84 research outputs found

    Towards the clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics in bipolar disorder.

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    BackgroundBipolar disorder (BD) is a psychiatric illness defined by pathological alterations between the mood states of mania and depression, causing disability, imposing healthcare costs and elevating the risk of suicide. Although effective treatments for BD exist, variability in outcomes leads to a large number of treatment failures, typically followed by a trial and error process of medication switches that can take years. Pharmacogenetic testing (PGT), by tailoring drug choice to an individual, may personalize and expedite treatment so as to identify more rapidly medications well suited to individual BD patients.DiscussionA number of associations have been made in BD between medication response phenotypes and specific genetic markers. However, to date clinical adoption of PGT has been limited, often citing questions that must be answered before it can be widely utilized. These include: What are the requirements of supporting evidence? How large is a clinically relevant effect? What degree of specificity and sensitivity are required? Does a given marker influence decision making and have clinical utility? In many cases, the answers to these questions remain unknown, and ultimately, the question of whether PGT is valid and useful must be determined empirically. Towards this aim, we have reviewed the literature and selected drug-genotype associations with the strongest evidence for utility in BD.SummaryBased upon these findings, we propose a preliminary panel for use in PGT, and a method by which the results of a PGT panel can be integrated for clinical interpretation. Finally, we argue that based on the sufficiency of accumulated evidence, PGT implementation studies are now warranted. We propose and discuss the design for a randomized clinical trial to test the use of PGT in the treatment of BD

    Status of the RFQ linac installation and conditioning of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator

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    Abstract The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linac and 1.6 MW RF power system of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) facility in the International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC) in Rokkasho (Japan) has been installed and conditioned. During the assembly and tuning process, the RFQ cavity was protected with a temporary tent from the potential deterioration of performance caused by dust. The vacuum in the cavity was improved through the 100 °C baking process of the cavity. The high power test of the 175 MHz RF systems up to 200 kW in CW for each of the eight RF chains was performed for checking its stable output reproducibility in Japan, before connecting 9–3/16 inch coaxial transmission lines from the RF chains to the RF input couplers of the cavity. It was confirmed that the eight RF chains provided the balanced RF power to the single RFQ cavity in-phase using a feedback loop and a synchronization system. The peak power in the cavity achieved 150 kW in the pulsed mode, which corresponds approximately to the required electric field to accelerate proton beam. Such RF conditioning process is ongoing to achieve 600 kW approximately required for deuteron beam commissioning planned in 2018

    Electromagnetic Navigation Bronchoscopy for Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions: One-Year Results of the Prospective, Multicenter NAVIGATE Study

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    Towards the clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics in bipolar disorder

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    A novel water-soluble cyclosporine A prodrug: ocular tolerance and in vivo kinetics

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    The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that a novel water-soluble prodrug of cyclosporine A (CsA) intended for topical ocular administration, does not induce eye irritation in a rabbit model and is able to generate therapeutic concentrations of CsA in the precorneal area immediately after administration. The eye irritancy of the prodrug and CsA control solution was assessed by the Draize test and by confocal laser ophthalmoscopy (CLSO). Residence time and tear concentrations of prodrug and CsA in the rabbit eye were assessed by HPLC. The Draize test showed an excellent tolerance for the prodrug solution while the reference CsA oil solution induced lachrymation and irritation. The CLSO-measured corneal lesions, subsequent to treatment with the prodrug and reference solutions, were 3% and 9%, respectively. The prodrug transformed rapidly, leading to relatively stable CsA concentrations in tears with a maximal concentration of 94 microg ml(-1) over the observation period. This study demonstrated that the prodrug solution was well tolerated and that clinically significant CsA tear concentrations were achieved. UNIL088 is a promising molecule in the treatment of immune-related disorders of the eye

    Effects of grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetics of the enantiomers of methadone

