310 research outputs found

    Implementation of Dual Training Programmes through the Development of Boundary Objects: a Case Study

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    A dual training system or programme tries to balance education (in a school) and training (in a company) in an equal manner to qualify, educate and socialise the next generation. Besides these effects (qualification, education and socialisation), it seems that this dual structure enables a country to achieve economic targets (e.g. economic growth) and social objectives (e.g. the integration of young people into the employment market), which is why attempts are being made in various countries to develop or to preserve dual training structures. This study focuses on emerging dual training programmes in the United States of America. Our questions are: How do German companies establish dual structures in the United States of America? How do they shape the cooperation between companies and schools? As the cooperation aspect will be the focus of the article, we will concentrate on the interface between the schools and the companies. Our theoretical reference is the concept of boundary objects; a concept within the tradition of cultural-historical activity theory. Using this concept, we show how and in which way dual training structures and an innovative workplace learning partnership have being established in a German transplant in the USA.Un sistema o programa de formación dual intenta equilibrar de igual manera la educación (en la escuela) y la formación (en la empresa) para cualificar, educar y socializar a la próxima generación. Aparte de estos efectos (cualificación, educación y socialización), parece que dicha estructura dual permite que un país alcance objetivos económicos (por ejemplo: el crecimiento económico) y objetivos sociales (por ejemplo: la integración de jóvenes en el mercado laboral), lo que explica por qué motivo se intenta desarrollar o preservar las estructuras de formación dual en varios países.El estudio se centra en programas emergentes de formación dual en los Estados Unidos de América. Nuestras preguntas son: ¿cómo establecen las empresas alemanas estructuras duales en Estados Unidos de América?, ¿cómo se determina la cooperación entre empresas y escuelas?Ya que el aspecto de la cooperación será el foco principal del artículo, nos centraremos en la interconexión entre las escuelas y las empresas. Nuestra referencia teórica es el concepto de boundary objects, el cual se encuentra dentro de la tradición de la teoría de la actividad histórico-cultural. Usando el concepto mencionado, mostramos de qué manera deben establecerse las estructuras de formación dual y una asociación innovadora del aprendizaje en el lugar de trabajo en este proceso de adaptación del sistema alemán en los EUA.Un sistema o un programa de formació dual intenta equilibrar l'educació (a l'escola) i la formació (a l'empresa) per qualificar, educar i socialitzar la generació següent. A banda dels efectes esmentats (qualificació, educació i socialització), sembla que aquesta estructura dual permet que un país assoleixi objectius econòmics (per exemple: creixement econòmic) i objectius socials (per exemple: la integració de joves en el mercat laboral), això explica per què s'intenta desenvolupar o preservar les estructures de la formació dual en diferents països.L'estudi se centra en programes emergents de formació dual als Estats Units d'Amèrica. Les nostres preguntes són: com estableixen les empreses alemanyes estructures duals als Estats Units d'Amèrica?, com es determina la cooperació entre empreses i escoles?Ja que l'aspecte de la cooperació serà el focus principal de l'article, ens centrarem en la interconnexió entre les escoles i les empreses. El referent teòric és el concepte de boundary objects, que es troba dins de la tradició de la teoria de l'activitat historicocultural. Fent servir el concepte esmentat, mostrem de quina manera s'han d'establir les estructures de formació dual i una associació innovadora de l'aprenentatge en el lloc de treball en aquest procés d'adaptació del sistema alemany als EUA.A dual training system or programme tries to balance education (in a school) and training (in a company) in an equal manner to qualify, educate and socialise the next generation. Besides these effects (qualification, education and socialisation), it seems that this dual structure enables a country to achieve economic targets (e.g. economic growth) and social objectives (e.g. the integration of young people into the employment market), which is why attempts are being made in various countries to develop or to preserve dual training structures. This study focuses on emerging dual training programmes in the United States of America. Our questions are: How do German companies establish dual structures in the United States of America? How do they shape the cooperation between companies and schools? As the cooperation aspect will be the focus of the article, we will concentrate on the interface between the schools and the companies. Our theoretical reference is the concept of boundary objects; a concept within the tradition of cultural-historical activity theory. Using this concept, we show how and in which way dual training structures and an innovative workplace learning partnership have being established in a German transplant in the USA

