283 research outputs found

    Razonamiento configural como coordinación de procesos de visualización

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    Presentamos un estudio que identifica los procesos de visualización de estudiantes para maestro, cuando resuelven problemas de geometría, que requieren una prueba matemática, en un entorno de lápiz y papel. Los resultados muestran la influencia que tienen las figuras iniciales, que acompañan a los problemas, y las modificaciones posteriores de estas figuras en el desarrollo de las aprehensiones discursiva y operativa, que constituyen los vínculos entre los procesos de razonamiento matemático y la visualización en la resolución de problemas de geometría en contexto de lápiz y papel. Finalmente, identificamos posibles causas de las limitaciones que dificultan el desarrollo de dichas aprehensionesThis study identifies visualisation processes in student primary teachers when they solve geometry problems requiring mathematical proof, in a pencil-and-paper environment. The results reveal the importance of the initial diagrams that accompany the problems, as well as subsequent modifications of these diagrams in the development of discursive and operative apprehension, constituting as they do links between mathematical reasoning processes and the visualisation of geometry-problem solving in a paper-and-pencil context. Finally, we identify the possible causes of those limitations that hinder the development of such apprehension

    Experimental evidence for the formation of liquid saline water on Mars

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    Evidence for deliquescence of perchlorate salts has been discovered in the Martian polar region while possible brine flows have been observed in the equatorial region. This appears to contradict the idea that bulk deliquescence is too slow to occur during the short periods of the Martian diurnal cycle during which conditions are favorable for it. We conduct laboratory experiments to study the formation of liquid brines at Mars environmental conditions. We find that when water vapor is the only source of water, bulk deliquescence of perchlorates is not rapid enough to occur during the short periods of the day during which the temperature is above the salts' eutectic value, and the humidity is above the salts' deliquescence value. However, when the salts are in contact with water ice, liquid brine forms in minutes, indicating that aqueous solutions could form temporarily where salts and ice coexist on the Martian surface and in the shallow subsurface. Key Points The formation of brines at Martian conditions was studied experimentally Bulk deliquescence from water vapor is too slow to occur diurnally on Mars Brines form in minutes when salts are placed in direct contact with icePeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108051/1/grl51829.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108051/2/2014GL060302_AuxiliaryMaterialreadme.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108051/3/ts01.pd

    Continuous and Localized Mn Implantation of ZnO

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    We present results derived from continuous and localized 35 keV (55)Mn(+) ion implantations into ZnO. Localized implantations were carried out by using self-ordered alumina membranes as masks leading to ordered arrays of implanted volumes on the substrate surfaces. Defects and vacancies in the small implantation volumes of ZnO were generated due to the implantation processes besides the creation of new phases. Rapid thermal annealing was applied in the case of continuous implantation. The samples were characterized by HRSEM, GIXRD, Raman spectroscopy and RBS/C. Magnetic characterization of the samples pointed out appreciable differences among the samples obtained by the different implantation methods. This fact was mainly attributed to the different volume/surface ratios present in the implanted zones as well as to the increase of Mn atom concentrations along the grain frontiers in the nanostructured surfaces. The samples also showed a ferromagnetic transition phase at temperature value higher than room temperature


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    La evaluación de las relaciones entre depredadores, sus presas, el ambiente y los recursos usados es importante para entender los mecanismos que influyen en la estructura de la comunidad. Es común realizar éstos análisis congregando especies dentro de grupos que explotan el mismo tipo de recursos de forma similar, conocidos como gremios. De esta manera, los organismos sobreviven a través del tiempo tanto como puedan competir exitosamente por recursos y lleven a cabo estrategias de repartición. De acuerdo a la estrategia de repartición de recursos entre especies para coexistir y al tamaño corporal como un factor importante en el uso de recursos, en este estudio se prueba la hipótesis de que existirá una mayor sobreposición de los recursos utilizados, entre especies de tamaño y hábitos similares, manteniendo 3 subgrupos: depredadores tope (Puma concolor y Panthera onca), mesodepredadores carnívoros (Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii y Puma yagouaroundi) y mesodepredadores omnívoros (Nasua narica y Urocyon cinereoargenteus). En este estudio, se analizaron las tres dimensiones del nicho ecológico (trófica, espacial y temporal), para lo cual, se colectaron excrementos de manera oportuna a lo largo de diferentes trayectos (30 km), y fueron identificados a través de perfiles de ácidos biliares. Se ubicaron trampas cámara para registrar la actividad de las especies y determinar su asociación con diferentes eco-variables (vegetación, pendiente, distancia a ríos, caminos, poblados etc.) que explican el hábitat usado. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de tres grupos de depredadores. Lo cual indica una repartición estratégica de los recursos usados que disminuye la competencia y favorece la coexistencia de estos depredadores. El análisis en conjunto de las dimensiones del nicho permite obtener una evaluación más completa del nicho ecológico, más aún cuando se aborda a nivel de gremios

