452 research outputs found

    La respuesta constitucional a la crisis económica en el marco de la Unión Europea. ¿Remedio efectivo o devaluación constitucional?

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    [Resumen] La reciente modificación de la Constitución española de 1978 se analizará conforme el significado, funciones y alcance del instituto de la reforma constitucional en la Teoría Constitucional. Desde esta perspectiva se observa que esta reforma de la Constitución, tras mantenerse prácticamente inalterada más de treinta años, precisa por su origen, tramitación, contenido y consecuencias, un estudio profundo para aprehender su significado e implicaciones. En especial si el poder de reforma, institución garante de la supremacía constitucional y del principio legitimador democrático subyacente de la soberanía popular, ha cumplido estos cometidos: la estabilidad constitucional mediante su adecuación a la realidad actual caracterizada por la crisis económica y las exigencias monetarias y fiscales de la Unión Europea.[Abstract] The recent amendment to the 1978 Spanish Constitution has to be analized regarding the meaning, functions and scope that present the Institute for constitutional reform in the Theory of the Constitution. From this perspective we see that the 2011 constitutional reform after remaining virtually unchanged for over thirty years, both by its origin and its processing, content and consequences, require a critically study enabling understanding true meaning of the change and its implications. In particular, it is about whether the ability to reform understood as the institution conceived as basic constitutional guarantee of supremacy, and thus, the basic legal principle of sovereignty has really served to defend the supremacy of the Constitution of 1978 combining the stability and permanence with its adaptation to the reality marked by fiscal and monetary requirements of the European Union and the economic crisis

    Spiritual Development and Baccalaureate Social Work Education: One Historic Program

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    Religion has been a universal dynamic which has unified, divided, and motivated human beings from the beginning of time. The profession of social work was birthed from the momentum produced from the impact of religion on society in the United States, propelling volunteers to pursue societal change and to better humanity. Transforming historical trends in the political, psychological, and theological realms moved the profession of social work from the auspice of the religious to the secular and from the volunteer to the professional. Social work education developed out of religious motivation and soon divided into baccalaureate and masters level education with a very clear secular tone. In response, a historic Bible college in the evangelical Christian tradition pursues “Bible Social Work” and is the first school of its kind to gain baccalaureate social work accreditation. This study explores the motivation of students and alumni to choose a social work education that combines both Bible and social work. This study also explores the nature of difference between current social work students and alumni in their spiritual development. Findings, limitations, and areas for further study are discussed. The implications for this study seek to influence social work education to validate religious conviction as a legitimate strength and motivating factor in the pursuit of a social work education

    Beyond Amarna: exorcists without borders in the Levant

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    The Levant and the Eastern Mediterranean formed a special sphere of activity for diverse specialists who navigated from one side to the other through extensive networks of interconnections in the Late Bronze Age. During the Amarna Period (fourteenth century BCE), Akkadian and Hittite texts attest a lethal epidemic that originated in Egypt and later spread to Canaan, Syria, Alashiya (Cyprus), and the land of Hatti. References to pestilence, plague, epidemic, and death, as well as metaphoric expressions alluding to the crisis, such as the ‘hand of Nergal,’ are widespread in diplomatic correspondence, prayers, magic spells, and medical texts as well. Specialists (such as physicians, exorcists, and omen experts) traveled between courts to perform acts of healing and to practice divination. Also, statues of gods and goddesses were commonly sent between courts of Great Kings as symbols of fertility, healing, and alliances. This essay analyzes the role of exorcists traveling between courts in the framework of the cross-cultural discourse of alterity in the Amarna Age

    La delimitación y protección de nuevos contenidos de los derechos fundamentales: una aproximación desde el tratramiento de las injerencias sonoras

