54 research outputs found

    NFE2L2 (nuclear factor, erythroid 2-like 2)

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    Review on NFE2L2 (nuclear factor, erythroid 2-like 2

    Esophageal schwannoma mimicking non-functional parathyroid adenoma on <sup>99m</sup>Tc-sestamibi imaging: a case report.

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    Technetium-99m sestamibi single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography ( &lt;sup&gt;99m&lt;/sup&gt; Tc-sestamibi SPECT/CT) is a mainstay of the pre-operative localization of parathyroid lesions. We report here the case of a 30 year-old woman with a fortuitously discovered 2 cm cervical mass for which a parathyroid origin was originally suspected due to its retro-thyroidal localization and a personal history of nephrolithiasis. Normal serum calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels excluded primary hyperparathyroidism, raising suspicion of a non-functional parathyroid adenoma, and SPECT/CT imaging showed that the mass was &lt;sup&gt;99m&lt;/sup&gt; Tc-sestamibi-avid. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) was performed; cytology was non-diagnostic but the needle washout was negative for thyroglobulin, calcitonin and PTH, arguing against a thyroidal or parathyroidal origin of the mass. Core needle biopsy revealed a schwannoma, ostensibly originating from the recurrent laryngeal nerve; upon surgical resection, it was finally found to arise from the esophageal submucosa. This case illustrates the fact that endocrinologists, radiologists, nuclear medicine, head and neck, and other specialists investigating patients with cervical masses should be aware that schwannomas need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of focal &lt;sup&gt;99m&lt;/sup&gt; Tc-sestamibi uptake in the neck region

    ASIC1a affects hypothalamic signaling and regulates the daily rhythm of body temperature in mice

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    The body temperature of mice is higher at night than during the day. We show here that global deletion of acid-sensing ion channel 1a (ASIC1a) results in lower body temperature during a part of the night. ASICs are pH sensors that modulate neuronal activity. The deletion of ASIC1a decreased the voluntary activity at night of mice that had access to a running wheel but did not affect their spontaneous activity. Daily rhythms of thyrotropin-releasing hormone mRNA in the hypothalamus and of thyroid-stimulating hormone β mRNA in the pituitary, and of prolactin mRNA in the hypothalamus and pituitary were suppressed in ASIC1a-/- mice. The serum thyroid hormone levels were however not significantly changed by ASIC1a deletion. Our findings indicate that ASIC1a regulates activity and signaling in the hypothalamus and pituitary. This likely leads to the observed changes in body temperature by affecting the metabolism or energy expenditure

    NFE2-Related transcription factor 2 coordinates antioxidant defense with thyroglobulin production and iodination in the thyroid gland

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    Background: The thyroid gland has a special relationship with oxidative stress. While generation of oxidative substances is part of normal iodide metabolism during thyroid hormone synthesis, the gland must also defend itself against excessive oxidation in order to maintain normal function. Antioxidant and detoxification enzymes aid thyroid cells to maintain homeostasis by ameliorating oxidative insults, including during exposure to excess iodide, but the factors that coordinate their expression with the cellular redox status are not known. The antioxidant response system comprising the ubiquitously expressed NFE2-related transcription factor 2 (Nrf2) and its redox-sensitive cytoplasmic inhibitor Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1) defends tissues against oxidative stress, thereby protecting against pathologies that relate to DNA, protein, and/or lipid oxidative damage. Thus, it was hypothesized that Nrf2 should also have important roles in maintaining thyroid homeostasis. Methods: Ubiquitous and thyroid-specific male C57BL6J Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2-KO) mice were studied. Plasma and thyroids were harvested for evaluation of thyroid function tests by radioimmunoassays and of gene and protein expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting, respectively. Nrf2-KO and Keap1-KO clones of the PCCL3 rat thyroid follicular cell line were generated using CRISPR/Cas9 technology and were used for gene and protein expression studies. Software-predicted Nrf2 binding sites on the thyroglobulin enhancer were validated by site-directed in vitro mutagenesis and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Results: The study shows that Nrf2 mediates antioxidant transcriptional responses in thyroid cells and protects the thyroid from oxidation induced by iodide overload. Surprisingly, it was also found that Nrf2 has a dramatic impact on both the basal abundance and the thyrotropin-inducible intrathyroidal abundance of thyroglobulin (Tg), the precursor protein of thyroid hormones. This effect is mediated by cell-autonomous regulation of Tg gene expression by Nrf2 via its direct binding to two evolutionarily conserved antioxidant response elements in an upstream enhancer. Yet, despite upregulating Tg levels, Nrf2 limits Tg iodination both under basal conditions and in response to excess iodide. Conclusions: Nrf2 exerts pleiotropic roles in the thyroid gland to couple cell stress defense mechanisms to iodide metabolism and the thyroid hormone synthesis machinery, both under basal conditions and in response to excess iodide.Fil: Ziros, Panos G. Lausanne University; SuizaFil: Habeos, Ioannis. Patras University; GreciaFil: Chartoumpekis, Dionysios V. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Ntalampyra, Eleni. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Somm, Emmanuel. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Renaud, Cédric O.. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Bongiovanni, Massimo. Institute Of Pathology Locarno; SuizaFil: Trougakos, Ioannis P. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistríaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Yamamoto, Masayuki. University Of Tohoku; JapónFil: Kensler, Thomas W.. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Estados UnidosFil: Santisteban, Pilar. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Carrasco, Nancy. University of Yale. School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Ris Stalpers, Carrie. Academic Medical Center; Países BajosFil: Amendola, Elena. Universidad de Nápoles; ItaliaFil: Liao, Xiao-Hui. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Rossich, Luciano Esteban. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Thomasz, Lisa. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Juvenal, Guillermo Juan. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Refetoff, Samuel. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Sykiotis, Gerasimos P.. Universite de Lausanne; Suiz