    Umbrella review: methodological review of reviews published in peer-reviewed journals with a substantial focus on vocational education and training research

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    Purpose: The growing public interest in vocational education and training (VET), most recently since the economic crisis of 2007/2008, has led to an exponential increase in articles with a vocational focus, underscoring the need for review studies for the purposes of systematic knowledge aggregation, clarification and interpretation. We assume that review studies follow the same minimum standards as other research methods: the review must be at least reproducible and thus the results verifiable or falsifiable. So far, however, the review methods used in VET research have not been investigated. Our purpose is to review the review procedures and methods used in published reviews of VET research to identify their current methodological quality. Approach: To classify the review studies, we initially developed a conceptual framework to distinguish different types of reviews. We then developed a methodological framework to assess the review methods used. Overall, to accelerate the review process, our review of reviews (or umbrella review) followed the rapid review approach: we limited our search to reviews in English published between 2014 and 2019 in peer-reviewed journals with a substantial VET focus and indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science. Therefore, we did not examine all existing reviews in the field of VET research. Rather, our specific focus was on a core sector of scientific research: peer-reviewed articles in curated databases. Furthermore, we concentrated on the review procedures and methods used, not on the content of the reviews. Findings: We identified nine journals with a substantial VET focus, yielding a total of 1,283 published articles between 2014 and 2019, of which only 19 articles (1.48%) were literature reviews. Of these 19 reviews, six were excluded from our umbrella review because of unclear methodological procedures. Based on the review typology we developed, five of the remaining 13 reviews were conceptual in nature, four were scoping reviews, three were evidence-oriented, and one was critical in nature. None of the reviews examined focused on meta-syntheses, research methods or meta-analyses. In total, this resulted in current review gaps with respect to theory generation (meta-synthesis), practice of theory elaboration and testing (methodological review) and the determination of overall effects across single studies (meta-analysis). Finally, our examination of the reviews showed that their scope was mostly clearly presented. However, with regard to the process steps ‘data selection’ and ‘data processing’, only a few reviews fully met the requirements of the methodological framework. Conclusion: Our review leads to four conclusions. 1) More systematic syntheses are needed because there is a substantial quantitative gap in review research. 2) In particular, there is a need for review studies with a focus on meta-synthesis, research methods and meta-analysis, as there is a current gap in these areas. 3) Reviews should be based on a review methodology with transparent and reproducible methods and verifiable or falsifiable results. The high number of subjective syntheses with unclear review procedures indicates that this mindset is not yet fully established in the field of VET research. 4) In the studies examined, there is a high degree of heterogeneity regarding to the accuracy and completeness of the methodological steps and data. The conceptual and methodological frameworks developed for the analysis can serve as guidelines for the conduct of reviews, and thus, the frameworks could contribute to the further development of the methodological basis of reviews. (DIPF/Orig.

    Book Review: Vocational Education and Training in Times of Economic Crisis

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    The book was published in the series "Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects". Series Editor-in-Chief is Rupert MacLean. Editor of the volume is Matthias Pilz, professor and holder of the chair of Economic and Business Education and director of the German Research Center for Comparative Vocational Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T) at the University of Cologne in Germany

    Empresas alemanas en China; ¿Cómo solventan las empresas el problema de la formación a nivel de planta?

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    This article explores German transplant companies’ attempts to foster and assure the skills levels of their Chinese employees for production and innovation in consideration of a different socio-cultural and political framework. Methodologically conducted by on-site expert interviews, this paper first reports empirical findings on German companies’ strategies and practices for recruiting and retaining (skilled) local employees for the shop-floor level. On the basis of Engeström’s activity theory, the concept of boundary objects functions as the theoretical framework. The results indicate complementary innovative personnel strategies with regard to qualifying and retaining. In the discussion, the identified phenomena such as the foundation of a coopetitive practical training center are assigned to the theoretical context of boundary objects.Este artículo tiene el propósito de aprender sobre la intención de las empresas alemanas en el extranjero en fomentar y asegurar los niveles de competencia de sus empleados chinos en producción e innovación considerando un marco socio-cultural y político diferente. Llevado a cabo metodológicamente a través de entrevistas a expertos in situ, este artículo se centra en reportar sobre los primeros hallazgos empíricos en estratégias y prácticas de empresas alemanas sobre reclutamiento y vinculación de empleados locales (competentes) para el nivel de planta. En base a la teoría de la actividad de Engeström, el concepto de boundary objects actúa como marco teórico. Los resultados indican estratégias de personal innovativas complementarias con referencia a cualificación y retención. En la discusión, los fenómenos identificados como la fundación de un centro de entrenamiento práctico coopetitivo, son asignados al contexto teórico de boundary objects

