83 research outputs found


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    [ELIMINATION OF Pineapple Mealybug Wilt-associated Virus (PMWaV) FROM PINEAPPLE PLANT BY HOT WATER TREATMENT]. Mealybug wilt of pineapple (MWP) is a devastating disease found in all the major pineapple growing regions. Closterovirus particles can be detected in both MWP symptomatic and asymptomatic pineapple. Rogue of symptomatic plants is the simplest method of controlling MWP disease, but this method is less effective as PMWaV might remains at asymptomatic plants. Use of pesticide to control mealybug and ants is not efficient and high cost. The research was conducted to develop elimination method for PMWaV-free plant by hot water treatment. PMWaV infected plant parts (leave, stem, crown) were exposed to two hot water treatments, consisting of 35 ÂșC for 24 hour as pre-treatment and immediately followed by hot water treatment either 56 ÂșC for 60 minute or 58 ÂșC for 40 minute in a water bath. The infected plant without hot water treatment served as the positive control, and healthy plant without hot water treatment as the negative control. PMWaV infection could be eliminated from propagative material through hot water treatment 58 ÂșC 40 minute in a water bath without decrease propagative material viability

    Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Perkembangan Nematoda Sista Kentang (Globodera Spp.) Indonesia

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    The effect of temperature on the development of Indonesian potato cyst nematode. Potato cyst nematode (PCN) is a serious pathogen of potato and is found in most potato producing areas of the world. In Indonesia, PCN was recently discovered and recognized as major constraint on potato. The growth and behaviour of nematodes are affected by the environment. Therefore, determination of the biology of PCN Indonesian populations is urgently needed to manage this pathogens effectively. The effect of temperature on biology factors of four PCN Indonesian populations (North Java 1, North Java 2, West Java, and Central Java) was studied at different temperatures levels (12, 15, 18, 21 and 24ÂșC) in the growth chamber. The aim of this research was to study the effect of temperature on development of PCN. Observation was conducted on cyst number, reproduction factor (Rf), survival, fecundity and multiplication of PCN. The optimum temperature range for maximum cysts production with the highest reproduction factor, survival, fecundity and multiplication rate for all populations was 15 - 21ÂșC. The hatching and development of all PCN populations reduced at temperature below 15ÂșC or above 21ÂșC

    Spesies Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) yang Berasosiasi dengan Penyakit Umbi Bercabang pada Wortel: Penyakit Baru di Indonesia

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    Diseases and pests is one of the main obstacles in the cultivation of carrots in Indonesia. One of the emerging diseases that cause significant losses is branched (forked) tuber caused by root knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp. Research aimed to identify the species of RKN was carried out by taking samples of diseased plants and soil from the carrot plantation in four vegetable production centers on the island of Java, namely: (1) District Pacet, Cianjur, West Java, (2) Dieng Plateau, Central Java, (3) Kopeng, Central Java and (4) District Bumiaji, Kota Batu, East Java. Three carrot plantations with different altitude / elevation were sampled for each area involved. NPA species identification was done by observation of perineal pattern (fingerprint-like pattern) of females and PCR of nematodes r-DNA ITS. Four Meloidogyne species, namely M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, and M. jananica, were identified from West Java, Central Java and East Java samples, whereas M. fallax found only in West Java

    Spesies Nematoda Puru Akar (Meloidogyne spp.) yang Berasosiasi dengan Penyakit Umbi Bercabang pada Wortel: Penyakit Baru di Indonesia

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    Diseases and pests is one of the main obstacles in the cultivation of carrots in Indonesia. One of the emerging diseases that cause significant losses is branched (forked) tuber caused by root knot nematodes (RKN), Meloidogyne spp. Research aimed to identify the species of RKN was carried out by taking samples of diseased plants and soil from the carrot plantation in four vegetable production centers on the island of Java, namely: (1) District Pacet, Cianjur, West Java, (2) Dieng Plateau, Central Java, (3) Kopeng, Central Java and (4) District Bumiaji, Kota Batu, East Java. Three carrot plantations with different altitude / elevation were sampled for each area involved. NPA species identification was done by observation of perineal pattern (fingerprint-like pattern) of females and PCR of nematodes r-DNA ITS. Four Meloidogyne species, namely M. arenaria, M. hapla, M. incognita, and M. jananica, were identified from West Java, Central Java and East Java samples, whereas M. fallax found only in West Java

    Deteksi dan Identifikasi Virus pada Umbi Bawang Merah

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    Shallot is an important horticultural crop in Indonesia. One of it’s production constraint is viral disease. Dispersal of viruses on shallots may occurre through shallots bulb trading. However, there is not much information regarding viruses infecting shallot bulbs. Laboratory study was conducted to detect and identify viruses associated with shallot. Random sampling was done for several varieties of shallots (Jawa, Biru, Nganjuk, and Brebes varieties) collected from Bantul Districs. Virus detection and identification was based on RT-PCR using specific primer of OYDV, SYSV, SLV, and ShVX followed by sequencing of the nucleotides. RT-PCR was only successfully amplified Shallot yellow stripe virus (SYSV) with size ~749 bp, while other viruses were not detected. Disease incidence of SYSV on Java and Brebes varieties were 60% and 53.3% respectively. Nucleotide sequences of SYSV CP gene showed the highest homology to SYSV from China and South Korea.Key words: RT-PCR, sequencing nucleotides, Shallot yellow stripe viru

