162 research outputs found

    Arcis-sur-Aube – Le PrieurĂ©

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    La mairie d’Arcis-sur-Aube ayant dĂ©cidĂ© la rĂ©alisation d’un lotissement, un diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ© sur les terrains concernĂ©s en 2003. Ce dernier a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence d’un gisement archĂ©ologique complexe (fig. 1). Sa fouille s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 27 septembre au 3 dĂ©cembre 2004 et l’étude complĂšte des Ă©lĂ©ments rĂ©pertoriĂ©s lors de l’intervention est actuellement en cours de finalisation (RFO Ă  paraĂźtre courant 2008). Fig. 1 : Plan gĂ©nĂ©ral du site Auteur(s) : Duda, D. CrĂ©dits : Duda..

    Saint-FrĂ©joux – La Grange

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    La nouvelle campagne de prospection engagĂ©e cette annĂ©e sur le site archĂ©ologique de Saint-FrĂ©joux au lieu-dit « La Grange » constitue la complĂ©tude des investigations menĂ©es en 2014 dans le cadre plus global du PCR sur l’habitat antique rural en moyenne montagne corrĂ©zienne portĂ© par l’universitĂ© de Clermont-Ferrand. Elle a permis de reconnaĂźtre plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les dimensions d’un bĂątiment antique dĂ©tectĂ© sur une grande plate-forme l’annĂ©e prĂ©cĂ©dente (fig. 1). Il s’agit d’un Ă©difice de 7 m ..

    Arcis-sur-Aube – Le PrieurĂ©

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    La mairie d’Arcis-sur-Aube ayant dĂ©cidĂ© la rĂ©alisation d’un lotissement, un diagnostic archĂ©ologique a Ă©tĂ© engagĂ© sur les terrains concernĂ©s en 2003. Ce dernier a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence d’un gisement archĂ©ologique complexe (fig. 1). Sa fouille s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e du 27 septembre au 3 dĂ©cembre 2004 et l’étude complĂšte des Ă©lĂ©ments rĂ©pertoriĂ©s lors de l’intervention est actuellement en cours de finalisation (RFO Ă  paraĂźtre courant 2008). Fig. 1 : Plan gĂ©nĂ©ral du site Auteur(s) : Duda, D. CrĂ©dits : Duda..

    Soudeilles – Aux Breux

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    Identifiant de l'opĂ©ration archĂ©ologique : 2965 Date de l'opĂ©ration : 2009 (SD) Une anomalie de terrain importante avait, en plusieurs occasions, Ă©tĂ© signalĂ©e par diffĂ©rents prospecteurs sur la commune de Soudeilles au lieu-dit « Les Breux ». Il s’agit en fait, d’un lieu localement et anciennement connu sous le nom/vocable « église sarrazine ». Le relief de ce secteur se prĂ©sente sous la forme d’un petit monticule pierreux qui surplombe une esplanade avant un grand talweg. Dans ses commentair..

    KCNK5 channels mostly expressed in cochlear outer sulcus cells are indispensable for hearing

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    International audienceIn the cochlea, K ĂŸ is essential for mechano-electrical transduction. Here, we explore cochlear structure and function in mice lacking K ĂŸ channels of the two-pore domain family. A profound deafness associated with a decrease in endocochlear potential is found in adult Kcnk5 À / À mice. Hearing occurs around postnatal day 19 (P19), and completely disappears 2 days later. At P19, Kcnk5 À / À mice have a normal endolymphatic [K ĂŸ ] but a partly lowered endocochlear potential. Using Lac-Z as a gene reporter, KCNK5 is mainly found in outer sulcus Claudius', Boettcher's and root cells. Low levels of expression are also seen in the spiral ganglion, Reissner's membrane and stria vascularis. Essential channels (KCNJ10 and KCNQ1) contributing to K ĂŸ secretion in stria vascularis have normal expression in Kcnk5 À / À mice. Thus, KCNK5 channels are indispensable for the maintenance of hearing. Among several plausible mechanisms, we emphasize their role in K ĂŸ recycling along the outer sulcus lateral route

    Le sanctuaire laténien de Semoine, « Voie Palon » (Aube)

