1,407 research outputs found


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    Chemical management and the predecessor culture directly influence the occurrence of weeds in the agricultural system. The study aimed to evaluate weed infestation in autumn-winter crops and soybean in succession desiccated with glyphosate. The design used was randomized blocks, with plots measuring 3 x 5 m, with the following treatments: 1 (brachiaria); 2 (cowpea bean); 3 (corn intercropped with brachiaria), and 4 (corn). All areas were desiccated with 2 L ha-1 of glyphosate. The weed species community changed from winter cultivation to soybean cultivation. According to the predecessor crops, absolute infestation and weed composition are modified in soybean crops. Weed diversity in corn-brachiaria intercropping areas in winter was different concerning occurrence in the same area in summer in soybean cultivation. Brachiaria and corn grown intercropped with brachiaria have lower weed diversity in soybean in succession. The corn-brachiaria intercropping integrated with the use of glyphosate reduced weed diversity in soybean. There was only one weed species in the soybean crop in which there was a corn-brachiaria intercropping as a predecessor crop.O manejo químico e a cultura antecessora influenciam diretamente a ocorrência de plantas daninhas no sistema agrícola. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa avaliar a infestação de plantas daninhas em culturas de outono-inverno e na soja em sucessão dessecadas com glyphosate. O delineamento utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com parcelas medindo 3 x 5 m, com os seguintes tratamentos: 1 (brachiaria); 2 (feijão-caupi); 3 (consorcio milho com brachiaria) e 4 (milho). Todas as áreas foram dessecadas com 2 L ha-1 de glyphosate. A comunidade de espécies daninhas sofreu alterações do cultivo de inverno para o cultivo da soja. A infestação absoluta e a composição de plantas daninhas são modificadas na cultura da soja em função de culturas antecedentes. A diversidade de plantas daninhas nas áreas de consorcio milho-braquiária no inverno foi distinta em relação ocorrência na mesma área no verão no cultivo da soja. Braquiária e consorcio milho-braquiária apresentam menor diversidade de plantas daninhas na soja em sucessão. O consorcio milho-braquiária integrado ao uso do glifosato reduziu a diversidade de plantas daninhas na soja. Na cultura da soja em que havia como cultura antecessora consorcio milho-braquiária ocorreu apenas uma espécie de planta daninha

    Intramedullary gangliogliomas: histopathologic and molecular features of 25 cases

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    Gangliogliomas are uncommon glioneuronal tumors, which usually arise in the cerebral hemispheres and occasionally in the brain stem. Gangliogliomas occurring in the spinal cord are extremely rare. In this study, we analyzed the clinical, histopathologic, and molecular features of 25 spinal gangliogliomas. The cases included in our series affected mostly children and young adults (15 males and 10 females; mean age, 20 years; median age, 14 years; age range, 1-72 years) and were predominantly localized in the cervical and thoracic spine. From the clinical point of view (detailed follow-up available for 9 pediatric cases; mean follow-up: 2 years 10 months; range, 3 months to 5 years 10 months), most patients showed stable disease after subtotal resection. Radiotherapy was rarely used as adjuvant treatment. Histologically, gangliogliomas (WHO grade I) (21 cases) showed features largely similar to their supratentorial counterparts. Anaplastic gangliogliomas (World Health Organization grade III) (4 cases) showed features of anaplasia (including high cellularity and increased mitotic and proliferation activity). From a molecular point of view, only 2 tumors (2/19, 11%) harbored a BRAFV600E mutation. In conclusion, although spinal gangliogliomas display histologic and clinical features similar to their supratentorial counterparts, they show a relatively low frequency of BRAFV600E mutations, alteration otherwise common in hemispheric and brain stem gangliogliomas

    Expanding the spectrum of "mesenchymal" tumors of the central nervous system

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    : In this review, we summarize the clinical, histopathological, and molecular features of central nervous system (CNS) tumors with BCOR internal tandem duplication, intracranial mesenchymal tumor with FET/CREB fusion, CNS CIC-rearranged sarcomas and primary intracranial sarcoma DICER1-mutant, now included in the 2021 WHO classification of CNS tumors. Possible relationships between tumors occurring in the CNS and their systemic counterparts are discussed

