529 research outputs found

    Approche transculturelle des patients non francophones originaires du Sud-est asiatique dans le dispositif psychiatrique du XIIIe arrondissement de Paris

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    À la suite des bouleversements politiques qui ont secoué la péninsule indochinoise dans le milieu des années 1970, de nombreux réfugiés originaires du Sud-est asiatique se sont réinstallés en France. Depuis 1976 une importante communauté asiatique s'est installée dans le XIIIe arrondissement de Paris. Le secteur psychiatrique de l'arrondissement, qui couvre l'ensemble du quartier asiatique, a progressivement été confronté à l'arrivée croissante de patients non francophones issus de cette minorité ethnique. Dans cet article les auteurs décrivent les moyens que le service psychiatrique de secteur a mis en place pour répondre aux particularités historiques, culturelles et psychopathologiques de cette population.Following the political upheaval that shook the Indochinese peninsula in the middle of the 1970s, many refugees originating from Southeast Asia re-established themselves in France. Since 1976, many of these refugees have formed a large Asian community in the XIIIth arrondissement of Paris. As a result, the arrondissements psychiatric services, which cover the entire Asian neighborhood, have been confronted with the arrival of increasing numbers of non francophone patients from this ethnic minority. In this article, the authors present the steps that were taken by the psychiatric services to meet the very particular historical, cultural and psychopathological needs of this population

    A General Label Search to Investigate Classical Graph Search Algorithms

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    International audienceMany graph search algorithms use a labeling of the vertices to compute an ordering of the vertices. We generalize this idea by devising a general vertex labeling algorithmic process called General Label Search (GLS), which uses a labeling structure which, when specified, defines specific algorithms. We characterize the vertex orderings computable by the basic types of searches in terms of properties of their associated labeling structures. We then consider performing graph searches in the complement without computing it, and provide characterizations for some searches, but show that for some searches such as the basic Depth-First Search, no algorithm of the GLS family can exactly find all the orderings of the complement. Finally, we present some implementations and complexity results of GLS on a graph and on its complement

    Maximal Label Search Algorithms to Compute Perfect and Minimal Elimination Orderings

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    International audienceMany graph search algorithms use a vertex labeling to compute an ordering of the vertices. We examine such algorithms which compute a peo (perfect elimination ordering) of a chordal graph, and corresponding algorithms which compute an meo (minimal elimination ordering) of a non-chordal graph, an ordering used to compute a minimal triangulation of the input graph. \par We express all known peo-computing search algorithms as instances of a generic algorithm called MLS (Maximal Label Search) and generalize Algorithm MLS into CompMLS, which can compute any peo. \par We then extend these algorithms to versions which compute an meo, and likewise generalize all known meo-computing search algorithms. We show that not all minimal triangulations can be computed by such a graph search, and, more surprisingly, that all these search algorithms compute the same set of minimal triangulations, even though the computed meos are different. \par Finally, we present a complexity analysis of these algorithms

    La problématique de la médicalisation du social vue à travers le trouble de l’anxiété sociale : enjeux scientifique, éthique et juridique

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    La médicalisation du social est un phénomène moderne par lequel des difficultés d’origine sociale se qualifient et se traitent comme des problèmes médicaux. Dans le cadre de cet essai, ce phénomène sera abordé en lien avec le trouble de l’anxiété sociale, aussi nommée phobie sociale, qui se définit par une peur intense d’entrer en contact avec des personnes et d’y être jugé. Ce trouble anxieux peut dorénavant se traiter par la prise de psychotrope, un neuromédicament qui modifie l’équilibre biochimique du cerveau. Néanmoins, compte tenu des conséquences autant psychiques que comportementales de cette prise de médicament pour résoudre ce problème essentiellement social, un problème éthique surgit : comment les médecins peuvent-ils concilier l’autonomie décisionnelle des patients en regard de la prise de médicament et leur protection contre les effets pervers du phénomène de la médicalisation du social ? Dans ce contexte, le présent essai propose d’examiner le cadre normatif actuel auquel sont assujettis les médecins québécois pour voir dans quelle mesure il aide à résoudre ce dilemme éthique

    Les travailleurs migrants occupant un emploi peu ou pas spécialisé au Qatar : évolution de la situation juridique entre 2012 et 2018

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    Depuis l’annonce en 2010 que la Coupe du monde de soccer de 2022 se tiendra au Qatar, le nombre de travailleurs migrants temporaires a augmenté de façon importante et représente maintenant 90% de la population qatarie. En 2012, un rapport de l’organisme Human Rights Watch a dénoncé les abus de droit, voire l’esclavage moderne, dont ces travailleurs étaient victimes. En sus d’une intervention musclée de la part de l’Organisation internationale du travail en 2016, de nombreuses critiques émanant d’une pluralité d’acteurs et d’observateurs déplorèrent l’encadrement juridique déficient des conditions de travail et de séjour des travailleurs migrants occupant un emploi peu ou pas spécialisé au Qatar. Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’évolution de la situation juridique de ces travailleurs entre la publication du rapport de Human Rights Watch en 2012 et aujourd’hui. Pour ce faire, nous étudierons la législation en vigueur ainsi que la doctrine publiée sur le sujet, notamment les différents rapports d’organisations internationales et d’organisations non gouvernementales. Malgré quelques améliorations législatives et une plus grande reconnaissance de la problématique dans le discours des autorités qataries, beaucoup de défis demeurent, surtout dans la mise en œuvre de la législation en vigueur et la transmission de l’information quant aux mesures entreprises.Ever since the 2010 announcement that the 2022 World Cup would be held in Qatar, the number of temporary migrant workers there has increased significantly, and they now represent 90% of the Qatari population. In 2012, a Human Rights Watch report criticized the abuse of law, bordering on modern slavery, to which these workers were subjected. In addition to a vigorous intervention from the International Labour Organization in 2016, a great deal of criticism emanating from several actors and observers lamented the deficient legal framework of the work and stay conditions the migrant workers are subject to, all with employment requiring little or no skill in Qatar. This thesis focuses on the evolution of the legal situation of these workers from the time of the publication of the report by Human Rights Watch in 2012 and the present day. To achieve this, we examine the legislation in effect as well as author commentary on the subject, namely the different international organizations and NGO’s reporting on same. Despite some legislative improvements and greater understanding of the issues in the discourse of Qatari authorities, many challenges remain, especially insofar as the implementation of application legislation is concerned as well as the transmission of information insofar of measures currently underway