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    En 2003, une fouille prĂ©ventive a permis de dĂ©couvrir un bĂątiment sur poteaux installĂ© entre deux tronçons de fossĂ©, dont celui du cĂŽtĂ© nord est muni d’une entrĂ©e. Les donnĂ©es chronologiques de ces trois Ă©lĂ©ments sont homogĂšnes et dĂ©montrent le dĂ©roulement de cultes durant La TĂšne C2. Ceux-ci se manifestent par une quantitĂ© modeste d’armes volontairement mutilĂ©es, comme sur d’autres sanctuaires latĂ©niens. La date de crĂ©ation de l’enclos pose encore problĂšme, mais doit se situer Ă  La TĂšne C1. MalgrĂ© les parties du site restĂ©es en dehors de la fouille, la stratigraphie des fossĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©s prouve la briĂšvetĂ© et la modestie des cultes pratiquĂ©s, trĂšs singuliĂšres par rapport aux comparaisons disponibles. Cet exposĂ© propose de les imputer Ă  la particularitĂ© gĂ©ographique du lieu, sur lequel passe la ligne de partage des eaux de l’Aube et de la Marne. Au deuxiĂšme Âge du Fer, cette ligne de crĂȘte est intĂ©grĂ©e Ă  l’aire d’influence de l’une ou l’autre des populations concentrĂ©es sur les deux bassins hydrographiques, et elle permet probablement Ă  l’administration augustĂ©enne de fixer la frontiĂšre commune aux RĂšmes et aux SĂ©nons. Les mutations de La TĂšne C conduisent donc peut-ĂȘtre Ă  dresser un lieu de culte Ă©phĂ©mĂšre, liĂ© Ă  des Ă©vĂšnements frontaliers.A rescue excavation in 2003 resulted in the discovery of a building on piles, constructed between two sections of ditch, of which the one on the north side has an entrance. The chronological data of the building and two ditches match and demonstrate the existence of cults during La TĂšne C2. Evidence of the cults is given by a small quantity of deliberately mutilated weapons, as has been found in other La TĂšne sanctuaries. Dating the creation of the enclosure is problematical but it probably derives from La TĂšne C1. Although sections of the site remained unexcavated, the stratigraphy of the ditches reveals the brevity and limited and unusual nature of the practices. This study links them to the very particular geographical context of the place, which lies on the watershed between the Aube and Marne rivers. During the Second Iron Age, this watershed was part of the area of influence of one or the other of the two populations living respectively in one of the two hydrographic basins, and it probably allowed the Augustinian administration to fix the frontier between the Remi and Senones. The transformations that took place during the La TĂšne C, therefore, may have led to the erection of a short-lived place of worship linked with the frontier.Bei einer PrĂ€ventivgrabung wurde 2003 zwischen zwei Grabenabschnitten ein Pfostenbau entdeckt. Der nördliche Grabenabschnitt war mit einem Tor ausgestattet. Die chronologischen Daten dieser drei Elemente stimmen ĂŒberein und zeugen von den Kulthandlungen in der LatĂšne C2-Stufe. Diese Ă€ußern sich wie in anderen latĂšnezeitlichen HeiligtĂŒmern in einer bescheidenen Anzahl von absichtlich unbrauchbar gemachten Waffen. Es ist noch unklar, wann die Einfriedung genau angelegt wurde, die Errichtung muss jedoch in der Stufe LatĂšne C1 angesetzt werden. Obwohl sich noch Bereiche außerhalb des ergrabenen Areals befinden, beweist die Stratigraphie der untersuchten GrĂ€ben, dass die Kulthandlungen bescheidenen Ausmaßes waren, sich ĂŒber einen kurzen Zeitraum erstreckten und von vergleichbaren Kontexten abwichen. In diesem Beitrag werden diese EigentĂŒmlichkeiten der geographischen Besonderheit des Ortes zugerechnet, an dem die Wasserscheide der Aube und der Marne verlĂ€uft. In der jĂŒngeren Eisenzeit gehörte die Kammlinie wechselweise zum Einflussbereich der in diesen beiden Abflussbecken ansĂ€ssigen Remer oder Senonen. Sie dĂŒrfte es der Verwaltung des Kaisers Augustus ermöglicht haben, die Grenze zwischen beiden StĂ€mmen festzulegen. Die VerĂ€nderungen wĂ€hrend LatĂšne C hatten also möglicherweise aufgrund von Grenzkonflikten die Errichtung eines nur kurze Zeit bestehenden Heiligtums zufolge

    Le sanctuaire laténien de Semoine, « Voie Palon » (Aube)

