37 research outputs found

    La violencia de género en conflictos bélicos

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    La violencia de género en conflictos bélicos es un problema que lleva sucediendo desde años atrás. Mujeres y niñas son las principales víctimas por su condición de género y social. Esto es, principalmente, por motivos que se dan en las relaciones de poder existentes entre mujeres y hombres, en la que el sexo femenino se considera inferior por razones culturales y caen en la sumisión por miedo a ser asesinadas por parte de miembros de los ejércitos rivales. En este trabajo se definen conceptos generales como pueden ser la violencia o el conflicto bélico y conceptos más concretos como qué se considera violencia de género, sus diferentes tipologías y cómo este tipo de violencia puede llegar a afectar a las mujeres y niñas que lo sufren. En las guerras se llega a realizar verdaderas atrocidades en las que el sexo femenino es usado como arma o botín de guerra. Como consecuencia las mujeres llegan a sufrir daños físicos y psicológicos, hasta el punto de ser violadas, maltratadas o asesinadas. He querido realizar un recorrido del papel de la mujer en los conflictos armados más importantes cuyos objetivos serán configurar un perfil de agresor, estudiar la mujer como víctima y conocer la situación actual de las mujeres en el conflicto bélico de Ucrania en los conflictos armados. Todo esto utilizando una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica para poder recopilar la información necesaria y poder cumplir estos objetivos

    Viruela del mono (mpox): ¿regreso al pasado?

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    Mpox is a zoonotic viral disease. Recently, many countries have reported confirmed cases without epidemiological links to endemic areas, establishing the presence of mpox transmission chains in Europe and other regions. We present the case of a 25-year-old man with fever, headache, and the appearance of skin lesions on the chin and groin. The results of the mpox real-time polymerase chain reaction tests were positive. Home isolation with support treatment and evolutionary control was indicated.La viruela del mono es una enfermedad zoonótica viral. Recientemente numerosos países han comunicado casos confirmados sin vínculos epidemiológicos con zonas endémicas, confirmando la presencia de cadenas de transmisión de viruela del mono en Europa y otras regiones. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 25 años con fiebre, cefalea y aparición de lesiones cutáneas en mentón e ingle. Los resultados de las pruebas de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real de viruela del mono fueron positivos. Se indicó aislamiento domiciliario con tratamiento de soporte y control evolutivo

    A compressive review about Taxol® : history and future challenges

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    ©2020. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Molecules. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25245986Taxol®, which is also known as paclitaxel, is a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat different cancers. Since the discovery of its antitumoral activity, Taxol® has been used to treat over one million patients, making it one of the most widely employed antitumoral drugs. Taxol® was the first microtubule targeting agent described in the literature, with its main mechanism of action consisting of the disruption of microtubule dynamics, thus inducing mitotic arrest and cell death. However, secondary mechanisms for achieving apoptosis have also been demonstrated. Despite its wide use, Taxol® has certain disadvantages. The main challenges facing Taxol® are the need to find an environmentally sustainable production method based on the use of microorganisms, increase its bioavailability without exerting adverse effects on the health of patients and minimize the resistance presented by a high percentage of cells treated with paclitaxel. This review details, in a succinct manner, the main aspects of this important drug, from its discovery to the present day. We highlight the main challenges that must be faced in the coming years, in order to increase the effectiveness of Taxol® as an anticancer agent

    Impact of the Expression System on Recombinant Protein Production in Escherichia coli BL21

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    Recombinant protein production for medical, academic, or industrial applications is essential for our current life. Recombinant proteins are obtained mainly through microbial fermentation, with Escherichia coli being the host most used. In spite of that, some problems are associated with the production of recombinant proteins in E. coli, such as the formation of inclusion bodies, the metabolic burden, or the inefficient translocation/transport system of expressed proteins. Optimizing transcription of heterologous genes is essential to avoid these drawbacks and develop competitive biotechnological processes. Here, expression of YFP reporter protein is evaluated under the control of four promoters of different strength (PT7lac, Ptrc, Ptac, and PBAD) and two different replication origins (high copy number pMB1′ and low copy number p15A). In addition, the study has been carried out with the E. coli BL21 wt and the ackA mutant strain growing in a rich medium with glucose or glycerol as carbon sources. Results showed that metabolic burden associated with transcription and translation of foreign genes involves a decrease in recombinant protein expression. It is necessary to find a balance between plasmid copy number and promoter strength to maximize soluble recombinant protein expression. The results obtained represent an important advance on the most suitable expression system to improve both the quantity and quality of recombinant proteins in bioproduction engineering

    Exhaled volatilome analysis as a useful tool to discriminate asthma with other coexisting atopic diseases in women of childbearing age

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    ©2021. The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is published version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Scientifc Reports. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-92933-2The prevalence of asthma is considerably high among women of childbearing age. Most asthmatic women also often have other atopic disorders. Therefore, the diferentiation between patients with atopic diseases without asthma and asthmatics with coexisting diseases is essential to avoid underdiagnosis of asthma and to design strategies to reduce symptom severity and improve quality of life of patients. Hence, we aimed for the frst time to conduct an analysis of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath of women of childbearing age as a new approach to discriminate between asthmatics with other coexisting atopic diseases and non-asthmatics (with or without atopic diseases), which could be a helpful tool for more accurate asthma detection and monitoring using a noninvasive technique in the near future. In this study, exhaled air samples of 336 women (training set (n= 211) and validation set (n= 125)) were collected and analyzed by thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. ASCA (ANOVA (analysis of variance) simultaneous component analysis) and LASSO+LS (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator+ logistic regression) were employed for data analysis. Fifteen statistically signifcant models (p-value< 0.05 in permutation tests) that discriminated asthma with other coexisting atopic diseases in women of childbearing age were generated. Acetone, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and a tetrahydroisoquinoline derivative were selected as discriminants of asthma with other coexisting atopic diseases. In addition, carbon disulfde, a tetrahydroisoquinoline derivative, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol and decane discriminated asthma disease among patients with other atopic disorders. Results of this study indicate that refned metabolomic analysis of exhaled breath allows asthma with other coexisting atopic diseases discrimination in women of reproductive ag

    Relative impact of three growth conditions on the Escherichia coli protein acetylome.