    Analisa Aqusisi Data Ecg Dari Telemetring Sistem Hp 78100a-78101a Yang Diinterfacekan Ke Ibm Pc

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    Sistem instrumentasi biomedik yang dapal menganalisa irama serta komponen sinyal ECG. akan sangat berguna un tuk membantu sebagian dari 1angkah-1angkah dalam melaksanakan procedur medis. Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat. saat ini telah ditemukannya peralatan dibidang kedokteran untuk memonitoring sinyal ECG dari jarak jauh. Yaitu melalui Telemetryng Sistem HP 78100A-78101.A. Dengan alat ini ahli kesehatan atau dokter dapat memonitor sinya1 ECG pasien dari ja.rak jauh kemudian mendiagnose penyakit jantung terhadap diri pasien melalui monitor atau kertas cetak khusus. Nan1UB melalui peralatan ini masih memerlukan peralalan lain untuk memon i tor dan menganalisanya yang telah diterima. Karena itu melalui tugas akhir ini direncanakan menginterfacekan Receiver HP 78101A ke kompu terun tuk memonitor dan mendeteksi arrhythmia sinyal ECG secara real time. melalui ADC, unit interface, dan menyirnpan data ke disket. kemudian dari data tersebut diolah dengancara menganalisa komponen sinyal ECG. yang berhubungan dengan bentuk gelombang P. Q. R. s. T. Menarnpilkan serta mencetak sinya1 ECG ke printer. Dengan rnenggunakan IBM PC un tuk rnemon i tor ser ta mengana1isa sinya1 ECG diharapkan dapat meningkalkan efisiensi kerja ahli kesehatan untuk mendiagnose penyakit jantung pasien


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    The most important factor to high mortality rate in larval rearing is feeding success in early larval stage related to kind and size of natural live food. Copepod basically is the main source of natural food in the open ocean having some advantages such as smaller size of nauplii, attractive movement and high nutritional value. Observation on population dynamic of harpacticoid copepod Euterpina acutifrons was carried out using 5-L plastic bucket with initial density 100 ind./L. Green algae Nannochloropsis sp. was added to culture media at density of 50,000 cells/mL as a basic feed and additional feeds given were wheat flour (group A) and chicken liver (group B) at a rate of 50 mg/bucket. The result showed that there was no difference on population pattern in both groups where the incubation time took eight days to hatch, from nauplii to the copepodite stage was three days and from copepodite to adult copepod took five-to-six days. The differences came up from population number: in group (A) the highest number of copepod-bearing-egg was only 133 ind., nauplii production up to 62,833 ind. and number of copepodites was 22,333 ind. lower compared to group (B) with the highest copepod-egg was 308 ind., nauplii was 113,333 ind. and copepodite was 51,167 ind. The conclusion pointed out that the kind of food did not influence population pattern (quality) but gave effect to population growth

    Identifikasi Tomato Infectious Chlorosis Virus Penyebab Penyakit Klorosis Pada Tanaman Tomat Di Cipanas Jawa Barat Melalui Perunutan Nukleotida Gen Protein Selubung Utama

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    Identification of tomato infectious chlorosis virus, the causal agent of chlorosis disease on tomato in Cipanas West Java by sequencing of main coat protein gene nucleotide. Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) causes chlorosis on tomato. Tomatoes infected by this virus shows interveinal yellowing, necrotic, bronzing, brittleness, and declining in productivity. This study aims to identify the causal agent of chlorotic disease on tomato by sequencing the coat protein gene. The methods involve collecting infected plants, total RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, DNA amplification, visualization of the results of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analysis using BLAST, clustal w, Bioedit v, MEGA v 6:06. RT-PCR using spesific primers (CP-F TICV Bam and TICV R-Hind) amplified a DNA band of 792 bp, which has been successfully sequenced and identified as TICV. Nucleotide sequences homology analysis showed that TICV Indonesia_TWJ isolate Cipanas is the same strain as TICV from other countries (99.4 – 100%), such as Spain, Greece, USA, France, and Italy

    Identifikasi Patotipe Globodera Rostochiensis Menggunakan Klon Diferensial

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    Identification of Globodera rostochiensis using differential clones. Potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis, is a relatively new pathogen in Indonesia that becomes a constraint to potato production. To manage the parasite effectively, it is very important to identify the pathotype of G. rostochiensis populations. Therefore, this research was carried out to identify G. rostochiensis pathotypes. Four G. rostochiensis samples, consisting of three samples from East Java and one sample from Central Java, were identified using a set of differential clones. The result showed that G. rostochiensis samples from East Java were new pathotype, whereas the sample from Central Java was Ro1 pathotype
