481 research outputs found

    A Health Promotion Perspective On Transitioning Into Retirement

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    The transitional stages towards retirement of those with chronic disorder(s) often present a diversity of additional challenges and people look at the measurement of their anticipated quality of life as a meaningful way of determining this successful adjustment. The overall objective of this research study was to understand transition into retirement considering the impact of comorbidity and associated socio-demographic factors have on the (physical and mental) health status. Quantitative data analysis of people (aged 50-65) with chronic upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders was used to inform health impacts in the group transitioning towards retirement; or who have selected or required early retirement. This work is comprised of two integrated manuscripts that of a scoping literature review reporting on the nature and extent of the literature on retirement transition, followed by a retrospective cohort analysis of secondary data that fills a gap in the literature by examining the relationship and impact that comorbidity, pain, and function hav

    Performance des lieux d'enfouissement sanitaire de Laterrière et de Ste-Sophie, Québec, Canada

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    Ce travail décrit les caractéristiques hydrogéologiques et chimiques de deux lieux d'enfouissement de déchets municipaux localisés au Québec. Le site de Laterrière est en opération depuis 1971 dans une ancienne sablière. Sous les dépôts meubles, la topographie du sotte rocheux est marquée par une vallée qui forme une limite imperméable à l'aquifère de sable et impose un écoulement convergent de l'eau souterraine vers la rivière Chicoutimi. Le site de Ste-Sophie, en opération depuis 1976, repose sur une couche de 3,5 mètres de sables fins saturés recouvrant un lit d'argile marine. La surélévation de la nappe dans les déchets favorise un écoulement divergent vers le périmètre de la zone d'enfouissement.Un réseau de piézomètres installé en bordure des deux sites a permis pendant trente mois de prélever des échantillons d'eau et de les analyser. Dans chaque panache de contamination, l'alcalinité, les ions majeurs Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl¯, le fer, le manganèse, l'azote total et ammoniacal, les DCO et DBO5 montrent des concentrations généralement supérieures à celles de L'eau naturelle ambiante. A proximité des deux Lieux d'enfouissement, les teneurs en cadmium, chrome, nickel et plomb excèdent les normes québécoises de potabiLité de l'eau. Dans chaque cas, ta distribution des contaminants est surtout régie par le réseau d'écoulement. La dispersion hydrodynamique et les réactions géochimiques dans le sous-sol sont des processus importants d'atténuation des contaminants.This paper describes the hydrogeological and geochemical features of two sanitary landfill sites located in the Province of Quebec : Laterriere and Ste-Sophie. The main objective is to evaluate the leachate attenuation performance of each site. For this project, the Quebec Ministry of the Environment chose two sites with contrasting hydrogeological settings.The Laterriere landfill, in operation since 1971, covers an area of about 32 ha. The refuse is deposited in an old sandpit and the landfill boundary is located 400 meters away from the Chicoutimi River, 25 meters above the stream water level. The bedrock topography shows a valley under the landfill which acts an an impervious base for the sand aquifer and induces a convergent groundwater flow towards the river.The Ste-Sophie landfill covers an area of 48 ha and began operating in 1976. The refuse zone is located on flat ground 350 meters away from the Ruisseau-aux-Castors. The refuse is deposited on a 3.5 meter layer of fine sands nearly saturated overlying a marine clay bed. A water table mound is observed beneath the landfill, resulting in diverging low lines outward from the center of the Landfill.For each site, the occurence and migration of contaminants was investigated using networks of piezometers. Sampling was performed monthly over a period of thirty months and thirty parameters were analyzed on each sample. The analytical results were entered in a database and treated by statistical methods.The shape of each contamination plume is controlled mainly by the groundwater flow system. At Laterriere, the plume is restricted to a narrow path between the landfill and the river and inside a bedrock valley. This flow net has been simulated by a two-dimensional finite elements model. At Ste-Sophie, the divergence of flow lines due to groundwater mounding beneath the site causes dispersion of contaminants around the landfill. The use of an analytical solution shows that longitudinal dispersivity is a major process of contaminant migration.For the two landfills, the highest concentrations of contaminants occur directly beneath or close to the boundaries of the landfills. Total alkalinity, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl¯, iron, manganèse, total and ammoniacal nitrogen, chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD) are much above background levels throughout the plume. Sulfate is also a major contaminant at Ste-Sophie with concentration of 1100/mg/l. The concentrations of cadmium, chrome, nickel and lead exceed the drinking water standards near the two landfill sites but they decline rapidly in the direction of flow. At Laterriere, the decline in chloride concentration measured at the discharge point S-23 is about 85 % while the decline of reactive contaminants, such as iron and COD, is respectively 98 and 99.7 %.Finally, we discuss hydrogeological criteria for landfill site selection in Quebec

    The Life Cycle of Instability Features Measured from the Andes Lidar Observatory Over Cerro Pachon on 24 March 2012

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    The Aerospace Corporation\u27s Nightglow Imager (ANI) observes nighttime OH emission (near 1.6 µm) every 2 s over an approximate 73¬∞ field of view. ANI had previously been used to study instability features seen over Maui. Here we describe observations of instabilities seen from 5 to 8 UT on 24 March 2012 over Cerro Pachon, Chile, and compare them with previous results from Maui, with theory, and with Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). The atmosphere had reduced stability because of the large negative temperature gradients measured by a Na lidar. Thus, regions of dynamical and convective instabilities are expected to form, depending on the value of the Richardson number. Bright primary instabilities are formed with a horizontal wavelength near 9 km and showed the subsequent formation of secondary instabilities, rarely seen over Maui, consistent with the primaries being dynamical instabilities. The ratio of the primary to secondary horizontal wavelength was greater over Chile than over Maui. After dissipation of the instabilities, smaller-scale features appeared with sizes in the buoyancy subrange between 1.5 and 6 km. Their size spectra were consistent with the model of Weinstock (1978) if the turbulence is considered to be increasing. The DNS results produce secondary instabilities with sizes comparable to what is seen in the images although their spectra are somewhat steeper than is observed. However, the DNS results also show that after the complete decay of the primary features, scale sizes considerably smaller than 1 km are produced and these cannot be seen by the ANI instrument

    Development of Level 1b Calibration and Validation Readiness, Implementation and Management Plans for GOES-R

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    A complement of Readiness, Implementation and Management Plans (RIMPs) to facilitate management of post-launch product test activities for the official Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES-R) Level 1b (L1b) products have been developed and documented. Separate plans have been created for each of the GOES-R sensors including: the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), the Extreme ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Sensors (EXIS), Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM), GOES-R Magnetometer (MAG), the Space Environment In-Situ Suite (SEISS), and the Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI). The GOES-R program has implemented these RIMPs in order to address the full scope of CalVal activities required for a successful demonstration of GOES-R L1b data product quality throughout the three validation stages: Beta, Provisional and Full Validation. For each product maturity level, the RIMPs include specific performance criteria and required artifacts that provide evidence a given validation stage has been reached, the timing when each stage will be complete, a description of every applicable Post-Launch Product Test (PLPT), roles and responsibilities of personnel, upstream dependencies, and analysis methods and tools to be employed during validation. Instrument level Post-Launch Tests (PLTs) are also referenced and apply primarily to functional check-out of the instruments

    Lysosomal rupture induced by structurally distinct chitosans either promotes a type 1 IFN response or activates the inflammasome in macrophages

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    Chitosan is a family of glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine polysaccharides with poorly understood immune modulating properties. Here, functional U937 macrophage responses were analyzed in response to a novel library of twenty chitosans with controlled degree of deacetylation (DDA, 60-98%), molecular weight (1 to >100 kDa), and acetylation pattern (block vs. random). Specific chitosan preparations (10 or 190 kDa 80% block DDA and 3, 5, or 10 kDa 98% DDA) either induced macrophages to release CXCL10 and IL-1ra at 5-50 mug/mL, or activated the inflammasome to release IL-1beta and PGE2 at 50-150 mug/mL. Chitosan induction of these factors required lysosomal acidification. CXCL10 production was preceded by lysosomal rupture as shown by time-dependent co-localization of galectin-3 and chitosan and slowed autophagy flux, and specifically depended on IFN-beta paracrine activity and STAT-2 activation that could be suppressed by PGE2. Chitosan induced a type I IFN paracrine response or inflammasome response depending on the extent of lysosomal rupture and cytosolic foreign body invasion. This study identifies the structural motifs that lead to chitosan-driven cytokine responses in macrophages and indicates that lysosomal rupture is a key mechanism that determines the endogenous release of either IL-1ra or IL-1beta

    Imaging of atmospheric gravity waves in the stratosphere and upper mesosphere using satellite and ground-based observations over Australia during the TWPICE campaign

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    Extent: 20p.During the Tropical Warm Pool International Cloud Experiment (TWPICE) an intense tropical low was situated between Darwin and Alice Springs, Australia. Observations made on 31 January 2006 by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder instrument on the NASA Aqua satellite imaged the presence of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs), at approximately 40 km altitude, with horizontal wavelengths between 200 and 400 km that were originating from the region of the storm. Airglow images obtained from Alice Springs (about 600 km from the center of the low) showed the presence of similar waves with observed periods of 1 to 2 h. The images also revealed the presence of 30- to 45-km-horizontal-wavelength AGWs with shorter observed periods of near 15 to 25 min. Ray tracing calculations show that (1) some of the long wavelength waves traveled on rays, without ducting, to the altitudes where the observations were obtained, and (2) shorter-period waves rapidly reached 85 km altitude at a horizontal distance close to the storm, thus occurring over Alice Springs only if they were trapped or ducted. The mesospheric inversion layer seen in the measured temperature data almost forms such a trapped region. The winds therefore critically control the formation of the trapped region. Wind profiles deduced from the available data show the plausibility for the formation of such a trapped region. Variations in the wind, however, would make ideal trapped region conditions short-lived, and this may account for the sporadic nature of the short-period wave observations.J. H. Hecht, M. J. Alexander, R. L. Walterscheid, L. J. Gelinas, R. A. Vincent, A. D. MacKinnon, J. M. Woithe, P. T. May, W. R. Skinner, M. G. Mlynczak, and J. M. Russell II

    A combined rocket-borne and ground-based study of the sodium layer and charged dust in the upper mesosphere

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    The Hotel Payload 2 rocket was launched on January 31st 2008 at 20.14 LT from the Andøya Rocket Range in northern Norway (69.31° N, 16.01° E). Measurements in the 75–105 km region of atomic O, negatively-charged dust, positive ions and electrons with a suite of instruments on the payload were complemented by lidar measurements of atomic Na and temperature from the nearby ALOMAR observatory. The payload passed within 2.58 km of the lidar at an altitude of 90 km. A series of coupled models is used to explore the observations, leading to two significant conclusions. First, the atomic Na layer and the vertical profiles of negatively-charged dust (assumed to be meteoric smoke particles), electrons and positive ions, can be modelled using a self-consistent meteoric input flux. Second, electronic structure calculations and Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Markus theory are used to show that even small Fe–Mg–silicates are able to attach electrons rapidly and form stable negatively-charged particles, compared with electron attachment to O2 and O3. This explains the substantial electron depletion between 80 and 90 km, where the presence of atomic O at concentrations in excess of 1010 cm−3 prevents the formation of stable negative ions

    Transgenic tomatoes expressing human beta-amyloid for use as a vaccine against Alzheimer’s disease

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    Human β-amyloid (Aβ) is believed to be one of the main components of Alzheimer’s disease, so reduction of Aβ is considered a key therapeutic target. Using Agrobacterium-mediated nuclear transformation, we generated transgenic tomatoes for Aβ with tandem repeats. Integration of the human Aβ gene into the tomato genome and its transcription were detected by PCR and Northern blot, respectively. Expression of the Aβ protein was confirmed by western blot and ELISA, and then the transgenic tomato line expressing the highest protein level was selected for vaccination. Mice immunized orally with total soluble extracts from the transgenic tomato plants elicited an immune response after receiving a booster. The results indicate that tomato plants may provide a useful system for the production of human Aβ antigen

    Elucidating mechanisms of genetic cross-disease associations at the PROCR vascular disease locus

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    Many individual genetic risk loci have been associated with multiple common human diseases. However, the molecular basis of this pleiotropy often remains unclear. We present an integrative approach to reveal the molecular mechanism underlying the PROCR locus, associated with lower coronary artery disease (CAD) risk but higher venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk. We identify PROCR-p.Ser219Gly as the likely causal variant at the locus and protein C as a causal factor. Using genetic analyses, human recall-by-genotype and in vitro experimentation, we demonstrate that PROCR-219Gly increases plasma levels of (activated) protein C through endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) ectodomain shedding in endothelial cells, attenuating leukocyte– endothelial cell adhesion and vascular inflammation. We also associate PROCR-219Gly with an increased pro- thrombotic state via coagulation factor VII, a ligand of EPCR. Our study, which links PROCR-219Gly to CAD through anti-inflammatory mechanisms and to VTE through pro-thrombotic mechanisms, provides a framework to reveal the mechanisms underlying similar cross-phenotype associations