2,584 research outputs found

    Effects of river discharge and marine environmental factors on the brown shrimp fishery in the northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Regression analyses and delta-lognormal models were used to investigate whether river discharge and environmental variables significantly affected relative abundance of brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus aztecus, in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Significant negative relationships were found between mean river flow during winter and spring months and catch rates (CPUE) off Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi/Alabama. However, during the same months significant positive relationships between CPUE and the variation in mean river discharge were found for each state. In Texas and Louisiana, delta-lognormal models revealed depth zone was the most significant variable (P≀0.001) in describing distribution, while time of day (P≀0.001) was most significant in describing CPUE and also distribution and CPUE in Mississippi/Alabama. These results suggest that brown shrimp relative abundance is effected by river discharge, while gulf-wide environmental variables exert no influence, except dissolved oxygen concentrations affecting distribution off Louisiana

    Rethinking Guild, Juries, and Jeopardy

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    We have attempted in this article to begin over again and concentrate by taking a fresh look at the interplay between guilt and jury verdicts. Somewhat to our surprise, we discovered that guilt is undefinable without reference to the larger society. We also discovered that our risk-of-error experiments implicated the principle of double jeopardy. When we began this thought experiment, we intended only to test the risk of error in various jury configurations and verdicts. We ended, however, by articulating a more fundamental principle: guilt is nothing more, and nothing less, than the judgment of society. Any verdict that accurately represents how society would have voted is valid, and any acquittal, even if de facto, brings the bar of the Double Jeopardy Clause into play

    Good Gracious Annabelle

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    Annabelle came to our house to spend the holidays, Much to our dismay, decided she would stay, The neighborhood is quarrelling and the reason’s very plain When Annabelle starts gossiping, you’ll hear them all exclaim: Good gracious Annabelle how you love to tattle, You’ve got the neighborhood shaking like a rattle, Just because you heard that Mister Jones had left his wife, Why should you tell ev’ry one about their married life, keep quiet; Good gracious Annabelle, have a little pity, Good gracious Annabelle, now you’re in the city Don’t tell ev’ry one you see that you came from Kankakee And that your folks run a beanery Annabelle would go around the neighborhood each day, Hear what they would say, then give it all away. She even scandalized our cat, ‘cause it stayed out all night No wonder when they saw her, ev’ry one cried out in fright. Good gracious Annabelle youre just like a parrot, Good Gracious Annabelle, there’s rats in your garret, Just because I told you not to use your knife last week, I didn’t mean that you should use your fingers when you eat, keep quiet; Good gracious Annabelle, have a little pity, Good gracious Annabelle, now you’re in the city When the waiter brings the check and on it you see “Horses neck” don’t say they killed a horse by Heck Good gracious Annabelle. Good gracious Annabelle how you love to tattle, You’ve got the neighborhood shaking like a rattle, Don’t think all the conversation, dear, depends on you, Give someone else a chance to say a word or two, keep quiet, Good gracious Annabelle, have a little pity, Good gracious Annabelle, now you’re in the city When you’re in a Caberet, don’t ask the orchestra to play The latest tune called “Dolly Gray,

    Publication Bias in Strategic Management Research

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    This research explores the domain of strategic management for evidence of publication bias—the systematic suppression of research findings due to the magnitude, statistical significance, or generally accepted direction of effect sizes. We review why publication bias may exist in strategy research as well as report empirical findings regarding the influence of publication bias in the field. Overall, we found evidence consistent with the inference that publication bias affects many, but not all, topics in the strategic management research. Correlation inflation due to publication bias ranged from an average change in magnitude from .00 (no bias) to .19. These results serve to illustrate the robustness of some important empirical findings while also suggesting that caution should be exercised when interpreting other scientific conclusions in the field of strategic management. We discuss how publication bias can be addressed both philosophically and empirically in the domain of strategy

    Impact of Study Skills and Parent Education on First-Year GPA Among College Students With and Without ADHD: A Moderated Mediation Model

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    Objective: To test if the relationship between ADHD and academic achievement is mediated by service utilization and/or study skills, and if these mediation effects are moderated by parental education level. Method: A bootstrapping method within structural equation modeling was used with data from 355 first year college students meeting strict criteria for ADHD or clearly without ADHD to test the mediation and moderation effects. Results: Study skills, but not service utilization, significantly mediated the relationship between ADHD status and GPA; however, this relationship was not significant among students with at least one parent holding a master’s degree or higher. Conclusion: Among first year college students study skills may be a more salient predictor of educational outcomes relative to ADHD status. Additional research into support services for college students with ADHD is needed, however, results suggest interventions targeting study skills may hold particular promise for these students

    High-Redshift Starbursting Dwarf Galaxies Revealed by GRB Afterglows

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    We present a study of 15 long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) host galaxies at z>2. The GRBs are selected with available early-time afterglow spectra in order to compare interstellar medium (ISM) absorption-line properties with stellar properties of the host galaxies. In addition to five previously studied hosts, we consider new detections for the host galaxies of GRB050820 and GRB060206 and place 2-sigma upper limits to the luminosities of the remaining unidentified hosts. We examine the nature of the host galaxy population and find that (1) the UV luminosity distribution of GRB host galaxies is consistent with expectations from a UV luminosity weighted random galaxy population with a median luminosity of =0.1 L*; (2) there exists a moderate correlation between UV luminosity and SiII 1526 absorption width, which together with the observed large line widths of W(1526)>1.5 Ang for a large fraction of the objects suggests a galactic outflow driven velocity field in the host galaxies; (3) there is tentative evidence for a trend of declining ISM metallicity with decreasing galaxy luminosity in the star-forming galaxy population at z=2-4; (4) the interstellar UV radiation field is found ~ 35-350 times higher in GRB hosts than the Galactic mean value; and (5) additional galaxies are found at < 2" from the GRB host in all fields with known presence of strong MgII absorbers, but no additional faint galaxies are found at < 2" in fields without strong MgII absorbers. Our study confirms that the GRB host galaxies (with known optical afterglows) are representative of unobscured star-forming galaxies at z>2, and demonstrates that high spatial resolution images are necessary for an accurate identification of GRB host galaxies in the presence of strong intervening absorbers.Comment: 24 emulateapj pages, 24 figures, ApJ in press; full-resolution version available at http://lambda.uchicago.edu/public/tmp/ghost.pd

    The (Surprising) Efficacy of Academic and Behavioral Intervention with Disadvantaged Youth : Results from a Randomized Experiment in Chicago

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    There is growing concern that improving the academic skills of disadvantaged youth is too difficult and costly, so policymakers should instead focus either on vocationally oriented instruction for teens or else on early childhood education. Yet this conclusion may be premature given that so few previous interventions have targeted a potential fundamental barrier to school success: "mismatch" between what schools deliver and the needs of disadvantaged youth who have fallen behind in their academic or non-academic development. This paper reports on a randomized controlled trial of a two-pronged intervention that provides disadvantaged youth with non-academic supports that try to teach youth social-cognitive skills based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and intensive individualized academic remediation. The study sample consists of 106 male 9th and 10th graders in a public high school on the south side of Chicago, of whom 95% are black and 99% are free or reduced price lunch eligible. Participation increased math test scores by 0.65 of a control group standard deviation (SD) and 0.48 SD in the national distribution, increased math grades by 0.67 SD, and seems to have increased expected graduation rates by 14 percentage points (46%). While some questions remain about the intervention, given these effects and a cost per participant of around 4,400(witharangeof4,400 (with a range of 3,000 to $6,000), this intervention seems to yield larger gains in adolescent outcomes per dollar spent than many other intervention strategies