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    En 2003, une fouille prĂ©ventive a permis de dĂ©couvrir un bĂątiment sur poteaux installĂ© entre deux tronçons de fossĂ©, dont celui du cĂŽtĂ© nord est muni d’une entrĂ©e. Les donnĂ©es chronologiques de ces trois Ă©lĂ©ments sont homogĂšnes et dĂ©montrent le dĂ©roulement de cultes durant La TĂšne C2. Ceux-ci se manifestent par une quantitĂ© modeste d’armes volontairement mutilĂ©es, comme sur d’autres sanctuaires latĂ©niens. La date de crĂ©ation de l’enclos pose encore problĂšme, mais doit se situer Ă  La TĂšne C1. MalgrĂ© les parties du site restĂ©es en dehors de la fouille, la stratigraphie des fossĂ©s Ă©tudiĂ©s prouve la briĂšvetĂ© et la modestie des cultes pratiquĂ©s, trĂšs singuliĂšres par rapport aux comparaisons disponibles. Cet exposĂ© propose de les imputer Ă  la particularitĂ© gĂ©ographique du lieu, sur lequel passe la ligne de partage des eaux de l’Aube et de la Marne. Au deuxiĂšme Âge du Fer, cette ligne de crĂȘte est intĂ©grĂ©e Ă  l’aire d’influence de l’une ou l’autre des populations concentrĂ©es sur les deux bassins hydrographiques, et elle permet probablement Ă  l’administration augustĂ©enne de fixer la frontiĂšre commune aux RĂšmes et aux SĂ©nons. Les mutations de La TĂšne C conduisent donc peut-ĂȘtre Ă  dresser un lieu de culte Ă©phĂ©mĂšre, liĂ© Ă  des Ă©vĂšnements frontaliers.A rescue excavation in 2003 resulted in the discovery of a building on piles, constructed between two sections of ditch, of which the one on the north side has an entrance. The chronological data of the building and two ditches match and demonstrate the existence of cults during La TĂšne C2. Evidence of the cults is given by a small quantity of deliberately mutilated weapons, as has been found in other La TĂšne sanctuaries. Dating the creation of the enclosure is problematical but it probably derives from La TĂšne C1. Although sections of the site remained unexcavated, the stratigraphy of the ditches reveals the brevity and limited and unusual nature of the practices. This study links them to the very particular geographical context of the place, which lies on the watershed between the Aube and Marne rivers. During the Second Iron Age, this watershed was part of the area of influence of one or the other of the two populations living respectively in one of the two hydrographic basins, and it probably allowed the Augustinian administration to fix the frontier between the Remi and Senones. The transformations that took place during the La TĂšne C, therefore, may have led to the erection of a short-lived place of worship linked with the frontier.Bei einer PrĂ€ventivgrabung wurde 2003 zwischen zwei Grabenabschnitten ein Pfostenbau entdeckt. Der nördliche Grabenabschnitt war mit einem Tor ausgestattet. Die chronologischen Daten dieser drei Elemente stimmen ĂŒberein und zeugen von den Kulthandlungen in der LatĂšne C2-Stufe. Diese Ă€ußern sich wie in anderen latĂšnezeitlichen HeiligtĂŒmern in einer bescheidenen Anzahl von absichtlich unbrauchbar gemachten Waffen. Es ist noch unklar, wann die Einfriedung genau angelegt wurde, die Errichtung muss jedoch in der Stufe LatĂšne C1 angesetzt werden. Obwohl sich noch Bereiche außerhalb des ergrabenen Areals befinden, beweist die Stratigraphie der untersuchten GrĂ€ben, dass die Kulthandlungen bescheidenen Ausmaßes waren, sich ĂŒber einen kurzen Zeitraum erstreckten und von vergleichbaren Kontexten abwichen. In diesem Beitrag werden diese EigentĂŒmlichkeiten der geographischen Besonderheit des Ortes zugerechnet, an dem die Wasserscheide der Aube und der Marne verlĂ€uft. In der jĂŒngeren Eisenzeit gehörte die Kammlinie wechselweise zum Einflussbereich der in diesen beiden Abflussbecken ansĂ€ssigen Remer oder Senonen. Sie dĂŒrfte es der Verwaltung des Kaisers Augustus ermöglicht haben, die Grenze zwischen beiden StĂ€mmen festzulegen. Die VerĂ€nderungen wĂ€hrend LatĂšne C hatten also möglicherweise aufgrund von Grenzkonflikten die Errichtung eines nur kurze Zeit bestehenden Heiligtums zufolge

