18 research outputs found

    Estudio descriptivo de las cavidades pleurales residuales complicadas tratadas en un Servicio de Cirugía Torácica

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    Introducción: Las cavidades pleurales residuales se definen como espacios pleurales causados por una falta de reexpansión pulmonar principalmente secundario a infecciones pleurales o cirugías torácicas. Estas pueden cronificarse y complicarse si no logran resolverse con los tratamientos de primera línea (drenaje torácico, fibrinolíticos o decorticación quirúrgica). Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de los pacientes con cavidades pleurales residuales complicadas (CPRC) en el Servicio de Cirugía Torácica del Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete desde noviembre del 2004 hasta mayo del 2015. Resultados: Sesenta y tres pacientes fueron diagnosticados, con una mayor frecuencia en hombres (n=57; 90,5%). Del total de pacientes intervenidos en este periodo, el 16,27% de cirugías fueron secundarias a esta patología. La patología infecciosa fue la más frecuente (n=35; 55,6%) y dentro de la post-quirúrgica la neumonectomía (n=8; 42,1%), con una media de días desde la intervención quirúrgica hasta el diagnóstico de 190,7 días. En 43 pacientes (68,3%) el cultivo del líquido pleural fue positivo. En 17 pacientes (27%) se asoció a una fístula broncopleural. De los 63 pacientes, 16 (25,4%) recibieron un único tratamiento quirúrgico (25,4%), mientras que 47 (74,6%), precisaron más de un tratamiento. En 39 casos (61,9%) la cavidad pleural complicada se resolvió por medio de los tratamientos, mientras que no lo hizo en 24 (38,1%) pacientes. Conclusiones: A pesar de ser una patología poco frecuente continua presente en la actualidad, principalmente como complicación postquirúrgica o infecciosa. Los tratamientos descritos hasta la fecha no revelan una alta eficacia.Introduction: Residual pleural cavities are pleural spaces caused by a lack of pulmonary reexpansion mainly secondary to pleural infections or thoracic surgeries. If they can not be solved with first line treatments (thoracic drainage, fibrinolytics or surgical decortication), these can become cronic and complicate. Material and Methods: Retrospective descriptive study of patients with complicated residual pleural cavities at the Thoracic Surgery Service of the “Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete” from November 2004 to May 2015. Results: Sixty-three patients were diagnosed, showing that incidence was more frequent in men (n=57; 90.5%). 16.27% of the surgeries treated within this period were secondary to this pathology. The infectious pathology was the most frequent (n = 35; 55.6%), whereas within the postoperative group, it was pneumonectomy (n = 8; 42.1%), with 190.7 days in average from surgical intervention to the diagnosis. In 43 patients (68.3%), the pleural fluid culture was positive. In 17 patients (27%), it was associated with a bronchopleural fistula. From the 63 patients, 16 (25.4%) received a single surgical treatment (25.4%), while 47 (74.6%) required more than one treatment. In 39 cases (61.9%), the complicated pleural cavity was resolved, whereas in 24 (38.1%) patients it wasn’t. Conclusions: Despite it being a rare pathology, it is still present today, mainly as a post-surgical or infectious complication. To date, the treatments described haven’t exhibited high efficacy

    Impact of a multifaceted intervention to improve the clinical management of osteoporosis. The ESOSVAL-F study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A study to evaluate the impact of a combined intervention (in-class and on-line training courses, a practicum and economic incentives) to improve anti-osteoporosis treatment and to improve recordkeeping for specific information about osteoporosis.</p> <p>Methods/design</p> <p>A before/after study with a non-equivalent control group to evaluate the impact of the interventions associated with participation in the ESOSVAL-R cohort study (intervention group) compared to a group receiving no intervention (control group). The units of analysis are medical practices identified by a Healthcare Position Code (HPC) referring to a specific medical position in primary care general medicine in a Healthcare Department of the Region of Valencia, Spain. The subjects of the study are the 400 participating "practices" (population assigned to health care professionals, doctors and/or nurses) selected by the Healthcare Departments of the Valencia Healthcare Agency for participation as associate researchers in the ESOSVAL-R study (intervention group), compared to 400 participating "practices" assigned to primary care professionals NOT selected for participation as associate researchers in the ESOSVAL-R study, who are selected on the basis of their working in the same Healthcare Centers as the practices receiving the interventions (control group). The study's primary endpoint is the appropriateness of treatment according by the Spanish National Health System guide (2010) and the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF, 2008) and International Osteoporosis Foundation guidance (IOF, 2008).</p> <p>The study will also evaluate a series of secondary and tertiary endpoints. The former are the suitability of treatment and evaluation of the risk of fracture; and the latter are the volume of information registered in the electronic clinical records, and the evaluation of risks and the suitability of treatment.</p

    Adherence to and appropriateness of anti-osteoporotic treatments in patients aged 50 and over in the Valencia Region (Spain). The ESOSVAL-AD Study