    Determination of dust aerosol particle size at Gale Crater using REMS UVS and Mastcam measurements

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    We calculate the seasonal and interannual variation in dust aerosol particle size above Gale Crater during the first 1413 Martian solar days (sols = 24.6 h) of the Mars Science Laboratory mission. Measurements of UV radiation made by the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station in combination with atmospheric opacities retrieved from the Mastcam instrument are used for the calculations. Our results indicate that the dust effective radius varies significantly with season, ranging from ~0.6 μm during the low opacity season (Ls = 60°â 140°) to ~2 μm during the high opacity season (Ls = 180°â 360°). Our results suggest that Gale Crater is affected by dust events of high aerosol content originated at various distances from it. Our results improve the accuracy of estimations of ultraviolet radiation fluxes at the Martian surface. Moreover, our results have important implications because the lifetime of suspended dust and its ability to nucleate clouds are affected by particle size.Plain Language SummaryThe Martian atmosphere transports large amounts of dust, which interacts strongly with solar and infrared radiation. The large spatial and temporal variability in atmospheric dust load creates complex feedbacks connecting dust lifting with the evolving atmospheric circulations. The size of suspended aerosols affects the surface and atmospheric heating rates, influencing the Martian climate. In this work, we have calculated the dust aerosol particle size above Gale Crater during the first 1413 sols of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission using measurements of UV radiation made for the first time from the surface of Mars. Our results indicate that the dust effective radius varies significantly with season, ranging from ~0.6 μm during the clear season to ~2 μm during the dusty season. Our results suggest that Gale Crater is affected by dust events of high aerosol content originated at various distances from it. Our results are important because the lifetime of suspended dust and its ability to nucleate clouds are affected by the particle size.Key PointsWe have developed a novel methodology to retrieve dust aerosol particle size at Gale Crater using Mars Science Laboratory dataThe retrieved dust effective radii range from 0.6 μm during the clear aphelion season to 2 μm during the dusty perihelion seasonOur results improve the estimation of ultraviolet radiation fluxes at the Martian surfacePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/1/grl55782-sup-0001-2017GL072589-SI.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/2/grl55782_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137189/3/grl55782.pd

    Cutting edge: Regulation of exosome secretion by the integral MAL protein in T cells

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    Exosomes secreted by T cells play an important role in coordinating the immune response. HIV-1 Nef hijacks the route of exosome secretion of T cells to modulate the functioning of uninfected cells. Despite the importance of the process, the protein machinery involved in exosome biogenesis is yet to be identified. In this study, we show that MAL, a tetraspanning membrane protein expressed in human T cells, is present in endosomes that travel toward the plasma membrane for exosome secretion. In the absence of MAL, the release of exosome particles and markers was greatly impaired. This effect was accompanied by protein sorting defects at multivesicular endosomes that divert the exosomal marker CD63 to autophagic vacuoles. Exosome release induced by HIV-1 Nef was also dependent on MAL expression. Therefore,MAL is a critical element of the machinery for exosome secretion andmay constitute a target for modulating exosome secretion by human T cells. The Journal of Immunology, 2015, 195: 810–814.Peer Reviewe

    Molecular simulation of methane hydrate growth confined into a silica pore

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    Financiaciado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe growth of a methane hydrate seed within a silica slit pore of fixed width has been studied using All- Atom Molecular Dynamics (AA-MD). An AA force field has been used to describe the molecules of the solid silica substrate, with a-quartz crystalline structure. The crystallisation of hydrates in confined geometries is not well understood yet, and the objective of this work is to study the hydrate growth inside a silica pore using molecular simulation. Both NVT and NpT ensembles were used in the AA-MD simulations to analyse the hydrate growth from an initial seed. Results showed that the boundary conditions imposed by the nanometric slit pore yielded a hydrate with structural defects, filling the accessible space between the silica walls. The water molecules which were not incorporated to the initial seed hydrate formed a high density water layer trapped between the silica walls and the crystallised hydrate. These results provide an interesting insight into the hydrate crystallisation process in confined geometries, resembling those found in natural hydrate deposits.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2021-125081NB-I00FEDER | Ref. SOE2/P1/P0823Xunta de Galicia | Ref. FSE-GALICIA 2014–2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50011/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50011/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. LA/ P/0006/2020Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. PID2019-105898GA-C22Comunidad de Madrid | Ref. APOYOJOVENES- 01HQ1S-129-B5E4M

    Seasonal and interannual variability of solar radiation at Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity landing sites

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    In this article we characterize the radiative environment at the landing sites of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover (MER) and Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) missions. We use opacity values obtained at the surface from direct imaging of the Sun and our radiative transfer model COMIMART to analyze the seasonal and interannual variability of the daily irradiation at the MER and MSL landing sites. In addition, we analyze the behavior of the direct and diffuse components of the solar radiation at these landing sites