    A somatic mutation in the thyrotropin receptor gene in a patient with an autonomous nodule within a multinodular goiter

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    ABSTRACT Thyrotropin (TSH) is the prime regulator of thyroid cell growth and function and acts through the thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) located on the surface membrane of thyrocytes. Somatic heterozygous mutations that cause TSHR activation in the absence of TSH have been found in toxic adenomas and in hot nodules of multinodular goiters. Clinically and histologically heterogeneous nodules can share common gain-of-function mutations. Mutation prevalence varies greatly and is inversely related to iodine intake of the population. We report a Greek patient presenting with subclinical hyperthyroidism due to a fast-growing autonomous hyperplastic nodule in a long-standing multinodular goiter. Direct DNA sequencing showed that the hot nodule harbored a somatic heterozygous activating TSHR mutation: substitution of glutamine for leucine in the third transmembrane helix. This mutation (L512Q) was recently described in two solitary toxic adenomas. This report expands the spectrum of mutations shared by dissimilar hot nodules, supporting a common mechanism for nonautoimmune thyroid autonomy. The identification of the L512Q substitution demonstrates that gainof-function TSHR mutations are encountered in Greece, although iodine deficiency has been significantly corrected over the last three decades

    Use of lenvatinib in the treatment of radioiodine-refractory differentiated thyroid cancer: a multidisciplinary perspective for daily practice

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    Background: Most thyroid cancers of follicular origin have a favorable outcome. Only a small percentage of patients will develop metastatic disease, some of which will become radioiodine refractory (RAI-R). Important challenges to ensure the best therapeutic outcomes include proper, timely, and appropriate diagnosis; decisions on local, systemic treatments; management of side effects of therapies; and a good relationship between the specialist, patients, and caregivers. Methods: With the aim of providing suggestions that can be useful in ev eryday practice, a multidisciplinary group of experts organized the following document, based on their shared clinical experience with patients with RAI-R differentiat ed thyroid cancer (DTC) undergoing treatment with lenvatinib. The main areas covered are patient selection, initiation of therapy, follow-up, and management of adverse events. Conclusions: It is essential to provide guidance for the management of RAI-R DTC patients with systemic therapies, and especially lenvatinib, since compliance and adherence to treatment are fundamental to achieve the best outcomes. Whil e the therapeutic landscape in RAI-R DTC is evolving, with new targeted therapies, immunotherapy, etc., lenvatinib is expected to remain a first-line treatment and mainstay of therapy for several years in the vast majority of patients and settings. The guidance herein covers baseline work-up and initiation of systemic therapy, relevance of symptoms, multidisciplinary assessment, and patient education. Practical information based on expert experience is also given for the starting dose of lenvatinib, follow-up and monitoring, as well as the management of adverse events and discontinuation and reinitiating of therapy. The importance of patient engagement is also stressed

    The Transcriptomic Response of the Murine Thyroid Gland to Iodide Overload and the Role of the Nrf2 Antioxidant System

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    Background: Thyroid follicular cells have physiologically high levels of reactive oxygen species because oxidation of iodide is essential for the iodination of thyroglobulin (Tg) during thyroid hormone synthesis. Thyroid follicles (the functional units of the thyroid) also utilize incompletely understood autoregulatory mechanisms to defend against exposure to excess iodide. To date, no transcriptomic studies have investigated these phenomena in vivo. Nuclear erythroid factor 2 like 2 (Nrf2 or Nfe2l2) is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of numerous antioxidant and other cytoprotective genes. We showed previously that the Nrf2 pathway regulates the antioxidant defense of follicular cells, as well as Tg transcription and Tg iodination. We, thus, hypothesized that Nrf2 might be involved in the transcriptional response to iodide overload. Methods: C57BL6/J wild-type (WT) or Nrf2 knockout (KO) male mice were administered regular water or water supplemented with 0.05% sodium iodide for seven days. RNA from their thyroids was prepared for next-generation RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq). Gene expression changes were assessed and pathway analyses were performed on the sets of differentially expressed genes. Results: Analysis of differentially expressed messenger RNAs (mRNAs) indicated that iodide overload upregulates inflammatory-, immune-, fibrosis- and oxidative stress-related pathways, including the Nrf2 pathway. Nrf2 KO mice showed a more pronounced inflammatory–autoimmune transcriptional response to iodide than WT mice. Compared to previously published datasets, the response patterns observed in WT mice had strong similarities with the patterns typical of Graves’ disease and papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) also responded to iodide overload, with the latter targeting mRNAs that participate mainly in inflammation pathways. Conclusions: Iodide overload induces the Nrf2 cytoprotective response and upregulates inflammatory, immune, and fibrosis pathways similar to autoimmune hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease) and PTC