    L’obligation fiduciaire de la Couronne et l’autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones au Canada : vers une possible réconciliation?

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    Comment les peuples autochtones au Canada peuvent-ils être des Nations distinctes et souveraines avec leur propre système de gouvernance et être à la fois bénéficiaires de la Couronne ayant une obligation fiduciaire envers eux? En d’autres termes, l’autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones peut-elle être conciliée avec l’obligation fiduciaire de la Couronne dans le droit interne canadien? En tentant d’apporter une réponse à ces questions, nous définirons ces concepts juridiques, en apparence contradictoires. Nous étudierons ensuite les sources et l’évolution de ces concepts, en révélant leurs valeurs et caractéristiques sous-jacentes afin, ultimement, de les confronter. Les valeurs en jeu seront identifiées dans un tableau comparatif afin de démontrer leur opposition. Enfin, l’obligation fiduciaire de la Couronne et l’autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones seront illustrées sur un spectre afin de prouver qu’ils sont, en fait, conciliables. Nous élaborerons l’hypothèse finale que l’obligation fiduciaire existera jusqu’à ce que les peuples autochtones atteignent une autonomie gouvernementale pleine et entière, et pourra même être un outil pour y arriver.Abstract : How can Indigenous peoples in Canada be distinct and sovereign Nations with their own system of governance and at the same time be beneficiaries of the Crown with a fiduciary duty towards them? In other words, can Indigenous self-government be reconciled with the Crown’s fiduciary duty in Canadian domestic law? In attempting to answer these questions, we will define these seemingly contradictory legal concepts. We will then examine the sources and evolution of these concepts, revealing their underlying values and characteristics and, ultimately, confronting them. The values at stake will be identified in a comparative table to demonstrate their opposition. Finally, the fiduciary duty of the Crown and the Indigenous self-government will be illustrated on a spectrum to demonstrate that they are, in fact, reconcilable. The final hypothesis is that the fiduciary duty will exist until Indigenous peoples achieve full self-government and may even be a tool to achieve it


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    Preventive measures are very important in organic agriculture to minimize pest problems. Conservation biological control is one preventive approach. It includes habitat manipulation through which the agroecosystem may be designed to encourage the activity of beneficial insects. The use of flowering strips is one way to do that. This 3-year study was performed on the Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec. Canada. It comprises data on insect abundance and composition on ten flowering plant species. Data are collected on beneficial insects such as coccinellid predators and predatory bugs. Are also included in this study observations and counts of insect pests which could also be attracted to this flowering plant species and build up in numbers close to the crop which we are aiming to protect

    Autonomous and controlled motivation for parenting : associations with parent and child outcomes

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    The present investigation examined motivation for parenting and some of its correlates in parents and children. The data came from samples of 151 first-time mothers of infants, 153 mothers of middle school children, and 260 mothers and fathers of high school children. Parents provided self-report data about their motivation in their parenting role as well as reports of role satisfaction, parental competence, child temperament, and parenting styles. Using three samples, factor analyses confirmed the distinction between autonomous and controlled forms of parenting motivation. Autonomous motivation refers to investing in the parenting role because it is interesting and meaningful whereas controlled motivation refers to investment based on external or internal pressures. Results showed that autonomous motivation was associated concurrently with parenting satisfaction and competence as well as with authoritative and autonomy-supportive parenting styles. Child temperament was unrelated to parenting motivation, but mothers reported greater autonomous motivation for girls than boys and for younger children rather than older children. Autonomous parenting motivation was associated with children reporting autonomy supportive parenting and high levels of well-being. A prospective analysis showed that controlled parenting motivation in first time mothers was associated with reductions in parenting satisfaction as infants became toddlers. A similar analysis showed that autonomous parenting motivation was associated with children developing fewer behavior problems whereas controlled motivation was associated with children developing more behavioral problems. The present findings highlight the heuristic value of assessing why parents invest themselves in the parenting role

    The QKI-6 RNA Binding Protein Localizes with the MBP mRNAs in Stress Granules of Glial Cells

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    Background: The quaking viable (qk v) mouse has several developmental defects that result in rapid tremors in the hind limbs. The qkI gene expresses three major alternatively spliced mRNAs (5, 6 and 7 kb) that encode the QKI-5, QKI-6 and QKI-7 RNA binding proteins that differ in their C-terminal 30 amino acids. The QKI isoforms are known to regulate RNA metabolism within oligodendrocytes, however, little is known about their roles during cellular stress. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, we report an interaction between the QKI-6 isoform and a component of the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC), argonaute 2 (Ago2). We show in glial cells that QKI-6 co-localizes with Ago2 and the myelin basic protein mRNA in cytoplasmic stress granules. Conclusions: Our findings define the QKI isoforms as Ago2-interacting proteins. We also identify the QKI-6 isoform as a new component of stress granules in glial cells
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