    Conocimiento de métodos anticonceptivos en la población adolescente

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    Introducción: El conocimiento de anticonceptivos juega un papel importante en el desarrollo del comportamiento y actitud sexual de los adolescentes, ya que permiten que la persona obtenga una percepción de bienestar y seguridad en relación a su sexualidad; en la actualidad ha existido un aumento de la morbimortalidad del adolescente secundaria a embarazos no deseados, abortos clandestinos e infecciones de transmisión sexual, por lo que como posibles soluciones a estos problemas de salud pública global diversos organismos locales e internacionales sanitarios han planteado una educación sexual sobre métodos de anticoncepción. Objetivo: Conocer el nivel de conocimiento sobre anticonceptivos en la población adolescente de la parroquia rural Los Laureles de la ciudad de Ambato. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, observacional con muestreo aleatorio probabilístico. Se empleó una encuesta con preguntas cerradas con variables sociodemográficas y generalidades sobre métodos anticonceptivos, para evaluar el nivel de conocimiento se utilizó el instrumento validado SexContraKnow-Instrument, clasificando el nivel de conocimiento en insuficiente, malo, bueno y muy bueno. Resultados: En relación al nivel de conocimiento el 35,22% obtuvo un conocimiento bueno mientras que el 44,02% registró un insuficiente nivel en relación a los métodos anticonceptivos. Conclusiones: La población adolescente posee un conocimiento insuficiente sobre anticoncepción, siendo un gran riesgo para generar problemas en su comportamiento y actitud sexual, como embarazos no deseados, abortos e infecciones de transmisión sexual, existe un relativo conocimiento a los tipos de anticonceptivos y sus respectivos usos y desventajas

    Experiencias de enfermería en el manejo de catéteres venosos centrales

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    Introducción: El catéter venoso central (CVC) es un dispositivo que permite obtener un acceso directo a la circulación venosa, es utilizada frecuentemente en las áreas de medicina crítica y terapia intensiva, permite administrar, fluidos, medicación, hemoderivados y extracción de muestras sanguíneas, por lo que su uso es una rutina y necesidad para los pacientes crónicos, críticos y oncológicos. El conocimiento sobre el manejo y cuidado del CVC, es fundamental a nivel del personal de enfermería, debido a que permite reducir la incidencia de infecciones adquiridas a atenciones de salud, encontrar soluciones a las dificultades antes, durante y después de la inserción del dispositivo, además de disminuir las complicaciones. Objetivo: Identificar la relación entre el conocimiento y experiencia del manejo y cuidado del CVC en el personal de enfermería de la unidad de terapia intensiva del Hospital General Ambato. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo, con enfoque narrativo, descriptivo y comprensivo. Se empleó una entrevista semiestructurada con una serie de preguntas abiertas. El análisis de datos se realizó con la metodología de Demaziére D. y Dubar C., con dos enfoques: el análisis proposicional, y el análisis correlacional entre el discurso y revisión de literatura existente. Resultados: El total de entrevistados, tiene un conocimiento moderado-avanzado sobre el cuidado y manejo del CVC, además concuerda que se deben implementar estrategias para reforzar el manejo de la vía central, capacitando en temas relevantes como lavado de manos, riesgos de la CVC, y normas de bioseguridad. Conclusiones: El personal de enfermería de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital General Ambato, demostró mediante un análisis cualitativo, tener experiencias, vivencias y conocimientos moderadamente altos, en relación al cuidado y manejo de la vía venoso central, sin embargo, se recomienda, capacitar constantemente al personal para poder actualizar en tecnología y nuevas prácticas relacionadas con el CVC.&nbsp

    A Iniciativa Privada Promove O Lazer Em São Paulo: O Caso Do Parque Shanghai (1937-1968)