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    <p>Summary</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A study to evaluate the adherence to and appropriateness of anti-osteoporotic treatments in a cohort of men and women aged 50 and over participating in the ESOSVAL-R study.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p><it>Design</it>: An observational, longitudinal, prospective cohort study; Study subjects: Men and women aged 50 and over living in the Valencia Region (Spain) who initiated treatment between June 15, 2009, and June 15, 2011, in primary healthcare centers with electronic medical records; <it>Data sources</it>: The main data source will be electronic medical records. <it>Measurement of results: </it>Degree of compliance with and persistence of anti-osteoporotic treatments, and the proportion of patients with appropriate anti-osteoporotic treatment in accordance with the most relevant and high impact recommendations with clearly defined treatment algorithms in Spain (the Spanish National Health System guide (2010), the General Practitioners' Society (2007) and the General Directorate for Pharmacy and Medical Products of Madrid (2007)), and with the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF, 2010), and the International Osteoporosis Foundation guidelines (IOF, 2008); <it>Analysis</it>: 1.) Descriptive analysis of patients undergoing treatment and the treatments prescribed; 2.) Descriptive analysis of compliance with and persistence of anti-osteoporotic treatments; 3.) Analysis of factors associated with compliance with and persistence of treatments by Cox proportional hazard regression models, 4.) Descriptive analysis of appropriateness of treatment; 5.) Analysis of factors associated with the appropriateness of treatment by multilevel models (4 levels: patient, doctor, Basic Healthcare Zone/Primary Healthcare Center, and Health Area variables).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>ESOSVAL-AD will provide information regarding adherence to osteoporosis treatments and the factors associated with a higher or lower adherence (including the appropriateness of the treatment) in the Spanish context. A better understanding of this phenomenon and the interventions needed to address it would contribute to the increased effectiveness of therapeutic measures, a reduction in morbidity and mortality, and a corresponding reduction in healthcare costs.</p

    Development and validation of a population-based prediction scale for osteoporotic fracture in the region of Valencia, Spain: the ESOSVAL-R study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Today, while there are effective drugs that reduce the risk of osteoporotic fracture, yet there are no broadly accepted criteria that can be used to estimate risks and decide who should receive treatment. One of the actual priorities of clinical research is to develop a set of simple and readily-available clinical data that can be used in routine clinical practice to identify patients at high risk of bone fracture, and to establish thresholds for therapeutic interventions. Such a tool would have high impact on healthcare policies. The main objective of the ESOSVAL-R is to develop a risk prediction scale of osteoporotic fracture in adult population using data from the Region of Valencia, Spain.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p><it>Study design</it>: An observational, longitudinal, prospective cohort study, undertaken in the Region of Valencia, with an initial follow-up period of five years; <it>Subjects</it>: 14,500 men and women over the age of 50, residing in the Region and receiving healthcare from centers where the ABUCASIS electronic clinical records system is implanted; <it>Sources of data</it>: The ABUCASIS electronic clinical record system, complemented with hospital morbidity registers, hospital Accidents & Emergency records and the Regional Ministry of Health's mortality register; <it>Measurement of results</it>: Incident osteoporotic fracture (in the hip and/or major osteoporotic fracture) during the study's follow-up period. Independent variables include clinical data and complementary examinations; <it>Analysis</it>: 1) Descriptive analysis of the cohorts' baseline data; 2) Upon completion of the follow-up period, analysis of the strength of association between the risk factors and the incidence of osteoporotic fracture using Cox's proportional hazards model; 3) Development and validation of a model to predict risk of osteoporotic fracture; the validated model will serve to develop a simplified scale that can be used during routine clinical visits.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The ESOSVAL-R study will establish a prediction scale for osteoporotic fracture in Spanish adult population. This scale not only will constitute a useful prognostic tool, but also it will allow identifying intervention thresholds to support treatment decision-making in the Valencia setting, based mainly on the information registered in the electronic clinical records.</p

    Efficacy and Safety of Oral Administration of a Mixture of Probiotic Strains in Patients with Psoriasis: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

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    The aim of this 12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was to determine the efficacy and safety of a probiotic mixture in the reduction of psoriasis severity. Ninety 18-70-year-old adults with plaque psoriasis were randomized into probiotic and placebo groups. At 12-week follow-up, 66.7% of patients in the probiotic group and 41.9% in the placebo group showed a reduction in Psoriasis Area and Severity Index of up to 75% (p < 0.05). A clinically relevant difference was observed in Physician Global Assessment index: 48.9% in the probiotic group achieved a score of 0 or 1, compared with 30.2% in the placebo group. The results of follow-up 6 months after the end of the study showed a lower risk of relapse after the intake of the probiotic mixture. Analysis of gut microbiota confirmed the efficacy of the probiotic in modulation of the microbiota composition

    Chronic Cocaine Effects in Retinal Metabolism and Electrophysiology: Treatment with Topiramate

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    Purpose: Cocaine abuse is a major public health problem with multiple-related complications. Indeed, cocaine can affect almost every organ of the human body, but little is known about its effects on the visual system. The main purpose of this work was to study if topiramate was able to reverse changes in retinal metabolism and retinal function induced by chronic cocaine exposure in adult rats. Materials and methods: Sixteen Wistar rats were treated with a daily oral dose of cocaine during 36 days. Sixteen rats receiving NaCl 0.9% served as controls. Eight control and eight cocaine animals were administered topiramate from day 18 to day 36 of the experiment. Malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH) and glutamate content, as well as glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity in retina tissue homogenates were determined. Retinal function was assessed by electroretinogram (ERG). Results: Glutamate concentration was increased in the retinas of cocaine-treated rats. No changes in oxidative stress parameters were observed in the retinas of cocaine-treated rats when compared with the control ones. Cocaine induced a decrease in the a-wave and b-wave ERG amplitude. The administration of topiramate reversed cocaine-induced increase in glutamate concentration and had little effect on a-wave and b-wave ERG amplitude. Topiramate, a drug used during the last decade for the treatment of epileptic seizures, is able to reverse the cocaine-induced alterations observed in retinal glutamate concentration. Conclusions: We can conclude that retinal glutamate metabolism and function may be affected by exposure to cocaine. We confirm that topiramate, a treatment recently proposed for cocaine dependence, is also able to recover partially cocaine-induced changes in the retina