    An ancient founder mutation in PROKR2 impairs human reproduction

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    Congenital gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency manifests as absent or incomplete sexual maturation and infertility. Although the disease exhibits marked locus and allelic heterogeneity, with the causal mutations being both rare and private, one causal mutation in the prokineticin receptor, PROKR2 L173R, appears unusually prevalent among GnRH-deficient patients of diverse geographic and ethnic origins. To track the genetic ancestry of PROKR2 L173R, haplotype mapping was performed in 22 unrelated patients with GnRH deficiency carrying L173R and their 30 first-degree relatives. The mutation's age was estimated using a haplotype-decay model. Thirteen subjects were informative and in all of them the mutation was present on the same ∼123 kb haplotype whose population frequency is ≤10%. Thus, PROKR2 L173R represents a founder mutation whose age is estimated at approximately 9000 years. Inheritance of PROKR2 L173R-associated GnRH deficiency was complex with highly variable penetrance among carriers, influenced by additional mutations in the other PROKR2 allele (recessive inheritance) or another gene (digenicity). The paradoxical identification of an ancient founder mutation that impairs reproduction has intriguing implications for the inheritance mechanisms of PROKR2 L173R-associated GnRH deficiency and for the relevant processes of evolutionary selection, including potential selective advantages of mutation carriers in genes affecting reproductio

    KLB , encoding β‐Klotho, is mutated in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

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    Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare genetic form of isolated gonadotropin‐releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency caused by mutations in > 30 genes. Fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) is the most frequently mutated gene in CHH and is implicated in GnRH neuron development and maintenance. We note that a CHH FGFR1 mutation (p.L342S) decreases signaling of the metabolic regulator FGF21 by impairing the association of FGFR1 with β‐Klotho (KLB), the obligate co‐receptor for FGF21. We thus hypothesized that the metabolic FGF21/KLB/FGFR1 pathway is involved in CHH. Genetic screening of 334 CHH patients identified seven heterozygous loss‐of‐function KLB mutations in 13 patients (4%). Most patients with KLB mutations (9/13) exhibited metabolic defects. In mice, lack of Klb led to delayed puberty, altered estrous cyclicity, and subfertility due to a hypothalamic defect associated with inability of GnRH neurons to release GnRH in response to FGF21. Peripheral FGF21 administration could indeed reach GnRH neurons through circumventricular organs in the hypothalamus. We conclude that FGF21/KLB/FGFR1 signaling plays an essential role in GnRH biology, potentially linking metabolism with reproduction

    Mutations in FGF17, IL17RD, DUSP6, SPRY4, and FLRT3 Are Identified in Individuals with Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism

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    Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) and its anosmia-associated form (Kallmann syndrome [KS]) are genetically heterogeneous. Among the &gt;15 genes implicated in these conditions, mutations in FGF8 and FGFR1 account for ∼12% of cases; notably, KAL1 and HS6ST1 are also involved in FGFR1 signaling and can be mutated in CHH. We therefore hypothesized that mutations in genes encoding a broader range of modulators of the FGFR1 pathway might contribute to the genetics of CHH as causal or modifier mutations. Thus, we aimed to (1) investigate whether CHH individuals harbor mutations in members of the so-called "FGF8 synexpression" group and (2) validate the ability of a bioinformatics algorithm on the basis of protein-protein interactome data (interactome-based affiliation scoring [IBAS]) to identify high-quality candidate genes. On the basis of sequence homology, expression, and structural and functional data, seven genes were selected and sequenced in 386 unrelated CHH individuals and 155 controls. Except for FGF18 and SPRY2, all other genes were found to be mutated in CHH individuals: FGF17 (n = 3 individuals), IL17RD (n = 8), DUSP6 (n = 5), SPRY4 (n = 14), and FLRT3 (n = 3). Independently, IBAS predicted FGF17 and IL17RD as the two top candidates in the entire proteome on the basis of a statistical test of their protein-protein interaction patterns to proteins known to be altered in CHH. Most of the FGF17 and IL17RD mutations altered protein function in vitro. IL17RD mutations were found only in KS individuals and were strongly linked to hearing loss (6/8 individuals). Mutations in genes encoding components of the FGF pathway are associated with complex modes of CHH inheritance and act primarily as contributors to an oligogenic genetic architecture underlying CHH