    Respiratory responses to hypercapnia and hypoxia in mice with genetic ablation of Kir5.1 (Kcnj16)

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    Inward rectifier (Kir) potassium channels contribute to the control of electrical activity in excitable tissues and their activity is modulated by many biochemical factors, including protons. Heteromeric Kir4.1–Kir5.1 channels are highly pH sensitive within the physiological range of pH changes and are strongly expressed by the peripheral chemosensors as well as in the brainstem pH-sensitive areas which mediate respiratory responses to changes in blood and brain levels of /[H+]. In the present study, Kir5.1 knockout mice (Kir5.1−/−) were used to determine the role of these channels in the chemosensory control of breathing. We found that Kir5.1−/− mice presented with persistent metabolic acidosis and a clear respiratory phenotype. Despite metabolic acidosis, ventilation at rest and in hyperoxic hypercapnia were similar in wild-type and Kir5.1−/− mice. Ventilatory responses to hypoxia and normoxic hypercapnia were significantly reduced in Kir5.1−/− mice; however, carotid body chemoafferent responses to hypoxia and CO2 were not affected. In the in situ brainstem–spinal cord preparations with denervated peripheral chemoreceptors, resting phrenic nerve activity and phrenic nerve responses to respiratory acidosis or isohydric hypercapnia were also similar in Kir5.1−/− and wild-type mice. In in situ preparations of Kir5.1−/− mice with intact peripheral chemoreceptors, application of CN− resulted in a significantly reduced phrenic nerve response, suggesting that the relay of peripheral chemosensory information to the CNS is compromised. We suggest that this compensatory modulation of the peripheral chemosensory inputs develops in Kir5.1−/− mice in order to counteract the effect of continuing metabolic acidosis on the activity of the peripheral chemoreceptors. These results therefore suggest that despite their intrinsic pH sensitivity, Kir4.1–Kir5.1 channels are dispensable for functional central and peripheral respiratory chemosensitivity

    Dbx1 Precursor Cells Are a Source of Inspiratory XII Premotoneurons.

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    All behaviors require coordinated activation of motoneurons from central command and premotor networks. The genetic identities of premotoneurons providing behaviorally relevant excitation to any pool of respiratory motoneurons remain unknown. Recently, we established in vitro that Dbx1-derived pre-Boš tzinger complex neurons are critical for rhythm generation and that a subpopulation serves a premotor function (Wang et al., 2014). Here, we further show that a subpopulation of Dbx1-derived intermediate reticular (IRt) neurons are rhythmically active during inspiration and project to the hypoglossal (XII) nucleus that contains motoneurons important for maintaining airway patency. Laser ablation of Dbx1 IRt neurons, 57% of which are glutamatergic, decreased ipsilateral inspiratory motor output without affecting frequency. We conclude that a subset of Dbx1 IRt neurons is a source of premotor excitatory drive, contributing to the inspiratory behavior of XII motoneurons, as well as a key component of the airway control network whose dysfunction contributes to sleep apnea

    Age-Related Impairment of Ultrasonic Vocalization in Tau.P301L Mice: Possible Implication for Progressive Language Disorders

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    Tauopathies, including Alzheimer's Disease, are the most frequent neurodegenerative diseases in elderly people and cause various cognitive, behavioural and motor defects, but also progressive language disorders. For communication and social interactions, mice produce ultrasonic vocalization (USV) via expiratory airflow through the larynx. We examined USV of Tau.P301L mice, a mouse model for tauopathy expressing human mutant tau protein and developing cognitive, motor and upper airway defects.At age 4-5 months, Tau.P301L mice had normal USV, normal expiratory airflow and no brainstem tauopathy. At age 8-10 months, Tau.P301L mice presented impaired USV, reduced expiratory airflow and severe tauopathy in the periaqueductal gray, Kolliker-Fuse and retroambiguus nuclei. Tauopathy in these nuclei that control upper airway function and vocalization correlates well with the USV impairment of old Tau.P301L mice.In a mouse model for tauopathy, we report for the first time an age-related impairment of USV that correlates with tauopathy in midbrain and brainstem areas controlling vocalization. The vocalization disorder of old Tau.P301L mice could be, at least in part, reminiscent of language disorders of elderly suffering tauopathy