    Didactics in vocational education and training – Diversity and intercepts in the Nordic educational landscape

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    This article pictures complexity of didactical research in vocational education and training (VET) and how international comparative research can contribute to development of VET’s didactics. We have argued earlier that depending on differences in perspectives and even on language differences, we are facing a remarkable conceptual diversity of what didactics is about. We claim that there is a need to transcend the language discussion and to focus on content related aspects to advance knowledge and research in this area within the field of VET. We start by shortly presenting research on didactics aiming at highlighting transitions and diversity in various approaches. Particular emphasis is on the challenges in designing vocational didactics. We then present selected contributions from scholars in the VET field with the intention to illustrate and propose discussion about the diversity and intercepts that are visible today. A thorough comparative study of didactics in VET in the Nordic countries remains as a necessary project ahead. Tämä artikkeli tarkastelee ammatillisen koulutuksen didaktiikkaa ja sen monimuotoisuutta, lisäksi tuomme esiin sen, miten kansainvälinen vertaileva tutkimus voi edistää ammatillisen didaktiikan kehittämistä. Olemme aiemmin esittäneet, että didaktiikan käsite ja mitä sillä tarkoitetaan, on monimerkityksinen johtuen erilaisista näkökulmista ja jopa kielellisistä eroista. Ehdotamme, että vaikka merkityseroja esiintyy, meidän tulisi ylittää kielikeskustelu ja keskittyä didaktiikan sisältöön lisätäksemme tietoa ja tutkimusta ammatillisesta koulutuksesta. Katsauksemme tarkoitus on esitellä lyhyesti didaktiikkaan liittyvää tutkimusta ja samalla tehdä näkyväksi erilaisia lähestymistapoja, siirtymiä ja eroavaisuuksia sekä erityisesti ammatillisen didaktiikan haasteita muutaman keskeisen tutkimuksen avulla. Lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan erityisesti Pohjoismaisesta näkökulmasta

    Scoping Review on Research at the Boundary Between Learning and Working: A Bibliometric Mapping Analysis of the Last Decade

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    Context: The research field at the boundary between learning and working is multidimensional, fuzzy, dynamic, and characterized by high growth. A study that comprehensively maps and aggregates this research field is missing. Approach: Using tools of bibliometric analysis (bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis and co-occurrence analysis), we map the research at the boundary between learning and working in a scoping review study. Our study considers peer-reviewed articles published between 2011 and 2020 and recorded in Scopus. In total, 5,474 articles are included in our analysis. Findings: Focusing on the intellectual structure of the research field, we identified the most publishing and most cited countries, journals, and authors, as well as latent collaborative networks among countries, journals, and authors. Furthermore, we used references and keywords to identify the conceptual structure of the research field and distinguished four types of conceptual clusters: motor clusters, highly developed and isolated clusters, emerging or declining clusters, and basic and transversal clusters.Conclusions: Research at the boundary between learning and working is highly parcelled out internationally. This scientific parcelling represents a disadvantage for exchanging ideas and accumulating knowledge. In addition to forming a parcelled field, a dividing line runs between centre, periphery and excluded countries and scientists. Especially scientists from developing countries and nations, economies in transition and those from post-conflict situations are excluded from the international discourse. This situation is more than just a disadvantage for the exchange of ideas and the accumulation of knowledge. Instead, there is a systematic bias in the research landscape here.