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    Nε-lysine acetylation is a common posttranslational modification observed in Escherichia coli. In the present study, integrative analysis of the proteome and acetylome was performed using label-free quantitative mass spectrometry to analyze the relative influence of three factors affecting growth. The results revealed differences in the proteome, mainly owing to the type of culture medium used (defined or complex). In the acetylome, 7482 unique acetylation sites were identified. Acetylation is directly related to the abundance of proteins, and the level of acetylation in each type of culture is associated with extracellular acetate concentration. Furthermore, most acetylated lysines in the exponential phase remained in the stationary phase without dynamic turnover. Interestingly, unique acetylation sites were detected in proteins whose presence or abundance was linked to the type of culture medium. Finally, the biological function of the acetylation changes was demonstrated for three central metabolic proteins (GapA, Mdh, and AceA)

    ECAMulticapa: Effectiveness of double-layered compression therapy for healing venous ulcers in primary care: a Study Protocol

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    Background: Chronic venous insufficiency, in its final stage can cause venous ulcers. Venous ulcers have a prevalence of 0.5 % to 0.8 % in the general population, and increases starting at 60 years of age. This condition often causes increased dependency in affected individuals, as well as a perceived reduced quality of life and family overload. Local Treating chronic venous ulcers has 2 components: topically healing the ulcer and controlling the venous insufficiency. There is evidence that compressive therapy favours the healing process of venous ulcers. The studies we have found suggest that the use of multilayer bandage systems is more effective than the use of bandages with a single component, these are mostly using in Spain. Multilayer compression bandages with 2 layers are equally effective in the healing process of chronic venous ulcers as 4-layer bandages and are better tolerated and preferenced by patients. More studies are needed to specifically compare the 2-layer bandages systems in the settings where these patients are usually treated. Method/design: Randomised, controlled, parallel, multicentre clinical trial, with 12 weeks of follow-up and blind evaluation of the response variable. The objective is to assess the efficacy of multilayer compression bandages (2 layers) compared with crepe bandages, based on the incidence of healed venous ulcers in individuals treated in primary care nursing consultations, at 12 weeks of follow-up. The study will include 216 individuals (108 per branch) with venous ulcers treated in primary care nursing consultations. The primary endpoint is complete healing at 12 weeks of follow-up. The secondary endpoints are the degree of healing (Resvech.2), quality of life (CCVUQ-e), adverse reactions related to the healing process. Prognosis and demographic variables are also recorder. Effectiveness analysis using Kaplan-Meier curves, a log-rank test and a Cox regression analysis. The analysis was performed by intention to treat. Discussion: The study results can contribute to improving the care and quality of life of patients with venous ulcers, decreasing healing times and healthcare expenditure and contributing to the consistent treatment of these lesions. Trial registration: This study has been recorded in the Clinical Trials.gov site with the code NCT02364921. 17 February 2015.This study was funded by PN of I + D + I 2013–2016 and the ISCIII – Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación and FEDER funds (PI13/01975). Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad

    Influence of slope in the distribution uniformity in drip irrigation tape.

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    Documento que presenta los resultados de un experimento en el que se evalua la influencia de la pendiente del terreno y de la carga y descarga de las cintas de riego localizado en la uniformidad de distribuci&oacute;n (UD) del riego. Para ello, se ha evaluado el comportamiento de dos cintas de riego, con compensaci&oacute;n de caudal y sin ella, instaladas con diferentes pendientes, as&iacute; como la influencia en la UD al medir el pulso de riego completo o una fracci&oacute;n de riego.</p

    Territorio y redes alimentarias alternativas: experiencias en la ciudad de Sevilla

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    Las redes alimentarias alternativas son un fenómeno de marcado carácter urbano con una expansión significativa durante las primeras décadas del siglo XXI. Se vinculan a movimientos ciudadanos en respuesta a los impactos socioeconómicos, ambientales y territoriales de un régimen alimentario globalizado y financiarizado, así como a la creciente preocupación por la seguridad y la calidad alimentarias. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar dichas redes en Sevilla, prestando especial atención a sus implicaciones territoriales, aspecto poco tratado hasta ahora en la literatura que aborda esta temática. Se ha aplicado una metodología mixta: cualitativa (entrevistas semiestructuradas y observación virtual) y cuantitativa (bases de datos y redes sociales). En Sevilla, las iniciativas vinculadas a redes alimentarias alternativas están arraigadas en determinados barrios y sus implicaciones territoriales sobrepasan el ámbito periurbano. Pese a sus limitaciones, no puede dejar de valorarse su capacidad para generar proyectos colectivos en favor de un sistema alimentario más justo y sostenible