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    [Resumen] En la sociedad moderna surgen nuevas formas de agresión que inciden en los derechos más básicos de las personas. El Derecho y los Tribunales han de reaccionar frente a esta realidad y tutelar de manera efectiva los Derechos Fundamentales. Sin embargo, para llevar a cabo esta labor tuitiva, y a falta de normativa expresa, los jueces han amparado estos derechos desarrollando interpretaciones novedosas a partir de los Derechos Fundamentales recogidos en las grandes Cartas de Derechos Siguiendo la doctrina precursora del TEDH. Es en este paradigma en el cual se enmarca y expone como ejemplo la creciente protección judicial y legislativa que se desarrolla frente a la agresión que el ruido excesivo provoca en nuestra dignidad y calidad de vida, en suma, en diversos DDFF- salud, intimidad personal y familiar e inviolabilidad domiciliar-. Se plantará el desarrollo progresivo de esa tutela, sus problemas y contradicciones, sin olvidar que los nuevos desarrollos y valores sociales han de tenerse en cuenta para resolver equilibradamente los conflictos que se planteen.[Abstract] In modern society there are appearing new forms of aggression that affect the most basic rights of people. The Law and the Courts have to react to this reality and effectively protect Fundamental Rights. But to carry out this protection work under the absence of explicit definition, the judges have resorted primarily to develop novel interpretations from Fundamental Rights contained in the greatest Bills of Rights following the doctrine of the European Court of Human Rights. It is in this paradigm that we expose the increasing judicial and legislative protection that is developing against the aggression that causes excessive noise in our dignity and quality of life, in short, in various Fundamental Rights- health, personal and family privacy and inviolability household-. It will consider the progressive development of this protection, with their problems and contradictions; let’s not forget that the new developments and social values have to be taken into account in a balanced way to resolve disputes arising

    Contaminación acústica y derechos fundamentales. Protección y discrepancias en su tutela judicial

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la lucha contra el ruido excesivo desde la tutela que realizan los tribunales al considerar que las injerencias medioambientales pueden violar el contenido protegido de derechos fundamentales. En particular se tratarán las posturas concordantes o no que sobre este tema se mantienen entre el TEDH y el Tribunal Constitucional español a lo largo del tiempo, con especial atención a sus últimos pronunciamientos. Asimismo se mencionará brevemente cómo se aborda esta problemática en otros ámbitos de protección —el de la Unión Europea y el Interamericano—, para finalizar con algunas conclusiones sobre la importancia de lograr una mayor armonía en esta materia entre la interpretación y jurisprudencia del TEDH y la del TC español y que se han de buscar mecanismos que permitan equilibrar los diferentes derechos y valores.The objective of this article is to analyze the fight against excessive noise from the protection that the courts offer in considering the environmental interference can violate the protected content of Fundamental Rights. In particular, it will deal with the positions, concordant or otherwise, which are held between the ECHR and the Spanish Constitutional Court over time with special attention to their latest pronouncements. It will also briefly mention how this problem is tackled in other areas of protection – that of the European Union and the Inter-American Area – and ends with some conclusions about the importance of achieving greater harmony in this topic between interpretation and case law of the ECHR and that those of the Spanish SC and the fact that mechanisms must be sought which allow for balancing the different rights and values.Das Ziel dieses Aufsatzes ist die Untersuchung des Kampfes der Gerichte und ihr Bemühen um gerichtlichen Rechtschutz bei übermäßigem Lärm, indem sie die umweltmäßigen Schädigungen als Schädigungen der Rechtgüter einstufen, die in den Grundrechten verankert sind. Im Besonderen werden die vergleichbaren einschlägigen Haltungen oder Gegenpositionen, wie sie zwischen dem und dem Spanischen Verfassungsgericht im Laufe der Zeit vertreten werden, untersucht. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden hier die letzten Verlautbarungen. Gleichzeitig wird kurz erwähnt, wie man auf anderer Ebene diese Problematik des gerichtlichen Rechtschutzes handhabt, am Beispiel der EU und des interamerikanischen Rechtsbereichs. Schließlich werden Schlussfolgerungen gezogen, die die Bedeutung einer größeren Harmonisierung in diesem Punkt zwischen den Rechtsauslegungen und der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte und denen des Spanischen Verfassungsgerichts herausstellen. Gleichzeitig wird darauf verwiesen, dass Mechanismen gefunden werden müssen, die diesen Ausgleich der verschiedenen Rechte und Werte ermöglichen