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 is the main CYP isozyme involved in methadone metabolism. We investigated the influence of grapefruit juice, which contains inhibitors of intestinal CYP3A, on the steady-state pharmacokinetics of methadone. METHODS: For 5 days, 8 patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment received 200 mL water or grapefruit juice 30 minutes before and again together with their daily dose of methadone. Blood sampling for R-, S-, and R,S-methadone plasma determination was performed over a 24-hour period. CYP3A activity was determined by measuring the plasma 1'-hydroxymidazolam/midazolam ratio. RESULTS: A decrease in the midazolam ratio was measured in all patients after grapefruit juice (mean +/- SD before grapefruit juice, 9.3 +/- 5.9; mean +/- SD after grapefruit juice, 3.9 +/- 1.2; P <.05). Grapefruit juice led to a mean 17% increase in the area under the curve extrapolated to 24 hours for both enantiomers of methadone (range, 3% to 29% [P <.005]; range, -4% to 37% [P <.05]; and range, 1% to 32% [P <.01]; for R-, S-, and R,S-methadone, respectively). A similar increase in peak level and decrease in apparent clearance were measured with grapefruit juice, whereas time to peak level, terminal half-life, and apparent volume during the terminal phase of R-, S-, and R,S-methadone were not affected by grapefruit juice. No symptom of overmedication was either detected by the clinical staff or reported by the patients. CONCLUSIONS: Grapefruit juice administration is associated with a modest increase in methadone bioavailability, which is not expected to endanger patients. However, it cannot be excluded that a much stronger effect may occur in some patients, and thus grapefruit juice intake is not recommended during methadone maintenance treatment, in particular in patients initiating such a treatment

    Basis for Dosing Time-Dependent Changes in the Ocular and Systemic Absorption of Topically Applied Timolol

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    The objective of the present study was to determine the basis for dosing time-dependent changes in the ocular and systemic absorption of topically applied timolol in pigmented rabbits. The gamma scintigraphic technique was used to monitor the changes in precorneal solution retention following instillation. Changes in timolol concentration in the plasma over 120 min and in various anterior segment eye tissues at 30 min following the topical instillation of 25 μl of 0.65% timolol maleate solutions at various dosing times were monitored using reversed phase HPLC. Corneal and conjunctival permeability at various dosing times was evaluated in the modified Ussing chamber. The results indicated that precorneal solution drainage was slowest at noon. Suppressing tear production by anesthesia led to an increase in ocular timolol absorption at 6 a.m. but not at other dosing times, in spite of the lowest corneal permeability then. There was no statistically significant dosing time influence on systemic timolol absorption following nasal or conjunctival dosing. In conclusion, possible diurnal changes in precorneal solution clearance may be the main factor underlying the diurnal changes in ocular as well as systemic timolol absorption in rabbits. In addition, diurnal changes in corneal permeability may also contribute to diurnal changes in ocular timolol absorption.</p

    Status and future developments of the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc)

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    International audienceLIPAc is the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator developed within the framework of the IFMIF project under the Broader Approach (BA) agreement signed between EURATOM and the Japanese Government in 2007. The IFMIF accelerator aims to provide an accelerator-based D-Li neutron source to produce high intensity neutron fluxes with appropriate energy spectrum in order to characterize materials envisioned for future fusion reactors. Because the IFMIF accelerator has to reach unprecedented performances, the feasibility is being tested through the design, manufacturing, installation, commissioning and testing activities of a 1:1-scale prototype accelerator, namely LIPAc, from the injector to the first cryomodule together with the High Energy Beam Transport line and the High Power Beam Dump. After outstanding results obtained in 2019, the LIPAc project has entered 2020 in the preparation of the third commissioning stage, i.e., validation in continuous-wave mode of the complete accelerator up to 5 MeV with its final beam dump. The validation until the nominal energy of 9 MeV will be made after the completion of cryomodule assembly. After a brief overview of the goals already achieved in the framework of the IFMIF/EVEDA program, this paper will present a synthesis of the results that have been obtained so far with the LIPAc accelerator as well as the future developments planned beyond 2020