    Abundance changes of neophytes and native species indicate a thermophilisation and eutrophisation of the Swiss flora during the 20th century

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    During the 20th century human activities drastically altered the natural environment at global and local scales by habitat destruction, urbanisation, intensive agriculture, and climate warming. This anthropogenic pressure has modified species distributions and abundances, and led to the increased spread of neophytes. However, the determination of the magnitude, direction, and drivers of changes remains challenging as comparable historic data is often lacking. Here, we analysed the floristic shifts during the 20th century based on a historic (1900–1930) and current (2000–2017) floristic survey of the canton of Zurich (Switzerland; 1729 km2) in combination with Landolt ecological indicator values (EIVs) for vascular plants. We used two complementary approaches to quantify the floristic shifts using EIVs for temperature, moisture, continentality, nutrients, soil pH and available light. 1) Regarding 244 map tiles with each a 3 × 3 km2 area, we compared the average EIVs for neophytes (i.e., novel species arriving of expanding in the study area) and native species (i.e., species present in Switzerland for centuries). 2) Based on standardized species abundances in the historic and the current flora, we analysed the directed changes by comparing the species’ EIVs of different frequency classes for both the historic and current floristic surveys. Our results showed, that neophyte species arriving or spreading in the study area indicate both a thermophilisation and an eutrophisation. The observed shift in average EIVs for temperature corresponded to about 2 ◦C, which is in line with the calculated difference in niche centroids for neophytes and native species based on their global distribution (1.78 ◦C). The indicated thermophilisation and eutrophisation relate to the decrease in abundances of cold-adapted species and species of nutrient poor environments as well as the increase of warm-adapted and nitrophilous/ruderal species. Directed changes in the flora of the study area are likely to be driven by both climatic changes and land-use changes. Increases in trade activity, anthropogenic habitat disturbances and rising temperatures facilitate the establishment and spread of neophytes from warmer and drier regions. In parallel, wetland area and wetland species strongly decreased as well as species thriving on nutrient-poor sites due to intensified agriculture and nitrogen deposition

    Portable Catapult Launcher For Small Aircraft

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    An apparatus for launching an aircraft having a multiplicity of interconnected elongated tracks of rigid material forming a track system and wherein each elongated track has a predetermined elongated track cross-sectional design, a winch system connected to the track system wherein the winch system has a variable mechanical advantage, one or more elongated elastic members wherein one end of each of the one or more elongated elastic members is adjustably connected to the track system, and a carrier slidably mounted to the track system wherein the canier is connected to the winch system and to the other end of each of the one or more elongated elastic members

    Evaluating Aster Satellite Imagery And Gradient Modeling For Mapping And Characterizing Wildland Fire Fuels

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    Land managers need cost-effective methods for mapping and characterizing fire fuels quickly and accurately. The advent of sensors with increased spatial resolution may improve the accuracy and reduce the cost of fuels mapping. The objective of this research is to evaluate the accuracy and utility of imagery from the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite and gradient modeling for mapping fuel layers for fire behavior modeling within FARSITE. An empirical model, based upon field data and spectral information from an ASTER image, was employed to test the efficacy of ASTER for mapping and characterizing canopy closure and crown bulk density. Surface fuel models (NFFL 1-13) were mapped using a classification tree based upon three gradient layers; potential vegetation type, cover type, and structural stage

    Characterizing forest succession with lidar data: An evaluation for the Inland Northwest, USA

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    Quantifying forest structure is important for sustainable forest management, as it relates to a wide variety of ecosystem processes and services. Lidar data have proven particularly useful for measuring or estimating a suite of forest structural attributes such as canopy height, basal area, and LAI. However, the potential of this technology to characterize forest succession remains largely untested. The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of lidar data for characterizing forest successional stages across a structurally diverse, mixed-species forest in Northern Idaho. We used a variety of lidar-derived metrics in conjunction with an algorithmic modeling procedure (Random Forests) to classify six stages of three-dimensional forest development and achieved an overall accuracy \u3e95%. The algorithmic model presented herein developed ecologically meaningful classifications based upon lidar metrics quantifying mean vegetation height and canopy cover, among others. This study highlights the utility of lidar data for accurately classifying forest succession in complex, mixed coniferous forests; but further research should be conducted to classify forest successional stages across different forests types. The techniques presented herein can be easily applied to other areas. Furthermore, the final classification map represents a significant advancement for forest succession modeling and wildlife habitat assessment