la inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje de preferencias), hasta la economía y el márqueting (teoría de la elección). Las tres corrientes, aunque originadas por diferentes filosofías, convergen rápidamente hacia una comprensión integral de las preferencias, que es el elemento básico para las decisiones y acciones humanas. Esta tesis doctoral profundiza en esta área de investigación mediante la introducción de un marco analítico integrado que permite capturar las preferencias de una forma compleja a partir de la observación de opciones holísticas, decisiones y juicios.Preference disaggregation aims at capturing preference models by decomposing indirect preference information that are in form of holistic choices or judgments. From a multiple criteria decision aiding perspective, such information is taken as input to an inference procedure that yields to a preference model based on all the, usually conflicting, points of view that together form a basis for the judgments. Studying human judgments and choices has received increasing attention in the last few years from several disciplines, including behavioral science (decision analysis, preference disaggregation), artificial intelligence (preference learning), and economics and marketing (choice modeling). The three streams, although originated from different philosophies, are converging rapidly to a comprehensive understanding of human preferences, that is the main element of decisions and actions. This doctoral dissertation sheds light on this phenomenon by introducing an integrated analytical framework that allows capturing preferences of a complex form by observing holistic choices, decisions, and judgments

    The study of Self-care agency and some associated factors in patients with type 2 diabetes referred to the diabetes clinic of Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj in 2016

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    Background and Aims: Diabetes is considered as a major public health problem all over the world. Self-care behaviors is the most important strategy for controlling chronic diseases, such as diabetes. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the self-care agency and some associated factors in patients with type 2 diabetes. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on a descriptive-analytic approach on 374 patients referring to the Diabetes Clinic of Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj, selected using systematic sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire including demographic and background information questionnaire and a valid and reliable questionnaire for assessing the self-care agency of diabetic patients. Data were analyzed by using SPSS software version 16 and appropriate tests. All stages of the study were conducted according to moral standards. Results: The mean and standard deviation of self-care agency score was 58.40 ± 12.49 from 105, that is considered moderate. There was a significant difference in self-care agency of patients according to variables such as gender, ability to measure blood glucose, occupational status, history of education about diabetes, regular dental examinations and annual infusion of influenza vaccine (P<0.05). There was a significant and inverse correlation between the number of years elapsed since diabetes diagnosis and self-care agency (P<0.05 and r=0.24). Conclusion: Regarding the average self-care level in the majority of patients and the important role of self-care in controlling diabetes, the need to implement self-care education is increasingly felt in diabetic patients. Keywords: Self-care, Type 2 diabetes, Sananda

    Evaluation of antileishmanial effect of the plant extract of alpha-pinene (Pistacia atlantica) in vitro and in vivo

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    Background and Aim: Leishmaniasis is a zoonotic disease which presents with a wide range of clinical features, including cutaneous and visceral forms in Iran. Leishmania (L) major is one of the agents responsible for cutaneous leishmaniasis transmitted by the bite of sand fly. In this study we assessed the antileishmania effect of pistacia Atlantica (alpha-pinene) in culture and also its therapeutic effects on Balb/c mice infected with L. Major. Material and Method: Certain amount of promastigots was challenged with increasing concentrations of pistacia atlantica extract. MTT test was used to assess promastigote survival after 24, 48 and 72 hours. For in vivo assessment, in the stationary phase, 0.1 ml solution containing 2×106 promastigotes were injected subcutaneously into the base of the tails of the mice. Four weeks after injection, cutaneous lesions appeared and different doses of the extract were applied daily in the form of an ointment for 3 weeks. Diameters of the lesions were measured at the end of each week and therapeutic effect of the extract on the lesions was assessed. Results: The results of MTT test revealed remarkable effect of the treatment on the growth of promastigots. IC50 values for glucantime and alpha pinene were found to be 10 µg/ml and 1.46 µg/ml respectively. 30 % ointment of the extract decreased the lesion diameter significantly while 15% ointment and treatment for control group were ineffective. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed antileishmanial effect of alpha-pinene on Leishmania major promastigots, in vitro. Moreover, topical ointment of the extract can reduce size of the lesions caused by the parasite, in vivo


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    Global energy consumption has been increasing around the world, owing to the rapid growth of industrialization and improvements in the standard of living. As a result, more carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide are being released into the environment. Therefore, techniques for achieving combustion at reduced carbon dioxide and nitric oxide emission levels have drawn increased attention. Combustion with a highly preheated air and low-oxygen concentration has been shown to provide significant energy savings, reduce pollution and equipment size, and uniform thermal characteristics within the combustion chamber. However, the fundamental understanding of this technique is limited. The motivation of the present study is to identify the effects of preheated combustion air on laminar coflow diffusion flames. Combustion characteristics of laminar coflow diffusion flames are evaluated for the effects of preheated combustion air temperature under normal and low-gravity conditions. Experimental measurements are conducted using direct flame photography, particle image velocimetry (PIV) and optical emission spectroscopy diagnostics. Laminar coflow diffusion flames are examined under four experimental conditions: normal-temperature/normal-gravity (case I), preheated-temperature/normal gravity (case II), normal-temperature/low-gravity (case III), and preheated-temperature/low-gravity (case IV). Comparisons between these four cases yield significant insights. In our studies, increasing the combustion air temperature by 400 K (from 300 K to 700 K), causes a 37.1% reduction in the flame length and about a 25% increase in peak flame temperature. The results also show that a 400 K increase in the preheated air temperature increases CH concentration of the flame by about 83.3% (CH is a marker for the rate of chemical reaction), and also increases the C2 concentration by about 60% (C2 is a marker for the soot precursor). It can therefore be concluded that preheating the combustion air increases the energy release intensity, flame temperature, C2 concentration, and, presumably, NOx production. Our work is the first to consider preheated temperature/low-gravity combustion. The results of our experiments reveal new insights. Where as increasing the temperature of the combustion air reduces the laminar flame width under normal-gravity, we find that, in a low-gravity environment, increasing the combustion air temperature causes a significant increase in the flame width

    First Molecular Detection of Aichivirus in Pediatric Patients with Acute Gastroenteritis in Iran

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    Background: Aichivirus as a new member of Picornaviridae family was detected and isolated in Japan. Aichivirus species, which belongs to genus Kobuvirus, include of three genotypes A, B and C. Based on previous reports to detect aichiviruses in stool samples as well as environmental samples such as river waters and sewage waters, it has been demonstrated that Aichivirus infect humans by fecal-oral routs. In order to establish an examination for the prevalence of Aichivirus among pediatric patients involved to acute gastroenteritis, we conducted a RT-qPCR assay for detection and quantification of Aichivirus in collected stool samples.Materials and Methods: In this study, a total of 160 stool samples from September 2018 to May 2019 were collected from presenting pediatric patients with acute gastroenteritis in Karaj hospital, Iran. After viral RNA extraction, the RT-PCR was performed to amplify the 3CD junction region of Aichivirus.Results: Out of the 160 samples tested, the Aichivirus genomic RNA was detected in 13/160 (8.1%) of stool samples. The maximum viral prevalence rate was related to December (30.7%). The co-infection of Aichivirus with Salivirus and Saffold virus also assessed, among which high double or triple mixed-infections were determined.Conclusion: This is the first documentation of Aichivirus detection in stool samples that demonstrates Aichivirus has been circulating among Iranian pediatric patients. Our results indicate that Aichivirus in association with Salivirus and Saffold virus may be considered as a causative agent of acute gastroenteritis.

    Approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility of some Banach algebras

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    summary:We study the structure of Lipschitz algebras under the notions of approximate biflatness and Johnson pseudo-contractibility. We show that for a compact metric space XX, the Lipschitz algebras Lipα(X){\rm Lip}_{\alpha}(X) and lipα(X){\rm lip}_{\alpha}(X) are approximately biflat if and only if XX is finite, provided that 0<α<10<\alpha<1. We give a necessary and sufficient condition that a vector-valued Lipschitz algebras is Johnson pseudo-contractible. We also show that some triangular Banach algebras are not approximately biflat

    Investigation of the components and antibacterial effects of three plant's essential oil Coriandrum sativum, Achilleh millefolium, Anethum graveolens in vitro

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    زمینه و هدف: در این پژوهش ترکیبات عمده اسانس سه گیاه گشنیز (Coriandrum sativum)، بومادران (Achillea wilhelmsii) و شوید (Anethum graveolens) شناسایی و اثر ضد میکروبی این گیاهان بر روی چهار باکتری پاتوژن اشیرشیاکلی، باسیلوس سرئوس، باسیلوس لیچنی فورمیس و سودوموناس آئروجینوزا در شرایط آزمایشگاهی بررسی و حداقل غلظت مهارکنندگی (MIC) آنها تعیین شد. روش بررسی: در این مطالعه تجربی اسانس گیاهان توسط دستگاه کلونجر و به روش تقطیر با آب استخراج گردید. ترکیبات تشکیل دهنده‌ی اسانس این گیاهان توسط کروماتوگرافی گازی تجزیه ای (GC) و گاز کروماتوگراف متصل به طیف سنجی جرمی (GC/MS) مورد شناسایی قرار گرفتند و درصد ترکیبات آنها اندازه گیری شد. برای تعیین MIC هر اسانس بر روی باکتری های مورد مطالعه از روش ریز رقت (Micro Dilution) استفاده گردید. یافته ها: نتایج نشان داد در اسانس گیاهان بومادران، گشنیز و شوید به ترتیب آلفا-پینن، -Dکارون و لینالول ترکیبات عمده را تشکیل می دهند. برای مهار رشد باکتری‏های اشیرشیا کلی و باسیلوس لیچنی فورمیس، اسانس شوید با غلظت ppm 5/312 و برای مهار رشد باکتری های باسیلوس سرئوس و سودوموناس آئروجینوزا به ترتیب اسانس های گیشنیز و بومادران با غلظت‌های ppm 1250 و ppm 5/312 موثرتر واقع شدند. نتیجه گیری: اسانس هر سه گیاه گشنیز، بومادران و شوید اثر ضد میکروبی قابل توجهی روی باکتری‏های مورد مطالعه داشتند و ممکن است بتوان از آنها به خصوص از شوید در درمان عفونت ها استفاده کرد

    The relationship between attachment styles and autistic traits: considering the mediating role of empathy

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    Introduction: This purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between autistic traits and attachment styles, and also the mediating role of empathy. Materials and Methods: 254 students of Tehran’s universities were chosen by using cluster-sampling method. After that, the demographic questionnaire, Close Relationship-Revised Questionnaire (ECR-R), Autism Spectrum Quotient–Short (AQ-S), and The Empathy Quotient-Short (EQ-S) forms were distributed amongst them in order to be filled. Results: Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient indicated that there is a significant relationship between the components of autistic traits with empathy, and avoidance and anxiety attachment. Also, there was a significant relationship between empathy and avoidance and anxiety attachment. Chi-square, SRMR, and other indexes indicate that empathy mediates the relationship between the autistic traits with the anxiety and avoidance attachment styles. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded in the way that individuals with high autistic traits have lower empathy. Individuals, who report more anxiety and avoidance attachment, are less likely to have empathy in their relationships. As a final point, the high autistic traits are correlated with anxiety and avoidance attachment through their association with low empathy. &nbsp