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    This Research Seeks To Highlight The Participation Of The Private Sector In The Process Of Dissemination Of Leisure Spaces In São Paulo Through The Analysis Of One Experience: The Parque Shanghai, A Private Enterprise Created In São Paulo During The 1930'S In The Context Of Its Expansion. The Research Will Examine, With Special Care, Textual And Iconographic Sources Trying To Understand The Way Which This Equipment Occupied In The City, At A Time When The Question Of Leisure Was Being Introduced, Dialoguing With The Achievements In Labor, The Expansion Of Demands For New Spaces And The Debates Around Regulation Of The Leisure Right.Esta Pesquisa Buscará Evidenciar A Participação Da Iniciativa Privada No Processo De Difusão De Espaços De Lazer Em São Paulo Por Meio Da Análise Da Trajetória De Uma Experiência: Do Parque De Diversões Shanghai, Empreendimento Privado Surgido Na Capital Paulista Em Meados Década De 1930 No Contexto De Sua Vertiginosa Expansão. Destarte, Para A Construção Dessa Pesquisa, Serão Examinadas, Com Especial Cuidado, Fontes Textuais E Iconográficas Com A Intenção De Compreender O Modo De Inserção Deste Equipamento Na Cidade Em Uma Época Em Que A Questão Do Lazer Estava Sendo Introduzida, Tendo Em Vista As Graduais Conquistas No Campo Do Trabalho, A Ampliação Das Demandas Por Novos Espaços De Lazer E Os Debates Em Torno Da Regulamentação Do Direito Ao LazerDados abertos - Sucupira - Teses e dissertações (2017

    [No title supplied]

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    My doctoral research analyses different aspects of temporality in the Divina Commedia of Dante Alighieri and it traces interactions between the levels of temporality, perpetuity and eternity. These relationships ought to have generated far more critical discussion than they have done thus far, concerning what Dante actually means by time, perpetuity and eternity. Overall, the scholarship on the general representation of time in the Divina Commedia is remarkably fragmentary and has yet to be synthesized into a comprehensive account. Thus, my research connects the three cantiche, Dante’s sources, the variety of different uses and representations of the figures of time within the poem, the poem’s astronomical figurations, and its scriptural and historical temporal perspectives. My project focuses on the main models and the taxonomies Dante engages with – these are the Augustinian, the Boethian and the Platonic. The research shows that the reiterations and transformations of these models are represented through figures, motions, rhythms and linguistic devices. Mostly, Dante presents us with hybrid figures, which have a sort of ‘patchwork’ nature. They might display biblical and classical features at the same time, revealing in this mixture the original voice of the author as poet and as compilator. My research indicates how Dante combines selected elements from different traditions in his attempt to provide the most comprehensive illustration of his conceptions, which themselves are hybrid and syncretic


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    Maize and soybean are the main crops used for crop yield on Brazilian Cerrado biome. The off-season maize intercropped with ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ. & C.M. Evrard) Crins (Syn. Brachiaria ruziziensis Germ. & Evrard)] increases soil cover and yield for crops in succession. However, the benefits on maize yield depend on the distribution and radiation-use efficiency (RUE) and its conversion to biomass. This study aimed to evaluate maize and ruzigrass yield in different cultivation systems. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, in Dourados, MS, Brazil. The experiment design was randomized blocks, with seven treatments constituted by the combination of spacing between maize rows, single and intercropped, with ruzigrass in distribution methods. Photosynthetically active radiation, chlorophyll, leaf temperature, morphological characteristics and maize mass yield were evaluated in maize at the flowering stage (R1). Maize and ruzigrass yield were evaluated during maize maturation. The reduced spacing in single maize has a higher yield and lower radiation incidence in the ear. Maize intercropped with ruzigrass sown by broadcasting showed higher leaf temperature, lower plant height and lower maize leaf area. Morphological and physiological characteristics and maize grain yield were more influenced by planting methods than the presence of ruzigrass. The highest yield of dry matter and maize grain occurred in reduced spacing in maize, either alone or intercropped with ruzigrass
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