722 research outputs found

    Carbon Cycle Trends Recorded By Organic Carbon Stable Isotopes In Paleocene Strata, Benton County, Mississippi: Implications For Chronostratigraphy Of The Porters Creek And Naheola Formations

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    The paleocene-eocene thermal maximum (petm) is one of the most studied carbon isotope excursions in earth\u27s history. The petm occurred 55 million years ago when excess isotopically heavy carbon (c13) was added into earth\u27s carbon cycle, resulting in ecological and environmental changes. The petm is marked by a negative stable carbon isotope excursion (cie) in marine and continental strata around the globe. The paleocene and eocene boundary is contained in the sedimentary fill of the Mississippi embayment so there is high potential to produce new petm stable isotope datasets. The purpose of this project is to analyze the boundary for evidence of the petm and other cies at the flat rock church paleobotanical site and a nearby core from Benton County, Mississippi. Fieldwork at the flat rock church site was conducted in order to observe the stratigraphic and lateral relationships of the paleocene porters creek formation and naheola formation and the eocene meridian sand and to collect samples for preliminary stable carbon isotope analysis. Continuous, high-resolution data were produced from samples from the rollison core, which were decarbonated and analyzed for stable organic carbon isotopes (î”13ctoc), percentage of carbonate, and total organic carbon. The resulting î”13ctoc curve shows an overall increase in î”13ctoc values upsection with five superimposed high-magnitude positive cies. Two of the five are discounted as the result of procedural error and the remaining three are interpreted as representing a combination of increased organic carbon burial and Caribbean volcanism. The upsection trend in î”13ctoc enrichment likely correlates to a segment of a larger, global paleocene trend known as the paleocene carbon isotope maximum. Correlation of the î”13ctoc curves allows the establishment of a more precise chronostratigraphy, revising the previously established depositional range of the porters creek and naheola from 63.8-56 ma to 60.5-56.6 ma

    The George Harris Show August 08, 2022, Part 5 Spanish to English Translation

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    This thesis is an attempt at a Spanish-to-English translation of part of a comedy skit by Venezuelan American comedian George Harris performed on October 11, 2022, in Miami, Florida. As an academic, I have been captivated by foreign languages since a young age and have studied German up to the collegiate level. After moving to New York and studying at Pace University, an educational institution that does not offer German, I decided to teach myself Spanish. I reached the Advanced level of the language within my second semester of officially studying it at Pace University. I believe that the future of America is within its Spanish speakers, and there is true power in communicating with someone within their native language. As immigration patterns continue to suggest a rise of Latino immigrants in the United States, Latino media has an opportunity to be appreciated, available, and translated for American audiences. Throughout my academic studies of Spanish, I was consistently drawn to the culture and history of Venezuela. Notably, I was struck by the unimaginable effect of the diaspora of its people across the world since the rule of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, as, at one time, Venezuela was once the wealthiest country in the world. I believe that Venezuela is misunderstood in the modern day on the global stage - particularly, within the United States. When proceeding with my thesis topic, I focused on translation and weighed between various options therein; I found myself constantly returning to Venezuela and wanting to work with a piece of media from the country. With Communication Studies being one of my majors, much of my coursework covered media studies. Considering Venezuelan culture is not a widely known topic to most Americans, I decided to complete a translation of Venezuelan culture in the modern-day, and I selected George Harris, a Venezuelan comedian, as the central focus of my translation. Despite their displacement worldwide, comedians like George Harris act as a cultural anchor to many Venezuelan Americans and exemplifies Venezuelan culture’s magnitude in Miami, Florida. So, in order to translate a genuine, and comedic piece of modern Venezuelan Pop Culture, I researched translation studies, particularly within the translation of media (as today’s world continues to spread foreign media to new audiences) and was not surprised to find that it is not without its flaws

    Einfluss von professioneller Zahnreinigung und Scaling and Root Planing auf Viridans-Streptokokken im subgingivalen Biofilm

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    Die von mir vorgelegte Monografie thematisiert den Einfluss von professioneller Zahnreinigung und Scaling and Root Planing auf bestimmte Viridans-Streptokokkenspezies. Die Zusammensetzung des Biofilms ist von großem klinischen Interesse, da Parodontalerkrankungen in der Praxis sehr häufig auftreten. Die vorgelegte Arbeit nimmt sich der Frage an, inwieweit die parodontale Initialtherapie den Biofilm, im Speziellen die Streptokokken, beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bestätigen Streptokokken als frühe Rekolonisierer. Durch die unterschiedliche Reihenfolge in der Rekolonisation der einzelnen Streptokokkenspezies kann möglicherweise durch Applikation dieser Frühkolonisierer die Zusammensetzung des Biofilms dahingehend geändert werden, dass parodontopathogene Keime besser kontrolliert werden können auf Basis einer kompetetiven Hemmung.:1. Einleitung 2. Ziele der Arbeit 3. Material und Methoden 4. Ergebnisse 5. Diskussion 6. Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 7. Literaturverzeichnis 8. Anlage

    HaploBlocks : Efficient Detection of Positive Selection in Large Population Genomic Datasets

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    Genomic regions under positive selection harbor variation linked for example to adaptation. Most tools for detecting positively selected variants have computational resource requirements rendering them impractical on population genomic datasets with hundreds of thousands of individuals or more. We have developed and implemented an efficient haplotype-based approach able to scan large datasets and accurately detect positive selection. We achieve this by combining a pattern matching approach based on the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform with model-based inference which only requires the evaluation of closed-form expressions. We evaluate our approach with simulations, and find it to be both sensitive and specific. The computational resource requirements quantified using UK Biobank data indicate that our implementation is scalable to population genomic datasets with millions of individuals. Our approach may serve as an algorithmic blueprint for the era of "big data" genomics: a combinatorial core coupled with statistical inference in closed form.Peer reviewe

    Importance of Intracellular pH in Determining the Uptake and Efficacy of the Weakly Basic Chemotherapeutic Drug, Doxorubicin

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    Low extracellular pH (pHe), that is characteristic of many tumours, tends to reduce the uptake of weakly basic drugs, such as doxorubicin, thereby conferring a degree of physiological resistance to chemotherapy. It has been assumed, from pH-partition theory, that the effect of intracellular pH (pHi) is symmetrically opposite, although this has not been tested experimentally. Doxorubicin uptake into colon HCT116 cells was measured using the drug's intrinsic fluorescence under conditions that alter pHi and pHe or pHi alone. Acutely, doxorubicin influx across the cell-membrane correlates with the trans-membrane pH-gradient (facilitated at alkaline pHe and acidic pHi). However, the protonated molecule is not completely membrane-impermeant and, therefore, overall drug uptake is less pHe-sensitive than expected from pH-partitioning. Once inside cells, doxorubicin associates with slowly-releasing nuclear binding sites. The occupancy of these sites increases with pHi, such that steady-state drug uptake can be greater with alkaline cytoplasm, in contradiction to pH-partition theory. Measurements of cell proliferation demonstrate that doxorubicin efficacy is enhanced at alkaline pHi and that pH-partition theory is inadequate to account for this. The limitations in the predictive power of pH-partition theory arise because it only accounts for the pHi/pHe-sensitivity of drug entry into cells but not the drug's subsequent interactions that, independently, show pHi-dependence. In summary, doxorubicin uptake into cells is favoured by high pHe and high pHi. This modified formalism should be taken into account when designing manoeuvres aimed at increasing doxorubicin efficacy

    Toward an Ising Model of Cancer and Beyond

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    Theoretical and computational tools that can be used in the clinic to predict neoplastic progression and propose individualized optimal treatment strategies to control cancer growth is desired. To develop such a predictive model, one must account for the complex mechanisms involved in tumor growth. Here we review resarch work that we have done toward the development of an "Ising model" of cancer. The review begins with a description of a minimalist four-dimensional (three in space and one in time) cellular automaton (CA) model of cancer in which healthy cells transition between states (proliferative, hypoxic, and necrotic) according to simple local rules and their present states, which can viewed as a stripped-down Ising model of cancer. This model is applied to model the growth of glioblastoma multiforme, the most malignant of brain cancers. This is followed by a discussion of the extension of the model to study the effect on the tumor dynamics and geometry of a mutated subpopulation. A discussion of how tumor growth is affected by chemotherapeutic treatment is then described. How angiogenesis as well as the heterogeneous and confined environment in which a tumor grows is incorporated in the CA model is discussed. The characterization of the level of organization of the invasive network around a solid tumor using spanning trees is subsequently described. Then, we describe open problems and future promising avenues for future research, including the need to develop better molecular-based models that incorporate the true heterogeneous environment over wide range of length and time scales (via imaging data), cell motility, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and cell-cell communication. The need to bring to bear the powerful machinery of the theory of heterogeneous media to better understand the behavior of cancer in its microenvironment is presented.Comment: 55 pages, 21 figures and 3 tables. To appear in Physical Biology. Added reference
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