    El modelo de defensa constitucional de la Constitución de Cádiz en su bicentenario

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    [Resumen] La Constitución de Cádiz se caracterizó por multiplicar los mecanismos de protección del respeto al Texto Constitucional, que comprendían fórmulas políticas y jurídicas de defensa de la Constitución. El examen de todos los medios de defensa de la Constitución de Cádiz que aquí se realiza invita además a una reflexión sobre el modo en que, en el constitucionalismo de hoy, entendemos la defensa de la Constitución y las consecuencias que ello podría tener a la hora de abordar las tensiones que siempre plantea el debate entre la necesidad de contar con una Constitución que refleje fielmente los postulados políticos de la comunidad en cada momento, con la necesidad de proteger algunos contenidos constitucionales de mayorías coyunturales[Abstract] The Constitution of Cadiz was characterized by multiplying the mechanisms of respect for the constitutional text, covering political and legal ways to defend the Constitution. The examination of all ways of constitutional defense in the Constitution of Cadiz done here also invites to reflect on how we nowadays understand the defense of the Constitution and the consequences this may have on the debate between the need for a constitution that fairly reflects the political tenets of the community at all times, with the need to protect certain constitutional basis of cyclical majorities

    Economic performance and the implementation of lean management model

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    Objective: Understand how the increased competitiveness encourages industries to seek solutions in order to maintain or increase their market share, promoting the manufacturing of quality products at reduce costs. Methodology: In this study, an in-company analysis regarding the Lean performance evaluation methods present in the literature as well as already implemented in the industry was performed, focusing on the gaps of present models and needs for future. Findings: New philosophies arise such as the Lean Manufacturing which is based on continuous improvement, aiming at optimizing the production system, eliminating waste and using fewer resources. Value Added: Based on the results, and with the objective of allowing comprehensive assessment of Lean performance, independently by the companies and the determination of improvement actions, a Lean performance evaluation method was developed in order to understand the impact in financial and economic figures of the case study. Recommendations: Take in account the main concepts of the social sciences, such as Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Strategic Approach, considering the link with the financial economic performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Global Supply Chains in the Post-Pandemic

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    The world has experienced, from 2020 to the present, a widespread impact arising from a pandemic crisis, which forced supply chains to be limited or even suspended, generating important constraints from producers to sale points. This situation created challenges for organizations and consumers who were forced to look for solutions to satisfy their production and con sumption needs. The importance of this topic is related to the need to avoid stock ruptures in supply chains such as those that happened with certain food products in 2020 and 2021, which was reflected in shortages of some products and inflation. The contribution in this work resided in, through scientific methodology, identifying and prioritizing the most relevant preventive measures that allow responding to crisis situations such as the one that occurred with the pandemic since 2020, or the one that takes place in 2022 with a shortage of materials and high inflation. Thus, managers who work with supply chains and logistics are given a portfolio of solutions to adopt with a cer tain level of priority. We were able to reasonably conclude that only a part of Portuguese companies are technologically prepared to respond to the new challenges of supply chains, since the incorporation of computer systems and integrators is far from being a majority of the mentioned universe. A minority of the organizations surveyed have prevention mechanisms in the management of supply chains, since the number of organizations that have, for example, risk and contingency manuals, sales forecasting software, or even simulation of the impact of disruptions in supply chain, is significantly reduced. Given the results obtained, and in hierarchical order of importance, the TOP 3 measures considered most appropriate to prevent stock outs in the event of disruptions in the supply chain in the food sector in Portugal are: to prepare contingency and risk plans; diversify suppliers (Dual Sourcing); and preventive risk budget (cap in case of crisis).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio