54 research outputs found

    Biogeochemistry of intertidal microbial mats from Qatar: new insights from organic matter characterisation

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    Understanding early organic matter (OM) alteration and preservation in marine carbonate-evaporite systems could improve understanding of carbon cycling and hydrocarbon source rock prediction in such environments. It is possible that organic-rich microbial mats are important contributors to preserved hydrocarbons and, to explore this, we examined changes in lipid composition in such a mat from a mesohaline intertidal lagoon, eastern Qatar. The mat reaches > 5 cm thickness over a carbonate mud substrate, rich in seagrass, gastropods and other small bioclasts. Clear lamination, with distinct downward colour changes from green to pink to brown, reflects different microbial mat communities. The layers contain spheroids of probable dolomite, the precipitation of which was plausibly bacterially-mediated. Lipids [n-alkanes, fatty acids (FAs), hopanoids, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, dialkyl glycerol diethers (DAGEs), and isoprenoid (0–4) and branched (Ia–IIIa) GDGTs] reflected the diverse mat-building phototrophic, heterotrophic and chemoorganotrophic microorganisms, as well as some likely allochthonous material (i.e. steroids, n-alkanols, high molecular weight n-alkanes). The lipids clearly documented the change in microbial community, with phytene(s) being the predominant hydrocarbon in the phototrophic surface layer. O2 and pH dropped significantly 0.2 cm below the mat surface, coincident with the predominance of Deltaproteobacteria and increased concentrations of archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids and C15/C16 and C16/C17 dialkyl glycerol ether lipids in the deeper layers. Archaeol, likely of methanogen origin, was most abundant in the deepest layer. Allochthonous inputs occurred throughout the mat, including abundant steroids, especially dinosterol and dinostanol, possibly related to periodic algal (dinoflagellate) blooms in the Arabian Gulf. Both n-alkanes and n-alkanols appeared to be derived from seagrass. OM content decreased in the deepest mat; this suggests an overall low preservation potential of OM in intertidal mesohaline-hypersaline mats of the Arabian Gulf, which in turn suggests that these are not the major source of hydrocarbons in microbially-dominated carbonate-evaporite systems

    Biogeochemistry of intertidal microbial mats from Qatar: new insights from organic matter characterisation

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    Understanding early organic matter (OM) alteration and preservation in marine carbonate-evaporite systems could improve understanding of carbon cycling and hydrocarbon source rock prediction in such environments. It is possible that organic-rich microbial mats are important contributors to preserved hydrocarbons and, to explore this, we examined changes in lipid composition in such a mat from a mesohaline intertidal lagoon, eastern Qatar. The mat reaches > 5 cm thickness over a carbonate mud substrate, rich in seagrass, gastropods and other small bioclasts. Clear lamination, with distinct downward colour changes from green to pink to brown, reflects different microbial mat communities. The layers contain spheroids of probable dolomite, the precipitation of which was plausibly bacterially-mediated. Lipids [n-alkanes, fatty acids (FAs), hopanoids, isoprenoid hydrocarbons, dialkyl glycerol diethers (DAGEs), and isoprenoid (0–4) and branched (Ia–IIIa) GDGTs] reflected the diverse mat-building phototrophic, heterotrophic and chemoorganotrophic microorganisms, as well as some likely allochthonous material (i.e. steroids, n-alkanols, high molecular weight n-alkanes). The lipids clearly documented the change in microbial community, with phytene(s) being the predominant hydrocarbon in the phototrophic surface layer. O2 and pH dropped significantly 0.2 cm below the mat surface, coincident with the predominance of Deltaproteobacteria and increased concentrations of archaeal and bacterial glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether lipids and C15/C16 and C16/C17 dialkyl glycerol ether lipids in the deeper layers. Archaeol, likely of methanogen origin, was most abundant in the deepest layer. Allochthonous inputs occurred throughout the mat, including abundant steroids, especially dinosterol and dinostanol, possibly related to periodic algal (dinoflagellate) blooms in the Arabian Gulf. Both n-alkanes and n-alkanols appeared to be derived from seagrass. OM content decreased in the deepest mat; this suggests an overall low preservation potential of OM in intertidal mesohaline-hypersaline mats of the Arabian Gulf, which in turn suggests that these are not the major source of hydrocarbons in microbially-dominated carbonate-evaporite systems

    A palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Middle Jurassic of Sardinia (Italy) based on integrated palaeobotanical, palynological and lithofacies data assessment

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    During the Jurassic, Sardinia was close to continental Europe. Emerged lands started from a single island forming in time a progressively sinking archipelago. This complex palaeogeographic situation gave origin to a diverse landscape with a variety of habitats. Collection- and literature-based palaeobotanical, palynological and lithofacies studies were carried out on the Genna Selole Formation for palaeoenvironmental interpretations. They evidence a generally warm and humid climate, affected occasionally by drier periods. Several distinct ecosystems can be discerned in this climate, including alluvial fans with braided streams (Laconi-Gadoni lithofacies), paralic swamps and coasts (Nurri-Escalaplano lithofacies), and lagoons and shallow marine environments (Ussassai-Perdasdefogu lithofacies). The non-marine environments were covered by extensive lowland and a reduced coastal and tidally influenced environment. Both the river and the upland/hinterland environments are of limited impact for the reconstruction. The difference between the composition of the palynological and palaeobotanical associations evidence the discrepancies obtained using only one of those proxies. The macroremains reflect the local palaeoenvironments better, although subjected to a transport bias (e.g. missing upland elements and delicate organs), whereas the palynomorphs permit to reconstruct the regional palaeoclimate. Considering that the flora of Sardinia is the southernmost of all Middle Jurassic European floras, this multidisciplinary study increases our understanding of the terrestrial environments during that period of time

    Reworked Eocene–Oligocene dinoflagellate cysts in the Miocene of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin : implications for Paleogene palaeogeography in SE Poland

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    Miocene strata of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin in Poland contain reworked Eocene and Oligocene dinoflagellate cysts, which come from two sources: the Flysch Carpathians and the epicontinental basin. The occurrence of the latter is almost the only trace of the epicontinental Eocene–Oligocene sedimentary cover, which extended across southwestern Poland, and is today nearly completely eroded. The distribution of epicontinental Eocene and Oligocene taxa in the Miocene strata of the northeastern part of the Carpathian Foredeep is uneven, clearly pointing to a limited extent of the host deposits and their variable erosion intensity. Erosion of the Eocene and Oligocene platform cover took place prior the Miocene transgression and took place also during the Badenian; its intensity increased during Late Badenian–Sarmatian tectonic movements, resulting in an increased frequency of reworked specimens in strata postdating the mid-Badenian deposits

    The age of the Szlachtowa Formation (the so-called "black flysch") and the Opaleniec Formation (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland) based on dinoflagellate cyst studies

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    The Szlachtowa and the Opaleniec formations (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland) contain rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. The one from the Szlachtowa Formation (previously known as the "black flysch") is dominated by specimens representing the genera Dissiliodinium and Nannoceratopsis. The age of dinoflagellate cysts from this lithostratigraphic unit can be assumed as the Aalenian-Bajocian. Another assemblage occurs in the Opaleniec Formation. Being taxonomically more diverse, it contains several species including Ctenidodinium combazii, C. ornatum, Endoscrinium asymmetricum, Epiplosphaera gochtii, E. reticulata, Atopodinium prostatum, Adnatosphaeridium caulleryi. Age-range of this assemblage can be estimated as the Bajocian-Bathonian. No indications of Jurassic fossil redeposition that could justify suggestions of Cretaceous age of these lithostratigraphic units have been found

    Dinoflagellate cysts from the Szlachtowa Formation (Jurassic) and adjacent deposits (Jurassic–Cretaceous) of the Grajcarek Unit at Szczawnica-Zabaniszcze (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland)

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    The Jurassic–Cretaceous fine-clastic dark deposits of the Grajcarek Unit (Pieniny Klippen Belt, Carpathians, Poland) show lithological similarities, which may lead to erroneous age correlations. Their well-exposed outcrop at Szczawnica-Zabaniszcze allows detailed sampling for their precise age determination. For this purpose, dinoflagellate cysts have been studied from a set of samples collected from the Szlachtowa, Opaleniec, Pieniny Limestone, Kapuśnica and Wronine formations exposed at that site (additional sample from the Pieniny Limestone Formation was studied). The Szlachtowa Formation, a very characteristic lithostratigraphic unit, which consists of black shale and sandstones extremely rich in mica flakes, occasionally referred to literature as the so-called "black flysch", yielded rich and well-preserved assemblages. Their age is Middle Jurassic, spanning the Aalenian to Lower Bajocian. The exposures of the Szlachtowa Formation at Szczawnica-Zabaniszcze are located close to the outcrops of the Opaleniec Formation. The calcareous spotted shale from this lithostratigraphic unit yielded rich dinoflagellate cyst assemblage characteristic for Late Bathonian (Early Callovian). The Opaleniec Formation tectonically contacts with very similar non-calcareous spotted shale of the Wronine Formation. Its age, based on infrequent dinoflagellate cysts is Aptian–Albian. Similar, Lower Aptian age was concluded for the Kapuśnica Formation. Late Barremian–earliest Aptian dinoflagellate cysts have been found in the underlying topmost part of the Pieniny Limestone Formation

    Dinoflagellate cysts and palynofacies from the upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) of the Roztocze area at Józefów and Żelebsko (Carpathian Foredeep Basin, Poland) : palaeoenvironmental implications

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    The post-evaporitic upper Badenian (Middle Miocene) succession of the Roztocze (marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep Basin) consists of shallow-marine sands and organodetrital deposits. The latter, although predominantly coarse-grained, include very rare and usually very thin intercalations of fine-grained, loamy material. A few such clay layers were sampled for their palynological content in quarries at Józefów (Józefów and Pardysówka) and Żelebsko. The clay samples yielded palynological organic matter, in contrast to organodetrital limestone samples, which were barren. The palynofacies composition, both presence/absence of land-derived material and the specific composition of aquatic material, are useful for the palaeoenvironmental reconstructions of sedimentary settings. During late Badenian time, the sedimentary setting of the deposits studied was characteri- zed by proximity to the shoreline, which, however, supplied limited input of terrestrial matter, and by restricted marine conditions caused by increased salinity. During the latest Badenian, water salinity presumably underwent a further increase, leading to the collapse of the dinoflagellate floras. The frequent occurrence of reworked Palaeogene dinoflagellate cysts in upper Badenian samples and their absence from the uppermost Badenian indicate variable intensity of erosion of the epicontinental Palaeogene strata during the Middle Miocene at Roztocze